_____ II.I.USTRATKD FEATURE SKOTION— March 22 . 1930 S Hhe DARK KNIGHT A. Smashing Story of Brown Love and Thrilling Intrigue by W I L L I A M T. S M I T H HaUnted Negro Writer lim i* I till l|f*rrtrk. MMi ul j » M o n ta n a r a t llc run« her Im » ««n u r io I li « 4 (o w iili t lir In triiD u n o f r n trr tn g (h r M fiivrr»tty IIU fr in it i ft U . t « er i t « in n i M i r l l i i I h om p M It. I n f « h im to a p a rty g iv e n I»? A ld e r- ntftli Dm n it fu“ lit i lo v ely dttUfttltrr I t la. Ito d * liA ih fu liir n , and lit» i m «III» to tla n rr w rit t a u » h im to » I r p on l.y la ’a fo o t, tlid tier hail« r, I t e r i l e «nati«'* 4.1 u gly rem a rti I >U a v e r t* D ou b le by lea d in g Itod in to Iti«* gatti« n w h ere th ey <| il« kly b 'io n ie D ir itti» a » h r Ir li* Iter o f h i» ion* iv life on Ih r m »I M o n ta n a ra n ge ». l ate» In t lir et n ititg , 11 num b *r o f rou n e fo lk » fron t ih r p a rty g«» to (t ir NMAiiip H ot. a imi to rio u » « a o a r r l on th è .»out It hide, w lir r r Mod drf> tiri* l.y la a g a in »! \\ «*lf. w n rr o f Ih r Sw im p Itu t, and 4 n otortou » ■•r*g»ie.* l i t r i Itod na* kn<>< k« «l M o ll ou i, und tm* d r iv e n h i» tirn i h n irn front Ih r v r n r M «»if r e g a in * ruttar i«tu»n«*»a. ou» I» lo itr d in h i» a ttem p t to *ti«»o( Itod. by « . v i a » p rr* h i t uf m im i I h r raid Ih r piai « but lt«»d «*%« a pe* w ilit l.yla a m i lak* * iir r liom r. Ile m warned again»! M oli the nevi day bv Iti* friend Martin but lau ,h» the warning a .ay M hm tc rail* on I yta (hat night he nie« U tin father, thr A derma fi wh«i al*«, warn* litui aga iu( Moli. Itod Irli* tIle»ft that hr * a n lo o k out for !tini»elf. I > la a»k* her father to ret Ko iMi-Miirr <>r tlw gun in hi» bitch forced i Mnvbc you think It won't,“ Mtd him lo cn'er III» watting car whose n .,1 „ „ |,c .1r>|a-rutr!y sought a mraiu di».r »a u n « open with kllrnt ominou»- j u „»e rt »h a le v rr trrrlblr 111 mu lay In nr»» a» hr stepped on II»« running ,it>rp tor urn but It will My old bua*«l man 1» .mr of Uw b l i i n t cattle A d»» »tile III* oilier captor Oh. yean?' Wolf drawled madden- lra|irit Into I hr tuaehlnr and gave a Ingly ‘'1» that no? Well well, well curt -rder to the driver The car | Thank» for trlllng me Tell you roared away, careening reekrtaly | what 1 11 do After we -ake you out down Uie »Heel I here and blow your »mart head off Not till the machine waa in motion I !.5 . * ° nn*. »m d a message lo vour at ' will»' i ' ,r*‘ ixtl*“ telling him that I f he don't did thr other man in the •lavmute ,ul * ov,,r *■’ ,K>1' by telegraph Inline- II ik I »|irak Ho our llllle playmate la- observe,( hi» rtU»t»iv Ht* handsomei aun will <■* kUI" 1 » with u» again What do you think of that for »o 'er »oftIv dangerous With a chill rd aenae of forelaaTtrig. Hod recognlccd an Idea, big boy?" ig i If It had not been for the :nowl- the voice of Wolf not the marlini voter lie had heard when they ha- d i edge that here waa a gun poking m- fought in the Swamp Hut. but a silky to him on both »idea, Kcd would have menacing voice which promised noth, tried to throttle hla tormentor "I lug but dPotidcr i think It'» a rotten Idea1' he exclaimed Whit gun prodded fiercely Into IUTtOUaly. Nobody out a cheap rat Itod » rib» III» voter changed abrupt* ; like you would tlilnk of It!" Iv Into a threatening growl Did Wolf cackled loudly "W ell ll»trn you think you could gel away with ! to OUr big »leer bellow! Calling me »lugging hi «*. big boy r Wolf Uf krd A cni )uj»t bi'CAUM* 1 car lute my bruini grimly, and without waiting tor an i Now atn t •hat something?" a newer continued. "You or nobody During llirlr con»er»atlor. the big e l l can do anything lo me .nut gri , |m,| »|U-r d el Ihrongh darkened away with it »Iieela, In- houaea of which grew And you r a n t get awav with till», iteadlly almbbier and (urllier apart II-at aOAwered. a» calmly a» lie could A » the » I n e t « became rougher the "O ho! H o I can I eh? ' Wolf dr. machine bounced upon and down but manded fiercely Well, you'll M>e! the driver did not »lacken hl» mad We are going to take you out Into the |jmre counlry down a ijulet little road I j W olf »poke again "Well, boro It know, and then do you know what'» wont be 1-ng n o w " He nudged Rod going to happen to you?” I suggestively with hla weapon a» lie Hod wa» silent Wolf puurltrd his i made hi» grim pike "However von gun Into H-xt » »ule again don't need to worry becauae !t'» all "Anawrr me d n you!" he com -Inver except the »hooting'' manded n o » REALIZES I I I » F L IG H T No. I -lout know what you are Did you think you could get a w a y with slugging me, big boy? going l»> do but 1 do know that yo u 'll! IHc youth »tllTened lie bcll-ved gel in trouble aluiut I f t,' * t •>l* captor» were nertoua about tc him that lie would never see hla ^muscles for a .supreme effort of aome ^appeared to be a solid mass of under­ W olf laughed raucously "Trouble' k »lln « him rrom what Martin had He didn't know what lie waa growth but which gave »ray to allow Why. you oig farmer, don't you know '«Id him. and from the warning given father again hla big. gruff, hard . kind the car to penetrate a narrow, in- that f go( drag enough lo clear me 1,lm •»? Alderman Durant the con- | father, who 111 »pile of hla harshness going to do but he did know thai he 1 tensely dark, and totally deserted { waa going to attempt some effort to out of any kind of trouble? Ju*i to elusion that Wolf would actually carry loved hla »on dearly. What a blow it road. rave your llllle mind I II tell you I » » 1 hla evil dealgn*. waa borne Home would be to thr man who, deapltr , save hla life Hod felt W olf stir and sit slifhtly They were racing along at seventy ■omellilng You'll never come back •». him with a »li kening sense of hor- hla fifty year», wa» aa active and lough aa a man of 25. i miles an hour over the smooth con­ farther toward the edge of his seat. to tell anybody else ao If doesn't mat* “° r The man on Rod's other side leaned Aa lltr car Jolted along. Rod waa crete of a highway. Bark of them ter I've got the bulla on my payroll, | Ilia m in i darted over varloua ex- and guya higher up than llalllt-s anil . prdlrnts to e s c a p e only to dlacavl lemembcrli g the beauty of the rolling ; the myriad light» of the city grew 1 irwrard to put his hand on the nan- cle of the door The car crept along dlcka take my dough, too. And what then» with the dull knowldege that Montana hill» and serried mountain» ] dim The cold air snatched at them . . kvrlth Icy lingers when, suddenly the ¡as tf It were coming to a halt la an- for? Why. they see that 1 ran do j they were futile. He thought of l.yld. . . . the blue of the clear sklea, The ' other Instant. Jual about ivhal t pl- a.se In Ihla man'» and knew a poignant »atlneaa a» he and the Irtrmlhnr.ss of the people Not uriver slapped on hla brake» town see? A little matter like lak- realised that he would probably never tc see them again . . . tne thought machine swayed to a slower pace then U ' M i i n i H on ri| f f o u r ) ing a nobody like you for a ride won't a-c her again Then the thought came made him desperate. He gathered hi» 1 plunged off the concrete Into what I The Stormy Career of Jack Johnson - - N o . 21 Text by ROLFE DELLON Drawn by FRED B. WATSON rn 7 m m In April, tfltf), Juck arrived In Mexico, where III n fame wna well known. During hl» »lay In Mexico f ’lly. he became ft cloud friend ••I i «rranra. who wax then protMofll of Mexi co. t ari.in/a onpoxed Jack’» fight with WII- lurd in Mexico bemoae Pancho Villa, the no- torloiiN bandit, flmuicrd It. Kut thla «II«. nol nrevenl hi* n«*r«Minal admlrathin «if JohnNon. During Jftckx »U v In Tift Juftim. he me I Torn Curry, » one time candidate for mayor of Chicago. They were frequently together and largely through hi* benign Influence lack « «inxented to xurrender li!m »clf and »erve hi* priflon »entcnce Jxck realized that undrr n«i other term» could he enter America, no b left Tin Iuiiiia bound for Chicago Jack landed at Joliet. Illinoi», to avoid the great demonstration which had been ar­ ranged for him in Chicago. Newspaper re­ porters. nhotographin. and amusement pro­ moters flocked about him and invaded his quarters in prison In order to Interview him. The unjust prison ierm had merely added to *ir rreat fighter’s popularity. Jack remained In the Joliet prison until October, ISM. when he waa taken to ChVaxo for trial. Soon aftrr the sentence he waa placed in t harge of a United States marshal and waa accampantrd by a friend to l-eavrn- worth to begin the prison term of a rear and a day. However, he wa» soon to learn that hi» »lay there would be valuable to him.