* JANUARY M. IMO PA G E THREE A REVIEW OF WORLD EVENTS & THROUGH PICTURES & Beautiful Bride’s Cake at Niagara Falls Salvador’s $12,C0( f rjQ I oed to the Fred Lavla,'preeldent of the new railroad, laying International Railways of Central America, bringing American engineers laid out tha route and native link between San Salvador and Guatemala la through This frothy coucuctlon Is not the work of s master French chef, ns might be Imagined, but was created by King Winter lilniai-lf In one of that gentleman's more lii«plrvd momenta. Tha richly decorated platform la none other than tha prosaic Iron sud concrete eland from w hich honey moou couples are wont to view the wonders of Niagara falta. The swirling torrents may be seen In the lmn federate soldier who. In the face of Union Ore, leaped over Confederate breast works to aid wounded Union soldier«, following a desperate charge on the hat tlefleld of Fredericksburg. Va., during the Civil war. The monument, to be erected by the American Legion, will be one of many in the new Fredericks­ burg National Battlefield park. Nathan Hawks, goalie of the Dart mouth hockey team, whose wonderful defense work Is aiding his team In their winter Ice campaigns. This New Kngland team is said to be one of tbs strongest lu the East. Umberto and Marie on a Medal INDIAN NATIONALIST I, Al, Cal and Julius Distribute a Fund One of the huge black hears that are common In ltalnter National park burrowing for his breakfast. These bears are quite tame and frequent the ennips and hotel« for whatever food la available. Left to right: Alfred B. Smith, Calvin Coolldge and Julius Rosenwald, aa they met as a commltlse to decide on the distribution of a * 0 , 000 ,000 charity fnnd left by the late Conrad Hubert, founder of the Bond Electric Corpora­ tion of New Jersey and originator of the flnahllght. HI* entire fortune wae jM de through the manufacture of flashlights. President Jawaharal Nehru, young leader of the Indian Nationalist con­ gress. who In a fiery speech before 30.000 delegóte« demanded enmplete freedom from England. Shameless Profiteer Unjustly condemned to death for treaaon. by the state which he had served uprightly, Phoclon, Athenian statesman, found himself also the vic­ tim of extortion In hla last moments, lie was to perlab In tha approved manner—by drlnklug tha hemlock. He required more of the poison to make the potion effective, and asked the Jailer to procure It. That grasp­ ing functionary raftaed tha price which wae offered hlu, and Phoclon had to put In tha man’s outstretched pelm additional money before he could take hla own life ae tha law demand­ ed.—Detroit New*. ----- P o ster Sets F orth P rogram to T ran sp o rt All Negroes To O th er P arts. This medal, commemorating the marriage of Crown Prince Umberto of Italy and Prlncees Marie Jose of Belgium, was designed by the famous Belgian sjulptor, O. Devreese. and bears the portraits of the couple. Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 6,(ANP).— Posters setting forth a new program for the outh and urging “The South for Southerners Only” have appeared on trees, telegraph posts and ni pub­ lic places in Alabama. Arkansas and Mississippi and have created much in­ terest as well as amusement. These posters, fscetiously dubbed “A New Year’s Greeting” and “offi­ cially” headed “SUCESSION, w i t h outside support and Booth’s Ku Klux Klan,” set forth the following pro­ gram : . “Confiscate a 11 property, paying Southerners tax-asesed value in fifty years. "Transport Negroes elsewhere, giv­ ing them one-fourth movable prop­ erty. “Two thousand communes in the outh with 10,000 people and 175,000 acres each. "Farms and industries management simitar to the W ar Department; Post Office and Railroad, etc., by central committee of Montgomery. Transporting convoys of machines for mills and farms from Maryland to Florida, Missouri to Texas, and Kentucky to Alabama, and back again, staying near a week at each reserva­ tion, accomplishing more with less effort. “Work seven hours a day for an average of $7 a day. "Labor checks nistead of money. "Each colony as near self-support­ ing as posible. “The outh havnig nothing to im­ port or export. "SEND $5 FOR YOUR CHAR­ TER AND START A KLAVERN IN YOUR COMMUNITY ON A COM- MISION BASIS. “LEANDA CALDWELL, Montgomery, Ala.”