«r PAO! TWO THE (ÜííurrijrH EDITORIAL PAGE THK AD VO CATE — BAPTISTS— PnbUshed «Ttrjr Saturday at Suite J12-J1J Maricay Building, Portland, v re g o n ' Phone Atwater 1525 E. D. C A N N A D Y , ------------------------------------------------------------------Editor M RS. E. D. C A N N A D Y , ____________________ Aaaociate Editor and Manager Y ia c y Franklin, ___________________ O ffice Assiatant and Liootypc Operator A BRIGHT CALENDAR The word that our new physician. Dr. De Norval Cnthark. is opening office« with Dr. E. L Booker, dentist, in the Panama tutldlng. reminds us J. Finley Wilson. Grand Exalted Ruler of the I. B. P O E of the Shiloh Baptist Church East Tth and Everett Sta SL World, complimented T h e Advocate with a pretty bright calendar done again of the fact that a victory for one member of the race smoothes in purple, yellow and white said bearing a splendid likeness of His the path for others. Two and a half years ago when Dr. Booker sought an office to be­ Highness in the dar hangs over time we look at to Mr. Wilson gin his practice in Portland he ex­ perienced great difficulty. He met with repeated refusals solely on the ground on his color, and for a time It seemed that he would not be able center. The calen­ our desk and every it we feel indebted Many thanks. Ex­ alted Ruler Phillips Miasion K nott and Rodney Sts. Blaine Coles, l a y Reader — HOUSE OF PRAYER— House o i Prayer Fast 10th and Grant Sts Robert Sesrcie, Pastor — METHODIST— Bethel A. M First A. M E. Zion Church «17 W illiam s Ave. Rev. W . R. Lovell, Minister Dr De Norval Unthark Is a bril­ liant young physician who has come person to the Oregonian and asked ' that paper's assistance in giving into our midst from his home in Kansas City. Mo. He Is thoroughly publicity to the difficulties he was facing, did the matter come to the attention of E B. MacNaughton. who immediately offered him his choice of offices in the Panama building, where he has since been located. Now additional colored tenants are being taken without question arising. Such occurrences should strengthen our convictions trained in his profession and In ad­ dition to his training he has had several years of practical experi­ ence. He has qualified to practice In Oregon and comes highly recom­ mended from several Important or­ ganizations that have to do with health. It Is hoped that the col­ ored people especially w ill not only give him their moral support but that they will support him with their dollars and cents by failing that we should not only be willing to contend strongly for our "place in the sun" but that in so doing we upon his services r-henevtr in need of medical care. Dr. Unthank Is are helping others of the race who come after us. here to pioneer in the great N orth­ west with the rest o f us. W e wel­ come you. Dr. Un thank. Let us SLAVING PRISONERS A t last the Department of Jus­ tice has canceled Its contract with the State of Georgia wherein 1* Is show our appreciation of him giving him hearty support. provided to lease to the Stale two hundred colored prisoners lor work on public roads. Public opinion de­ POLITICAI. NOTES manded the cancellation of the con­ tract, wiping out this outrageous form of slavery. This action on the part of the Department of Justice Charles Hall, candidate for Republican party nomination by the for Governor of Oregon, was in the city this week from his home in M arsh­ field. I f publicity is going to be an important factor in the nomina­ has augmented the belief in the Jus­ tice of the federal government tion of a Governor, then Mr. Hall 1 will have a big chance. He has al­ ready circulated a very handsomely gotten up pamphlet setting forth the duties and responsibilities of a ; Governor and saying what be will ganlsation is due great credit lor challenging the government's right to set such a precedent. A Fine Example The St. Luke Bank and Trust Company and the Second St. Sav­ ings Bank, Colored financial insti-! tutions, o f Richmond, Ya., just re­ cently merged their interests, and to the great pleasure o f the colored population, the world over. This new and powerful financial enterprise opened its doors a few days ago, and sent out invitations to the race to come in. W e con­ gratulate the leaders o f Richmond, and hope that in all large commun- ' nities N egro business enterprises will follow in their footsteps set by the business men and women o f Richmond. Combining our interests is a very sensible thing to do and in fact it is our only salvation from greater provertv and want. do If elected to that Important o f­ fice. The pamphlet also contains an account of Mr. Hall's activities as State Senator Joe Bailey, one of Oregon's big Democrats, has thrown his hat in the ring for the office of Governor. Bert Haney seems to be the fa ­ vorite for the Democratic party's candidate for the nomination for Governor. George Neuner, State Treasurer K ay and M ayor Baker may not en­ ter the race fer the office of G ov­ ernor, regardless of the fact that friends are urging them to do so. W illiam Woodward has let it be known that he is a candidate for State Senator, an office he has held before and in which he made a splendid record. Many candidates for county and city offices are backward. It seems, in making their formal announce­ ments. The Newspaper P L A C I IN T U SUN Abbott v. DrlVinl « It looks like the Colored voters o f Chicago are going to "m e s s " up their only place in the U. S. Con­ gress. Oscar rVPriest is making good in tlie House o f Representa­ tives and should he left there. But it seems they will not, for already three Race men are out against him The latest to enter is Roliert S. Abbott, editor o f the Chicago "D e ­ fender” largest weekly newspaper in the world. W e do not doubt Editor Abbott's ability as a representative o f the Race in tl»e nation's highest law­ making Ixxlv, hut we were o f the opinion that Mr. Abbott, being cog­ nizant o f the disastrous results of splitting the Negro's vote, would not lend himself thereto, es|iecially at this time when the Race i> sorely in need o f representation every­ where. E. Church I.arrahee and M rM illen Sts. Rev. Daniel G. H ill Jr.. Minister A NEW D O C T O * to secure an office in any modern reputable office building. Only when Mr. Booker went in among. If not the very first to call the government’s attention to the condition, therefore this master or- East First and Schuyler Sta Rev. J. 1.. Caston, .Minister — EPISCOPALIAN— Our Opportunity toward the Negro race. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, ever vigilant for the downtrodden, was Mount O livet Baptist Church OI * ADVOCATE FIRST A. M. E. ZION CHURCH T il» Sunday school will meet at the usual hour. UP-TO-DATE Cleaning and Tailoring Co. 4 % Union Avenue [North We TAILOR1NG AND HEPAIHINU NKATI.Y DONK PANAMA AND FELT HAT3___ Cleanetl and Blocket! in Up-to-Dnte Styl# AU Work Cuaranteail Cood Work and Quick .Service Our Motto Pollyann, Society Editor W e wonder just how many peo­ ple realize the high cost o f the pro­ duction o f a newspaper. Be it ever so pnall, just the same number o f | steps must be taken in order to pro- J duce it. Regardless o f whether any ! business comes in during the week Owing to the very cold weather, services at Mt Olivet Baptist church ' or month, it must come out with were suspended all day last Sunday : regularity, if it is to be o f any in- The Stewardess board o f P in t A M E. Zion church gave a turkey din­ I Alienee. ner last Thursday. Take the Colored newspaper. In j cities where there is a large popula- | tion o f Colored people, the task is great and in cities where the popu­ A Httle known Japanese herb, the lation is very small, comparatively- discovery o f an eminent German sci­ speaking, the task is very difficult entist (D r. Shekel) instantly soothes the com, then loosens it so that short­ indeed, especially if that few is di­ ly you can lift it rifht out. This new vided in its opinion— with regard to discovery called "Corn FI/* excites the white blood corpuscles to actioa | the paper's support. and granulates the corn at its root. Sometimes we hear the expres- “Com Fly" for corns, JSc. “ Com Fly Foot Bath Powder" 2k-, and 1 sion, “ the paper had no news in it.” “ Com Fly Bunion Remedy" 50c, are Some may be o f the opinion that sold under a positive money-back guarantee by Ht-Gene Co., Newark. no news came into the editor’s office N. J , or local druggist during the week. W e hardly think that is the reason, for there is a The colored voters are a factor ; constant stream o f news— and good that the candidates must not over­ . news— from reliable sources— that look in the coming political cam­ ' pour into the editor's office. But paign. the average small newspaper docs not print news because, it costs cash to set up news. It costs a whole j lot, too, every word set up costs— that is why an article that comes to the editor a page long, may be re­ duced to a mere “ telegram” when i it appears in the paper. However, if all the Negroes in any given community would sup­ port their home town paper by sub­ scribing to it and urging others to do likewise, and by urging merch­ ants to advertise in its columns, the newspaper could print a great deal more news than it does. The average small newspaper ex­ C. Gee W o pends at least $20 per month for » Years linotyping church news alone. Add in Portland ! to this the fraternal news, social | news and what-not, and one can j readily see how it mounts up. For i this news, with but few exceptions, C H IN E S E M E D IC A L H E R B S there is no charge. On the other hand, the newspaper editor expects C O M P A N Y . IN C . that these various organizations and individuals that it serves will, in 262*4 A lder St. some way, show their appreciation S. W . C om er T hird S t, by supporting the paper with their Portland, Oregon. subscriptions, and moral backing, and by urging others to support it in every plausible way. Mr and M r« Vernon Baker have moved to Loa Angeles H. J. Ollllard Jr le ft for Loa A n ­ geles on the 17th to visit relatives Mrs Hanrtetta Marshall la repotted to have gone to Seattle Monday on a visit Mr and Mr«. Elbert Jamison had as their dinner guests Wednesday evening Mrs E D. Cannady and son« George and Ivan Mrs. Jennie Ewing was elected pres­ ident o f the Culture club A ll the other officers wars retained for an­ other year. Mrs. Ruth Flowers la president of this club of young m a­ trons The Kenwana Bridge club was the guests o f Mr and Mrs Wilbur Mer clar Thursday evening at their boms In Waverly Heights At this meeting the annual election o f officers was hald. P A IN F U L CO RNS Loo*en—Lift Out TRinity 1529 Ren.: TRinlty 3622 H We Pleuse You. Teil Othent-U Not. TtU Ua! J. W. INCERSOLL — Proprietär Ur and Mrs C Harrison have re­ turned from a two months' sojourn In Spokane They are domiciled at the home o f Mr and M i» W C Bird, eat Oantenbeln ave . Robert E Evans o f Berkeley called at The Advocate o ffic e Tuesday Mr Evans lias a very flue tenor voice and hopes to appear in concert here In the early spring Evening services will be combined with the Christian Endeavor society meeting beginning at 6 SO and closing promptly at S:S0 Rev W R Lowell, pastor, will have charge o f the com­ bined service#. Last Sunday George Cannady led and 8unday week Bill Duncan will lead Let all the young folk come out. LEAN LOTHES K LEAN Portland, Oregon The Oldest Negro Business In Portland I* . . . . The Advocate Publishing Co- Publishers of “ The Advocate“ — A I(» Page Newspaper In Two Sections! Published /.'very Saturday for the Pan Twenty-Sin Years! E- D. (juinady, Editor Mr* E. I), (jmuady, Mann fe r Holliday 8C Holliday Tontorial Parlor» 125 N O R TH S IX T H S TR E E T :: « P O R TLA N D , OREGON Equipped with the Very Latest, W e Are In a Position to Care for Men, Women and Children C o m e - Lei U i Serve You! The regular meeting of the Culture club was held at the home o f Mrs Lula Oragg Monday afternoon HOLLIDAY & HO! LID AY Plana are being perfected for the annual charity ball given by the Ore­ gon Federated Colored Club Woman The regular m eeting and annual election o f officers of tha Literary R e ­ search club has been indefinitely postponed Centralized Banking D elicious MEDICINAL HERBS and ROOTS I n prrpariag your plans toe 1930, y tl yourself on your own payrwll by dsy emit Ing a definite amount earh pay-day in a Saving« Arrounl al tkr (~Dood t'NITF.D 9TATF-H NATIONAL Thereby, this New Year ran be made A food for pro­ tein; a food for mineral salts; for calcium and phosphorus; all the essential ele­ ments far health ana strength are found in good cheese. And all the essential ele­ ments of good cheese are found in Kraft Cheese. C. G E E W O (RAFT vour moil prosper««» year. I 1 L V iÜ e d ^ t d á M Nalfaxidl Bank. "On# of lha Nortbwaat'a Orant Banka" « We SeU For Less Because W e SeU or Cash CHEESE — 9 v - . - H f f a K .............. — KRAFT-PHENIX CHEESE COMPANY 1 - « * -S-fffdíiíü [ “ T H A T L IT T U Ê T G A M E ** Iiter-nit’lCirloviCk^.Ir-By 13. Link ICH- BROWN HAIR C RO W ER h W IT H O U T AN E Q U A L - Without a doubt, the best article of its kind—* combination Hair Grower and Hair Straightener. Gives the hair a natural soft ani silky appearance, stimulating' hair growth in the most hopeless case. ^ ^ olbrown N H airgro WER*. O V F B T O N HYGIENIC < " " n a n i l i m i t i l i y >•!!!! mm Our High Brown Hair Grower stands as one of our highest achieve­ ments—it is a prepar­ ation we look upon with pride. —Distributor Mrs. E. D. Cannady, 312 Macleay Bldg., Portland, Oregon. MADE ONLY B Y T H E O VERTON m -------------------------------------- HYGIENIC M F G .C O . ------------- — _____ ____________________ i f 1 l ì 1 nfHHnmimmnnnititi multi >'<)iinnnnimuinmMHiiinimmiiuiifiniminiiiiiiiniiuiiiiinMiniiniiniinniii>-|,| C O M P L E T E N E W S T O C K S O F Q U A L I T Y M E R C H A N D IS E F O R T H E H O M E A N D P E R S O N A L S E R V IC E DRY W ASH- — RO U O H WASH E A at 0882 E A st 088J NEW SYSTEM LAUNDRY O R IG IN A T O R » OF IN D IV ID U A L W A S H IN Q W a Do N o t Mark Y our Clothing 807 E. F L A N D E R S — P O R T L A N D , O REG O N W ET W ASH— S-IN-1 WASH « - ---- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ T AY iller and T racey te ä s jiK ziä rs s i %