ILLUSTHATKl) F KATL’RK SUCTION 8 Should a Wife Remain True toan Unfaithful Husband? For years my husband has been untrue to me Fiery one in our vicinity knows It. They also know that I have been true to him Not because I loved him I suppose, but because I loved no­ body else Now. I do and now 1 am ronlemplattng bclmi untrue to him What makes me hesi­ tate Is Unit despite all I have ■tood from him he will not. I know, stand for anv unfaithful­ ness from me He will drive me out althout a cent and the man Stuttered His Way Into Fame A Bootblack, W hoac O n ly Axact waa an Im pedim en t ♦ T I h * Lif<* a m i (lare of \1 1 \ (io o il W a lrli m I la » Hi t are lm l i w V isteli sud tie t months alter the la»l uarlicle of oil Ihe Hesl I Intekeeplni Hervlee | on Uie bearing ■ has dlsapts-ared Freni It. | And II goes i llluml «ayiug that In­ Do now »h u l you should have done years ato te l a divorce. With all jury will follow as surely as night the evidence you must have attains! 1 Millo« ilie •> i.iinple liistrurtloits I pillows day It must be overhauled your husband It should be easy to get 'a iti your » » I r l i «III ke.ii vissi lune I* rtiallcallv lukeii aiairt entirely «III ruii for l»m oving uUI drled-up oil and d ir l, one Hul «lo It before you are un­ Alinosi ani « a u l ì rt'uuilahtna iKirts, Hi prevent Uiem faithful ami you will feel more Just I - being spoiled fu- wood tlmekeeplita. fled in deinr ndtny a flnanrlal set- ina ia> areal reward m l in a lady s small waleli «III last | tlement 1 suspect, however, that you won't ¡ xlx or right months 1 do not give you any credit at all lake I Ills advice You a III ao ahead It lake., a grain of dirt the sire of H r ttenui fan hint lítese many years and try to have vour cake sud eat a needle |«iln' to slop Ihe watch. you had no inclination to It I Hsi .«ltd you are Itfchlr lo lose l»lrt Will gel lli-lilr When ymi but otherwise amt since you were evi­ both your rake and your appetite If isii automobile, you are Ills! rucled dent!;, belila well sup|Hiru-d for your you do If ¡how Ihe machine must be looked of- patience Sull. I aulher you are un­ Al i ns » miai aiap. my dear, I trained for work of anv kind so If must say h - m f i e new love musi IH r constantly H.r which work you he Is «e ll ofT It U Just that he con­ j not is- \yrv liii|iasaluneil or you would | pay a service station Ihouxaiul tribute Hi jo u r future llvelilusHt by Is* » lllln ; t.i suri Ult e y oui luxuries i Your llnv watch Is tutine kind of «rtllem ent I f he »e re I lor II T o be sure. Il l- nice to have I limes finer machine, running con- ..isully, so Isn’t II reasonable to have pot well ofT I would sav you should both love and luxury, bul. in vour slim for yourself, shut' ym.t_ value rlrrunutaucea. in livin g to have Isith III attended to orcasloiuilly lor a small 1 service chargef has been of a nrvatlvc sort drsrrv- you may lose both H a '* you * i h i u U uc k»v« » l l * i r on which you need friendly «dvicw r W rite to Juli* Jerome, c*re • ( IfcU iiew»pApcr 11 you wi.-h « petionul reply. ple«sc »rm l r «tumped, s*H>adtir**««d envetoj»#. An unhappy » i f ? writes us from New Orleans My dear Mrs Jerome: — Jnnuury 25. m o I love Is umilili- in support mr as 1 nm used In th in« Pleasr till me « lis t Hi (In. WOK K t Kl > I I S I KI) KKCIPKS FOR THF: w f : f : k - f : n i ) o f * By Ruby B e rk ley G o o d w in I U l t i M l KMCH K t'M M A IU : l 'I l K l l s % Michigan Reelin’ Frani Utili ■ « olumbla Chop 1 quarta ».e rti Unii«toc < Fill Jars with evpi»*»l/ed rurumbri ". quali h i » ' tornarne» I medium rub­ m ill one large did lluwrr mixed imi;»- .1 liirge unitili» .1 ruul - I rieri Ibrough the I "litri ol each lac. and and 'i Icaspoi II pe..per Mprlnk “ cover «U fi Ihe lolioWdia liquid «u h '» rup rad and lei slami uve • 3 quails water nlglii In mornlng diadi ihinugh co- 1 cup taranti fine malt latidrr add 3 pini» vinrgar. 3 hrapin. , During the filming ol Metro-OoW- 11 cup- v in gar »vn-M aver'a all Negro drama. “ Halle 'cupa brunfii sugar, alni ime lras|xvou Heat to boiling and pour over pick, mustard mlxrd witli r. lid ie vlneuai lujah. Harold OarrUon known on Cook le- while hul Heal at time T ill* lui aboul ulte hour an i seol | the lot as Sllrkuin. rose to Hie height on-ilmd assure» dill* that are crisp, of assistant director Then at a ir- delirimi» and surr to keep y i ti i s i i \i> i-ent filming of one of the Cohen u comedies on Christie lot Ihe studio l i o n t o i* k m *Mi l V H i l r .u il i: bo (black was rilled In and given a IIIH H IH Don i Ile«Ieri (he alad m rirly b ■ very Important part in Ihe plrtut a While Paramount has gone even causo summer Irults and tereditile* M hiiv w mt*n * ml to get the mo l farther by giving a bookbiaek a long are biildlng vini faiew rll for a few i Hit of their vpgrtiiblf fH*hrw. »IU mt term contract montha hnMiiw they uae too much water, or Oscar Smith, kn an as (he “Cute Many. and in faci must, ut die sal­ (all to adlU*a a \ fore that time he was valet for Ihe la-dure |» m .» olita.inibir al anv bit of quick riirig y f»HMl to Ihr ; great movie star ami a bond of — - - o 8 o a ir urangr». lemmi - and [ friendship grew up between litem that tliur I has always been the talk of (lie studio Italiana» Il yuu carri gel fr »Il pini A I d l ll l n l s O K A M iK IIIN II appiè you rati grt II canned airi Oscar became friend, and roiiftdanl to Wally." whom he afleeUcnately I n » uppllrs lo eherrlrs a» «e li I’m |»-eI (rum right orange» In mid WhlpiH-d rreaiu U a vrar-nrond dell called My Boy water heal Hi boiling iiuliil. and rook Oscar had talked cprlle a while bc- 1 cacv. gently, until very lender I Train; Su try tlii» salaci and makr |( a > . lore I noticed the stulterlirg that won Autunni lavorile Hprcad rrl»p le*- pu> in cold water, and. when cold, re­ Ihe contract for him. move membrane and soil pint Ion. " I was born In Topeka. Kansas Iure travi-» mi a salaci piale Cover Bull one cup »ugur and one-half cup quite a few years ago.' Oscar cheer­ witli severa! «Urea of urangr- ou water until ayrup »pin» a thread, put fully Slated " I »a s x-s-sUteen years whlrh ymi place two long strilla al in peel, and rook gently, until sviup (iineapple and one e* banana To i .•Id b-before I could t-talk at all I «U h a hraplng mound ut flavor-u 1» rvapnrated and (»eel looks clear »■-went to school tho* for I e-could whipped rream und . ctierrv. or col­ Drain mi wire cake cooler, and leave ILsten and In Uiat wav I learned a ui (ni I m i rV ni any kn d Jusi he Pn ■■ in open air until thoroughly dry. whole lot. 1 r-remember one day ! ••rvtiiic »prdiklt- thè fruì and Irlltic ■ Ctorr. and uar a» required In cakeg got a a-w-whlpptng I was Innocent wlth u syrup inaile bv mixing sevrral and pudding». j of any wrong doing, but I couldn't eas|»Min» ut sugar wlth thè Julce of Candled lemon perl may be |Mr- say anything I never blamed the unr orangr and half a lemmi pared In the same way ! t-teacher lor Mr Roundtree thot dial i he was d-dolng right He was a f-ftne I old man “ When Oscar flnlslved the grammar 'grades he (M M west to PhoenlX and 1 fer five years he played tune» with his shoe rag on die boots of the fos- ] i id ions In that trwn still being guid­ ed by the saying, "do west, young man. go west." tie left Phoenix and came to law Angeles, where he se­ cured work as head |s»rter In Cook- sle'x barber shop It was here that he mcl Wallace Reid and It was al this lime he won the nickname. "Cute Kid When Oscar was younger he was short and -lender, now he Is Inclined to be a little rotund. For years It was his habit to blaze lorth three or four times a day In a dlflerent and re­ splendent Lutftt of clot lung, from j hat to spats. But with die iwssing [of year- Oscar's taste has quieted [ down He now goes In for real es- > late and he has acquired some very valuable holdings around and In t-oa ; Angeles. “ Stnie I have been on P-parann unt lot I have been playing small parts m the plrttires -bellboys, w-walter*. elevator boys. When Richard Dtx made Warming dp' I was tho baae- batl team's mascot: In 'Beau Babreur,' \ I played the part of the faithful Sttd- ane-.c servant." Sometime ago when 8 8. Van | Otne s "Canary Murder Case” was | adapted to du: screen, a stuttering I bellhop role developed. Oscar was least for the part. That was the biggest role lie bad ever played. When Idle picture was previewed In a Holly­ wood neighborhood picture place the house almost became hysterical, laughing at Oscar, the frightened, wide-eyed stuttering bell-hop. who had become unwillingly entangled In Ihe weird murder ease Far-sighted officials saw great pos­ sibilities In Oscar, so they rushed to hint with a contract and told him to sign on the dotted line. Flout blinking may be a lowly pro­ fession and one despised by many, but •II.INII TOM Hollywood bootblacks have learned that "the way up Is down,’’ and they One of Hie remarkable eases of musical genius was llial of Blind Tom. an uneducated Negro horn of slave parent«, who could play Ihe most UlflHult have been railed In to work while OSCAR SM ITH many a white collar man has stood classical composition« with Ihe utmost ease The fari that he was menially He was known as the Paramount studio bootblack until recently, »h en he Impatiently outside Ihe Central Cast­ weak was another factor that added In the brwildrrmrn! of the music lovers rreated a seiwatlon In "The Canary Murder C ase" Now he has a big con­ ing office waiting for a call that never of Ihe eighties. He has been Included in Klpler’a famous best seller, "Believe 11 or Not." tract and a bright future in Hollywood. came. Speech, Suddenly Finds H im s elf Famous and W e a lth y . II.VT Flo Xii'trfiold has done for the U l f r k u yfirl. Ilnl- 11vwood seems intent upon do- myr for the N egro hoothluck. W I i T I IK j K M f e M \ O l I U K K K e llT T K S