..X U 8 TRATKD FEATURE .SECTION— Jununry 25, 1930 M [amiba’s JI3au|*hte rs h o r n r»l* Ml) ing hla broadrloll »leeve. MU Valerie, lar night The alow throb of mualc art» lor racy overseers — poor-whiles loat In tier own reverie. "The boy," filled the dark. Him Uie curtain of -a rid . of rourse, Iradrn . . . Haim die la wondering "la Mu* .' ohm the final act drew up on a atage of ho* dltU iiiub linl hr I* looking n o w - taking proper care of Iilm7 He * Mich awtrllng mtaU and vague half-ll-'hta. no likr hla father--a WrntwurUi a re*lie»* »leeper — need* watching, | f -atanUy the mood of Uie play waa HlUy of me lo all here crying when lie a ao absurdly llkr Halnl It la good re-eatabltahed. flung the watchera Ui I'm ao liappy when the fight la all 1 1 know that oner, at an Important ' attitude* of rigid expectancy <>#er - when my children have won . . turning, you thought atralghl. acted Dawn ag-ln. but no longer Uie red What a avnaltlve profile he ha»- -a for the brat, threw your weight on j of an old drapalr. A thin, esaential thoroughbred a tu rre u a manager | the right aide . . Good to know Uiat t ad lance breathed upward behind the of l i e 81 Cerllla Huclely youngest your child will have every comfort - mat-aril towers of a mrlropoh* It on Uie board . . . Valerie a fitting • very chance Uiat your liuaband ta gathered etrength, »praying out like male for my boy-lovely now wtUi I happy rrapertnd aucceaaful . , . the corona of an aurora, gliding the that unite on her llpa living In the I.Uaa' What a »crange upaldr-down towers, llien domlnaUng lliem The memory of Uie mualc. no doubt well, ! |il ce the world la. . . Mamba! That mualc rkught thr mood of tlie sky. die a of Uie new generation, perhapr • night when ahe look Halnt and me • I'lie arresting dissonance» the sharp die get» more out of It Uian I do ; to tier church . . . I knew then that syncopation* of the earl., acts, were A good mother to my boy» aon a I I had to have him. . . . funny old j no longer individually evident but • good daughter lo me Hhall I go thing. Mamba knew my heart before seemed to merge Into a broader. Ir- behind tlie nr-ne- with Halnl afte r­ ! I did wanted to help ua along. . , . teallble current of sound Hie rhythm, ward? Hhall I lake Valerie tuatead The wedding . . . . The boy! la he loo. ( u no longer a thing separate right after th? curtain and leave him | inladhg me? Wtati I knew more about It became a force aa Indistinguish­ to follow 7 . , . Ttieae new Negroea Mtaa June* »till ahe waa well recom­ able and pervasive a* the life current. ao different — wouldn't underatand mended lookr- competent . . , Will It was a fundamental law that mov­ who I am aomething awkward might h i aliig. I mondr;. or paint—or write? ed light, inuatc. Uie sway of thr liappeu eipect lo be addressed aa It mrana ao much to hla faUter . . . t ntwt|, Uie passage of time, bi a con­ Mr and Mr» , no doubt No. I could­ Hul I n .iol ao aure . , . Had » lall- certed and Inevitable progression n't manage that . , Now. Uaaa, ahe urrl Yea. but money itiakra auch a P ie artificial declamations of oprral- would underatand with her Houtlwrn difference gives talent IU chance ; Ic convention were gone The cast raising . . But tlie othera' No. It We re aecur- no* Halnl the bey . ." was reduced to two elemental forces. would not be wlae to May Halnt ran Thr crowd with Its heavy massed • • • w ail If lie want» to and )oln ua later rhythms and relicraled choruses waa fllowly I h r light In the big audlto- It la different, leaa complicated, with , I lie body, and thr single transcend- i Mum commenc ed to ebb. dimming Uie a man." m l ineaao-sopiano that soared above modem decoration* and endowing And on Wentworths left, with the them with a myalrrtoua beauty, then It was the apirtt. aspiring, daring, de­ unootii Ivory of tier ahoolder bundl­ plunging the audienc e into inlet del- spairing. IlfUne again The move­ ment became faster The voter com- mrnred to Aft tlie etiorua from Its at like a storm of beating wings. inertia and carry It aloru on short, Then thr curtain allot downward. daring flights. Then. In a final ac­ celeration. the scene soared toward k l t l l 1 1lk. LAKT INHTAl.l. Ml.ST Its tremendous < Umax Tlie light, N EXT W EEK the movement, Uie music, merged Into a sweeping crescendo. Ihe rhorut. sprang from Its lethargy, while the voice of Uie woman climbed tri­ umphantly above It until It shook the Sw iftest Way To End Eczema Improved Health Says Alabama Man There ta rut an rxc uae In Uie world of Weak Girls ' lor a person to suffer wlUi fiery Ecze­ D iv e I H em C a d L iv e r I * » Met' I. Inc l*ovi It —all drug-stores. S /¿rWOMlKo/t/i/ M m m * BOOK T A L K M I Wtay at awry al'iuaM 0*U«eJ |4mslg (ia«i i CM ( M fiat I Ll|gi< T aM rd PeK el !M kf I African Bedtime Stories put upon ’ children'' as used in thr (nregntng sentence If hr uses the word Ui Uie arnar that all Africans u r n s aij*« a m a i l » roa u t i u are of rhlld-llkr mentality. Uien he w a in rwnoaSN. a- tu»u- iv a in » needs to become acquainted with the ravaoM »•* i u b b . is* ir m history of aueh brilliant African In ao far aa the Utlr of Uita t»«>k strategist* a* Tlppn Tib ami Mn- states Uiat Us atones are tor "little »hesh The genius of (hear two black white children" It ta a misnomer men liaflled and humbled Kuropra There ta Interest on Its pages lor finest m ilitary expedition* To Hirer Hluod Lie me tils Employed ta Kealarr Vitality and Halid t'p Bady llUte black as well as for IllUe | men this volume would appear a* the Resistance. while rhlldrrn Indeed Uie youthful Uncle I tennis »lories apiirai to Ein­ spirits of all races, regardless of col­ stein t * UavM It BoShof l i t Westport Ma or WIU find I lie simple and naive hu­ Ax a m ailer of fart, there ta no ear­ nan K»n*a» CMy Mo Medical Director of mor of these stories a delight mark In Ihta group of stories which the l.urerue Clinic Hpeclallat and former Among Uita collect ton will be (wind. distinguishes tliem from the com­ ■netmotor In tfteeaae* of the noee and throat Why no one ever carrtea the alligator monly known lype of fable, made fa ­ has Juet publ.aied a m prrlgliled boot Na- down to Uie water. Tlie gift of swift- I mous bv Aesop and In modern limes *a1 Catarrh aod It» Home Treatment » h u h hla treatment for Caterrh and It» i.ess and oUier tales that are written 1 by Uncle Remus If there ta a dis­ ciplalo» compile»! kmi ThU »rwniinr »rot proved in a charming style and which In­ tinction lo be made It must be based method emptntr* Ige uor ol blood rlcm erta trigue even Uie adult reader by their | on Uie unusual excellence of Mr and U produrlng eicellenl reault» W- te to encaging simplicity Oendrar*' collection of »lories • hoee »ddreu lor your H t t l copy In Uie dedication, Uie auUior calls j The volume waa written lor Juve­ the tales ' Slot les which the big ch il­ nile readers but one venture* to say dren of Africa Irll around Uie fire at that Uie Juvenile* had best keep their night to amuar themselves and to copies carefully concealed from soph­ keep watch against Uie beasts who isticated adults roam " Model n lsllr Illustrations bv a It Is difficult to understand what j prominent French artist add to Uie Was in Interpretation the author Intends to 1 dtaUnrUvrness of Uie volume CIUARH TREATED BT NEW METHOD in X Minute Brightens Railroad Man Misery CLASSIFIED ADS AOBNTN « 4 N U O N M I * M I N T I D— M A I B • W H Y WORK M »B U t l i Wh#n » » P Ball WIWOU M M M i m , D r T K T I V » -T r i»* | . makf w e rH lnve.tl*a. ru a rv WrUa io«1ay for Fro» Uitnpit *••» F r»» 4»liv*ry ^r,# Amarleaii D»tacttv« R fid m . lir o * d » » r N » « York HIMM raont < T* « OMPAMV ___________ BAM A« Hlklf Mfril i I» •« a | • III Ml I F W A N T M M A I l AND F BM A l-B 1 ■■ ---------- FKB AONAL ------— I1 M -D — , FARALYBIB THBATMBNT C l.**'* T«nM. M K i r MA NT» ft — M a l e P e n m l e M a k e I N I DiurrlH and U u l l n TabBli. Writ* for IM «U m p ln g D an e« on berrh teka Pam pi« and InMraHlona. He tUKTAO CO Ft i book. Full Informal lor. Fr»«. United M«d- . taint Co . 134 N 10th B4 . Philadelphia. Ft W orth. T « « a a NEW COMFORT FRAME V J h , Mr y L ates t e n d S et t . /sywwfwwnL LCAVB' ■ m,H , \ tN 0 ON /Vf/0*i or Nose . __ __ M m w S p m o im ctm m o n r1 0 0 D A Y S T R I A L r y n- ai| M A M .C 4 M i F O N T O « A Y Le* ua send yew the - latest Style, New ( s a - jort Spectacle* wrth d e a r Vmien leneee mm 100 Day« Trial. Th* mow Beautiful spectacle* pro­ duced in assay year*. W e rs ^ y •a ltitu d e * ml P o p u la r m e r r y « * « . . D i.l i n g - i . h . d in "I wa* a sick man —could hnnlly go to work at all." aaya Mr. Cnaa. K. Parker, of Chat* lea ton. III. "I had sever« throbbing headaches, dixzy apella. indigestion, tightness in my chest, shortness of breath. "My hack ached and I could not stay in bed with any ease. Any way I turned I waa in miaery. "I tried different remedies till I heard of Black-Draught. I took a couple of good, big doses of Black-Draught and saw a big change. I waa bet­ ter—I ate better and alept bet­ ter. 1 kept it up till I took a package. I waa then able to go hack to my work. I am a railroader and my work is hard. "I have kept m yself fit by taking Black-Draught, and though I'm 52 year« old I ran do my work with eaae right along with younger men. I am never without Black-Draught. I give it to my niece« for cold* and atomach troubles and it helps them. It help« dizxineaa an a had taste in the mouth — an all ’round good medicine.” Costs only 1 cent • does. ^ A Regular 35c. Jar of We Need Men and Women Magic Pink Lovin Cream —with our compliments I* supply the t k s w M * at FaNui that art wriilag «a dally far La Jar ('real Ion*. Bar* I U N rack weak aapplytag the peo­ ple la year territory. Ne Experieace ar mae rv la rvqaivsd. Ba Year Own Boa*. Write tadny. Wa wM ba glad te kavt yau aa a Keyeteat RepreeenteUva M a il t h i s c o u p o n t o d a y - - H ap p in o o * a n d w ill b e y o u r» to m o rro w . K « y « t o n « L a b » r a t « r i » A B b k 202t» M tm p h ia , T « n n ., D « p i 8 — F U« — Tr*a Samgteg ot m r DTr.npiirî « • i fu ll I I I t a r i f yamr W o n d o rto i La J. Flak Cream, «Mnnlnd «• BrlftaW«! DwN Btala In one mteMrta. I MR | • i M l n j T on C a n t a t o oovor pmmkh»§ mnd F « r « ^ m« yaur Rl| Rtonaaf 111 a tain« é o o r b y IM Nlto lillf w rD ta««» # w »tta«r M f naiN »• . Wont O t o f M . A l a « aai h I i C « « t o t a t o B n a u t y Ca< to bm doH votod 1« «