THF PAGE F O U I a . a . DECEMBER I t. M* THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER Local News N. 1 ADVOCATE c. P. TO ELECT OFFICERS I tU fÇ 'AX) - NOü K A f D O X Y . C ardi have been issued to its mem bees by the local branch of the N.A. A.C.P. that the annual election of offi­ cers will be held Sunday, Decem ber It, at 4 p. m. at W illiam s Avenue branch Y .W .C .A . Irvin Flow ers is president and Mrs Carrie Ingersoll. is secretary of the branch. s e s ? - A/oo i n * ___ , Spike This on Your Sax. $ r t jt L * .■ a 00 , COUfOT l THEM DAYS ARE CONE FOREVER.! YÖUC 'P a CCCTS - 2fcY A£Vl200f OF HATC TO SAY I T BUT TOO V\>dT COfYC OP Tt> SCßATCK- U >U . c d a t c h C A T C H '. ZJC ! 3 , P U R N IS H E D R O O M S f o r Light- housekeeping or Single R oom s for Rent.— Mrs. L. M cL a m ore--P h on e T R inity M M . — Adv ' -S ------N M ( S ii FO R R E N T — F U R N IS H E D A P A R T M E N T — Fred D. Thomas, W AI 1600. Officers for Rose City Lodge o f Elks for the next six months were elected on Wednesday evening. The present staff was returned to office. The "Bills" Box 1400, Hollywood, Cal. plan to hold a joint installation with the FOR R E N T— Newly decorated 7-room Daughter Elks. house : half block to Williams Ave. car. Reasonable to right party. Call M A R R Y — I have a mate for you. Mem AT. 15J5 during week, and GA. 75S3 bers worth from $5000 to $65.000 on Sundays. Ask for Mr*. Cannady.— Photos free. CTnb Mrs. Stephens, Adv. >1 VRINES ENFORCE MARTIAL LAW IN PROTESTING II \ITI n 1 & “ H A L L E L U J A H ’’ (C ontinued from Page 11 i declared in Port au Prince and Cape k Haitien Wednesday night The country is now reported quiet, and ; is patrolled by the 650 marines who have been stationed for several years. The difficulties began when students at an agricultural school went on strike on October 31. At the time the authori- • tie* claimed that they could give no | reason for the strike, which spread to other schools, even the teachers enlisting in the protest. During the past week industrial and civil employes joined the j strike, which has become almost tmi- versal. W hile numerous trivial reasons are given for the strike, it is well-known that it cannot 1* dissociated front the political unrest which had been brewing in the Republic for years The native citizens have long protested against not being allowed to vote or hate voice in I the government of their Republic. They resent the fact that no attempt , has been made during the years o f A m ­ erican occupation to prepare them for self-got eminent while in not so far-I i away Porto Ricos illiterate natives are I allow ed-to vote by symbols President Borno, it will be recalled. | 1 officially expressed the opinion that his 1 countrymen were not to be trusted with the ballot to elect the head o f the State WITH AN AI.LNKGKO CAST! UNDERWEAR _ HOSIERY — BAGS SCARFS — BRASSIERE SETS UMBRELLAS — FLOWERS NEGLIGEES _ JEWELRY SLIPPERS — SHOES NO\* ON ITS SECOND WEEK ut lilt* LAST TIMES TUESDAY! What tu d ire . . . . GIFT anil Whrrr to Fimi It" SUGGESTIONS . . PORTLAND’ S LEADING HARDWARE AND SPORTING GOODS STORE lias much to offer in urti«'l«*» of a gift giving nuluri' that will pleas«' Mother, Father, Sister «»r Brother — ami friend», a» well. O u r o ffe r in g s u rr o f th e w o r th -w h ile am i u s e fu l k in d th at w ill m a k e c h e r i s h e d r e ­ m em bran ces. S I.00 DOWN B IT S ANY OF THESE GIFTS Keep youth Your Patronage h Earnestly Solicited longer! PATENTS cleanse the system of poisons Obtained. Send m od el o r sketch and we w ill p rom p tly send y o u a report. Our b o o k on P atents and Trade-m arks w ill be sent to y o u on request. Two o f the great enemies to youth and vitality are delayed elimination and inteetinal poisons. T o keep your­ self free from both these common diffi­ culties «rill help you to stay young. D. SWIFT & CO. With the use of Nujol you can do it too. For Nujol absorb« body poisons and carries them off, preventing their absorption by the body. Nujol also softens the wsste m stter and brings about normal evacuation. It is harm­ less; contains no drugs or medicine. It won't cause gas or griping pains, or affect the stomach or kidneys. Every corner druggist has Nujol. Make aura you get the genuine. Look for the Nujol bottle with the label on the back that you can read right through the bot*le. D on't delay, get N ujol today. Even illiterate "backward” peo­ ple object to the leadership of men who are merely tools of moneyed interests. Witness Haiti. Up-to-the-Minute M odes ------- P A T E N T L A W Y E R S --------- 305 Seventh S t . Washington. D. C- Prepon e! Especially for This Newspaper I I I A n WOMER REGAIN YOUTH D* } N art*« tfta •» >•***» haa/tit IM T M M 4 v it a lity ? T h « a tr y tfeia i a u i * | m v W E T - U P TO N IC . SA »»rw««»y rwoa»«#«»a*d far tfiM> v t $ < »I< h . r f « t r a i taa vaar i t * I W Q**k. . t * far O C 0 0 M ara* excella wm k; • * »* * • * afrtattfc »• * . M ir V l » l a IN u T A P la la a r t — »«a If aat aat.aftaf MAJESTIC RADIOLA BRUNSWICK SPARTON BOSCH VUriOK STHOMHFHG-CARLSON ATW ATER KENT DON’T MISS IT I FOR THE WOMEN Fight leading radio* to M'leet from . . . o f flu* Yrar I I I I PRACTICAL GIFTS Why Not \ Musical Gift For Christmas Arrlaintrd tlu* Matlerpirce S Washington at Broadway T High-Grade Tool» ami Glittery . . . Golf and Teiini» Supplie» . . . Fine Fishing Taekle and Houweliold War«'» are hut a »mall portion of the many goorl thing» from which to make »election*. Grumi and Upright Piano* . . . and the Duo-Art Reproducing Piano BAND AND ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS SHEET MUSIC — RECORDS PIANO DRAPES AND BENCH CUSHIONS S h e r m a n J fe ìa v & C o . O u r m a n y sh o w w in d o w d isp la y s h e l p to s o l v e C h ristm a s p r o b le m s . . . as th e y a r e fille d w ith o u r c h o i c e s t s e le c t io n s f o r G ift g iv in g . Motorist» will find onr store the ea»ii*»t st«ire in Portlaml to reach . . . free from all «(anger o f traffic eongewtion, with a liig free parking gronml in which t«> pl.t«-«' their ear» while «loing their holi- ar aft «nnaoaaaary a u ffarln « and - u t ba«a «Tva yaa ,K « aaalatanaa and ratlaf yaa ara aaafcln«. mém ty The J. K. GILL COMPANY if t h f Booklet Trenti*«« Here, in this lovely store, you will fiud everything to complete your Christmas lists . . . Books, Stationery, Toys, Leather Goods, Gift Wares, Fountain Pens,, Kodaks, Artists’ Supplies and Radios. F t , ■ - * n EaSt India Hair Grower - - F. M. W H A T EACH BOOKLET CONTAINS v Ixp la w a tia a a« tha w M ab y H ara «uftaring. a. A « « « « I t a y « « r .r a c ia l aaaa, « . --------- ------------ „ _ and d a lly b a « S a ad . . t i n g , pxbralatn« (a ara glvww. If you are hether«U w tb Falling Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair i Trouble, we want you to try a jar of l HAST I NDI A HAI K O H O W K B The remedy contains medical properties that to the roots of the Hair, atimulatea the skin, helping nature do its work. Leave» the hair soft and ailky. Perfumed with a balm o f a thousand flower*. The beat known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Rye Brow*, alao restores Gray Hair to iU Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for Straightening. Here is Am Liait ELECTRICAL GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY There’a an electrical gift for everyone in the fa m ily .............. 1 u Prioe Sent by Mail, 60c; 10c Extra tor Poataga From Grandmother right down to the one-year old«. E 2939 _i2JL CO LO R C O N T R A S T Color contrast, a highlight o f the mode for grown-ups, is equally im­ portant in frocks for the junior.' Cha­ nel ia one o f the designers who trim dark frocks with two or more bands o f contrasting color. The result is striking and decidedly new in appear­ ance The frock slw>wn here has a double collar and double cuffs, in two colors. It further proclaims its ad­ herence to the new fashions by dis­ playing a long bodice, to which a circular skirt is attached in a series o f pnints The belt is placed at the natural waistline, and should match a trimming color. Estrella Pattern No. 2S39. Sires 8 to 14, 25 cent*. A O B N T -a o u m T I H air Orowwr, I Totnpla Oll, I Foco Croam and dtrac­ tion for aallln«. H Um B a t n OH. I Rhanpoo. ! Pron in « Gifts that bring convenience to Mother, comfort to Father, happy hours to the youngsters. (iifts that will add constantly to the joy of life throughout the coming year . . . pleasing, prac­ tical gifts always. Make I his An Electrical Christmas! PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Electric Building for Pnmtmcm. Dept. Oklahoma City, Okla. POR SALE ALL STORES M c C o y P ablicatioaa, 1MH Paul a» «d k $ ......... «and ms I tarns mmtmt * ( K s s s j NAHM. ......... >•••••••••«•••••• ••• Portland, Oregon Other Stores at Salem, Oregon City, Hillsboro, Gresham, St. Helens and St. Johns, Oregon, and Vancouver, Wash. S. D. LYONS 316 M. Cantra] errr .................................................. Jm u t — N u m b e r s mm m b u m u 4 M this n ! tf * “ » n i M } «■ JM I 4 I t V M M t t It M M U M It M M M I t a* m *4 IT M M at ■ m ATTEN TIO N ! APARTMENT BUILDERS! ARCHITECTS— LOAN COMPANIES— BROKERS A chance to make m oney; beat aerve city'* grow th — plus safe ln r i° , e *n Weat Side apartm ents or hot«l «¡tea Near Hall C ollege— Eleventh and T w elfth Streets. Term*. F o r particulars, a e e .............. J" J. II. EDW ARDS