THE ADVOCATE mm An Voi. 26—No. 11. IN TWO SECTIONS In d e p e n d e n t P e p e r D e v o te d to th e In te r e s t« PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, of th e ------------— P eo p le SECTION I. 1929. —* PRICE: 5 CENTS COURT UPHOEDS WILL; FISK RECEIVES $100,000 MOB LYNCHES WHITE PRISONER IN SOUTH m HAYES IN PERFECT FORM , 'FLU, OR N. Y. RECITAL NEW TRIUMPH JEWS TO RESCUE FOR MR. HAYES AS CHRISTIANS DRAW COLOR LINE COURT U I’ H O l.D S WILL BEOUEATHING & 10 0 .0 0 0 TO FISK Si Louis, Mu •(( NS)-Nov. 32 The wil »ml testament ol I hr Ule Dr J it K McCIrllanil, Iironiinrnt surgeon »1 lint city, »h uh IrIt lilt entire n l i l r ol »100,000 to H»k University, was upheld in C'ircuil Court l»»l week. A llrr a hearing ol four days the jury rrlurnrtl a verdict upholding thr will of the (Iterated man, which off hit relatives with ft oo l ive hrothert, a titter and two nie- ret who were contesting the will, were thockrd at thr jury's verdict, which was inllurnred hy trtiiinony to the ef­ fect that Dr. Oral McClelland, one of the hrothert petitioning that the will be tel aside, had plundered thr tale OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Arthur Nelson cele­ brated their tilth wedding anniver­ sary on November 18 , at their home, »07 I ait lllh St , N. A large number of friends were present and many beautiful presents were received The bouse was decorated in autumn leaves and blossoms. The program which was conducted by Mrs. Il C. Itaker Consisted of selected readings given by A. E ilrowne from the subject, "A Woman's Mind", The hostess was as­ sisted by Mrs K l; Morrison, Mrs. Polly Paries and Mrs. W. II. Ruth­ erford An rnjoyful time was had by all. "The Golden Howl”, a pageant of world brotherhood, pressented at the tity Auditorium last Wednesday night under thr direction of Mrs Ruth Mougey Worrell, was witnessed by vast throng which expressed its ap­ preciation by prolonged and generous applause “ The C o n g o Episode", played by members of Mt. Olivet, hirst /ion and llcthel Churches, was said to be of a very high order. The Rev. J 1 .. Cailon, as ‘‘ Kinda’', thr African laborer, was especially good, is was Mrs Coretha I- I-ovell, as "Loti" his wife. Mr. Clarence Ivey, is “ Wegenia", the Christian was also very good. Others having prominent parts were; Louise llelard. as "M an­ ila", the daughter of Kinda; llernicc Williams, another daughter; Joe Mills, his son, Mrs Dolly Panes, thr wife of \Wgeuia; Rev. T M Bundy, as the Missionary; Mr. George M. Payne, as "T ati" the singing evangelist; and Mr Toby Johnson, as thr messenger. LIKES THE ADVOCATE Rev A M. Mayer sent his check for a year's suhscripfion to The Advo­ cate and says; "I enjoy your publica­ tion very much and am happy that I am a subscriber". Rev. Mayer is the Rector and Trras tirer of the Sanctuary of Our Sorrow­ ful Mother. FOOT BALL CAME! '^onitc UNIVERSITY of HAWAII (All rights Reserved by the Advocate) Full mast with the Colors- Give thanks and sing- New York City-(CNS)-Nov. 23 -Ro- To our Bountiful Giver- , land Mayes scored another triumph in For e v.ry good thing- The nation's thanksgiving- By Elizabeth Cole To our Father above- Especially in the winter—colds, flu For Mis manifold bleasings- or what have you? Are you one of the And Mia infinite love. many men or women who are con stantly taking cold and feeling mis Chorua eralde? , Sing aloud and with gladness- The common cold for years has been dismissed as being a minor ali Thanksgiving is here- Thy guidance and blessings- ment. Yet it is really a serious handi cap not only to health but to industry Are with us each year, It can be the presursor to influenza Oh Bountiful Giver- United we Stand- Giving thanks unto Thee- All over thr land, For thr blessings of life- Mope, peace, joy and love- And thr flag of our nation From the Father above. Tuberculosis K ill s MRS. SALME STEWART HONORED UNIVERSITY of OREGON Prevent infection! Treat ev ery c u t, w o u n d or »cratch with this power­ ful non-poisonous anti­ septic. Zonite actually k ills germ s. Helps to heal, too. STADIUM PORTLAND SATURDAY—2 P- M. PORTLAND PEOPLE SEE FOOTBAL GAME A party of ten, enjoyed a sumtuous dinned last Saturday at the (lose of the ltonie-Coming game played a t University of Oregon between U of O and OSC. The party was com­ posed of Misses Nellie Franklin, and Miss Louise Lewis, University of Ore­ gon students. Misses Alfreds and K a ­ therine Franklin, Misses Violet and Gwendolyn Mnokrr, Messrs Yancy Franklin and George Cannady, Mrs. Pendleton and Mrs. E. D. Cannady A delicious turkey dinner with all the "trimmings" was served in buffet style The dinner was taken ready cooked to I'ugene hy the young Portland people and served at Miss Franklin's lovely apartments. Upon their return home, the PoPrtland party stopped in Salem to see the Maxwell family. The trip was very enjoyable in every respect. One of the smartest affairs of the season was the dinner dance given by Dahlia Temple, Daughter Elks, on the Rattleship Oregon Thursday night. Mrs Ada McGill, well-known cateress was in charge of arrangements and the affair was very enjoyable. A million and a half dollars a day M o m than 3oo new Bell tele­ phone buildings are going up this year in the United States, 800,000 additional telephones are going into use and new switchlxiards to care for .1,°°°,- 000 additional t all* a day.Thou­ sands o f miles o f new cable, millions o f miles o f wire, new carrier systems, vacuum tidies and loading coils. These sre a few of the things in the I9I9 construction and improvement program of the Bell System which will cost more than 550 million dollars— a million and a half a day. Telephone growth is essential to the new American civiliza­ tion of better opportunity for the average man. l hc Bell Sys­ [•O'] tem employs more than 400,000 workers, is owned hy 450,000 stockholders, and serves the people of the nation. Every day the Bell System ia extending its lines to more peo­ ple, increasing the'speed and accuracy of its service, giving greater comfort and conveni­ ence in telephone use. All of this is done that each individual may get the moat from this means of all inclusive and in­ stantaneous communication and that the nation may he one nnghhurhixxL Thia ia part of the telephone ideal that any­ one, anywhere, shall he able to talk (jsiickly and at reaaonable cost with anyone, anywhere else. There ia no standing still in the Bell System. T h e P a c if ic T e l e p h o n e A nd T e l e g r a p h C o m p a n y BELL SYSTEM O nt P olity - Ont System - U niversal Strok* 1 out o f 5 Bayonne, N. J. Nov. 22-(CNS)-The bubble of Christian love and brother­ hood was punctured once more by the white hyperites who preach, but do not practice it, when Miss Doretta Cote Norman, a colored high school student, was barred from use of th# swimming pool in the Y.W .C.A. of this city. Miss Norman, who is a pupil at the Staten Island High School, appeared at the Y.W. two weeks ago with her class, which consists mostly of white girls, for a swimming lesson. She was told not to return. Her mother, Mrs. Dora Cole Norman, a teacher in P. S. 21, Elmo PPaPrk, S. I. pro­ tested. and as a result the Jewish Cen­ ter at Staplton, S. I. invited Miss Nor­ man to use its facilities. Miss Nor­ man accepted and with her went her entire class consisting mostly of white girls. « 4 5 t f t i l uba Jit bttuten 1 5 t n J New York City-(CNS)-M rs. Salhe W. Stewart, president of the Nation­ al Association og Colored Women, was elected fourth vice-president of the National Council of Women at the biennial meeting of the organization which met in the Grand Central Pal­ ace, November 4 -». While the Na­ tional Association has had member­ ship in the National Council for thirty years this is the first time that a mem­ ber of the colored group has held of­ fice in the national council. v t. F o r C u t« a n d W o u n d s WHOLE CLASS STRIKES It is the enemy of steady em­ ploym ent, high w ages and prosperity. For tuberculosis strikes during the most pro­ ductive years of life. Help «1 to rout /tb en tla a i BU Y CHRISTMAS SEALS T h e N elio n tl. Sttte and Local Tuberculosis A n u n a i i o a i o l the t a ile d Scalei pneumonia, tuberculosis of the lungs, and other really serious diseases. Even if none of these follow a cold, the whole system has become run-down so that it takes several weeks to build it up again. Business suffers absences caused by colds more than from all other re spiratory diseases put together. Influenza, which is often confused with colds caused 25,000 deaths in the United States during the year 1927 . How many deaths from pneumonia, tubercolsis and other serious diseases followed in the wake of "flu” , our sta­ tistics do not tell, but we know that they were many. Yet these seemingly minor illnesses in the winter can be reducer if peo­ ple will only take the matter of health more seriously. As a matter of fact, health is con tagious and can be “ caught” as ea his first New York appearance of the season Wednesday night, November 13 , in Carnegie Hall. His program included unfamiliar numbers of seventeenth and eighteenth century airs in Italian, a group of French songs and songs in German and English with Negro spirituals for the closing numbers. Mr. Hayes was in good form and sang with his familiar clarity of tone and artistry of enunciation and inter­ pretative effectiveness Storms of ap­ plause greeted his every appearance, and called for a series of encores. The Dream" front Massenet's "Man- on”, a charming number sung as an encore to the French group was per­ fectly suited to his voice and style. ATTRACTS MANY YOUNG PEOPLE Feenamint The Laxative Ton Chew Like Goat No Taste But the Mint Make TRIPLE TRIANGLE CLUB Por Hand’s 9 lea»c Pay Your Subscription Own TRY MADAM BURCH'S Store Your SIXTH à O LIS AN S T R U T S PORTLAND, O U D EPUTY Brother S H E R IF F IS D EA D of Officer Condemn! S h o p p in g H e a d p u a rte rs f fo t - r FAMOUS BEAUTY AIDS Strawberry Cream— gives you that velvety com­ plexion. Bleaching Cream— takes tan off. Burch’s Wonderful Hair Grower . . . guaranteed to grow luxur­ iant hair. Hair Dressing makes hair slick, soft and silky. On Sole at . . . RICHARDSON’S CONFECTIONERY In the Golden West Hotel Investigate Episode. Eastland, Tex., Nov. *0.-(AP)-De- nouncing the action of a mob here last night in lynching Marshall Rat­ liff, bank robber. District Judge Da­ venport today ordered an Eastland county grand jury to convene in spe­ cial session tomorrow to make a thorough investigation. The lynching also was condemned by Joseph Jones, county attorney and brother of Deputy Sheriff Tom Jones, who died today of bullet wounds in­ flicted Monday night by Ratliff in his attempt to break jail. The officer said he would prosecute vigorously should indictments be returned. Indications that the investigation would be left entirely in the hards of county authorities was made by Gov­ ernor Moody, who said the state would give any assistance that might be asked. “ Lynching is in violation of the law and it is unfortunate when people take th^ law into their own hands,” was the executive’s comment. Tom Janes, whose fatal wounding by Ratliff caused the enraged mob to take the robber from the jail here, was conscious until he died. After hope for his recovery was abandoned, fellow officers were permitted to group about his bed in a hospital. Each pressed his hand in a last fare­ well. When it came E. P. (Tack) Kil- born's time to whisper goodby, Jones said to the jailer: “ Tack, I stayed with you to the last, but I have to go now.” The officer's 8-year-old son, Billy, also was at the bedside as the end approached. His father admonished him to be a "good boy” . Ratliff died with a prayer for mercy and forgiveness on his lips. Dragged and carried out of the jail he fell to the ground when the rope broke and was stunned. He lay there murmur­ ing: "God have mercy and forgive me.” While the mob awaited a new rope, someone tied a sack about Ratliff's loins. He had been dragged from the prison naked. Before he was pulled up a second time someone asked if he wanted to talk. "Let me down and I'll talk,” Ratliff begged. The rope was lossened, and he said: "Forgive me. boys.” Then the rope drew taut. The body swung for 15 minutes before Justice of the Peace Jim Steele ordered it removed to a morgue. Stag A u d ito riu m THURSDAY EVENING—NOVEMBER 28 Admission 60c Checking Free INDIVIDUAL____ DISTINCTIVE_____ Christmas Cards 9 ____ NOW’S THE TIME TO ORED ADVOCATE PRINTING COMPANY 3 1 2 MacLeav Building 4 0 9 Aliskv Building Law Usurpers; Grand Jury Will Annual Thanksgiving Dance ST A Y OFF CHRISTMAS .WIGHT! Men Buy" AUSPLUND DRUG STORE land Mob at the B r a d f o r d •■s¡Ss¡£Srí C lo th e s $25.00 to Shop $45.00 "W h e r e Young Prisoner Asks Forgiveness of East- Seventeen young men and women held a very heated discussion last Sunday on what theyoung men expect of young women and vice versa. A special book review, What Young men Should Know" by Henry Gtlliard. was very fine indeed. Yells and muaic completed the interesting meeting. Next Sunday at 6:30 sharp. Mrs. Alta Kruger, a very charming young wo­ man and a very fine speaker, will give ly as we can "catch" measles. Here the inspirational address. There will be a short debate; Re- are some of the ways by which we can catch health. We can get sufficient i solved. That Christian Yonng Peo­ rest, that is, relaxation from rountine ple of America have m Ve blessings and enough sleep at night with win­ than any other young People on earth. dows open. If we feel run-down and Affirative: George Cannady and Lillian ssniffly and believe that a cold is Bellard. about to attack us, twenty-four hours Negative: Charles Rawlins and Wa- spent in bed will often put it to flight. ynne Duncan. We can walk in the fresh air or take C. E. Yell, led by Ivan Cannady and some other regular daily exercise. We Charles Rawlins. Special C. E. song can eat simple foods, well-balanced played and led by Lillian Bellard. and regular meals—more fruit, salads Refreshments. Everbody welcome. and vegetables, less heavy meats and rich desserts. We can drink more water, at least six glasses a day. The physically fit person is seldom susceptible to colds—it is usually the man or woman whose resistance has been lowered by fatigue, imprcgier food or careless habits who is the common cold "catcher", One of the most serious results c* a seemingly minor cold can be tuber- eolosis. Neglected colds and coughs are all too frequently danger signs of this disease. It is to make the public more alert to the dangers that may re­ sult from "colds, fluti or what have you," that the National Tubcrcolosis Association and its affiliated associa­ COURT OF CALANTHE’S tions conduct their educational cam­ 0 paign supported by Christmas seals. PERSONALS L O N E L Y M EN A N D W O M EN find happiness through our C 1 u b. Many wealthy members. Particulars sent sealed free. Club. DrawcrC, Hol­ lywood California. E BY TEXAS JUDGE ATwater 1 5 2 5 Phone AT. 0 4 6 6