NOVEMBER I«. li»*». THF . A D V O C A T E PAGE FOU» D AYS AKL GONE FOREVER SOME RESULTS Clink This on Your Compact. OF THE RECENT EASTERN ELECTION ^ ü (-'H VS Washington, Nov. 14 (C N S )—While eye* were turned on N. Y. City at the last election, Negro voters in several cities were casting ballots in successful campaigns for race representation. Particularly important was the result of the city election in Cleveland where four race candidates were elected to 1 oftice. Claybourne George, councilman from the Fourth District, was re -e le c t-, ed to the City Council, where he will be joined by Lawrence O. Payne and Dr. Leroy N. Bundy, succesful candi­ date from the Third District. The fourth victory came in the elec- , tion of Mrs. Mary B. Martin, who de­ feated Mrs. Josephine Reilly (white), ; for membership on the Board of Kdu- , cation. The success of the campaign marks the end o f a strenuous campaign — : which was not without its insidious propaganda. The Color issue was raised by the Citizens’ League, which gave in its bulletin, the color of the j candidates for oftice, w here those can* j didates happened to be Colored. The I bulletin made no reference to race in the case of Jewish, Polish, Irish, Ger man, Italian or Anglo-Saxon candi­ dates. Jesse R. Taylor was elected to the City Council of Buffalo, to represent the Twenty-Third W ard and is the first Colored man to sit in that council. His election was the result of an ani- j mated campaign by Colored citizens. The Negro vote played an import- j ant part in the successful election of Charles Bowles, successful candidate for Mayor of the City of Detroit. The Colored citizens supported him on the strength of his promise to remove Mr j Rutledge. Police Commissioner, who is | blamed for the wanton shooting of ( Colored suspects by the police DW Kk-tV- » ¿ 6 - - - - I'L l IC AVC -T U O roo’c v I UWE YtXHi TYCvJ - YOO'tiC M M O V ß M .- - Y t X X î CO n^LCV U Q O IS" NÜOÄ 00*5- (¿CALIN VA. (OV LOVtLY- n C H A V C NOOK’ enooG ? _________ ic'O/O'X Y O O I C Y A LCiM c ÏKÎ rx FOR R E N T —Newly decorated 7-room house; half block to Williams Ave. car. Reasonable to right party. Call AT. 1525 during week, and GA. 7523 on Sundays. Ask for Mrs. Cannadv.— Adv. v lo r o v e r 35 y e a rs 25 ounces ST A Y O FF CHRISTM AS S IG H T ! PARTICU LA RS LA TE R —Adv. O R R E N T O R S A L E — Five-room cottage, reasonable. Phone A T 1525 for particulars.—Adv. FOR SALE Two very desirable houses for sale, on East Church Street. Terms reason able; one furnished 4-room house for rent, $25 00. Apply to Cannady's Rea! Estate Co., 312 Macleay Building. Tele­ phone ATwater 1525. Obtained. Send model or sketch and we will prom ptly send you a report. Our book on P aten ts and Trade-marks will be sent to you on request. --------- 0--------- Notice to the public UPPOSE you are today paying 50c a tube for S your tootn paste (and there are many very good denti­ frices telling today at that price). Suppose, like most peo­ ple, you buy about twelve tubes during a year. Now if you knew that you could buy as good a dentifrice at can be made and still save each year the price of 25 loaves of bread or 60 bars of soap or 40 pounds of sugar or a box of fine cigars—could you conscientiously fail to take advantage of such an opportunity ? That is exactly what you do when you buy Listerine Tooth Paste at 25c for a large tube. Figure it out for yourti.if. ? LISTERINE T O O T H P A ST E Large Tube 25 C % -(jÈ à à r ^ ^ P o 3 is h For all stomach and intestinal troubles and disturbances due to teething, there is noth­ ing better than a sale Infants’ and Children's Laxative. O r e r 34 Y e a rs * E x p e r i e n c e Da ymi with t* e | l» « ml hMlth till* Uy TO NIC. tiU litll tswgg 4 mew t m thaaa •»»• a r e p e g i e * . w «*X ; K *w It»** !• *"**’ ul,X . t . f a u l rmtla Via, *a *fi %J $ r tm ea r trip le ttrem gth » “ * - C 0 0 I»« P»*»" • mht . Hank o f Ka*l INirllunil (»fit. Vi. Itale« X là».. H ankers Brl.w l»..t CSWMW m . .1 f filia tnl ... M v '*v M U If *•« IM P O R T P R O D U C T » L MU • *• *. CO . 88 Individual Home Treatment Booklet Treatises Now Merchandise Of Merit Only H a l o f thr It achira Security Saving* & Trugt ta». e l T UP Alrungly iicsnub # nl«4 K. W'aeker Drive, Dept Chicago, 111. Q ® J ; ? N a •• y»» 1 he 1^ irst N ational Bank MEN AND WOMEN NEQAIN YOUTH MjankM%s 305 Seventh S t . Washington, D. C- 50c each I'j THE EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair. Will nlso Restore the Strength, Vitality slid the Beauty of tho Hair, If your Hair ia Dry and Wiry, Try— B. tu r, yMt •« defying t h . .Im p ), law ¿ L , Z n 'u 1 ? W ra u r— ,f •* , h * » llm a n ta fro m w hich you autfar. F u 5 , . n . . ! m y V * p rI ' , * r» d • booh la« tra a tla a an a v a r . com m on • llin w g w In - o - v och ono an« th o c eauoo. o ffo ct and and th th an en th# th e d d efln o flm lt« ta . llm ” on t, . to ............ r v on« i u i i , arTect hom e tr e a tm e n t th e II a M l a t i_ __ g ______ " a rt it tr a a trn a n t th a * t will In b rin g in a bo u « t a cu ra. Y ou ' n fo rm V 1,on ° r- M cCo y fllvaa to th ou aan da o f p atlo n to In p rlv a to p r a c tic o . T h e ta b o o k le ts m ay sa v a vou fro m an o p aro tlon or o th o r o ft un nacoooory o u fforlna and w ill halp g l y you « M la ta n c o an d ra lla f you aro aoeklnp. ~Jm 2 ^ " ' ' * - ? ' k* * f J 7A. " Í T * 1* A— Z -S — m km mm B e r i n g F. a M. / — ee m e r e East India Hair Grower Z M IZ W mor b . » attm ek. P L O M I, T ke Lai k em w f A n g s is s , krm m JU n g CaL If you sre bothered t»ib Falling Dandruff, Itching Hoalp, or any Hair Trouble, we went yon to try a ja r of I RANT INDIA IIAIK GROW KB. The ■remedy contains medical properties thnt |go to the roots of tho Hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with • Imlni o f a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Henvy and Beautiful Hlaek Kye Brows also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Con be used with Hot Iron for Htrnightening. WHAT EL\CH BOOKLET CONTAINS t . N v p l.f i.t lo « o f th « w h k h you ar# auffarlng. *- • r» Ï m m o m M um of th * — ^ . n t . fro m A d afin Ito c o m m o n u n u hom o tro a t m ont la auggoatad for Î U 'T1" 0 •b®“, •ur® 01 ,h» «»mont. T glvtm . h* b ,,b — _ • x o ro l.ln g («ir«re»«m IB u .tro U d ) . u Here is the List: «»—rtotolmn I* — f e e * T rs a M s mmi Fs Ilea Acabas b*— Oaitstsass . Prastatla Dissetar* 6 —fafVa 15—Hair Tra (araaAaa SO—«Haa tasti*« M "R istata 13— Oa-Hurs GIVE SOMETHING ELECTRICA!......... II—Aa»usl Wt («a la i (• a la la « a#) Price Sent by Mail, 60c; 10c nanna («svia 41— T mm M i « l i m i » W— Diabetes * * — Tafcarsalaal# a l tba •«afa You will never make a mistake if you remember your friends with F.lectrical Gifts at Christmas time. Electrical Appliances are practical, useful every day in the year, and they help to make the modern home more livable and attractive. l ull Line to Fit Every Purse and Purpose We are selling service as well as commodities. PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Electric Building Portland, Oregon Other Stores at Salem, Oregon City, Hillsboro, Gresham, St. Helens and St. Johns, Oregon, and Vancouver, Wash. for They provide complete liiinkina. financial, trust and safe ileiwisit services for more than 80,000 in- dividuals, firms, business houses nnd industries. ;; Their resources total over $57,000,000.00. ; : S yrup *2750 CA SH — Small 7-room house, Alberta district, 50x100 lot. garage, full cement basement. Near school, i GA. 3405. Pleate Pay Y our Subtcription th e ir ric h fin l.h with J j r 1 'o li'h . It f l r z i u p olU liv»— w ith « p e e j s a fe ty . #-,»*. b o I tic , 3 0 c ¡ 1 2 O l., O jc . M R S .W i N S f t O W ’S D. SWIFT & CO. -0 ~ A reindeer dinner was given by Geo. Armstrong, honoring the Joy M.iker» I'lnb, at the borne of Mr». Joint l'~ Purulent I »l\v. rxl Boyce, o í the Palmer, 2 is S. Washington »treet, F ri­ Pori Unii Hotel i » ha* been kept at day evening, October 31. Miss Mar home for the U« I week, tin victim garet Sanford of Boulder Hot Spring» of a severe colti. was the guest of honor. The spacious j rooms were decorated with Hallowe'en colors and emblems. Black cats, gob Filitene Fair, captain of hell hop* at litis, ghosts and scarecrows were every The Portland, and a veteran of the where in evidence 'I lie unusually at* j World War, celebrated \rntuiicr Hay tractive table was centered with a Urge ! with the othe vetean* ■ pumpkin, the fawns and decorations carrying out the black and orange col 'o r scheme. Mrs. Doris 11. Holmes the president, made a talk on the Reindeer. The white bell hop win* wa* con­ | Covert were placesl for fourteen. Fat victed on a charge of iMMttletnpnx joying Mr. Armstrong's hospitality »ere Federal Court lai»t week, wax paroled! 30c to $ 1.00 Msdmt l Johnson, i W alks* I Pal­ It» bit lawyer. A colore bell hop, for uf a ll Ja u le ra d H me r It Jiin cs. Messrs Win Ashley, the >ame »»rifeiixe. xome time a«»», wra» }. Carter. R Bryant, R. Brown, R xent to tail for >ix month* The fault | appears to have been the failure ot I ! Howard \V. Cruise The Joy Makers Club was organized lu.s lawyer to .»xk for a parole. September '.‘7, at the A M K church, in which nine persons answered the call The following officers were elected: Mrs. Doris 1- Holmes, president: R. Brown, secretary; Mr-. Inez Walker, treasurer; James Carter, first sice pres.; 1 William Ashley, chairman of Ways and Means Committee; Mrs. Kstella Pal­ mer. chaplain. Other officers were elected at the second meeting. The Club is an auxiliary to the church and community. The number of mem­ T H E K K ’S frifttillv an il iiilrrt*»l«“er 14. from 12 to » p.m. The dinner is 50c and the public is invited. VY. S. Badger of Gearhart, motored to Portland Wednesday to get Mrs. Badger who cattle up last week to at tend the Stock Show and to visit rela ■ l tives and friends. They returned home I in the afternoon. Mrs C. F. Cantrell has Iwen indis­ posed the past week with an attack of pleursy. ,, AT ALL D R tG C IS T S _____ P A T E N T L A W Y E R S ---------- I lf < * I PlANOS *nd fine fnm ltnre PATENTS c : fc- V^Polish M IL L IO N S O F PO U N D S U S E D B Y O U R G O V E R N M EN T F o r C O LD S, C O L G IIS S o re th roat, m u scular rheumatic aches & pains ' O ië d a r USE LESS k .r fi O t c e. : Wild k j Use for 25c than of high priced brands custom built rrujdel made b> Brunswick. Balke. CoJlender Com pany on exh ib i­ tion at the Brun-vwick Salon on Fifth 1 Avenue, visited by thousands of New ! Yorkers, as well as hundreds of out-of- towners, who having heard of the won- j derful machine, come to sec. tu hear. ; and to buy. " The machine shown in the photo- GONE F O R E V E R ! clean, bright, sparkling Furniture Sam e P rice >TAY O FF CHRISTM AS S IG H T ' PARTICULARS LA TER — Adv M ARRY—I have a mate for yon. Mem bers worth from $¿000 to $05.000. Photos free. Chib. Mrs. Stephen;, Box 1430, Hollywood, Cal. ARC THEM DAYS HOTEL NOIES B U T T E , MONT. By Mr». Doris L. Holme* Fit For a Maharajah’s Palace graph with V alan e Raem eter is fit to grace th e halU of the most fastidious. It is th e most sum ptious piece of work turned out by the manufacturers ol the Brunsw ick talking machines A M ah arajah , a King, an Em peror would indeed be proud to have such a machine in their palace Hundreds of Americans, regardless ol the fact th at this, the world’s most expensive talking machine is priced at are the proud possessors of this work of art This m asterpiece of engineering, combining j the radio with the talking machine is a f; >Y The World's Most Expensive Talking Machine T h e y a re building them b etter and b etter every year Regardless of th e statem ent bv m any wise acres th at th e R adio had »petled th e death knell of th e talking m achine. there never was a better dem and for th e better tvpe talking m achine than there is tod ay. T h e reason for th is is self ex ident T he radio is used because it brings news of th e day together w ith music and en te r­ tainm ent The radio, however, cannot tak e the place of any of th e permanent recordings of favorite songs, favorite singers, or the fav orite entertainers. Fo r this reason. Brunsw ick, in th is, their latest type Panatrope with radio, have incorporated new ideas, new dis­ coveries and new designs of m otors and reproducers, as well a s sounding boxes, th a t in th e past were unknown. T \ l-> * Local News Mr. Ross, of Seattle, was a pleasant caller at The Advocate oftice Thurs­ day. 5 t .r T )J i - 4 $ - - Turnara af Ufaría 44— Varlaaaa Vaiaa f c —WalaM (fiala! 4fi—VMfI - I O ll, O ll, tion fo r AI.KNT'S OUTFIT H a ir G row er, I Tavnpl# I S ham poo, I Praaalnfi I F a re C ream and d irec­ f o r a c llln g , $2. 25c E x tr a Poetava. Extra for Postage S. D. LYON S 318 N. Central Dept. Oklahoma City, Okla. B FOR SA LE A LL STORES la a * t « t o c k a d th a n y o u J u a t o r d e r d iro o t e m 00 u p o n b e lo w . McCoy Publication*, Inc. 1101 Builder* Exehang* B id s. Lo* Ane*lM, Calif. EmclomJ m t ....... tend me | a H l / hem worked * (SOt mj NAUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADDRESS CITY aaaaaaaeaaam aaaaanaa«a ..............................................................« l i is * i u in n 11 n i n n 1 4 I « T 11 u 11 1 « i u H it i n h 11 »I II 14 •• U I I 40 41 41 a 44 4 B 44 4 » 44 4 S M U M M \ 5 « II M II M r » 17 U Juet Number « on above Uet and dreie the you want on thie coupon. ATTEN TION ! APARTMENT BU IL D E R S! ARCHITECTS- LOAN COMPANIES— BROKERS A chance to make money; best serve rity ’» grow th—plu* nafe investment in closcin W est Shin apartm ents or hotel site*. Near Hall College -Eleventh anil Tw elfth Street«. Term *. Fo r particular«, « e e ............... J . H. EDW ARDS