SEPTEM RER II, 1M9 THE ADVOCATE PAGE THREE Famous slo-baked bread comes to town tomorrow! It comes to women here recommended by the entire nation. It will be on sale at all grocery and delicatessen stores. Read the remarkable story below. ITS slo - baked This is the delicious bread that has become the favor­ ite, above all others, in ten million American homes. Now for local housewives, the loaf that has won its way to the tables of ten million American homes. introduce to women here a delicious new bread. A remarkable bread that is today sold from coast to coast and is conceded by food economists to be the nation’s finest loaf, i Beginning tomorrow morning you will be able to buy this bread. Practi­ cally every grocery store in town— yours among them—will have it on the counter, and if the rest o f the nation is any test it will be instantly popula.. 'This new bread is called Wonder Bread anil comes to you recom­ T omorrow wc mended by literally m illions of American women. Once you try it you’ll sec immedi­ ately why it is different from any other bread you’ve ever served. You’ll find it has an entirely new taste flavor. It slices quickly and easily no matter how thin it is cut. As the new-day bread for toast it knows no equal. With it you will largely avoid burned edges. Every slice is an even, golden brown. All these things this new bread brings you. So ask your grocer to­ morrow for the new Wonder Bread. MAKE THIS TOAST TEST T t k e a slic e o f t h i s t lo - b a k e d b re a d a n d a slice o f t h e b re a d y o u n o w u s e . T o a s t b o t h s a m e le n g th of tim e . T h e W o n d e r B re a d w ill b e b ro w n e d e v e n ly . No sc o rc h in g . No b u r n e d e d g e s . T h e o t h e r slice w ill b e o n ly p a r ti a l l y b ro w n e d . Ten million women in other cities join us in urging you to do this. To maintain its remarkable quality day after day, we go to great lengths. W e employ a large staff o f food WONDER BREAD COMES TO PORTLAND THIS CERTAINLY SOUNDS LIKE A f in e experts who will test the ingredients used in Wonder Bread. W e will use specially milled short patent flour. Made from the most nutritious part o f the wheat—the very heart of the wheat berry. Double the usual quantity of milk will be used. Every drop pasteurized. And then, every loaf of Wonder Bread will be baked by a special method o f baking—slo-baking it is called. A proven scientific way that seals in the utter goodness of the in­ gredients. Improves the flavor. And prolongs the freshness. A careful dietetic analysis has es­ tablished Wonder Bread as one of the cheapest and most efficient body fuels. Containing, as it does, energy- Told in Pictures Continental Baking Co. i-OG »CABIN BAKERY 265 Ivy St, Portland FACTS About slo-baked Wonder Bread EVEN MY CHILDREN NOTICE bread " 7 QUICK calories and body-building proteins. Also calcium to strengthen growing bones and teeth. Hence Wonder Bread is wisely rec­ ommended for children. Dietitians everywhere acclaim its dietetic worth. So we urge you to go to your grocer’s first thing in the morning. You’ll find lots o f women there. Many o f them neighbours o f yours who are reading this same advertise­ ment tonight. Ask him for Wonder Bread. Then take it home and judge it for yourself. Observe its advantages. N ote how firm and tender it is. How long it re­ tains its freshness. You’ll be delighted. THE d i f f e r e n c e " 1. Every loaf slo-baked to seal In delicate flavor and to prolong the freshness. 2. Toasts quickly to an even, gold­ en brown. 3. Rich in vital food elements for growth and energy. There are over 1100 calories in every loaf. 4. Made of specially milled short patent flour. Only the heart of the wheat berry is used. THIS NEW BREAD A LW A YS PLEASES WOMEN W O N D ER B R E A D C O M E S T O T O W N I “ I Iliin k I'll tr y t h i s n ew b r e e d . I t o f t e n m o re t h a n a n y o t h e r I h a v e ev er h e a r d of. I t l e e n i i t o h e j u s t t h e b re a d fo r t h e c h il d r e n t o e a t . N o m a t t e r h o w h a r d I t r y I c a n ’t h e a u r e th e y a re g e ttin g a ll t h e c o r re c t d i e t e ti c e le m e n t# . W o n d e r B re a d w ill t a k a c a re o f t h a t . ” (By Rev. 1C. Stewart, I). 1)., of New York City, N. Y., Reporter for the Convention.) Dr, J. W. Anderson of Portland, Ore., was redectcd Regional Secre­ tary of flic National Baptist Con­ vention, IL S. A., and transporta­ tion manager of railroads for the entire Convention. lie was elected as all of the oflieers of the Con Y O UR G R O C E R W IL L HA VE IT I “ Yea, M a 'a m . A f r e s h lo a f of W o n d e r. T h is b re a d w ill a /u ’oys he fr e s h . I t is d e liv e re d in m y e to re , y o u se e , e a rly In t h e m o r n in g a n d i n t h e a f te r n o o n . T h a t w ay y o u 're s u r e of g e ttin g a fre s h lo a f a n y t i m a o f t h a d a y y o u n a a d i t . ” volition, by acclaim. Dr. Anderson reported to his board and in His annual report to the Convention as having raised $(18,992 up to date for church work of the Convention and $0,904 for needy work. He left Norfolk Monday the 9th at H:45 p. m., en route for home, lie will preach for the Kbcncczar Baptist church in Chicago, III. Dr. C. 11. 5. Double the usual quantity of milk is used. And every drop is pasteurized. Y O U R F A M IL Y W IL L S E E T H E D IF F E R E N C E ! " W h y . M o th e r , s u c h d e lic io u s t o a s t I E very slic e la t h e s a m e . A n d it t a s t e s j u s t a s good p la in . I t s e e m s lik e a d if f e r e n t b r e a d . D id y o u b u y a n e w k i n d t o d a y ? I t ’s so good why c a n ’t we H ava it a lw a y s ? ” Clark, pastor. It is the largest Baptist church in the country. He will preach at 11 a. nt. Sunday. September 15 and at the North Clark Street ' (Baptist church at 8 p. in. He will till the pulpit of the Shiloh Baptist church of fhis city Sunday at 3 p. m. Dr. J. Edward Wood, of Dan­ ville, Ky., was reelected president. Good Housekeeping Approves New Bread W O M E N JU S T C A N ’T K E E P T H E NEW SI “ Y ou o u g h t t o t r y t h a t n e w W o n d e r B re a d l Y ou k n o w h o w lo n g I h a v e u se d m y r e g u la r k in d , a n d y e t t h i s n e w b re a d t a s te s so d e li­ c io u s a n d d o e s t o m u c h fo r t h e c h ild r e n I c a n ’t a ffo rd n o t t o u s e i t . O u r g ro c e r has it. 6. All ingredients tested for qual­ ity, purity and nutritive value. 7. Delivered to your grocer’s, oven- fresh, morning and afternoon. We know the women here in town are keenly interested in the new Wonder Bread that goes on sale in the stores tomorrow. And we know they will be even more anxious to try it when they know that this slo-baked bread has been heartily endorsed by Good Housekeeping Magazine. It is stamped with that STAR of approval women have learned to trust. Signifying, as it does, absolute purity and quality of food products. Naturally, we are proud to recom­ mend such a bread to the women of this city. You ought to try a loaf today.” Dr. Ira M. Hendon of Chicago was elected assistant railroad tianspcSr- tation manager to Dr. Anderson. There arc about 0,000 delegates and visitors in attendance at the con­ vention. as the guests of Mrs. Patterson’s mother, Mrs. I. J, Fuller. The) arc touring the Northwest and have made stops throughout Canada. Washington and they also visited Yellowstone National Park. Miss Patterson operates a beauty parlor Mrs. G. F. Patterson and daugh­ at her home in Indiana. ter, Miss Blanche M. Patterson, of Indiana, were recently in Portland Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith enter- tained at three tables of whist at sharing a brief time here among their home, 8105 39th avenue, Tues­ relatives and friends, they will con­ day evening, complimenting Mrs. tinue their trip home. Mrs. Turner Bertha Turner and her sister, Mrs. and Mrs. Holt usually motor each Saidie Holt, both of Pasadena. Cal. summer to Portland. They are the The ladies are en route home after house guests of Mesdames W. F. an extensive trip including their old Smith and also of their cousin, Mrs. home in Indianapolis, Ind. St. Paul, Ilia Fuller. Mrs. Turner is the Chicago and other interesting cities best known and perhaps the most were visited, including Seattle. After successful catercss on the coast.