II.L U H T R A T K D K K A T 1 /RK S K C T IO N bie aiel primitive fasliam tion of the radio see very eWecpvetf For tilts lie is sew ten fed to Uie con­ and beautifully Interspersed through­ vict labor gang. A year goes by. and out the picture. the levee which protects Uie lowlands 'H allelujah." Uie firs* all Negro from the fury of Uie river U In dari- dramatic Dim ever made, and p ro­ ; gar Zeke and his gang go to work duced by M etro-Doldwyn-Mayer Is ■ t> save a Uireatened portion of the fertatn to please as one of Uie best dyke At night, chained together, ; things ever slwnvn on the silver screen .the conviru are engulfed by Uie since the inauguration of sound ri e >.I Zeke is freed, and at the risk IIH C of his life returns to take hla fellow I prisoners from Uielr ciiains Swimming to an island, /eke. one * more tilled with faith In himself, ¡comforts the Iruflilened refugees with prayi-r Tlie waters cease rising. I/mg and dusty u the way to home, | but /eke. banjo in hand and a song M fits llj»s. goes tenor There he rests his head on Mammy's breast. Ids younger brottiers cluster about him. Missy l i c e exchanges a smile of tender uuderstandltc: with him Par­ son Johnson lays a hand in blessing or his head /eke has come home I A Brief Screen Review j Daniel Haynes Is starred He Is a flnlstied dramatic actor and jerssesses a clear and pleasing baritone voice. Nina M a" McKinney Is co-starred She la charming In Uie coquettish role of Chick. She Is sincere, spark­ ling. and succeeds in developing tlie fullest possibilities of every scene In Uie later serious moments of the play site Is equ-lly as natural and con­ vincing as site Is In the vivacious earlier scenes Kverrtt M cOarrity, though given only a small |»art. dors as fine work us has been seen In a short bit on Uie screen. T h e scene In which he saves fits broUier and is accidentally sliot. Is an intensely dramatic one T h e members oi Uie supporting cast are exceedingly able The types are splendidly true to life and well acted T lie story, by Wanda Tuchock. Is UiteresUng and comjjelhng Southern plantation scenes give a ver, uvid picture o f the Houtii and King C ot­ ton Defects are not easily found in the direction of King Vidor, and. though he lias commanded many ex­ traordinary screen stones, "H allelu­ jah'' will rank among his master N I»* >1« KruiM 'T D a n ie l I U h m *« M u f f T i a ll N ngro d r i n u ~ lf allelu iali.** ' II I I I Kl l J \U - \ Metro <*«»Mwrn Mayrr Picture « w r o r i n %aA«-r»;ai /.K&R ........... I>«iiirI |. Iliynn OKU * M rm M m McKti HUT Mi«i/r . wnium r<*uniaii»e r a Harry *»••» MAMMY rannhr HHI* l)-K n i«h t fl*KIVK Mlfur *«»<« JotfMMoN Kit VS ktrrrii m oarrtty Vi. ton« MllltMi IMi I r|*.»M Molwfl O mi |I i Waller Tail aw i » im xir jtmrt n u n h i i m UiiarKd bj King Vldnr Krfini•« by Wanda TVrhork Treatment bf m-liaij n.liayrr IMaliigue by KiiiMim Hi demit lMioi«»* r a bf OorduO AvU _ Kltin Kdlt<»r Hugh Wynn HIT1X iKY Origlual at-My (« ten'll TH E STO RY IIK colt.m pick.rig la nearing its rml ut llic little .I o I iiiao II iiliini.it ion I’.n ion Jolin.w>ii. Mummy Jolinwm M l.. Ibso*. ttieir ailopU'd (I uuk I i U t . ltoy the bent loved «Ml ami the Miiallrsl bovs. . if i n ami Ho. Inn k are wot knot hard, singing Join Inn tlv in they near the end oi thrir ln.it few ruvn Only /.eke. tlio loafer, the gnnd-fm •nolilltig memher of tin* fumlly, picks cotton til lin|ilia/uinl faihlon. illstrscttiig the rent of the lamlly with tils comedy f || I I a im ! W M lU m F im n U h t f In i r g a m b lin g p la o r %rrnr In M e tr o ( iroldwy n - pieces The Negro spirituals which have become s » popular since the innova­ alillea Hut. even hla kail lay cannot long delay tile harveal, atul axin it is .ill »t«rrd and ready to or bnmglil to the yin. On Uie iieut day M e and Boy net out txyelher to .veil tlie cotton n irou yh Hoy \ slirewilnrw lliey yet a yi»«1 mini for their harvest hut on h o way back from cashing the pay up. Zeke t. enticed t>v chick, a sensuous little yelkiw yirl. Into a yarning hall A flitht starts and Hoy who has come to seek out his older I arother U accidentally sliot dead ?>ke returns home wltll Hoy's body , in the wayon All tilyht lony the Johnson's keen .heir grief Into the niyht. /.eke tears Ills breast In iienltent furv begging forylvenoss. When hla father fur- ylves him. imintlng out a cliarlot of f i r ’ In tile nuani-Hooded sky. /.eke is converted " He pkelyrs himself to aid Ills lather In the saving of souls A year passes A new redeemer Is rummy to hold a revival ceremony at a Nritro town Cluck and Hlukum. her s|>ortiny-man lover, recount«. tlie rrdeenied as /.< ke They lauot him as lie rides, like Jesus, on an avi /eke Jumps from Ills mouj.t and cows them wltli Ins stern faftli In the strength of his religion T h at night at tlie rrvival meeting. Cluck Is the last to l»anisli I( o i i d ||. Muddy Skii:! “ T h e y alw ays called me a tom lioy when I w a i young, herause m y skin was so dark and blotch y/' said the letter of a school teacher. ‘.'But when i got older I know they said I w as m erely ugly. T h en I tried G old en Peacock Bleach C rente, and I sim ply can't teli you what a wonderful difference it hsa made. I put it on m y face one evening arwl in tlie morning, as if b y magic, m y face waa whiter and clearer. In a few days the ugliness was all gone.” A n y drug or departm ent store will sell you G olden Peacock Bleach Crem e. D o n 't wait another d ay to enjoy its wonderful results. M on ey back if you're not satisfied. AdW enftacock VJ Bleach Creme he "saved." Iiolding out stubhwmly against /ekes plea that she Jump ott Uie Black Diamond Kxpreas to Hell and settle In tlie town, Kejientance Finally she is converted, but when she Ls alone with tlie revivalist site tempts him and lie succumbs to her charms On the train, yomy away from tlie city, /eke. who knows that Missy Hose Ins foster sister, has loved hun. asks her to marry him. planning to u e her us a bulwark against Chick s fascination. Bid Chick has secreted herself on the trum and ayain /.eke cannot resist hrr They are discov­ ered together by Mammy who lashes Cluck with a whip A little later. Chick touches the welt left by Mam­ my's whip with pride, as she and /eke Jump oil the train together. In tlie pine sawmill /eke slaves to keep Chick III luxury. Chick how­ ever, now that she has succeeded In winning /.eke, lias grown tired of him and longs to return to Slickum. When Slickum and she dually flee together. Zcke chases alter their horse and buckbiard on foot. T lie buckboard is wrecked in a cyp res swamp ami Cluck killed Then Zeke tracks down Slickum in the depths of tlie swamp and kills him m horn- KAN/A/Cm - 7 * * * " * ' » « ' 'm v * * ^ , ( J y L f I\K1 . folks. Is one of the smartest dancing J o * teams on Broadway and in big time vaude­ ville. Dainty little Mae Brown and Garland flow* aid, stellar dancers in ' Sun Up" at tlie l.afaycttt Theatre .in New York VO U 'LL h old you r hotkey-girl ju s t a lit t le t ia h te r w h f ii * yo u *trp o ff to th e t a n t a lis in ' t u n e « o i " S H A N G H A I H O N E Y r iO O N " as giv en o u t by th e K a n M i C ity S to m p e r* Y o u a in ’t h ea rd any m o re r o m a n tic o rie n ta l m u iic in a Ion | tim e A n d y o u 'll e n jo y "GOOD FEELIN' BLUES’ ’ b y th e sam e m u sic m a ker*, w h ic h Is o n th e o th e r aide H E A R T H I S RECORD TODAY! t»raceful. beautifully dressed and. as the spotlight plays on them, you can’t help but notice that both have such soft, silky, lovely hair. Beautiful bair, like that, doesn’t just happen. It is the result oi constant care and the regular use of Wjtinc / ftiir Dressing You can have hair like that \nd \ou will love to use Wovine It is delightfully perfumed and bring* hair beauty so quickly. The first jar, pi ire 25c, will convince you. At your druggist’* or by mail. The Bon» Co., Perfumert. B«rnungliam. Ait Shanghai Honeymoon Good Feelin* Blues • • d a r * K ha a a a 't t a p p l r •« dAreat. 7$o Sèrwruwici^ Fo* Trot* p ia r «a la or d f a r j o w . 7091 RACE Kansas City Stompers RECORDS fm-cauw \htyu HOT/* M — Ja.w r.rf 1, T H f M l NSWK-V « A l M i ' U U f N n n C d . v