T !! F A D V O C A T E PAGE TWO SATURDAY, September 7. l!K»n (E lm rd ie a FINLEY CHOICE OF BIG MAJORITY We Z IO N C H U R C H Published every Saturday at Suite 312-J1J Macleay Building, Portland. Oregon * Phone Atwater l i i l W. R LO VELL, Parfur ".4 Friendly Chu'ch u tlk a Com munity Spirit* Congressm an DePrieat De Priest is coming- to Portland K LEAN LOTHES lüAN P A N A M A A N D F E L T H A T S ____ Cleaned and Hloeked in Up-tu Date Style Sunday school a 10 o ’clock closing with a worship ser- interesting alike to children M ORE ARO U T “ARRO W and adults. sire to drag himself up out o f his At It a m Rev. \V. R Lovell will T o Visit Portland “ ignorance" by way of the night preach on “The Lesson of Tares". school, we turn around and make him The Annual Missionary Day of the pay. Our school board is becoming W om en's Hom e and Foreign Mission­ very economical these days But of The citizens o f Portland are course marble silts in new school ary Society will be held in the even­ ing. the program being in charge o f houses must be paid for by taking ..... M fj ........ R , , Can, p ___ Uval m p ___ , . „ Wcnt> gl*d to hear that Congressman _ ........ __ __________________________________ .________ j P o r i lu m i, O r e g o n TAILORING and repairing neatly done Established m 1MJ Editor ___________Associate Editor and Manager 1 O ffice Aatietant and Liootype Operator E. D. C A N N A D Y . -------- MRS R D. C A N N A D Y . Yaacy Franklin. -------------- C lean in g and T a ilorin g C o . 1 % U n io n A vvin i«' (North F I R S T A . M . E. THE ADVOCATE U P -T O -D A T E The sharp, A ll W o r k (liia r tm lv r s l! Good IFnrA and (Juick Servire Our \folto TRinily 4529 Hr. : TRinity 3622 If W e Plena« You, Tell Othera— If Not, Tell Ua! J. W. 1 NGKKSOLI, — P r o p r ie to r out pf ,h* P«*'f®f P*F «nvelope of 'he wtH> ¡, aIjo confrr* , ce tnp«rintend- — ■ > soon to speak. He will rece.ve a-night s c h o o l,-. brilliant move on Th, Prav„ . c u „ Blcfttng OB w ,d hearty welcome and every effort ‘ he p *«| of our exclusive public de Iiesday „¡Kht W|, hiKhIy ¡nspirational o h A/s 1 t n is t a a e ("Mi vac T damned" e school trustees. Oh yes. I will be made to entertain him in know they serve free of charge—but keeping with his official and social how they do waste the money o f the standing. W e advise our group to poor. use common “ horse sense” and re- And now someth Johnnie Mann t ^ .J t m n a il" member that Mr. De Priest is hu- and hi* Piou* plan of incrfalin* , . . . . . water rates Another infliction on the man and we should not expect him l workers , , , .. who have allowed their uttle and greatly enjoyed by the goodly number present. The Vigilantes club met on W ed nesday night with Mrs. M. W ash­ ington at S34 Weidler Street. The Gleaner's Art Club met at the Church on Thursday afternoon. The Missionary society met Fri- da%'. aftfrn0o n7en,oying a very pro- fitable , „ sion AU haluls art KfttlnR ready (or the Annual conference which to be any different. We also advise agatnst any attempt to exploit o r commercialize his coming. Mr. De Pricst is a public man and even-- body, big and little, rich and poor. 've-«hey W hue and black should be permitted to see and hear his message without restriction. It should also be under­ stood now. that no assumed lead­ ers should use the occasion to boost themselves. The conduct o f our group during De Priest's visit will be closely scrutinized therefore we hope we will not make any mistakes that would detract from the digni ty o f our first congressman in thirty years. j" « ,* ™ The Political Outlook From the great amount o f talk going the rounds among the poli- tkians and office seekers, there is __ . <_ , , . . . going to be a red hot campaign , . b tn the city, county, and state primaries next spring. Therefore it is not too early to advise our three or more thousand o f voters in the state to organize so as to take advantage o f their political and economic op- portunities. Efforts have been made to organize before, some o f which have been fairly successful and some some have been failures. But the latter is no reason why we should not try again. On the other hand the experience gained by the the splendid success and failures ought to serve to make future or­ ganizations better. In some o f the past elections, some o f the candi­ dates were elected or nominated by majorities o f less than five hun­ dred. It was pretty well proven that there are more than 2500 colored votes in Portland. This vote can be the balance o f power if it is properly organized. W hy not begin now? The Oldest Negro Business In Portland Is . . . T h e A d v o c a te P ublishing Co- Publisher* of "/A e Ailt'ocato” Bdetacin A 1(> Pa^r Newspaper In Two Sec -lions! Published Fiery Saturday for the Pass Tuenly-Six Years! 1« D . < .in n ,lily , E d ito r M rs E. D . ( .nnii.iily, .Mnringrr a p ^ a r l n c e 'J f f o n t ' yards' ^ ¡ v ^ J ^ lping *° ° e,fbra,e ‘ he * 7th They are driven thru the districts where live those who can pay to have green lawns and blooming flowers, i Isn't it about time the bunch at the city hall— those five misfits we call q j JY FT the city commissioners, be recalled’ W hat do they do to protect the i n - ! ____ terests of those upon w hose backs B A P T I S T C H I. R C H the “ better class" rides? Isn't it about time a few good citizens put their i _ _ _ hnads in their pockets to finance a “ fact finding” survey of the city’ s j onathin Lyle Caaton. Paator. MJ w oes’ W hy the empty stores’ W hy W ygant S t._P h on e Walnut 11M. the empty houses? W hy the ghastly procession of discharged men to which ______ our industries contribute in ever increasing number. O R D E R O F S E R V IC E W hy the constantly growing list o{ bankruptcies? W hy the recurring *«««1*1* >n our police department?' Sunday: 1:30 t m Sunday School, W h y? And And some some m more whys. Because Because \ JJ Why? ore why* p" * ' h,nf \ . ".Y 7:45 p. m., Evening Service. most of us are too busy earning money ^ . , “ M on da y 8 p. m „ Brotherhood l to u pav y a * u our ui ka.vcs taxes a so o we c won n o n i t * go on aionaaj the delinquent tax list— By the way Meets. Tuesday: 8 p m.. Choir Rehearsal j buying up delinquent tax titles is be- W ednesday: 8 p. tn.. Midweek coming a very popular past time down lt the ci,y haI1- Incidentally «h e n do Prayer Service. Thuursday (Second and Fourth): we ste the draft5 of ,he new Charter’ I wonder if it will answer some of Missionary Circle, 4 p. m. those whyJ? Try to ansufer them Friday (First and T h ird ): Literary- y0uself my readers, Society, time and place announced. H o llid a y 8i H ollid a y T o n i o r i a l P a r lo r s LARVEX 125 NORTH SIXTH STREET — BAPTISTS— m oth proofs c lo th ... Equipped with the Very Mount Olivet Baptist Church Spraying L a n es: Fast 7th furniture. ami PORTIANI). OREGON l atest. We Are In a Position lo ( are for Gome— Let Us Serve You! Shiloh Baptiit Church Mothproofs fabrics not washable—clothes, rugs, :: Men, Women and Children Fast First and Schuyler Sts. Rev J. I.. Caston, Minister & H OLLIDAY Everett Sts. HOIJ.IDAY — EPISCOPALIAN— Rinsing Larvex: Mothproofs all washable St. Phillips Mission w oolen s. Centralized Banking Knott and Rodney Sts. Rlaine Coles, Lay Reader Up-to-the-Minute Modes — HOUSE OF I’ RAYFR— H ouse of Prayer Fast 10th and Grant Sts Robert Searcie. Pastor Prepared Especially for This Newspaper — METHODIST— Bethel A. M T h e centr alisin g o f xll o f o n e 's hanking at o n e E. Church I.arrabee and McMillen St* Rev. Daniel G. Hill Jr, Minister First A. M E. Zion Church n aturally makes fo r rloser W ith every de p a rtm e nt o f han kin g un der o n e r o o f and on e managem en t here at the United States National, this central Izatlon o f ba nkin g la both possible and practical. YOUR NEW FALL STETSON HAT IS HERE! \gS?*«(o) bank c o n ta c t betwee n bank and cu sto m e r 417 Williams Ave Rev. W. R. Lovell, Minister 2 8 6 W ashington Street : : Portland, Oregon ^ i^ M e n ’s Wear V 286 W ashington o y r Y t n •W'—T mm g -W 3 l T iíiw l S t r i p s - y —i N a t io n a l I k i n k IWotesh-tejr ami Sufh ui Steri J St. 5 f 5 5 e J sq*n«o W<»u.**oS sssuasjsoH •**t*n!» 'One o f the N o rt h w e s t's Great hunks' ottdttttuyo W e Seit For Less Because We Sett or Cash Marcus Garvey Marcus Garvey at the recent U. N. I. A. Convention in Kingston, Jamaica, launched a proposition to raise $600,000,000 to be paid by the association's branches within 10 years. The money is to be used to establish embassies over the world, representing the interest of Negroes and to establish daily papers in London, Paris, New York, W ash­ ington; on the Gold Coast in A f­ rica and several in the West Indies. A mighty big program to say the least. While all fair minded peo­ ple must admit that Garvey by his vigorous agitation has done more to arouse the consciousness o f his race to their great possibilities than any other man living,however, he will never live to see the things for which he fights. And he will never get sufficient support to en­ able him to put over his program completely. Many o f us will never agree with him on every point. Some o f us oppose him but nobody has been able to hush him. He is just Marcus Garvey. Right or wrong, he has the greatest follow­ ing o f any o f our leaders in the world. That being true, it is fool­ ish on the part o f any one, matters not however much he may differ, to attempt to belittle the man and the work he is doing. W e are not a Garveyite but we do believe him to be a man o f almost unmeasur­ able gift and imbued with a desire to render service to his race and we believe him to be sincere. . 8 WASHINGTON-WILLIAMS RUSSELL-42 SANDY ft 5LH S h o r t L e n g t h s COMPLETE NEW STOCKS OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE Which Have Accumulated From Our Piece Goods a t R e a l S a v in g s ! Remnants w ill accumulate at the end of a bolt of yard goods. Rarely does a bolt come out even! So we take these short lengths that are left from our stocks, fold them up carefully . . . attach a remnant ticket with a tempting price on each piece . . . and put them where thrifty shoppers can see them and benefit! These short lengths are all from our own dependable stocks . . . many kinds . . . popu­ lar new styles . . . and you’re always sure to find a piece which you can use to advantage! FOR THE HOME AND PERSONAL SERVICE COLLARS H A V E IT Collars seem to be running away with the honors this season. In a large number of the prettiest frocks it's the collar which bids for first at- tention—and r> rives it This is no wonder, for every collar seems to be vying with the others in distinctive­ ness a- I originality. In this frock the collar is generously flattering. It develops on a slenderizing diagonal line, and is accented by pleated frill­ ing. It is ro t, ho-.vevcr, the only feature, for the circular left side dra­ pery and the diagonal line o f the girdle both contribute to the slender­ izing effect o f the frock. elta Pattern No. 2974 Sizes 14 to 46. cents. 25 DRY W A S H - — ROUGH WASH EAst 0883 EAst 0883 NEW SYSTEM LAUNDRY ORIGINATORS OF IN D IVID U AL W ASHING We Do Not Mark Your Clothing 607 E. FLAN D E RS — PO RTLAN D, OREGON W ET W ASH— 2-IN -l WASH Desirable Lengths! Notable Values! Wash G oods W hite G oods Lingerie Fabrics Sheetings Crashes Muslins Pillow Tubing M ercerized Damask D rapery Fabrics Linen Damask M ORTICIANS Montgomery at Fifth Phone Day or Night A nd O th er Desirable Materials pal J. P. F I N L E Y & S O N Atwater 2101 /A il l e r and*ÍR ACE Y ' hnkpemhnt Flirtami /Simi l o r i • Washrntgim SI hut tulli « ih Ititi P h o n e Flpr^ad 2641