August 3 , liti!'.* ILLUSTRATISI) FEATURE SECTION was rarrtrsa. f a lls were common lug out tliere now and It 1» It may things with hint, lie had something be very Important to know. K X AO T- at the reputation at a gay (ellow, Al L Y what Dla the oUl h e a th e n - had. Some dame probably. wauled with him “ I broke in rag* I “ I don' Jes rightly know whut It cry hot waiting lor Al was about. M r Jaliton but It come B*h looked from ono to tlu- other , . . . . . . __ _ , ,, .. o( us. t he look o ( aeriuleseenee oh (rum out at that hante.1 house d ie ts w< «nptoyer's laee saOsilrd him. He eausln all this rumpus round here- i urtird lo me about* I t was Ihet old healhenlah I "H e says, the old heathen did. thel lla ite e man a r a ilin '“ they Was somethin' he Ihoilghl lie llaytee n an a »a lilii »o ft to tell Mr. Jaliton. Humpin' What dkl he say. Ben? Quick, tell, 1 n us M r Jarion ami l are lust stait- iConllnued on |>age sis* By CORA JEAN M OTEN THE CREEPING THING friend (rom Haiti, the shelkisli and (or nothing. Besides the iM'norable and I want you to get out (ront in- Immaculate Mr. Selwyn Oarland. has Mr Selwyn will liase to do a tall der and give me a hand and a free had a linger In this Maybe two lot cf « B 1» “ » ' " * to n e to make me rein. W ill you?“ I paused and louk- fingers and both hands. Don't ask u" f ,n ' u‘ nU ' hy he lold me • * • * »■ » « » str» ' « hlly • * h“ " me why. That would stump me. as urd* rs ,rom VOU when you don | -Yeah, surr l will. Tom You know I don't know a damn thing I yet. Dut people don't go -nocplng ,0 know ‘ hem I me looked at Al keenly •* nature of It—well, a fellow must nat- know where this bird, Selwyn hangs JX'U t»o***c* H« A «? ««*“ urally takes a drink after he's out here In town?" through. And this thing was get- " N - no, now I come lo think of It. OASIS HA"'* » . ____ ‘ > den t Never heard and don t re- ting nie anyway Al didn t look j |lav, heard anyone else at me as he spoke. raying. But “ a sudden light ol "Om -hum ." I nodded my head and half knowledge dawned in Ids eyes - Ik t f Mat’ l l la lie - moved toward the door leading In- Diuron might know something Just a tasteless dose ot Phillips » Milk of Magnesia In wuter That I» I U. H Heghtered Trade Mark of The to the front. W e had closed the '“ m . . . ,, . . , . . __ "Com e on and drive me out to an alkali, effective, yet harmless It C h arles H philll|>* Chemical Com pa­ alley entrance and locked It secure- houv. , h«n . M . Ul. n ,nl, r . has been ti e standard antacid for 50 ny and its predecessor Charle* II ly from within as was the usual cus- view Diaron Meanwhile we II keep years among physicians everywhere. * Phillips since 1*75 tom Al followed me almost apolo- It under our hats about what's hap- One spoonful will neutralize ut once getlcally pended back th e re " I pointed with many tunes Its volume In acid It Is C I « t l ) c M < ) of Sttufttin S a m Co. When we were In his office I turned niv thumb back toward the morgue the right wav. the quick, pleasant an.l ay to kill the excess add. to him brlellv and inike rather curt- "T h e 1 cm said, the soonest mended efficient Follow the lead o f Gladys jy And the fewer people In a secret | The stomach bei- me* sweet, the pain You are happy again Ul May. vivacious actress in ' Now Al. I don't know whether keeps It better Just tell Urn not departs or not I've got the right hunch, but to let anybody else back there until five minutes Shuttlin’ Sam from Ala- Don't de|>end on crude method*. I'm going to fellow it Maybe doc- you come buck. He will keep his ram’ who says she finds Employ the best way yet evolved in tor Vrrant and Oarland Kelwvn promise If he makes one ' A single application of Phillips '»'hat is E.xelcnto the most de­ aren't working together Maybe th-v Al nodded and togeihrr we stepped all the years of searching I Dental Magnesia Toothpaste will didn't tank ycu up on purpo-e and out Into the main room. Ben was Phillips' Milk of Magnesia lightful hair dressing she Be sure to get the genuine Phil­ bring glistening, white teeth and a get you to promise any fool thing sweeping out the little lobby entrance has ever used. like letting one of them tav on He looked up as wc came Into view , lips' Milk o f Magnesia prescribed *>/ sweet breath Prove It at our expense W rite The physicians for 50 year* in correctin' guard there last night or vathi r A Telephone t all this morning Maybe you did or "T h ey was a call for you las night sxcess acids. 25c and 50c a bottle - Phlllliw C o. II? Hudson Ht , New Yoik. N Y . for free .en-day tube mavbe you didn't have so much M 1st ah Jaliton red It was aiiuia any drug store. you didn't know what you were doing portiuit but nevuh mind botherin' - uum • - ou were s»v- you till you come down this mawn- Ing but I'm going to act on the in “ hunch that all tliose things are s o 1 "W hut was It. B in ? " Al'* voice is the original! It reaches Sour For h a ir beau ty f % Stomach Sweetened instantly EXELENTC Q U I N I N E P O M A D I iZ oT J. »he roots o f the hair and gives natural lustre that «tavs! Stops itching scalp and make« harshest hair soft and pliable. SHAVE W ITHOUT A RAZOR tu« M l os M . C S Hiss's* Powisr sal llss its M l - a .... . ! s .It, . .1 . « a ........ .‘ .1 "..?•?■ lo# h* t ■ A l AH Dnis Store«. EXELENTO MEDICINE CO. Atlanta. Go. $ M A IL BY . # This O d J) -A . a - " J OF ACK SA TIN 2 is the fen u in e 41k \ fairr.oj* 8 ta rb r:*h t « t ! n c f which th « ra ro ter price t.<< I t p er 9 i r i Bl \( b O N L Y , NOT O V IK 13 TARO*» Th '*«« le m n a n t m ill end* arc absolutely perfect Roods. h »v e never even been In a store and « r e f ully gun ran- in every w «y . You can have any yardage desired not over 10 We «Iso have remnants o f the regular 18 a yard f.a t crepe at J1 00. and o f the *4 crepe back satin 'C repe 8 ya rlle h t) at $ 1 .0 per yard. All sent by m all on approval. and even If you deposit «m w ith us in advance it U im m ediate.y return- able unless you are aatiafled 100 tim e« over. I f you were not satisfied you could w rite to the editor o f this paper and we would never be allowed t* advertise again W ith each order we give a spool o f * !k to match C R AN K A L K A N E . 615 f ifth Ave., N ew ^ ^ o rh . Coupon for Black Satin \ I % \ \ ^ %% C & ^ ^ A | ^ > J \ BEND NO MO.NET Unlucky la Money, i Game«, I » v * or ! II U s I D « « I ? You Í •hould ca rry a r<»lr •it K ^ oii.r« M Y P T IC H It A If M A It K D J{ I ( i If fa T MAG. N h. T I C L O l i K - :i T O N E ■ lia re. Am azing. Com pelling. A ttra ctive. then« I«rV E leODBSTON KS a re carried by O c- PO W KRFUb O riental people K I C H A R M , one ne to t o pi pr ev e n t B a d L.U« k, ¿.^'ÉSà nd n d the ot h er to e t : fc v jl a n d M is fo r tu n e, e, a an t r a 't m u ch G ood I-u ck . J^>ve. » f« p p in * e e a n d f'rowpcrity. f p «cia l. on ly 91.17 fo r the two. kVffh freo fu ll Instruction». F * y poR m an ■ 1 97 •n 4 H e. po«tu ge on d elivery . fiatlr- fa c t lo n or money r ef u n de d. You wn be L l ’i ’K T ! Order your» T O D A Y I •»eoi, e « « . P. R. B U R K A U . General P. O. ^ » o x -it. fl H O O E M N . M. Y. * M . .. 1 M A G IC S H A V IN G P O W D E R C O , c r .O * l* IA f f ért •/ ié iu jé iin i) Joseph’s G.ER St. -s^ sd si ■ 'I h r W o m a m • s s ? !«», s a n Ä K S S w S i ! Is is á r -s a » , Thf woman who in la id St. J». vph «G.F.P. in her daily h**Ith profrim seldom liodt lh*l dull headache«, lack o( "pep’ aod quick litifne ruic her hours ol recreation. Fur St. Joseph’s G.F.T. ia more than a mere stimulant! Not only does it soothe ragjed nerves and banish fatigue; but it conditions the system, increases vitality and tends to correct the causes oí woman’s petty ills. II you are run-down, weak and d eficien t—finding life and ils pleasures dull—you may only need the help of a food tonic to build up enrrfy and strength. I hous- ands of women who have tried and been benefited by St.Joseph's G.F.P. urfe you lo try if. too. Yon can del the big dollar bottle at your dealer. {-ALWAYS HAVE LUCK!-} ,\ )i . . B u ild u p e n s t r e n g e n l o Käm e . Add res* . D L M . | A. SAVANNAH v CB ANF A C'KANK, S O J4.r* F ifth Awe.. New Y «rk . \ j v W ith out obligation to keep It. «end \ me ....... ya rd « o f the b* '• 1 •• , ‘A be w U; >A It " It t *« • U-a akin •< bu«>p« a«d p air «V aa i I» tba pefftei aba»*f. J fc in «tamp« ?©f a p*ik»ct 1 « U. S. A. m •« if««* ■ it«, fa i t *o pt.c«a quoted *o iaq .v .v - v .v - i SALE b* k «itii-' r •* y •• •* • Shtv.n» Vcwdrt 1 « ABtitcp' II • I f b e r •• • ^ 9é,W Wmmtm i n a !<* •*- rr»i Fa r. E. I . C . f.w s , . « r - s . s ilm . " A f s . t » . . i . I W rit« foi FREE sample and book of Beauty Hints. Í' 7 lo n ic m