T H E PAGE FOUR Local News • AUGUST ÜCATE t I!»'.*». THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER______________ jjLtÊgpj H. Burroughs who suffered burns caused (ram an explosion o l a furnace j •t his work in Vancouver, Wash., and has been at Emanuel Hospital for two weeks is now able to be at home to the delight of his many friends II " IT. Lf I V £ O l o e ^ — i t h ia x im e ftr * e S C O i U t E E t t C E D f u t FLAPPOK. A SP E * is fA P G • __________ 9 THEM D AYS A R E CO NE F O R E V E R ! t f o t AV_<»e<¿MOiO, I rnOOfcHT 1K a T c e - T 's v o o AMD i < i e r r w e t a i c D 'iC O 'Z CO C K U O ii IS lO b T r a ì c v u c A rre s o c x ' C ß v p e » ti t T f U t ; : M A RRY—I have a mate for you. Mem hers worth from Sooo to pi.000,000. Photos free. Club. M rs Stephens, box 1430, Hollywood, Cal. Rev Lowell went fishing Wednesday Don’t know what he caught FO R ern. ace, TA . S A L E —4-nn. bungalow, mod­ t bed rooms hdw. floors, furn­ garage, on car line. Term s 47*4. At the direction of the Postmaster General the Poro Station o f the S t Louis, Mo. post-office has been changed to Frederick Douglass Station, effect­ ive August!#, 192*. Hotel Notes W A N T E D —A good all-round general Colored waiters will be kept on the house maid and cook. Small family j (jreat Northern dining cars according Best of wages for right party. Phone i t0 President Budd He said that the Atw. 1525 for particulars. i rumor about white girls displacing --------- ' colored waiters is all bunk. He fur- J. Will Jones, o f Houston. Texas, j stated that he thought the color- recently purchased a home in that city c(j waiters were far superior to any at o cost of $25,000. Mr. Jones who j otj,er dining car service, so there you is well known in Portland, a brother- have i t ! in-law to the Advocate editor, and _________ Cora Jamison, is attending the Bonnie ’, the smiling checker Boston Conservators of Music, from , at Th<. portUnd. took us to task be- which he graduated some kears ago. was misspelled in last ‘ brushing up’’ to head the music de- w etk, lssuf Alright, Queen Bonnie, partment of the Houston Pubic School 4 we wl„ ^ good the next , lnle you system. He has been retired as a are put ^ |he th r e e . railway mail clerk on a life time pen- ______ sion. Colored waiters in the Hyde Park SN A P —IM P R O V E D LO T. 05x10 E D A V IS Car two blocks. $250 cash BEacon 8603—BEacon 3.52. hops. They were handed their check Prove Boy's Worth Amsterdam S e w s Arthur Le Bon was in the city from Oakland one evening last week. “Art" called over the phone to some of his friends. He states that everything is fine in Berkeley. _ __ RO O M S Resonable for travellers or \ oung Men. SELLwood 2009— Adv. George Dixon, the middleweight, who looks like a fine prospect, today stands on his promi$e to meet any rmgman weighing not more thon 160 pounds. He made that declaration after knocking out Jimmy O’Dow of Salt Lake City in two torrid rounds at the Arcadia pavilion last week. George Moore, Dixon's manager, even F O R R E N T 5-Room Flat. $25. per offered the Ace a few pounds advani- month. Modern. 298 Weidler St. Adv. agf ju st to get the battle. --------- O ’Dow made a plucky fight, but the W IL L S E L L O R T R A D E my equity same mistake as Jo ck Malone. Malone in a 2-family flat, 270 Graham Ave... opened up and attempted to slug with Terms. Call SELLwood 4518.—Adv. Dixon. Malone was knocked ouL --------- technically. O'Dow threw punches FO R R E N T —Two five-room flats, with the crack colored fighter, but Call Mrs. J . C. Logan— Tr. 7206. Dixon put him on the floor in the —ADV. opening o f the second round, then ------- cooly measured him for the count Mrs. Sykes has taken an apartment with Mrs. J . R. Charleston, 931 Rod- ney Ave. ______ Miss Helena Harper, executive sec- retary of Williams Ave., Y.W .C.A. has returned from vacationing in Oakland, her home. _________ ol 10- O'Dow was still full of fight de- ¡>pite the knockout. He attempted to battle Dixon’s big second, Denver Ed Nlart;n' who helped carry him to his corner- O ’Dow made the best of his chance last week. He had ju st about an even break in the going for the first round. Mrs. Chas. Jamison i, indisposed rOU" Q’ He SCOred with r,ghts t0 the head and partly discolored Dixon's with rheumatism this week 1 eye. Dixon closed strong at the finish of the opening round. It was about The Advocate staff is in receipt of an invitation to attend the wedding ev*n- of Ruth nil», w i „ „ ,, In the second round Dixon changed 10 PIEC E COSMETIC SET $1.97 ounces tor 2 5 c Without a doubt, the best article of its kind—a combination Hair Grower and Hair Straightener. Gives the hair a natural soft and silkv appearance, stimulating hair growth in the most hopeless case (dmtbW actin g ) USB LESS g f tal«li p r ic e d b r a n d s HICH- brow ñí N M I L L I O N S OF P O U N D S U SED B Y OUR GO VERN M EN T PATENTS . O btained. Send model or sketch and we will prom ptly send you a report. Our book on P aten ts and T rad e-m ark s will be sent to you on request. Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Addreaa ___ ______________________________ Don’t «offer with PfMwu. Dandruff, Pun plea. Blemishes and ocher annoymf akin iniutjooa. Zemo anbaepDc kquui ta the aaie eura way to relief Itching often disappear* overnight Splendid for Sunburn and Poiaoo Ivy. A ll druggiaca 35c, 60c, $1 00 Mt C. O. D. T ou r m oney prom ptly refunded if n ot eatlaSed. Baa Van 580-5th Avenue, New York n o n zemo s k i n i r r i t a t i o n SUNFLOWER CAMP AT SEASIDE. OREGON Furnished Cottages and Housekeeping Tent- Suings, Croquette, H orse-Shoe Courts Write MRS. C. A. JENKINS, Seaside, Oregon or Phone J. W. Curry, Proprietor, Portland, Oregon Phone BRoadway 1541 « Macleay Bldg., portland. Oregon. D. SWIFT & CO. _ P A T E N T L A W Y E R S -------- MADE 3 0 5 Seventh S t , Washington, D. C- ON LY • C Syracuse Lodge. Nc I. K of P., meet* th* second and fourth Eri day nights each montl at the Stag Auditoric.tr I81V4 E Morrison l.i 840 East 8th St., N. O. S h Call at Gas Salesroom Sixth and Salmon OR Phone $r. 7611 i c a K. of R. & S. g H o u m * H igh B row n Pow der f o r Sal»*! B radford ■*jfcSSÄ“d Clothes $ 25.00 to SllO f) $ 4 5 .0 0 "W here Young Sien Buy” D o n ’t suffer with D and ruff. Pimple«, Blem ishes and other annoying akin irri* taoona Zemo antiseptic liquid is the sole iure way to relic! Itching often disappears overnight. Splendid for Sunburn and Potsoa K y . A ll druggists 35c, 60c, $1.00. H ours: 8 :0 0 A M . Until Midnight Mrs. Birtie Davidson, P rop . Chicken Served in All Styles Confections F O R ff zemo I K I N I R R I T A T I O N S LARVEX mothproofs cloth... No. 445 Hose W e Are Glad to See You T h e Choice of W om en TH E O VERTO N H Y G IEN IC M FQ COMPANY CHICAOO M RS E D. CANNADY P acific Coast D istributor ii Reliable Service 99 For Light mid Power, no mutter wh.it your need« may be from lamp globe* in your home to «lore lighting, mtlu«trial or commercial power . . . Spraying Larvex: THF PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY »lund» ready to give you dependable service at moderate rales. M o th p ro o fs fab rics n o t w ash ab le— clo th e s , ru g s , fu rn itu re . Our expert engineer* will gladly help you solve your light ami power problems. Rinsing Larvex: M o th p ro ofs all w ash ab le w oolens. Just Looking? M anufaet.ired only by 312 M acleay Bldg.. Portland 288 Russell Street— Near W illiams Avenue 5TH £ WASHINGTON-WILLIAMS £ RUSSELL-42 £ SANDÏ In four ihndea— N atural. Pink, B runette and W hite. High Brown P ace Powder has earned iU place in the esteem of the most discrim inate and skeptical users of toilet a r ticlee by it ; ow r dii**- **’ —r merit snd the complete satisfaction to be derived from its use Also a large assortm ent of toilet requisite« for the lady who cares Itc h in g S k in Q u ick ly R e lie v e d TH E GOLDEN K I L E CAFE J U S T W R IT E O R C A L L • - - PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Division O ffices at Salem , Oregon City, H illsboro, St. Helens, St. John s anti Gresham, Oregon anti Vancouver, Washington W h o Recognize Value 1 W e are glad to see the customer who is “just looking.” Her desire to compare prices and values evidences a sensible appre­ ciation of Thrift. Such t customer will be Bure to notice the excellent quality of our merchandise and understand the saving that our Low Prices repre­ sent. » e e e e e e e a o A superb toilet necessity Mrs. J. W . Cantrell and children are visiting in Yakim a, W ash., with her sister. i TH O M A S T H E nmnn mm 65x100 lot, 8-room house, garage, will sell cheap on easy terms. 992 M allory avenue. Call W allace. AT. 3322.— Adv. L E E C. A N D ERSO N . C C B Y OVERTON HYGIENIC MFG.CO. O v e r 34 Y e a r » ' F .s p o r ir n c » Don’t be afraid to drop in, at a J. C, Penney Store at any time. People who are “ just looking” are more than welcome. Gasco Briquets Summer Price Now 0 Merchandise O f Merit Only HAIRGROWE h ,/ 312 V K ^ c ÿ /Ea-roN Itc h in g S k in Q u ick ly R e lie v e d c J Mrs. F. D. Cannady, hi* St>'le com‘,,«te|Jr’ Wherea* ° ' Dow C* m* ° W t0 ™ ke “ °T? n fight* 01X0,1 M was cagey. W hen O Dow came in to trade punches, Dixon was all set. Both let fly. A left to the stomach made O ’Dow wince. Then a right to the chin put him down Dixon then J j* measured him for the full count T h la la a Fam oua Vlvaal Set and In­ clude* fa ce powder. » 1 0 0 ; R o u te. 74c, Tlaaua C ream 11.0«. D epilatory »1.00, F a c ia l A atrln cen t »1.7», B a th S a lt 1.04, T oltet W a te r »1.»». Perfu m e JJ.7 S . B ril- lla a tln e 7»c. Skin W hltener 7»c. T otal V alue <11.04. S p e c l* ’ price. »1.07 fo r all te a plecee to latro d u ce thle llae. Bead ao m oney but cUp coupon. Our High Brown Hair Grower stands as one of our highest achieve­ ments—it is a prepar­ ation we look upon with pride. — Distributor fy, Hotel in Kansas City, Mo., were dis­ missed last week without notice, also thf colore<1 and and told simply that their services were F O R S A L E — Modern 6-room home no longer wanted. The cause for the good district W ill sacrifice for wholesale discharge is not known. quick sale. Party leaving city. Call A T. 1525 for further informa­ Moore Ready to Give tion. or address A V, The Advo­ Away Weight to cate, 312 Macleav Bldg. Graham, Thursday, August » T a t the Fifth Street Baptist Church. Richmond. — - Va. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Morris and the groom-elect son of Dr. and Mrs. D A. Graham, formerly of Seat­ tle. The couple will be at home Jam i- KC Baking Powder a s THE EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER W ill Prom ote a Full Growth of Hair. W ill b I ho Restore the Htrength, V itality and the B eau ty o f the Hair. If your Hair ia Dry and W iry, T ry — A closely-knitted hose of silk ind rayon which wears beauti­ fully and alwayi looks smart. A good range of fashionable shades. A real “discovery” at ooly East India Hair Grower If you are betl>ar«Ni w\ . b Falling D andruff, Itching .Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want, you to try a ja r of “ A 8T IN DIA H A IR G R O W E R . The ¡rriedy containa medical properties that ® to the roots of the Hair, stim ulates le akin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair so ft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and B eau tifu l B lack Eye-Brow s, also restores Gray Hair to its N atural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for Straightening. 98c Pure Silk Hosiery In Three Favored Weights Service . . . semi-sheer . . . and sheer chiffotL Every one a favorite! Every one with a definite place in the model Beautiful quality Smart shades. Price Bent by Mail, 6 0 c; 10c E x tr a for Poatage $ 1 .49 AliBNT'B OUTFIT Hslr Orow,r. I T .m p l, lion tor •»Ulna, H (or Pi M m tU hj ICn-Bdn.UnKU.B.A. »V B»«rn S. D. LY O N S 316 N. Central Dept. B Oklahoma City, Okla.