t THE. \ \ An POL. 2.V—NO. 17 ADVOCATE ' In d «p *n d «n t P «p «r D o v o to d lo Ih * In tv ro a la of Ih * PORTLAND, OREGON, SATU RD AY, JULY 80, 1U2U IN T W O SECTIONS ' ' 11 P o o p l« SECTION I. PRICE: 8 CENTS SOUTHERNERS WOULD TAR COLORED AUTHOR l LYNCHINGS FIGURES SHOW DECIDED DECREASE Hundreds Witness Wedding Of Pretty Salem Maid * ^ --------------------------------------------------------------- El R ae M axw ell W ed s Calfiornia Man A t Large Church Ceremony; Picturesque Assemblage DRAWS IRE E New York, July II,— Following the publication by Time; Thr H'tekly Sttvt magosine o f a lengthy and favorable re­ view o f Walter White'» study of lynch­ ing, "Rope and Faggot: A Biography of Judge Lynch", a number of denuncia­ tory letter» to the editor» have been re­ ceived from Southern white», several of them being published in the July 8 is »ue of Timf. Hy Shirley M,-Conns (Installment No A) The fact that I was a woman and he a man in no way prevented him from driving the Iarde»! possible bargain in In» attempt to get all that I might have to ( u e for the least possible amount of expenditure Nor did the lact that he «•••> ¡wav mg for an expensive dinner llat ter me lieyond the assurance that he did consider my services worth bargaining for A hasty glance at my watch! Too late now for the II o'clock train! Well, I only one thing was essential namely, that I !>e in my studio at the college at * o'clock Tuesday morning ' Finally, the | last threads of the discussion being com (Continued on Page 2) One Robert E Lee o f Greenville, S. C declares that "if anyone ever needed a coat of tar and feather» it» the author of 'Judge Lynch'” . Eldon O. Haldane of Atlanta, Ga . brazenly defend» lynching, declaring that "the well-balanced South erner hope» that lynching of Negri*» Marshall, Ark , July 18.—The Rev M will increase rather than decrease, that | j( Mc Entire, 63 years old, a Baptist Cracker fiernlishness and crulety . . . evangelist who stumped against Gov will never diminish, that persecution,: \| Smith last fall because of the Dent projection of and fury against the Ne- .gratic nominee's wet stand, awaited l gro will prevail until their numbers are , hearing on charges of selling, possessing eliminated or substantially reduced, and .,nd transportation o f liquor. The mill preferably exterminated.” This writer ister also operated a general store. He goes in to urge Congressional legisla- I pleaded his pulpit earnings were ing tion against the Negro and declares j sufficient "to nuke ends meet.” that "down here we don't care if all — -------- o------------- the Negroes are lynched, or even burned or slit open with knives." i F I R S T R E P O R T S IN SlioHcriiiK Honors on SINGS FOR MILLIONAIRES That we may better serve our patrons, we have stocked some of this merchandise. We Take Pleasure In Announcing (he Arrival for Sale of the ► EXELENTO M EDIVINE COMPANY PRODUCTS as follows: li Popular Visitor H ere Sustains Great Loss H O S K N W A I .D FUM I» A W A R D S F E L L O W S H IP T O JA M E S Vt E l.D O N J O H N S O N Stanton N. A. A. ( I*. R oani C r a n ia e i n r f o r Yt-nr. Portland Misses G ive A Successful Benefit MRS. S. J. DAY PASSES 195 NORTH FIFTEENTH STREET MILS. IIATTIK SMITH FOR TRULY BEAUTIFUL HAIR , . . THE FAMOUS THOMAS’ SPECIAL FORMULA HAIR POMADE Proprietor 34th St N. Trinity 362<>, this »unease was placed on the ryimung hoard of a •mall green car at Union l»epot wrhile Minor's car w*a» Iwing loaded the other car was alongside, and the hiss was not noticed until they reached 10*1 E S«th N A black patent leather suitcase con t uning a pocket hook with name "Margie | Vernon Prince” on inside, and $400 to $.*no worth of ladies wearing apparel, mostly dresses. wore She carried a shower bouguct o f bride's roses, orange blossom s and lil- lies of the valley. Thr maid of honor, LaVada Maxwell, wore a gorgeous creation of peach taf feta with pumps and hat to match. Peach horsehair braid was used for the hat which was trimmed in a deeper shade of velvet ribbon She carried an arm bouquet o f roses and sweet peas Little Miss Jeanette, the flower girl The United Grand Chapter, O. E. S.t wore a simple little dress o f dainty pink at its recent »e»»ion held in Vancouver, gorgrttr rrrpe and carried a basket of B. appointed Mrs. Clara Andrrson rose petals which she strew in the bride's to the post of Esther and Mrs. Lenora pathway The liride's maids. Misses Maxine Henderson was appointed to fill the office of Grand Deputy of the Mountain. 1 hr and l hrvstalee had orchid chiffon over other officers chosen were Mesdamrs Bell orchid crepe de chine frocks madr alike Jackson. Grand Matron; also a delegate with picture hats o f orchid horsehair to thr International Supreme Conference braid, trimmed in the same color velvet which meets in Chicago on August 13; riblxm. Orchid slippers matched the at Mesdamrs Sawyer, Barker, M. Dorsey tire and both carried arm bouquets of and Hooper were appointed memliers of sweet peas and roses. thr Star. The Chapter has made Seattle Miss Miller, whitr, played the wed its permanent headquarters. ding music; The Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin and Mendelssohn's Wedding March. Miss Alberta Mayo of Portland, | with Miss Miller at the organ, sang “ I love Thee” , Greig and "A Wedding Song", Rosa. Miss Mayo wore a gown Syracuse b d g r , K. o f !\ will install o f blue organdy print, piped with orange it« newly-elected officers on Friday eve apricot satin with a great satin bow fijug, July 20 . All Sir Knights are re- (Continued on page three) qllr, tci| to lie present LOCAL MEN GET cr* 'l,n“ -. feminine judgment it »macks strongly o f a perversion of j justice for the man whose nose is blood­ ied to sit on the judges' bench and try the case Another tiling, what about the constitutional right of "free speech, free The Advocate congratulates Messr». press," etc ? Looks to mc as if the Phil E. Reynolds and Rotiert D. Bird, statement that the judges of this conn prominent Portland men, on their elec try own the country is about true. ition to the office of Deputy Grand W ell' well! So the Republican larlies have organized! Pollies in Oregon is Ix-ginning to warm up. But liefore they do much blowing of the political camp fire, I want those nice ladies to answer Master and Grand Treasurer, respect­ ively, of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Washington and jurisdiction, at a re­ cent ses-ion. which was held in Van­ couver, B.C. BRINGS SOIT AGAINST KIP'S FATHER RHINELANDER’S FATHER SUED: LARGE HEART BALM ASKED IN SUIT The Rhinelander family affairs arc again in the limelight thru the filing o f a suit against Mr Philip Rhinelander by Mrs. Alice Jones Rhinelander for aliena- Lodge Installs Officers Portland’s WILLIAM PICKENS SAILS 1 TO ATTEND CONFERENCE SUNDAYS, 75e PHONE DKoadway 0570 Office Phone IMlomlwuy 0635 Residence: SEllwood 6260 Huy the local Colored paper every week . . . . and urge your friends to do the same. All Portland will benefit thereby. and its contents lirlongm g to M rs 1 »a 1‘agc, of M edford. Oregon, who 1 » »top­ ping with Jo e W . 1 tiger »oil, |0.Ht Fust Relative Dead and □ M I N O R . «12 Cur. 9626, report» In» suitcase Mrs S * J Day, a highly respected citizrn of Portland for many years, died -------------0------------- last Saturday, July 13, in Victoria, B.C., at the home o f her daughter, Mrs. F’ liza Alexander. Funeral senders were held on Monday W ord has been received here of the —Rev. W. J. Toliver, former pastor of death of Mrs. R. F. Ranks in Loa the deceased in this city, conducting the Angeles. Mrs Banks was a sister of At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W . H. services. Mrs G e o rge Holliday. Messrs. George Miles, n o Larrabee St, on Wednea Holliday and E. G. Howard attended day, an auxiliary was organized to Sgt. the funeral, which was held at her late Joseph White Camp, Spanish-Anieri- can War Veteran*. Mrs. Anna Kay, home * of The Dalles, department president, E-A-T conducted the cerem ony Mrs. S. E. at Stanfield was chosen president. MEALS: WF.F.K DAYS, 50c JUDGMENT . . . . The Police Bulletin of July IT carries the following item: L O S T S U IT C A S E — E. J Exelento Peroxide Vanishing Cream, Exelento Quinine Pomade, Exelento Skin Heautifier, Exelento Face Powder and Exelento Soap USE COMMON The Advocate does no« necessarily share in Kita Reid'a views, but wheth- rr wa do or not. h«r opiniona are Tall baskets filled with white lilltes sane, and logical and well worth reading. It ia your privilege as well aa blue drlphttuans and pink gladioli, ar oura to diaagree with Klta and the Tuskcgee, z\la, July 18.—According ranged against a background of palms, invite* your opinion upon subjects to the records compiled at Tuskegcc formed the leered altar in First Meth the discuss«* from time to tim« in her Institute in the department of records odist Episcopal Church at Salem, Ore column. and research, that the first six months gon, Sunday where Miss lit Rae Max­ of 1929 there were 4 lynching». Thi» well, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles number is one less than tire number Maxwell of Salem, and Ulyssess S. SERS DANGER IN 3 for the 1st six months of 192X, and is Griggs of Los Angrlrs, California, were five less than tire number (9 ) for the THROTTLING OF united in holy wedlock. Others in the first six mouths of each of the years FREE SPEECH 1925, 1928 and 1927 It is one less than wedding ceremony were Miss laiVaita, maid of honor. Misses Maxine and the number (J ) for the first six months C'lirjTMalec, bridesmaid» and Jeanette, of 192«: 11 less than the number (15) LO V E R S O U GHT TO flower girl, all sisters of the bride, Mes T H IN K S for the first six months o f 1923 ; 26 less srs. Full Morrison, first man and Yancy than the number (30) for the first six O PPO S E EXPER IM E N TIN G J. Franklin and Otto Rutherford, ushers. mouths of 1922, and 32 less than the ON T H E MOON. Thr ceremony was performed by the number (36) for the first six months light tltat shone from a score or more o f 1921. of white candles arranged amid thr pro O f the person s lynched, one was I guess I II lave to be careful about white and three Negroes. The offenses fusion o f flowers These were lit by the usher» just lieforc the bride entered. v hat 1 say in this column on tire subject charged were rape, 2; killing plantation The bride was lovely in a chic wed •>f judges hereafter. I'll be sent to jail owner, I ; not removing rubbish from in ding gown with long sleeves, trimmed for contempt of court. I notice in last front o f store and resisting officers o f willi ruflflet of georgette cre|>e, striking 1 hur »day's Oregonian an account of a thr law, 1. for its short even hemline. Her white Cleveland judge sending two editors to I The states in which lynching» occur­ tutic veil, bordered with dainty lace, jail t>ecause they criticized an injunction ' red and the number in each state are as was held iti place with an elaborate it surd by him in their paper—the CIcvc j follow s: Florida, 2 ; Mississippi, 1, and head dress of pearls. White pumps mat­ lord Pres»—a» "monstrous' and ridicu- ! Tennessee, 1, ched the attire A dainty seed pearl lout." Now here is tire funny |>art of the (The above information was furnished necklace, a Christmas gift, a brilliant proceeding: The judge against whom j by Dr R R Moton. prin : oil o f Ttlske, white jeweled bracelet, the wedding gift the criticism was written, tried the men, gee Institute, Tuskegree, Ala.) „ both from her husband and her engage­ over ruled the case, and pronounced sen ■ fence. 1 suppose that may he a legal pro- ment ring were the only jewrls that she Reading from Left to Right: Misses Chrystslcc and Maxine, Bridesmaids: eanette. Flower Girl, ICI Rae. Bride; La Vada, Maid of H onor; Messers. O tto utherford and Yancy J. Franklin, Ushers, Ulysses S. Griggs, Groom, and Earl Morrison, Best Man. Thomas Johnson, tenor, o f Boston, has been engaged to sing at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church of Falmouth, Mass., during July and August. St. Rarnabas is known as 'the millionaires' church" I« caine of the large number o f wealthy folk who worship there. Mr Johnson i» sriera! dialect readings. Maude sang, Mrs. J. N. Cantrill, of FI Salmon, has a graduate o f the New (England Con­ and the two gave an original dialogue servatory of Music. He plans to continue been a bit ill during the week at her among the other nnmlirrs on the pro­ his studies in Europe this fall. I home. gram. They were very heartily received and arc considered very brilliant little misses. The Advocate has been repeatedly called by its reading inquiring if we had for sale several of the various beauty prod­ ucts adverti.sed in our magazine section. JUDGE LYNCH MUST SEEK A NEW JOB Ily Mrs. E. I). Canmuly. New York. July !2. —Th« Board of Directors o f the N.A A C E , it was an­ nounced here (oda) fi has granted a leave of absence to James Weldon Johnson, National Secretary o f thr organization. j C A M P A IG N T O T A L # 2 3 . 0 0 0 to enable him to accrpl a fellowship just awarded to him by the Julius Rnaenwald \ Fund for a year to do creative writing, F ift v -O ii«• B ra n i-lira l*ny A p u r - and in order that hr may gain a much needed rest and relrif from thr duties t io iin ir n ! In F u ll. and responsibilities o f his office. ! _____ \ cw York, July 12, Fifty one Bran ch „ ,,f the N.A.A.C.P. have paid their apportionments in full and contributions ; t0 the N.A.A.C.P 20th Anniversay Fund for $200,000 lave totaled $23,ooo, it wa» learned here today. Most o f the Bran dies whose reports have !>crn made are h*ated in smaller communities and the Avia and Maude Booker, thr talrntrd results thus far observed indicate a daughters o f Dr and Mrs. F. L Rookrr, nationwide response to the appeal of the who arc visiting thrir grand parrnts at Association for. greater support in its Yakima, gave a recital tltrrr last wrrk work. It is beleived that when results thr funds from which wrrr used on thr from the large towns and cities are re local church indebtedness Over $12 wa» ceiled, the N.A.A.C P. will lie enabled taktn in as door receipts, with an ad- to expand its activities which in turn will mission of 2.V, which means they had a profoundly affect the lot of the Negro real representative audience considering in the United States. the few people at Yakima Avia gave Announcement of value To Milady By Kits Reid llu|i|»y ('.implr O n Prohibition Charge In a reply to the threats made lie- cause of his expose of lynching Walter While pointed out in a letter to Time that such reactions as those of Messers. Lee and Haldane proved one of the main contentions of "Rope and Faggot" as to the inherent lawlessness which lynch- ing has engendered. Mr. White also requested those who are eager to give him a coat o f tar and frathers that they wait until cooler weather, “ tar being io sticky and messy.” LOSING FAVOR _____ \\ Itili- unii (Allumi Join In D ry Minister Arrested • V T H E M A X W E L L G RIG GS W E D D I N G P A R T Y New York, July 12,—William Pickens Field Secretary o f the N.A.A.C.P. sailed on the S.S. Majestic on Wednesday. July 10, to attend the Second World Congress Against Imperialism to lie held July 20 to 31 in Frankfort -on-Main, Germany. Mr. Pickens will represent the N.A.A.C.P. at the Conference and also |)lans lecturing in England and on the Contoinent on the race question in the United States. Own Store V WYATT W. WILLIAMS A ttorney-at-Lau) With Julius Silvetone, Attorney and Counselor THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY 523 524 LUMBERMENS BLDG. Portland, Ore. Q u a l it y S t o a « > P ost lam i» o n i o a a m W STAY OFF THIS DATE! Monday, August 5 — MRS. ALICE J. RH IN ELAN D E R S Y R A C U S E CLU B, K. O F P., and tion o f her husband's affections Mrs. Rhinelander asks $300,000 from her father in law, alleging that he was the cause of her husband's desertion of her. Mrs. the C O U R T C A L A N T H E CLUB Rhinelander plans to show in tier suit that her husband was taken away by forced methods, ami was closely watched to keep him from communicating witli her. ON T H E BOAT S W A N I