July fi. 11 )21» T ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION Cannibalism Declines in Last Stronghold Noted Polish Explorer Reports Passing of One of W orld’s Oldest Customs * V rou»uni|>tkin «a v r c o u n f e and.tlcc U i* v of on villages. Even today, despite the tlie repast. watohlulncss of the Christian a u ­ Worst Cannibals thorities. an Individual or tribe will Probably the worst record for can­ I revert to the eating of human flesh Among the Dvaks of Borneo, whosc- nibalism was held by the Aztec., of favorite r|g>rt was head-liunting. it Mexico no longer ago than 1521. This j was tlie genera! practice to torture populous nation which had reached the victim, and then consume the a very high stage of barbaric cul- fleah under the watchful eyes of ture. waged war for the sole purpose of obtaining victims to sacrifice to j priests. the war god. Huitzilopochtli. The Ferocious Tribes wretched prisoners were taken to the The Cucumas, a tribe of Peruvian temple by the priests, their hearts ; Indians, have been discovered of re­ torn from them and thrown Into the cent years to be one of the most fiercely cannibalistic peoples known iContinued on page 8. column onei Thev would eat Uie b idles of their dead, grind up their bones and drink the dust mixed with fermented clrtnk This tribe Is the most sav­ age un the South American conti­ nent. Among some of the very re­ mote Eskimo tribes today, women suspected of witchcraft are horribly D.vnkw, m em b er* o f u M im -ca n n ib a l trib e in the ConjfO, tlrennetl fo r u fe s tiv a l. N o te the mutilated and even killed. The his­ tory of certain W est Coast tribes of o«h! m usical in stru m en t c a rrie d by the manin the cen ter. North America shows the existence of secret societies of magicians who Frrncli colonies In West A frl-p lrlb e s both In Africa anil A ustralia.fic« to begin Amid yells, screeches practiced cannibalism, such practice » 1 1 'K N I N O recently from a i dead bodies were kept and ptr|iurrd aml screams, the victims were put to being necessary for membership In were thr sword year s Journey throuttlimit thr In a peculiar manner. They while thr king and his the societies. Only Priests Eat on Sometimes as ra Dr Ferdinand Ossendowakl, then rolls limed as a rare delicacy by noble * looked Uw noted Polish writer and explorer. Ute I u ii o r e it t children of nature many as 500 prisoners were slaugh­ In the southeastern part of New Stated that iu.lv in rare Inwsnow Horn, tunes It was a religious custom tered. Afterwards, grrat fires were Guinea, there are sUU certain tribes was Uletr any mention of lunnllial- to consuma Uw imtie-. o f doei twd built and the bodies crisply roasted where tlie murderer Is not permitted relatives as a mark of respect. At Islh practice«. In the account of to partake of his victim. In some Women Barred hi* recent trip r u ia v e * of the 8 u n"i oUier times a murderer feasted on In G rand Hassam. now a thriving case* Uie entire clan to which the D r Oasrndowski mentions but two or the body of his victim in order to dead man belonged Is barred from the West African port under French three forest tribes that are now keep from bring (taunted It Is Interesting to note also control. II was once the custom to feast known to practice Ute rating of h u ­ Uloody Rites hold a festival every time a new vil­ that in Mindanao, the largest Island man flesh At such Umes In Uie Philippines, the only persons Home of Uir- bloodiest cannibalistic lage was founded who were so privileged were the Hum an llr c h Relished rites In Africa were practiced In Ita- every one taking part 111 Uie fesUval priests who led the warriors. H its Is a remarkable rlian gr from homry There Iwice a year tlie cruel w as forced to pin trike of the human Originated W ith Whites the situation prevailing In many "Customs'' were held. These were viciUns sacrificed. Among the B asu- flails O l Africa rvrn us late as 25 ceremonies consisting of the sacri­ h.e. an independent nation of South It must not be c o n c l u d e d years ago A l Uiat tune cannibalism fice of Ini ltd reds of vlrUms for tlie Africa. It was not long ago Uie cus­ from the foregoing that only the was common in Africa. Moat of Uir irposr of the soul of Uie king or one tom when a very brave foe was killed, darker races have been addicted to African caiinlluila ate human flesh of his aricratcirs. Indeed, quite Uie oppo­ For these cere­ to immediately pluck out and eat his \ cannibalism liecauae Uicy relished It and not be- monies the king's army raided near- I heart, I under | H I lie belief that such site Is true. Cannibalism was prac- cauar of neeraalty or religious rituuls. h\ towns of other black monarch!, although Uiere were tribes where for victims. W hen a sufficient num ­ • aimilHilism w h s a |atrt of Uielr relig­ ber of prisoners was obtained, Ihev ious ceremony. were dressed in reremcnla! robes and The N iani-N lam and Monbuttu na- placed in it stockade surrounded by tlona. until very recenlly. carried on high slacks o f thorn bushes. war* for the por|Mise of obtaining fem ale W arrior« hum an flesh for consumption. It wit Tlien the king assembled his Ain.i- luit sn uncommon sight at one time rc n Corps, o f feniitle warriors, and b> »ee 1 ■ uII 1 » II flesh for sale in the signalling, bade their, charge the market plurrs of large rommunille* .iockatlf Through Uie tiiorn bushes In Wert Africa The Hangala. a they went, their bodies torn by ' tribe ill very high culture residing Uie Utorns. ami Into thr N ow . In Just one m inute, vou can stockade1 In the Congo practiced cannibalism where each selxed a prisoner ha\e a. gorgeou s. soft. w h ite com plexion. and See you r com plexion turn shades w hiter on n large scale up until Just a few brought him or her trlumphnnUy to j In the m agic o f a fe w m om ents. For a year* ago. Uir king The first Amazon to scale j w h olly new w ay has been found to mak. katlng Itead Relative« dark skin look fiv e shades ligh ter Uie barrier and return wlUi hr.- j instantly. In some places thr rating of dead prize, presented Uie poor unfortunate rrlativrs was Combined with Ute kill­ to the monarch, who. borrowing the ing of all who were aged or • .irk Amazon's sword, decapitated the vic­ Home lime- tlie flesh ws> eaten raw tim. and some times rooked Among some This was thr signal for the saerl- SKMUIANINIBALS IN FKSTIVK DHFSS New Way to Whiten Skin in One Minute banished Make y o u r hairlustnuis % D a nish gray h a ir th is q u ic k , e a sy French w av L a rifU «e in beat. Will m ake ■ 7 " " " R ' m--m.-m.m- J ------------ you look years younger. Take black. I arirute will do it in 15 advantage — mail coupon now. minute*, limy to apply. O n e GODEFROY Mit*. CO» a p p lic a tio n m ak e* the hair a 3 IS30 O liv* Street S«. Mmia, M o. lu M ro u iN .u k . N o stickine** o r o d o r . A n y that jjrt* o n scalp • , . , vhuy mm :, cu O ller « Ir r e t . Ht fo u l». Mn washes off quickly. Thousands ! 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