The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, June 29, 1929, Page 5, Image 9

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Juin* 29, 1921)
The Paris Pepper-Pot
H> J. A.
k < h ; kks
In lc r m itiin iu l i.iir r e r / to iu te n l nin i
u> accurate « i Ilclurr as posnlblr in
Itili» minimi ul certain phasrs
Kiiin|irMii tile
W r do not miriMl U> m orallir but
Ui lirr-riit larU • » llw y arr
No * t
takr (tint
w ik
Th r Anglo-Saxon
mulle Is Her llittl you Irli Ihr truth;
but tell a» Unir ut II a» ponalblr. Ho
wr can't.
T o continui*. than. U*r aubjrct of
Ihr Montanartrr cubani
W r arr fo­
ma on u trip to on ol U m mi M pop
ular of Ihr n lfh l clubs
A m e r ic a n ,
fo r
i n - | Arrlvlna at Ihr door one lx grrrlrd
can have
l i l i l í e mea
id e a by aionoanu.
gitrn agn ii who
him irei
nave lim
o r rum
~^ll A T
w orl
th «
not know
how (hr other hitlfi
liven, in nil old NMying.
Kilt it would he truer to itdd :
One humlredth |>i»rt of the
world iloes not know how th e
o t h e r ninety n in e h u n d r e d t h s
l i , .g,
In e
tu n c v ,
in tim i.
talion. T h r » I f lil la an rnrhanllng
lilramlDK chandrllrta. rlalnlv
rlertrtr lantern». a beautiful balmny.
lablr* with »ruiwy cloths on rarprlrd
a d.mcr Koor o f wontlroux
brauly anil amouUinegg. and a richly
decorated alcove In front for the Iwo
i rch< • 11 o
Music i i onttnuow
ObM-quIou wallers hasten to »rat
i nr at a table. On ra< It table la a
■ timing automatic telephone. Over
his brad awing* an electric, lantern
on which 1» marked the number of
thr lablr
Hr ran apeak to any table
. . „„nine tlw autoinailc
how the Kuropean «asea hi- T
¿SL of « the rich to be ' found
S , i l ! «
In , (his
part ;
Life III Europe, while uli’iir
a l o n e of nli
a l l 11»
1 ^
* " b ' , "* i n d
thr w utr world
of fla y Puree
• • •
hot nearly so opulent ns ili whii'h th» iU r iu t«iit tmvhr* OpPIl for I
The gueaU begin to ar­
America, is freer ami more hltn wa li hr wrrr w MuharHjnh. nini
The orchestra has been going
naturai. There ia lesa re- lir rnlrr* » wldr |*i**«trr. thr wwllft ni full blast for MOM lime and Mo­
whlrh hit * rovere«! wllh r * rica­ guls ’ or hoalersea. and thr gigolos
atraint, and thè atudent o f of
ttare« o f indivktuwlA «tono in color or mali- vamps, are moving gracefully
lift* cornea nearer lo seeintf Thry Includi* agii »« of thr incwt inde«! over tlw floor
|x*rMm* who hmvr visitili tlib» fwniouh
liuman nature aa it ia.
ChamtMtgue Is the order of
thr eoOOCUOn wrr
ntKht t luti
But do not Judge these girls too
Life b. harder In Europe
Ilian lu America
Besides, wr have
seen pretty uiurti thr same in New
York night clubs
Home of these
a iris a ir mothers with children whom
llw y are rairlu lly tearing
meeting men as Uiey do night after
night, they arr kern Judges of hu­
man nature
Many a g ira t writer
might envy them their knowledge of
A part of their business Is to rnakc
Uir guest buy as much wine as pos-
get a perrrntdge on
each bottle
Ho fat we have spoken of thr male
But suppose the guest is a
la d y .
T h a t b r in g s u s to t lw i n t r ic a t ­
i l i « s u b j w t u f t h r (l ig n in w h ic h w ill
b r «itM-iwked n e x t w w k
"L E G P A D S " , ^ : . * ^
m m m m m r - — ngfaaü«,
K a k b ri
I r 4 « 'iit | I s iik r r <•arm en t«
Cyeiashes. W i««.. T7iermo-Fsci.
Iiounbl# sntl oners Hot# Period
Costume*. Impersonator« Outfits,
ft r. h c s a » , m » s t* s . e . v . r .
Wife Saved
Him From
A Simple Home Treatment,
Odoriegg and Tagtelegg
tn m
inforuiAUon alwuy* rell^ve» th * ne vera! colorrd jieraoiift
m ot io to ii y
rxln trn rr
or thr lu i m i ut
of vie* . mi wr
t a k r * un
uh n r »
intruit to glvr
Anotiirr HwiiiK'diMir uiul onr m irra
n *| mu i»tus hall o f fanclful omnrnrn-
■ Continued from page louri
adopting him as his man Hilda),
gave him Ihr name t ■ alilrh lie »1111
answers. Jimmy flctch er
Under his
hew tutor. Jimmy provrd an apt pu­
nii. anil made r exrrllrnt
«relient (irogrewi
U ogress In
bt*'k a:
»nd fir Id knowledge NVhrll
author give up work In the “ talea of
lfk fi” tri
u i . tu.
r u r ,' u
, ark II,
to l lakr
up llln
Australia hi- left N-hlnd him a cap­
able si-holar and agrli-ullurtst
Th r New s, lord Master
Sneer*« attended Ihr new school­
master at Port Vale from the outset.
Though t two
years have gone, . the
wave o f enthusiasm which swept o v -
er the community when the people
emhurked on tin* hew venture, has
not spent Itself, and Uie children of
tlielr own accorti, sull troop to school
* At the summons o f the drum file of
scholars, everyone with a bag of
M-hool books, may be seen on the
Macks, converging on
the school*
Kven |atrenls s|iare lime to
liaik In and bestow upon thr school
tin-ii patronale, while fond m ithera
Ix-ion wllh pride ti|ion their children
doing D m * strange esercisca.
rx|irr!rnrr gained by the
a, iHiolmastrr w h ile In thr servici- uf
Ihr two traders rmlnrnUy fils him
for making Instruction In agrlculturr
a i*»» r t a f the m -I iik i I curriculum Ev­
ery day. at tlw close of morning
school, ihr pupils accompany Jlmnn
to the plantallon. where Ihry atr
initiated Into up-to-date mctliods of
day. or rather, night
Hr begins by I
ordering I hat.
But iVrhaps. indeed, most likely
hr Is "a wise one." und ramr (Hit In
m i - (la v I’ aree alone
The wife may *
be at the hotel or in far-away U B A
Hr d ie » n >t intend to drink alonr
so he gives a "once over" at the
hostesses who are decorating the
uibles not In use. Picking out one,
hr reaches her by pitone
i-onslnnlly In demand
In thr sum­
mer these cotton fields arr whltr wlUt
thr bursting bolls. Tlw* whltr lini
■ rsembling snow flskes. gives thr
place the appraraher of a snow
The educational system o f Papua
la marvelous Tlie numlter of duüri Is
v. rk,u.
Must o f her ling-
Kite comes over
Usti ts farrfu lly rnemonird naugli-
ty " words Tlicse hostesses, as nomr-
I.IM- has, described them, arr affec­
tionate. thirsty, hungry, and broke
His selection dancre with him. drinks
his wine, eats his lobster, and gen
craily makes It pleasant for him She
. . I t
, S , n l i herself
|...rcclf ,-n
tir.k v to
l,i his
mood ;
w h o i n o - i ui a certain s c i i o o l , tx r s -
peeially Interesting Tim e pupil* If he Is flippant, so Is she. and vice
r a n g e f r o m f o u r l o f i l t r e n y e a r s o f versa.
On leaving her—Huit ts. If he de­
agr a n d come from m a n y t r i b e s a l l cides
to leave har lie lips her
T lw
of »hu h have a different lineo Borne minimum
Is lüü francs $4 1
Trial Package
Sent Free
F it » I Sixty!
R M R M B E ft Ponce dc Leon
•nd hi« fruirle«« quest for the
fount«m o f Youth? Far more
fortunate today are thousands o f
turn and women who at fifty, kit tv,
e%en sevent> are sttll younf imtidt.
How hate they preserved their
vigor and enthusiasm? Sim ple*
when \ou know their secret.
P E R U N A f This good «»Id internal
m edicine contains I K O N — also
r«>ots and herbs that help bring buck
glowing health and vitality. Stim­
ulates digest ion, purthes the system,
revives sluggish organs and muscles
. . . in short, makes and keeps you
fit. Try one bottle. See if its brac-
ing effects do not change v our
whole outUkok on
Bnt foe a W o m a n ’ s L e t s s o d W ia d « m , H e
W o u ld H a v e F iiU d • D ru n k a rd * G r a v e
o f t h e m a r e r x c f - e d i n g l y brìi Kant;
o t t h iirie
e r s e a n
r e » ,- utni
i » h I ft
at t.
l u » i t n r a u l i B
w i o n r a k
' te<
»-« 11
M*.n grasp the art of a trade
, uch aa ra
riin iirt lug
Cl Iris (lever
Among the girls. It Is found that
thry arc particularly smart and
clever at all handiworks In the do­
mestic line, such as sewing and other
fancy work; while rug-making la onr
o f tlw lr chief masterpieces
tic science In llw way uf cooking
and grtu-ral houskrrplng Is also be­
ing taught with pleasing
hence tlw young Papuan In general.
Is gradually leaving In-hind Hit- prim ­
itive ways of hts forefathers, and Is
becoming more and more rlviltu-d
day by ilay
i Doctors
hhort D r*sthln*
ln 3« to «i
h o u ra ; «tkplllnir rffdu ce d In 16 to ¡¿0
ll rgu lnt PR t h s h e s r t . corr^ct»
th r l l v r r n n J k l d n r y s .
I ' u r lf lr s the
rn tlrr syttent.
Co llum
Ocpt. 250
»■ • !«
».tmmile stMkisf«
A n y lady can f i v e It secretly at b o m «
In t**a, coffee o r foo d, and It c os t«
nothing to try I It y o u h a r e a hus ban d,
• on. hryther, fa ther o r fr ie n d w h o !•
a v Ictlm of whiskey, b e e r o r wine, «e nd
?*4>»ir nam e and a dd re ss to Dr. J. W .
Ifaines t*o..337C Ole u n Bldg., Cincinnati,
Ohio, and tht^y will send y ou a bso lut ely
fr e e . In p la in wr ap pe r , a trial pac k ag e of
this wo n de rf ul tre atment.
B e a d this
n o t ic e with y o u r nam e and a d d r e u to­
day and be thankful all y o u r life.
r m st r o n g
R * m e d y Co m pa n y
A t la n ta , Ga
They have laid out Mverel
tracts o f land for llw cultivation of
of ration, an article of commerce
""S *
A SCI Tit or titkcTM W 'I *
tAT WUftilSTS er A'itt Mf Mw H » m Dt|
Lydia EL Pinkham’» Vege­
table Compound Gave Her
New Strength
• “ I work in a shirt factory starching
the neck hands o f men'a shirts anil
also pressing the collars on a machine,
For alsiut two years I suffered from
aching back, inflammation and other
troubles. Once for four rtionths 1
could not work. A woman who worked
with me told me alamt Lydia K.
I'ink hum's Vegetable tom|aiund. It
h*d done so much fo r her and her
sister that I decided to try it. It
hrwughlnicout wonderfully and I ran
recommend it to any one. 1 am willing
to answer anything Uiat any woman
may ask.’ ’ - Mrs SshlK MAUHlibKK,
1117 N. Carey St.. Baltimore, Md
Lydia E.Pinkham s
for Better Health
rheumatic pain?
Forge« you ev e r hml rheumatic pain! It is easy
enough to «lo w ith a rem edy mi effective and pleas­
ant as St. Joseph’ s Prescription C -2 2 2 .L
Kv attacking r h e u m a t is m at its s o u r c e and
cleansing the system o f acid poisons, C -2 2 2 J helps
to d rive out inflammation and p a in and tends to
correct the cause. It is the original form ula o f a
reputable physician who used it in the treatment o f
sub-acute and chronic rheumatic aches and pains,
gout and neuralgia.
itW h a r m o n y
B lues... .«P
o aU uñng *
Ask your d ealer today for the r e g u l a r $1-00
bottle which is s o ld on a mooey-hach guarantee.
The trial l i t « is bOc.
O r c h e * * 1*
p le y tJ B> U > u i »
S t. J o s e p h 's
Sio. 8690
io.'8690 -
fo r r h e u m a t ic