2 IL L U S T R A T E D F E A T U R E S K l'T IO N J u n e 2 * . I !)2 » j ueas. W hen It's H ot,Eat Lightly By B E TTY B A R C L A Y N ationally K now n F ood W riter. NEW W OMAN'S PAGE Kb ATI RT Vrr pored ( d r l u jv r l i lot U k l l lm ln ln t K rtlurr Section T HE recipe* and food item* •( Eluabeili May Batvlaj known to women from coast to coast a* Bctl\ Barclay ' appear in almost one thousand publications- ranging Irani sm all-tow n weeklies to newspapers and magazines with over our million ctrrulaUoti FOr some time Miss B arclays syndicated material has been appear­ ing In the Illustrated Feature Section. Beginning with this issue she will furnish us with exclusive tood items and recipes We believe th at our women will appreciate this new feature and shall be glad to liave com ­ ments from those who try the recipes given. | O N T rat too heavily w hengB E T TY H A K li. AY OFFERS RECIFE H O O k liT S the weather Is too warm and see that tlie children Betty Barclay, whose recipe* and are not allowed to eat to fin d stories have been a ptva n n g lor rwoess This does not mean some tmir ui this publication «will that one must starve Merely cut be glad to. have the names and ad down a tittle on the lieary foods, d n ssrs o f women reader* interested such as bread meal, fish and eggs tn recipes o f various kinds, so that and cootinu to en joy your green hum tune to time she may forward \ egetiJBles your fresh fruits and your them recipe booklets that are avail­ beverages such as milk, iced tea. able Merely drop a postal to Miss grape juice lemonade, and o f course Betty B arclay. Illustrated Feature good cold water. Section, in care o f this newspaprr. Avoid ice-water, but serve iced- and vour name will be added to the water There is a difference in these list. Ice-w ater is water tilled with bits of ice. so that the temperature is a l­ SERVE SALADS TH IS SI MMER most freezing It is not wise to The summer salad 1« valuable not drink this to excess, or d n n k it rap­ merely because It contains light, a l­ idly Better far is iced water water kaline foods that are needed to b a l­ that has been placed tn a bottle and ance the a cid-prodocm g foods eaten, set aside in the refrigerator to cool but also because it serves to satisry It is plenty cool enough to drink, the appetite and fill the stom ach and by having two or three bottles on without furnishing loo many calories the ice. one can always be sure o f a to a heat tortured L h cool drink Serve a salad with rvery dinner, even tt» u g h it be the simplest kind o f a salad Half a banana, half an A SUMMER SALAD 3 tablespoons nee «brown pre- orange a few cherries or lettuce leaves with a touch of dressing will ferred do Serve It ice cold and It will be 1 cup orange juice relished by all—fam ily and guests cu p finely chopped peanuts alike Cream cheese balls Wash rice and cook for seven m in­ utes in boiling salted water; drain. Sore Legs Healed Cover with orange juice and cook Open Lee«. Ulcers, Enlarged Veins. Ooltre, in double boiler until rice is tender Cool, m ix with finely-chopped pea­ F.etemu healed whil« you work. Writ« lor nuts; sprinkle with salt and arrange Fre« book. "How to Heal My Sore U f i al on lettuce leaves with cream cheese Horae.“ Describe your case, A. C. Liep* tails. Serve with cream m ayon­ Pharmacy, IT» Greco Bay Are.. Milwaukee. naise or French fruit dressing. not um nlsrd wlUi the paUms I always attendant upon lailuie This ptrtuie o f a mother who j equip* her children lor Uie and Uten refuses to let them face l i B a powerful argument « g o s s t U » dan rs o f loo w is h m illier love." and T o o M uch "M other L o r e ” ♦ « his rV|«erlen*'er well wsirUi reoiMtig The revolt o f Uie children against | 1HKSK ARE MY JKWE1.M by U loo ui urn pnUerUon prrariiu * B Campbell Published by W W moral whk-ti tupllrs to r w ry sltua- Norton A O b . 1B3 pages Price Uoti upon which mother Influener u> »3 00 brought to beat uuduly Written m D o Y ou W ant Som e RS M AMTKRKt )N although splendid stvlr, tinged here and1 a product ot die l»th century there with flnr trunv. Utls book a f-1 Is a m odern mother, who sees fonts an Interest which not only »•> that her children are equipped lot levtains but Inatrucu. and whirl« o ii(‘V? Ilfs by lire time they are old enough •nay be aitaluablr to nwiUiers who to think lor themselves Her many arr Inclined to be (on protective l o o k O ver Our clubs do not prevent her Irani uver- it is Mias C am pbells nrsi M M l sretng everything her children and preaent* a vivid delineation «•( sieak no. or think; so Uiat when a character wluo«- dom inant person C LA SSIFIE D A D S Maurtne the youngest, shows sym • allty overflowed the bounds o f her toms o f being uuleprtident. there 1» own home and Invaded those o f hri on Page 7 some amasement that she belongs let children The disits! lolls raaultg if I the family at all. tier well inUnUnned efforts are told | Wlien Harry marries a girl un­ will, unapgtrmg ciarlty and direct - known to his uk »Hie tiir new t*m - thr is ruled with such com pleteness that Harry Is forced to remove (nan his m oth ers Jurisdiction Hardly has she recovered tram tills blow when the death at Jlni. Jr in Uie « a r i l war reveals hla seciet mar- CHATS ABOUT KOOKS r M Kxtra M r'*nv- energetic lady now turns her forces upon l»er daughter. \ total. wlwiee husband tiers to l*arts. *euv-, n : PtiliDPS mg tier because she could not beai ■ separation from tier mother Tlie *0>~*“ *v , restored calm ol the Mastersor household is again broken bv the marriage of Maurmr. live liulepen Fee Yroohiew aur to A i*d dent Her refusal to "try Sammy out on U»e fam ily" sliocks and: grieves her mother who plunges into fresh club activities to soothe h e r ! s p i w o f in)urv 1 Tlw nlnr\ rrvrRla a auk* unw It lias I.S Phillips Milk o f Magnesia Dr ra n lr r 119 W . W * * h in «ta M M . . * • • • phvsl- rrm ainrd tlw standard with . • U C k la a i« . d a n s in the SO years sincr It« in- vrntlon. (Mir spiamful o f this harmless Beat the Number«! iastclev. alkali in walri will nrulraJ W ith This New C alcu latin g utr instantly many times as much W hen Pain / e s T w o hour« after eating (R E A M M A Y O N N A IS E Double Your Money No E xperien ce Neceaaary Wr , I I jrjn fjW w T T i BBBSCIXI alkow a* r o u n U . I rig |>CUM- a * • you r U jc J i how budget ■ to««ift. G e a r e lr r . w . • . . -'ip . "ec N« CM I • g u eaa w o rk , t h is is • t.m rU ilu « « t ie s l a r l i p t a c h ln e W-aiTier e it e eaae a n d g u a r a n - . te e d L. a life U mk < iK T . n *»< m r mu . i Stilliti I*Hl>F!TM OKI-KH W N Kl Y | N- MONRY N KK1 1 MF HENT JUST FAY |4 UO OH ARRIVAL j in link now A D D R D W C A F tT A I. r » » O H C - W i— -J TH»N <30 IM .T O N BOX 11««. OANH I». C. F R E N C H F R U IT D R E S S IN G 3 tablespoons lemon juice 3 tablespoons orange juice 4 tablespoons oil '» teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Sell th e w id ely a d » e r t n e d » A I R I’ l l * M J C A C M I X i O I N T M E N T AMU O T H E R R E A L T Y < STATION S. W onderful pre­ m iu m * w it h e v e ry order F o r big s a m p l e c a s e o f f e r w ri t e D e pt . I l l , THE! TBI'-KANi C O , M r m p h i i . T e nn . CH EESE BALLS 1 cup cheese 2 egg whites 2-3 tablespoon flour Salt, cayenne pepper and crumbs Beat the whites of eggs until real tiff then fold the other ingredients i very carefully. Make small b a ll'. oil in tiny crumbs and fry In deep Whitens skin double quick! a d d and Uie symptoms iliaapi o n ir YiMl Wilt lH*vrr ‘ *ar Irani U.a mrUiod- wlien once you -------- efTrirnry of Uli», d o get a small bottle u> try. IV surr U« gel Uw grm iinr I’ htl- lip s Milk o f Magnesia prescribed by physicians (or Ut year* In m crretln * r x r r s s acids. 2 be and SOc a bottle - any druiiktorr Milk o f Magnesia" has been tha 0 ft Keircsterer! Tra* e Mark o f Ttio Chnrlr*. II Phillips Cliemtral Ccun- psm and IU predecessor. Cltarles H. P illili» M ice I*?» W onder ! S S S 5 3 1 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice *. cu p cream Beat cream until stiff and fold in- j other ingredients. Com es Viennese Society Dentist Sends Secret »f Pfcarly White Teeth DECATUR { fTREET i TUTTI j vz \jh.s na s so< i**fy (b ’litibt ha« amat- ' LO VELY light comfdexion is , so easy to gel with Nadm ola, the double-quick, super powerful bleaching cream. Just smooth it on at bedtime and it starts to work almost at once, quickly bleaching your skin lighter and lighter, day by day, until you have just the complexion you've always craved. N o disappointments—NaditvJa always works. Pimples, oilmess and roughness disappear, leaving your skin soft and smooth. Every package carries our w ritten m o n ­ ey back guarantee and simple directions. Begin this wonder­ working treatment tonight. At all drug stores 50 cents. Extra- large, money saving size. $1. If you cannot buy it where you live; send us 50 cents or »1. and we will mail it poatpaid. also dainty gift •ample bo* o f Nadine Face Pow­ der and beauty booklet. Addresa Department W . National Toilet Company. Pans. Tenn.. U. S. A. A Freckled Skin Made Smooth and White! F it was like a miracle to iwe,” writes g California woman. *‘ I doubter! that Golden Peacock Bleach Creme or any­ thing else could help my blotchy, ugly skin. But I put it on one evening, and in the morning roy skin was shades whiter and clearer. In a few days it was pearly white and soft — just like the sk i« t tm. - ^ RECORDS" gsallc tketfw HOT db m m ^