THE JU N E 80, 1080 LOCAL NEWS rnook St., June 2U ami 27. Many in­ teresting report» were auhmitterl by reprr»cntativ«a of the varioua cluba rompriauiK the federation An en- joyahlr program wai preaented. Mr». Mr. ami Mr». Frazier »ml W. M. Wilton of Seattle, »pent Sunday in Ruth Mower» i* preaident of the fed­ I'ortlaml They were Ihr giir»t» at eration. ■ liiinrr of Mr. amt Mr». C Martin. W ll.l. SELL OR TRADE my equity in a 2 family Hat, 270 Graham Ave.., Mr». W. II. Myle» »ii»t»iur ber limb» recently by the up»rttiri|| of a (Man of hot grease. FOR RENT—5 Room Flat $25. per month Modern 21IH Weidler St Adv. ItOOMS Kraonable for traveller» or Y o iiiik Men.—SKLI. wimk I sont) Ailv. Mr William«, of Seattle, vitited hi» daiitihter, Mr». Fli»e Reynold», 3UI Rotelawn Ave, ami family, Sunday ANNOUNCEMENT! Mi»» Maxine Maxwell hat accepted SUNFLOWER CAMI* AT SEASIDE employment in I'urtlaml WILL BE OPEN JULY 2 Mr», l.ovcll and their "new arrival" Phone UR IMI Ida l.iithtford, are doinit nicely at St. J W. CURRY. Pro f r it lor. Vincent'» lloipital, where tlie latter •aw the tir»t light of day. x ROOM MODERN HOUSE, CLOSE "I’apa” Lovell ia all »mile» now. IN, REASONABLE; NICE YARD. VARIETY OF FRUIT. CALI.! SU. 70»8—Adv. The Oregon Federation of Colored Women'» Club» held a two-day con­ vention at the Y.W.C.A., 27« Till» Subcaribe for the Advocate ADVOCATE PAGE THREE The Secret Of How To Be Well Dressed WONDERFUL ETHIOPIANS VOL. 1 A Book the Sensation of the Hour— The Most Thrilling Story of the Age« BY DRU8ILLA DUNJEB-HOUSTON educator. Autbor, Journalist The East Calls It the Greatest Negro Book in Twenty-five Years It will atlr your eblldraa to blgbar ambition*. It will girt tba tarn char saw po»ar to arouaa enthusiasm For mlntatar. lodg* or club head It will fir* your followers to greatar achievement» and love for anllgbtanad leadarahlp (A arias tba raadlng of which will make on* learned ) Boston. Maas., Aug. 11. 1*27. I am just returned from South America to And your Interesting and aebolarly book. I am amazed, thrilled. I did not know that •ueh past glorias war* th* Negro'». I with that every Negro borne could own a copy. Most sincerely your», THOMAS L. A. OXLBY. Editor. “ Poet’* Journal.’’ Praaldent, “ Poetic League o f America.” Naw York Mess, This book will balp th* Negro to go forward with freah cour­ age to fight race battle» It ought to be a flowing fountain for aspiring youth. FRANK R. CROSSWAITH. Associated Negro Pr “ In It la more of the gold of Negro hletory tbaa In any othar book. Sba baa performed a service hitherto unattalned.” Llano, gl.OO Leather. gB.OO Addrana— UNIVERSAL PRESS Box M l . Oklahoma (Sty, Ok la., or BIS Leaaoz Ave., New York HICHAKDSON S GONFKCTIONERY The first atep towards tmartaeas ia Mia* Dunn. Troclea, especially those to kaow'youraelf. The'well dreaaed of the inexpensive type, are now woman studies ber type and her color­ standardized in sizing according to bar ing. just as she studies the gown abe tru-fit system. Regular and inter­ wear». She chooee* only the hue* that mediate sizes from 14 to 46 are covered are flattering, lines that give grace to by this novel plan. her figure, and details that beat express Certainly this idea «rill revolutionise her personality. the art of dress manufacture. After The day* when women srere depen­ all, a definite knowledge of one’s size dent entirely on the Mleswoman are is money in one's pocket. Do you know gone forever. Thanks to a brilliant your size? Is yours a standard size or stylist of New York City, Mias Marie do you belong in the category of in- Dunn of L.M ittleaan A Company, between« termed intermediate? a scientific'analyst» of the feminine These two smart and inexpensive figure with, special 'reference to the frocks exemplifying the spirit of the couturier's need* baa been made. If new mode, designed and cut according you srould like a chart of how to as­ to tru-fit or regular and intermediate certain your correct aise, ooe «rill be, sizes, insure a perfect fit witfiout gratieJf jrou will write. alterations. aml FUUNTAIN LUNCH Office Phone Br. 8967 BARBKCUEI) HF.F.F AND PORK BARBECUE!) HY ‘‘Kal Boy Muxw. ll” of Salem, Oregon Dr. Elbert L. Booker DENTIST HALF SPRING CHICKKN SATl'RDAY AND SUNDAYS GOLDEN W E S T HOTEL Res. Phone Ea. 8983 HOURS. 9 - 12, 1 . 6 Sun. A Evening by Appointment 502 - 3 PANAMA BUILDING N. E. Cor. Third and Aider The Fat Boy Barbecue Inn The now high-com ­ pression motor* hare as little as 1/33 0 / an CHARLES 1!. MAXWELL, Prop. Located In Hollywood, Salmi, Oregon inch between the top 0/ the piston and thm cylinder head— H int carbon ia ruinoue to them , even in sm all quantities The Oldrxt Negro Buxiness In Portland I» . . . . The Advocate Publishing Co- Publishers of " The Advocate” — A 16-Page Newspaper In Two Sections! Published Every Saturday for the Past Tuenty-Six Years! E. D. (»milady. E d ito r Mm E. I), (-aiinady, Manager A (iootl Place to Wornhip! Mount Olivet Baptist Church EAST FIRST AND SCHUYLER STREETS handful of flint carbon — I)r. Jonathan Lyle Camion, Pastor LARGEST AND REST CHOIR IN THE CITY LARGEST AND REST SUNDAY SCHOOL LARGEST AND REST Y. P. MEETINGS and only V$2 of an inch to put it in A Fine Negro Art, Literature uml Music Y ou’ve probably seen mechanics working on one o f the older type motors— scraping layers o f car­ bon off the piston heads— a big handful o f it from one motor! But the newer engines could never stand such carbon deposits. Some o f them have only the thickness o f a knife blade between piston and cylinder head—no room at all for carbon. STUDY GROUP Phone EAst 5027 Motto: Every Member a Worker First A. M. E. Zion Church Established in 1862 WILLIAMS AVENUE at SAN RAFAEL W. # R. I-OVELL, W h a t causes carbon? , The carbon that builds up in your motor comes from burned oil. And it is a strange fact that often the highest priced lubricants will give you large quantities o f gritty, hard carbon. In spite o f all this it is easy now to avoid car­ Only a little soft soot Shell Motor Oil, the result o f a new refining proc­ ess, forms less than one-third the carbon o f even the costliest oils; no hard carbon, only a little soot that blows easily away through the exhaust. Its lubricant value is far greater than old type oils. Careful refining leaves all its “ body” intact ready to resist even the’ most violent changes in temperature. Insist on Shell Motor Oil every time you buy. It is almost a necessity in today’s motors. Pastor “ A Friendly Church With a Community Spirit” Parsonage: 417 Williams Avenue N o t o n ly doea S h e ll M o t o r O i l form 3/3 leas carbon— the little i t doea form ie »oft, to o t-lik e , a k in d that blow* easily away bon-forming oils. For science has perfected one oil that is vitally different. Portland, Oregon SHELL MOTOR OIL Shell 400, the new “ dry” gas that bums cleanly and keeps out o f the crankcase, is the ideal running mate for Shell Motor Oil. Even Shell M otor Oil can be ruined by “ thinning” with a “ wet” gas