f H E A DV O C AT E PAGE TWO ÜHiurrljrß FIRST A. M. E. « . 7JON CHURCH THE ADVOCATE W. R I.OVELL. Patter Friendly C h in i M i a t'owMUMty Spirit" Established in 1863 Pvbliebed every Saturday at Suite 312-313 Uacleay Building. Portland. Oregon * Phone Atwater IMS E. D CANNADY. ------- MRS E. D. CANNADY. Editor 10 o'clock: W’or- Office Assistant and liaolypc Operator , »hip service at 10 44. Sunday morning _____ Children and adults urged to be pres- 1 ent. "The Supreme Constraint” will be 'Racial Integrity' the theme of the message Sunday ntor- ‘Much Ado About Nothing 7 ' 7 betng . the BroadcaM- pastor. In the evening. All this noise made , «. by ning The by Gfca, some Southern white men ab o u t, Christian Endeavor Society at « 30 By Mrj. E. D. Cannady preserving “racial integrity” would pm. "Heroes for Christ” will be the A great furore has been created he funny if it were not for the subject of the weekly lesson, and a over an incident which in our tnind fact that thev seemingly are tak- , . ' The president urges all members and should have received only a cursory tng themselves (riMd# to t* present a. this will be mention. We refer to the inclusion Just who is senously. to blame for the ,ht ,in4, m„ tin(r o( ,hf Endeavor So- of Mrs. Ocar Del Vies t at one of a admixture of the two races in this ciwtv after the summer vacation, scries of White House teas by Mrs. country' Who is to blame for the Mrs. until Ada McGill claimed the honor Herbert Hoover. millions of millattoes that have «« Sunday morning of taking an offer- Mrs. Hoover merely followed a come out of # the .» . heart . of f the .» south ,„ t| L mg * tor Baby Ida . l.ighttord . ,, it. I.ovcll, c. who was . born rridav June >ne social custom, an official and routine where every law. even to the ^ l4 tklnk rv(y0n r of thr many affair that had been set and has been graveyard, prohibits the intenm ng- friendj »ho have madr such wonder- adherred to for many years. ling of races? W ho is it in the ful preparations for her coming and It seems to us that Mrs. Hoover south that maintains two families stay. She and Mrs Lovell arc doing had no alternative. Had she exclud­ even todav in some places, one bv ***** at Vincent's Hospital and ... .. . . . . will be home carlv in July. ed Mrs. DePriest's name from the wh,tc w ,te and the. 0,hcr b> a The Strawberry Social by the Yig. list solely on the ground of color, a„ Colored is it It s a safe bet; jantes ciu^ Saturday night at the home she certainly would have deserved that it is who not the Negro man. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams was censure. What site really did, in our Then why all this noise about a huge success, estimation, doesn’t deserve any­ racial puritv, etc? Let those who Prayer Meeting »as well attended more special praise than it deserves are making it clean out their own 1 U>dniidl-V ni“h‘ A vcry í‘,ir,,u•,1 censure. But the action of the pro­ lives before finding fault with his meeting resulted. Yancy Franklin, - . ----- __________ A m u c u te Editor and Manager | Sunday School at testers merely goes to show what brother. narrow provincial circles their Biblically speaking, “ He that is BETHEL CHURCH NOTES minds occupy. fault, let him cast the first Riv. D . G. H ill . J«., Patter Ordinarily, Mrs. Hoover may not without stone.’’ care for Mrs. DePriest as a social Perhaps we do not know just M ss Louise Randolph. Reporter friend, and Mrs. DePriest may not they mean about “preserving j care for Mrs. Hoover's company— what racial integrity.” They may not American Legion to but, Mrs. . DePriest, ............. like Mrs. mean at all just what we have in Participate In Next „ Hoover, simply acted like tntelli- . , . ~ . ._ . Sunday’s Serv ice ___ ^ well-bred tl j . individuals .. . , , anv- ___ i mind they mean. To judge by the Lt. Col. T. Walter Gilfard, formerly gent, actions of some of them, we take of the 1st. U. S. Infantry (13th Div.) where act. it that it is all right for them to deliver the Independence Day ad- Oh, the silly, senselessness of it interm ingle as much as they please dress at Bethel A.M E. Church. all . . . all this about black and clandestinely and in the night time rabee and MeMi'.len Sts., Sunday Lar nite white! Have we not the sense of but it is all wrong when intelli- at 8 »clock. The Drum and Bugle beauty, artistry- and harmony so gent people . of e . the l . two races drink i corp of . PosPt No. 1 American ** Legion , , . , will ... play at the church. w Mrs. Jesse developed that we can see it in the “ and , chat over a cup of tea in the c<)le9 G nyvta sing. The pro- diversity of outward beauty of man­ day time. Lord have mercy on the gram is in charge of Mr Wilbur kind? To those of us who have souls of the “racial integrity pre- Mercier, formeely Fiest Sgt. in the passed through the “Valley” on up servers 369th U. S. Infantey. All ex-service ! into the mountains, it seems per­ men are invited to attend. The mor- gage dsive for tht church will close fectly silly that there should be so I Speaking of social equality, we at thjs time much ado about nothing. The incident, seems to us, merely are r" ninded that Mrs D eP*«t an incident in our approach to a would more likelv be the social more normal state of society. If it ^ ual of the first Iad>' of the Iand M° l NT ° LL'_ET BAPTIST CHURCH were Mrs. Hoover's and Mrs. De than ^ o i thosc M,SS,SS,PP' Priest’s first venture in things in- ^"tlemen's wives, if one is to Edgar Williams terracial, we can only sav -they I Jud^e thcir choice of a help-mate Jonathan By Lyle Pastor, US don't know what thev’ve been m iss-(fay the measure mtelli- Wygant S t—Phone Caaton, Walnut 11U. ing all these years” not to have &enca the-v have shown ,n «8»«* ORDER OF SERVICE taken the step long ago. t0 the recent White House «P** sode. Sunday: 9:30 a. m., Sunday School; Hoover Makes Appointment 11 a. m , preaching; 6:30 p. m„ B.Y.P. 7:45 p. m., Evening Service. Ne8roe* and Newspapers U.; Monday: 8 p. m., Brotherhood In Houston, Texas, the brilliant Meets. authorities have a city ordi- Tuesday: 8 p m., Choir Rehearsal President Hoover has appointed Robert H. Lucas Commissioner of nance prohibiting Negroes from pray*r Service ? m ' *** Internal Revenue at Washington, ^«»¡ng newspapers on Main Street, Thursday (Second and Fourth): D. C. This appointment is the first and a^*° another forbidding the Missionary Circle, 4 p m. major appointment given to our N'egroes to sell papers to whites. Friday (First and Third): Literary Group by the President. I* seems to us here is at least ( Society, time and place announced. It is encouraging to say the least, a little work for the Houston In Sen ices Sunday morning were large­ when heretofore, this place has been ; terracial Commission to do. ly attended by persons who wanted to held for a number of years by a _______ hear Dr Caston’s last message before Southern white man who was re- his departure for Cleveland. O.. to the V.A.A C.P convention. He left the moved by President Hoover—which, j congregation with a very inspiring goes to show that Mr. Hoover is not catering to the Lily-White Re­ Q u ickly R e lie v e d message. Evening services were led by C. E. publicans and the Southern race Ivey who continued the young people’s Don't suffer with Eama, Dandruff, Pun hateing Democrats as has been re­ pirn, Blanuahaa and other annoying akin j lesson into the regular evening pro- ported. Irrirarinn*, 7^— aaoaeptfa liquid la tha —S ' gram. Special musical numbers were j Itching Skin MINISTER AIDS CHURCH Reports from Minot, N. D., tell in glowing terms of the recent visit there of Dr J. W. Anderson of Portland, regional secretary of the National Bap tist Convention Several sermons that he delivered included iwie for the Masonic Order This was followed by a large banquet honoring Dr. Ander­ son. Other social courtesies included a dinner by Mr and Mr*. Tupkner, the proprietor* of the Third St. Grocery Co.; dinner at the Butler Chicken Inn. Hie special business at Mmol was in the interest of the Second Baptist Church. For more than three years the members had been trying to get posaesison of their property, but it was not effected until Rev. Anderson's visit there, when it is .«aid, he was instru­ mental in having the property restored to its rightful owners He will make an official visit to First Baptist Church at Vernoiua. Sunday Dr. 1-angston i* the pastor there. He »ill leave July Fourth for Montana. North Dakota. Minnesota and South Dakota. Dr. Anderson said But some of the biggest hearted people—white and colored—live in Minot, S D. Minister Studies at Oxford Atlanta. G a—Dr Willis J. King, pro­ fessor of Old Testament history at Gam- most Theological Seminary, lias been granted a six months' leave of absence by the board of trustees of the local institution for study and research at Oxford University, England The re­ search study has been made possible by the scholarship grant of the Rosrn- wald Fund. Dr. King bring the first Negro to receive scholarship for study in Old Tetsament history. According to announcement, he will confine his work largely to the field of Old Testament prophets. College, Marshall, Texas, ith an A R degree; from Boston University with M.A. and Ph.D., before taking up the professorship at the local institution. --------0-------- Philadelphia Negro Boy Scouts Hand In Charters Following Jim-Crowism At Camps Philadelphia. June 27-(CNS)—Twel ve Negro Boy Scout groups here with dreew from the Boy Scout organiza­ tions and handed in their charters in protest against the practice of discrim­ inating against them in Boy Scout Camps. Mrs Salbe Gatewood of Columbia, Mo., and travelling companion of Mrs. Cora Roberts arrived here also on the 21st and is visiting her brouther, Nim­ rod Jackson and his wife. Mr. and Mrs Jackson and friends are planning social courtesies in her honor. The Culture Club of which Mrs. L. V. Crosswhite is president, will dis­ continue its activities during the sum­ mer vaction. JUNK «1», 11»»'.» SOCIAL EVENTS I JBL Boat Excursion Thurs. JULY 4, 1929 On !Mi‘iiaurt* Biirgi* "SVI AN ’ GOOD MUSIC DANCING ( uiii I it 12), ,"»4h- Allulla, $1.04) Uhi III m i LEAVE WEST SIDE OF Al.HER STREET DOCKS 0:00 I». M. AUSIMI IS I'd « >S 1'ING d >M MIITKK YOUNG PEOPLE ENTERTAIN ELDERS Wow ! It's the talk of the two«» I What ? Why, the Intermediate's party given in honor of their parrots Thursday even mg. June 20, at the home of Rev ami Mrs. J L. Castnn, 334 Wygant Street The house was beautifully decorated with the class colors, old gold and blur. Many bouqurts of rosrs and carnations were placed about the rooms. Miss Lena tlillsman opened the pro­ gram with striking piano number Masonia Scott gave a reading en­ titled "Mother”, and Ruth Scott sang Others who took par* in the program were Miss lice Arlcrry, in a mono­ logue. “Women Who Rule the World” Mildred Ivey. Julia May Blaichard and Estelle Palterson. The boys did not fall short on their end of the entertainment. Ivan Can nady proved to be a second Caruso while Charles Duke played a piano number. Greeting to the parents on behalf of the young people was given by Geraldine Williams, president of the B. Y. P. U. She earnestly urged co­ operation between the parents of the young people and she praised Mrs V. C. Caston. the department super­ intendent in charge of the B. Y. P U. Other contributors to the success of the |>arty were Bernice Buford. Car­ oline Carter. Rosedell Smith and Mrs Pearl Mitchell. A number! of the parents present responded to the tribute offered by the yonig people through short speeches of appreciation. , Cartherine l air was the mistress of ceremonies and she received much praise for the manner in which she handled the entertainment. Rev. Caston spoke very inspiringly an “The Future Negro and His Oppor­ tunities", and urged all to sttnd firm in the belief that he may be trained for service in citizenship and service tomorrow. Mrs. and Mr. I. L. Davison have taken rooms at 417 Williams Avenue with Rev. and Mrs W. R. Lovell and have leased their home for the summer. The Kenwana Bride Club met Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Sgt. A. J. Franklin and Stanley his Irvin Flowers, hosts. Election of offi­ spent several days at Winlock. cers and refresments were the diver­ son, Wash., visiting friends. sions. Mrs. J. T. Allen, of Oakland. C al. Mrs. L. H. Lighter of Denver Colo., formerly of this city is visiting Mrs. spent Wednesday in the city as the G. W. KKenny. 294 Fargo. guest of her brother, Howard Trout­ man and his family. She left Thurs­ Mrs. Ida Sweich, 1037 Division, has day for Seattle to visit another broth­ as her guest a time-honored friend, er. On her return she will visit rela­ Mrs. Cora Roberts of Columbia, Mo. tives and friends in Portland. Mrs. Roberts arrived Friday the 21st and will remain until August 1. Sev- Mrs. Marion Walker has returned 1 eral social affiairs are being arranged in hr honor. mother and daughter in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. P. Frazier of Seattle Mrs. Ruben Sullivan has been elect- were Rose City visitors over the past ed as one of the faculty members of week end, stopped at the Golden West the Dallas, Texas, public school sys-1 Hotel and were six o'clock dinner tern. Mrs. Sullivan formerly lived here guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis A. Reed in Portland. Bzui of 303 Cherry Street. way to raiiad Itching often Smppmm rendered by the coir. Next Sunday will be observed as ovanight- SpWw far Sunburn and Po4aon j missionary day. Program under the It’s all right for some people to t Ivy- AH druggist« 35c, 60c, SI 00 I direction of the senior and junior mis- talk about preserving racial purity, I sionary societies. Electric Wiring done by . . . . after they have “messed” the races In carying out the plan of the race all up! j conference, ther will be an exchange | of services between Mt. Olivet and A.M E. Zion Church during July. On the third Sunday in July, Mt. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I Olivet choir will give a special musi­ MEDICINAL HERBS STATE OF ORECON cal program. For the County of Multnomah Telephone TRinity 1054 1635 THE ALAMEDA Don’t fail to attend »ervice, Sunday. Be a missionary to yourself and frienrs. FRANCES TURNER, Plaintiff and ROOTS BRING SOMEONE! VJ. RAYMOND GORHAM. Defendant (No. 145571) SUMMONS Eat at a . . . • If taken in time, may To Raymond Corhan, the Above Named ! -vent operation* for First-Lias« Restaurant I , -artel. Catarrh, Iain*. ANNUAL BARBEQUE Defendant : in the •.. • Throat, Aathma, Kidney, j In the name of the State of Oregon, you ; Liver, Rheumatism, Blood, . . . at . . . are hereby required to appear and answer Stomach and all female GOLDEN WEST HOTEL disorders. Alao Bladder ' the complaint filed acainat you in the above Broadway and Everett Streets Trouble*. entitled Court and cauae on or before the expiration of four weeks from the date of Shiloh Baptibt Church TH E C. GEE WO | E. Hirhardaon and A. G. Greeve, Proprietor» the firat publication of thin .Summons, to- ! fc^mediea »re harmless, as wit; on or before July 22, 1929, and if no drugs or poison are | you fail to so appear and anawer, plaintiff, u-'d. Composed of the , East Seventy-Sixth and Everett choicest medicinal roots, 1 for want thereof, will apply to the above C. Gee Wo herbs, buds and bark, im­ entitled Court for judgment against you 29 Years ported b j us from far- , Fourth of July for the sum of Eleven Dollar* and Twenty In Portland Cents I 111. 20) and for eo*U and disburse, ments incurred in this action. COME ONE! COME ALL! This Summons it served upon you by pub­ lication thereof by order of the Honorable J. Hunt Hendrickson, Judge of the above entitleJ Court, made and entered upon the MORTICIANS 21at day of June, A.D. 1929, directing that CHINESE MEDICAL HERBS said publication be made in The Advocate Montgomery at Fifth not less than once each week for four con­ AUSPLUND DRUG COMPANY, INC. secutive weeka from the date of the firat Phone Day or Night publication thereof. STORE 262^4 Alder St. Dated and first published, June 22, 1929 Atwater 21S1 Date of last publieation July 20, 1929 SIXTH A OLIA AH 8 T R M T 8 S. W Corner TMrd St, MRS. E. D. CANNADY, Portland, Oregon. PORTLAND, 0 U Attorney for Plaintiff, 312 Macleay Bldg. • U fa Wambold Electric Company C. GEE WO Rose City Lodge No III /. B. P. O. E. W. FOLLYANN Men’s Doggie l SHO E I Ilion M ad e — S p rin g M i lea $9.041 to $ 1 0 .0 0 COMPANY 1 3 3 T lilrtl S lr r r l al Al«lrr H o l l id a y 8C H o l l id a y Tonaorittl Parlor a 125 NORTH SIXTH STREET PORTLAND, OREGON Equipped with the Very Latest, \^e Are In a Position to G«re for Men, Women and Children Come Let l/i Serve You! HOLLIDAY X llOIJ.IDAY Centralized Banking The centralizing of all of one's banking at one bank naturally m a k e s for eloaor contact between bank end customer. With every department of banking un ­ der one roof end one management here at the United Htatee National, thla central Izatlon of banking la both poaalble and practical. CS- ^ Î - I n ik x lS tiltx s S a l fon al I k in k - ‘One of the Northweat’i Great Hank»" Buy Here For Cash AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications The most in value-The in quality DRY WASH- —ROUGH WASU FA st 0883 EAst 0883 NEW SYSTEM LAUNDRY ORIGINATORS OF INDIVIDUAL WASHING We Do Not Mark Your Clothing 507 E. FLANDERS — PORTLAND, OREGON WET WASH— J. P. F I N L E Y & S O N 2-IN-l WA»n oral ” , ", A \ il I.FR andTRACPY Pht,ne B roadw ay 2eai