« THE I B An V O L 83 — NO. 87 ADVOCATE In d * p « i» 4 «B l P a p «r IN TWO SECTIONS D «v ot«d ^ JU T L A N D , OREGON to th o SATURDAY, I n ta r a a t* mf th o P o o p lo M A Y 11,1089 PRICE: « CENTS SECTION I. MANY WILL SUPPORT FACT-FINDING CONFAB »WEST MAKES CHOICE FOR MILITARY SCHOOL IE ON GIRLS AND E IE MEN IN PORTLAND U M K ID ■ ■ MIE SUM WS Citizens Rallying to the Call of First Annual Race Conference-Strikes Popular Favor—Delegates Being Selected—Two Weeks Remain for Others to Come In. PROMISES TO BE GREATEST HEADLINE OF THE SEASON Plan* are rapidly being completed for a apecial «nidnight matinee per­ formance o f the sensational all- talking. tinging and dancing motion picture production, “ Heart* in Diaie,“ the first of the all-colored film* to reach the screen. The midnight matinee, which will itart at lt:SO tharp, it being ar­ ranged for a de luxe presentation at the Rivoli theatre on Saturday night, May 2». With a seven-act stage show composed of local c o l­ ored artists. Seat tale is now being supervised by Mrs E. D. Can- nady. "Hearts in D ixie" it scheduled to open its premiere Portland engage­ ment Thursday, May IS, at the United Artists theatre, where it will be held for an indeterminate period, but will be transferred to the Kivoli for the special matinee owing to the fact that the United Artists has no stage. Natural harmony of a Negro en­ semble of mixed voices has been heard on the stage, on records and over the radio, but for the first time com et to the tcreen in the Fox-M ovietone film, “ Hearts in Dixie,” which it bated on a story by Walter Weems. Atfer months of preparation, tcreen tests, dialogue tests and the like, the famous Ilillbrew chorus ap­ pearing in the picture was aug­ mented hy forty voices, some of which were trained by Freita Shaw, Fortland girl, and the singing of the aggregation, reproduced on the screen by Fox-M ovietone, it a sen­ sation. More than twenty ensemble num­ bers, aside from the solos, duett and quartets, are synchronized and the selection* range from the songs o f the O ld South to the immortal spirituals. "Hearts in Dixie” is the first authentic story o f the real Negro that has come to the stage or tcreen. The period it 1870 during the recon­ struction which followed the Civil W ar and to faithfully have tradi­ tions and customs been adhered to that watching the picture is like turning bark the pages of history. Other than the comparatively minor role of a white doctor, the entire cast o f principals, singers, dancers, bit players and extras are o f the Negro cast. In addition to the acreening of "Hearts in Dixie,” the picture pro­ gram will consist of a movietone short act featuring the famous col­ ored baritone, George Dewey W ash­ ington, who will be seen and heard tinging "C h loe" and "The Sun is at My W indow ." The pretentious stage show will consist of such well known Port- "It looks like we've caught the spirit of the Negro throughout the tuition and are ready to try larger things My only regret it that there isn’t tom e way for every Negro to actually be in these discussions. They will reveal the mast mind," these were the words o f Dr. Cation, who at executive secretary of the Broth erhood, was bubbling over with en­ thusiasm about the First Annual Rare Conference to be held at the Public Library, loth and Yamhill streets, Thursday and Friday, May 30 and 31. Page three in this issue of The Advocate gives full data concerning the call. Haada of Organisations Notified Special invitations were prepared this week for the heads of every church, fraternal, civic and social organization in the city. The invi­ tations announced the conference at a ditcussional group, and forecast its operation. Each organization was asked to send up three dele­ gates, who should be elected “ by your usual method o f procedure in such matters.” A request that time tie allowed for a four minute speak­ er to present the plan, before each group, was also made. In a folder that it called “ A Clarion Call for Unity o f A ction," which accom pa­ nies the invitation, every organiza­ tion it “ called 'to the front* in a bitter struggle to Better the condi­ tion of our homes, our institutions and our community.” These groups are urged to select delegates N O W . The pamphlet gives ten reasons why such a conference is necessary and closet with “ There can certainly be no harm in a coming together of our present leaders from every organiza­ tion among us to talk these prob lema through and then to throw the weight of our present organized machinery behind our words. .Yes, something must be done, but we muet all do the same thing W e can shake the earth with our tread, if we move in solid phalanx. What nobler cause could challenge ua?” The follow ing organizations were reached this week—Enterprise oLdge of Masons, Rose City Elks, Dahlia Temple, Mt. Hood chapter, Knights of Pythias; Excelsior lodge of Ma­ son*; United Brothers o f Friend­ ship; Court o f Calanthe O dd Fel­ low s; Sisters o f Mysterious Ten; the Household o f Ruth; Enterprise chapter, First A. M. E. Zion church, Bethel A. M. E. church; Shiloh Baptist church, House of Prayer, St. Phillip's Mission, Seventh Day Adventists, Mt. Olivet Baptist church, and Oregon Federation of W om en's club*. The executive sec­ retary is anxious to have each group send him a letter advising their action at soon as possible to 33& W ygant street. Business and Professional Men Rally “ The Negro business man o f Port­ land it wide awake, and I want to tell the people that these men whose UkST CALL, NEW CONTEST BEGINS NEXT WEEK CHOICE OE Mrs. C. A. I’oolr o f Failing street it yet confined fci the Multnomah hospital. Little James Edgar McArthur hat been ill through the past week at hi* home on Broadway. Three Colored Youths Selected For The Advocate doc* not necessarily share in Kits Reid’a view*, bat wheth­ Mra. W. L. Reese o f 673 Union er we do or n o t her opinion* are Marricsl or Single sane, and logical and well worth Who wins first, second, third, fourth, avenue north, who went to Tacoma reading. It ia roar privilege as well as or fifth prize for the longest list on business, haa returned home. oars to disagree with Kits and she invite* yoor opinion opon subject! of names o f handsome men—married she discusses from rime to tima in her or single—among our people residing R. K. Baldwin of 311 yi Rota column. in Portland or surrounding vicinity? Contest opens today—run* for two wrekt. Send your lists to Contest De­ partment. The Advocste. Wonder if I he ladies will be the winners of all these prizes: P in t P ru t— Write-up in The A dvo­ cate; Srtond P r u t—One month’s violin lessons at the Oregon Conservatory of M usic; Third P ru t—One month’s mandolin lessons at the Oregon Conservatory of Music; fourth P r u t—O ne year’s subscrip tion to The Advocate, including its illustrated feature section; Coming to Portland DR. MELLENTHIN S p ecial»! in Internal Medicine eighteen years DOES NOT for OPERATE will be at BENSON HOTEL Wednesday, Thursday sad Friday May U. 16 and 17 Office hours 10 a. in. to 4 p. m. Three Days Only No Charge for Consultation Many in this community will avail themselves o f the opportunity to visit Dr. Mellenthin on this special visit to Portland. The doctor pay* special attention to the science of internal medicine and dietetics. He is trying consci­ entiously to eliminate surgery in hit treatment o f disease as far as pos tible. He has to his credit many wonder­ ful results in diseases o f stomach (especially ulcers), glands (especial­ ly goitre), ailments o f women, dis eases of liver and bowels, as in­ fected gall bladder, gall atones, ap pendicitis, chronic constipation, c o l­ itis, autointoxication and rectal ail­ ments, circulation disturbances as high or low blood pressure, heart and blood disorders, skin, nerves, bladder, kidneys, bed-wetting, weak Inga, tonsils, adenoids, metabolic dis­ turbances such as Rheumatism sci­ atica, leg ulcers and chronic catarrh. Medicines are prescribed and pre­ pared for each individual case in his private laboratory, also special at­ tention given to diet as to proper balance and selection o f foods. For this service a nominal charge is made. Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu­ ate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state o f Oregon. Married women must be accom ­ panied by their husbands. Address: 324 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. — ---- 0 ------ VICIOUS DOG MANGLES WOMAN street, is taking a few days o ff for a rest. Mr. Baldwin i* a dining car waiter on the jUnion Pacific. George Orr Latimer will return home Sunday from a trip to Chi­ cago where he went to attend the National Convention o f the Bahais o f the United Stntes and Canada held in the Bahai temple foundation at Willmette. Friends are anxious to hear his report o f that great meeting. Didn’t you always know that Alice Roosevelt Longworth was a snob? N o wonder America is the laughing­ stock o f the world when some o f our women leaders in social life act like morons. Thank heaven, most of us have real work to d o instead o f making dunces out o f ourselves. W here would our beloved America be in the hands o f such grownup children? Everyone who can ia urged to attend the International Dinner at which time the Norwegian consul, Mr. Slovarp, is host, at Thiele’s restaurant at 6 o'clock on the 16th o f May. The local assembly of Bahais it sponsoring the dinner. A fine program, including the Mult­ nomah Male Chorus will be render­ ed. Tickets may be had by calling TR. 2548. very pretty and serviceable gifts were left for George by the guests. Delicious refreshments were served. Those assisting Mrs. Cannady were Mesdames Cain, Cora Coleman and Wilia Garnett. FURNISHED 4-R O O M APART­ M ENT W IT H BATH FOR R E N T. C A L L SE. 3410.— Adv. FOR RENT Port land’s Own Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY a letter signed by a Mrs. James Brockway of the Multnomah chap­ ter, which I think needs a reply. The lady forgets her American man- ners in her assumption of D. A. R. rules of etiquette. She begins by saying (in effect) that if you ad­ mire the people on the D. A. R. blacklist that you are shooting holes in the glorious old constitution which teaches freedom of speech, action and conscience and all the rest. The lady herself is not walk­ ing in freedom and understanding. She is walking in the narrow path of the other “ 163,000 daughters oper­ ating along constructive and help­ ful lines,” Which? Where? They are building a mansion in Washing­ ton—this is of material construction, though. And then she proceeds to advise emulation of the very policy the sainted ladies affect to despise— the Russian habit of killing those who disagree with the D. A. R. Oh lady, lady—what an un-Ameri-, can attitude. And then she says things about immigrants with for­ eign names. Oh dear, oh dear— what would we do for culture and service, etc., indefinitely, if we bar­ red from our midst the Von Hoog- stratens, Damroschs, Hertzs, Pulitz­ ers, and a few million other of foreign parentage? W e must never forget the foreign names on the role of the American Revolution— such as iGeorge Washington and Lafayette and a few more. Mrs. Eva Teal o f Vancouver ave­ nue, who has been indisposed, is well and out again, to the delight of her many friends. Mr. and Mr*. C. J. White have moved to Tacoma, to reside. Entrance to W est Point and Annapolis COUNTEE CULLEN IS IN LONDON; WIFE IN PARIS It is reported in a telegraphic dispatch to this country that Coantee Cullen, poet, has gone to London for an indefinite sojourn, while his wife and her mother, formerly Miss Yolande DuBois, remain in Paris. It is also said that Yolande does not wear the wedding ring and may return with her mother to it America soon. N ow that I read that over, sounds distinctly catty. That is no way for a person w ho has the privilege o f this column to talk. Rather, pity should be invoked. Alice simply cannot help it. I re­ call the years gone by. She has always been a spoiled child. Had she not had the halo of her father’s prominence she would have passed by unnoticed in the crowds. But let us apply to her the test of “ By their deeds ye shall V. J. Schweich, of Chicago, step- service. ton of Mrs. Ida Schweich of this know them." Let us turn the spot­ city it visiting hare. Mr. Schweich light of service on her. standing on pedestal alongside oi— whom has been in the railway mail service the for seven years. It is hoped that shall we say? Jane Adams? W hich he will be so impressed with Port­ o f them has rendered the greatest land that he will decide to make it service toward the moralizing o f our civilization? Need I point the an­ his future home. swer? Has Mrs. Longw orth ever J. A. Wisdom, 1512 Union avenue done anything for anyone else in north, was again this year an hon­ such marked degree that it became ored guest at the 79th birthday a matter o f national or international Now, that was never anniversary o f the Lipnian W olfe comment? Company, held at the store on learned out here on the Western Washington and Fifth streets on co a st If you were President H oov ­ Wednesday. Mr. W isdom enjoyed er and had invited Jane Adams and all the honors given to other guests. Alice Roosevelt Longw orth to din­ He and Adolphe W olfe have been ner, which would sit at your right hand? Jane Addams or the lady friends for a number o f years. whose only claim to recognition is Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cannady that she was the daughter of _ her entertained a group o f the younger father and the wife o f her husband? society set in honor o f the 16th W ould it be Miss Addams. whose birthday anniversary o f their son spirit has spread its protecting wings George. His birthday occurred on j o f morality over the humanity of the first day o f May but the party | the world, or Mrs. Longworth, who was not held until the follow ing is chained within the tightest locked “ By Saturday evening at the family resi­ doors o f the prison o f self? dence in Irvington. Sixteen young their deeds ye shall know them.” — 6 "■ people enjoyed games and dancing. I thought I could lay away the T w o beautiful, delicious birthday cakes were baked and presented to D. A. R. comments until next year's the honoree by Mrs. Martha Cain, convention, when more reactionary whose birthday was also on the first and stupid resolutions will be passed, and Mrs. Martha Simpson. Other but I note under date of April 25 8 ROOM M ODERN HOUSE, CLOSE IN, R E A SO N A B LE : NICE Y A R D ; Mrs. May James, 3S, at her home V A R IE T Y OF FRUIT. CALL in Spokane Monday, was attacked SU. 7698.—Adv. and mangled by a vicious dog while visiting at the home of a neighbor. As she entered the yard, the dog sprang at her throat and fastened his teeth near the jugular vein. After throwing her to the ground, the animal chewed her about the face and body. She was removed to a hospital in a critical condition. Mrs. James is well known in Port­ land. land colored artists at Gwendolyn advertisement* you read surrounding Hooker, elocutionist, who will offer (this call, are genuinely interested in dialect readings; Maudie Booker, the your welfare. Spend your money clever little 10-year-old dancer and with them. When you do, you are her "Twelve Little Brown Chicks,” helping yourself.” This was another FO R R E N T — Nice new rooms in modern home. Travelers and men sensational child steppers; Guy Jami­ remark from the executive secretary preferred. Phone SE. 2009.— Adv. son and Arthur Harris, the “Two in commendation of the business and Black Crows of Portland” ; James professional men who are behind McArthur, who will present an “ Old this movement. Next week, we will Black Joe” skit in costume; Alberta giv* a lilt of all organizations and Office Phone BRoadway 0635 Mayo, singer; Arthur Harris, a fast- business houses that have "lined up.” Residence: SEIlwood 6260 stepping clog dancer, and Little 8- Let’s make it 100 per cent. year-old Bernice Williams in a sing­ Four Minute Speakers Selected W YATT W. WILLIAMS ing number. The list of four minute speakers A ttorney-at-Laic who will give their time to carry thia message were announced Mon­ With Julius Silvetone, Attorney day night, as follows: W. II. Holli­ and Counselor day, E. D. Cannady, Rev. W . R. Lovell, Geo. M. Payne E. W. Agee, 523 524 LUMBERMENS BLDG. SIXTH à GLIBAJf STRUTS J. W . .Ingersoll, Edgar Williams, Portland, Ore. Edw. Rutherford, J. D. Buthnell and PORTLAND, 0 U Rev. J. L. Caston, AUSPLUND DRUG STORE LO CAI N EW S -------o------ INJURED IN FALL FROM STREET CAR Washington, D. C., May *.— (A P ) Representative De Priest, Republi­ can, Illinois, the only Negro mem­ ber of congresa, haa nominated three Negro youth* of Chicago to the naval and military academies. They are Laurence Alexander Whitfield and Claude Henson Bnrna, both nominated to the naval acade­ my, and Alonso Souleigh Parham, nominated to West Point. CHILDREN M AKE PINE SH O W ING At the Vernon school on Wednes­ day and Thursday, April 30 and May 1, a large number of colored children in attendance at the school took part in a play, given by the school, entitled, "Mother Goose’ s Tea Party.” They all made a fine showing and played their parts well. Little Bernice Williams, 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Williams, sang a special number en costume. She represented a rose­ bud and won grent admiration for the beaotifnl manner in which she Mrs. J. Hood was badly injured Monday when she attempted to mount a streetcar near her home in Lenta. It is said that just as she was mounting the car, the conductor pulled the bell, the car moved for­ ward, throwing her to the ground. She is confined to her bed under the care of a doctor. It is also said that her condition may necessitate removing her to a hospital for treat­ ment. played her part. Maudie and Avia Booker were among the many who participated in the colorful and beautiful May day party at Olds, Wortman & King's department store May 1. Roscoe Sims, a Pullman car porter, is in the Good Samaritan hospital, the result of having been thrown from a moving train last week by a pris­ oner while making his escapes. _ Get Ready for the Treat of Your Life Mammoth Midnight Jubilee! Benefit for Remodeling Fund First A . M . E. Z ion Church HEARTS IN DIXIE’ The Talking, Singing, Dancing Epic o f the Southland . . . . the first talking feature with an all-colored cast. HEAR AND SEE 2 00 COLORED ENTERTAINERS FROM THE LEVEES AND COTTON FIELDS . . . . including the fam ous Billbrew Chorus o f 6 0 ! —A lso— All-Colored Stage Revue SINGING — DANCING — COMEDY Sat, Night May 25 Starting at 11:30 P. M . Admission $1 Tickets Now on Sale RIV OLI theatre N ote: “ Heart» in D ixie” is a United Artists Theatre attraction. This special benefit perform ance is being held at the RIVOLI on account o f stage facilities fo r the R evue The United Artists has no stage.