April 27. 1929 Handicaps Spur Ambition, Proves Theodore Upshure m .s f f T E IIA N D K AI*H One would n atu ra lly expect th a t discou ragem ent and b itter dlsap- polntrriente w- uld leave th e ir m ark on Mr. Upahure. I f he w ere cold arid ta citu rn It would only be the logical result of hla exp erien ces On the co n tra ry thla h as not been the ca se HU r-iul boa not becom e w arped, ra th e r It h as mellowed a s he g ain s a deeper Insight Into the j ouleet It aeetred as If he w ere doomed m eaning o f llte F o rg e ttin g the lim ­ to d isappointm ent. I t w as im pos­ itatio n s o f hla body, he h as devoto^ sible to se c u ie room s fo r a atudlo, him self to the pleasu res of the mind hut L'pahuro m et Ihla d ifficu lty In and the spirit. H is studio 1» Ailed the sam e wav I h at he had met oth ria. with books, p ain tin g s and scu lptu re He becam e a Ja n ito r o f one o f the IVhy the dctilre to be a planlat should be lm planted In the breast o f a m an whose hands ara crippled, la a <|uamtion wo ca n n o t answ er Dut L uke Theodora U pshure d.taa not atop to ponder theme qu estion s Ilia fierce roaolution to aucceed haa never failed him . Today, a fte r apendlnif aeveral yeara In the hoapltala, a fte r ineetlnit m any dllltcultlea, he la on tha threshold of final trium ph How he atta in ed hia aucceaa la the them a o f our story, | < KIPPLF.D RROM BIRTH Mr Updhura waa born In New Y o rk City He waa a crip p le from b irth , and all the efforta o f the physi­ c ia n s have been o f little avail. A fter y eara In th e hoapltala hla legs are e>fill beat, hla handa a re atill twlated. r’hen he waa fourteen yeara old pahure'a fa th e r died, leaving him an the H ole support o f hla m other. hen followed a long period of etrug- In HKalnat sick en in g odda, but m is­ J fortune could never aubdue him He went to achool at night until he waa ready to en ter college Fro m high achool thla m an went to Colum bia U niversity, C 'ty College of New Y o rk and the Hand School o f So cial S c i­ ence T hla In lUielf la notew orthy, hut hia am bition to play the piano iearned hope le i* Mualc teacher» tried to d iscourage him that la, w ith the exception o f* Mine Houtx. T h is noted muatrdan encouraged Upahure and taught him how to uae hla fin­ gers. Dr. K ia n k D am roarh. P ro fes­ sor ErmlofT and Dr H erlrand da Hernyx gave him lesaona In m usical compoaltlnn and vocal cu ltu re T o­ day the fo rm er pupil la now him-« If an In elru ctor In pianoforte and voice training . Hut the h is i light In the ca re e r of thla rem ark ab le m an rem alna to be told Upshuro decided th at he would go to E urope for fu rth e r atudy In mualc H e would aecure the money for auch a trip by Riving piano lea- »ona In G reenw ich village At th e CAN DO HER WORK NOW > - j B I# o u t a n 1 u o » e guaranty, w nu m fl|»y. flc t n ir free id I v I i p a hit l/Rlcalnn# OH frith your order. (.i*nra t h f tru th and gp* ttiw lljlw c f a to all your nf now, Hand for U tli lucky outfit today. Y$u don’ t I i « v p to •ait works aa aoon aa you a<.t i* II.»»« o f lurk Mliakn tho ) lu i fo r good On nr- pay (M)NtMian onjy $• *• fthd |u»ala*o. kj*(*p and rnjAy f o r * r r r You taka no riak alfAhg nml (VvWrrful f t p U l O fc r Tw e '■WJ'hlli , r *ula « (rc q flh U nfa for only $4 00 « T O . 8 T r .V K N N t O . t i l l Mllwnntfww A t e . , ■ 1* 4 Dnpt K 7061. Chili ago work in a ehirt factory starching the neck handa of men's shirts and also pressing the collars on a machine. For about two years I suffered from aching back, inttammation and other troubles. Once for four months I could not work. A woman who worked with mo told me about Lydia K. 1‘inkham'a Vegetable Compound. It had done so much for her and her sister that I decided to try it. I t brought me out wonderfully and I ran recommend it to any one. I am willing to answer anything that any woman mar ask.” - Mrs. S adik M agr I'DKR, 1117 N. Carey St., Ualtimoro, Md. r 'T L y d i a E .P i n k h a m s V c g e ta b le C o m p o u n d — for B itter Health GofdeivBrown HAIR DRESSING Madame Mamie Hightower’s 24-Hour Beauty Treatment is the U Beauty Key” of Two Continents | Lydia E. Pinkham’u Vege­ table Compound Gave Her New Strength (art iujr Pow rr ' I. u c k r IxMlraton« lU f. 11 ii y it hapi>l* ric h **, aue* %(‘*n dii l (>oirrr. Win In ftm p « . lor« nn.l pr* fry lliu iif 1« *om«tutng Wollin« y<»u b ack? Wlop lift In f In bad luck nn-l ftlw«y« »*.( and W u** Thla fatumia " 0 P o t p r " ling |< i»ciic*i (| •o tiling in die wp«ror I ha 0»«* wonderful Hf* lo»r. i iioid *v. Jolia, luipplnc«« nn-l vvcr Tiieaa Ung* h i Vo l»ccn uactl by tunny 6 i »I q In bring tlirm (tig « Innlngi In all « « h im , a m r th«lr •w artliM rU to thrtn nml to »In Wi|4tty»r they daalta. dr-, J « t t e a f f f II you • f\lj Vi.iip « tim , • h« bang« th at It brlnga upon yon. '\ 0 U il bo dcllghtc 'b 'llghtctl w ith thla won.lcrrul IU/. I f your luck en rk la crowaiHl,'thla w ill ito j.»u goo>«• k Golden Brown Hair Bretming U so EASY and PLEASANT to use and so QUICK to bring re­ sults. Pure white and fragrantly scented it impart» (o the hair a luxurious lustre and ttheen that is the marvel of all who aeo it. No hot irons or messy oils arc needed . . . just put Golden Brown Hair Dressing on your hair, dress it in any style you choose, and you’ll immediately see the reason for its world wide popularity. DO THIS TONIGHT BEFO R E RETIRING" Mske a thick lather of GOLDEN BROWN BEAUTT SOAP and rsb writ Into the fare and nerk. Then take a hot cloth and steam the fare for a minute o r two. Then dry and cenlly ma.aage a »mall amount of GOLDEN BROWN BEA l'TY OINTMENT well into the skin, and leave on overnight. In the morning, mslte a thick. Daffy lather of GOLDEN RROWN SOAP and wash the face, neck and hair. Then dry face, neck and hair with a Turklah towel and pat a small quantity of GOLDEN BROWN HAIR DRESSING in palm of hand and »lick over hair. Then arrange the hair any way you want—it will be eoft and pliable. Finish np by dabbing a little GOLDEN BROWN ROUGE on each cheek and pel on a light layer of GOLDEN BROWN FACE POWDER. Made In white, flesh; high brown, extra high brown (true Creole »hades). Yon w on t even recogniie yourself. Krmi-mhrr, we don't went to be white— we went to be light, brixht and attractive. Don't be fooled any longer—don’t accept any su bstitu te, fig GOLDEN BROWN—there arc none. Use These Fam ous Golden Brown Beauty Aids and Enjoy the Loveliness and Charm That is Rightfully Yours Ilovrrr* of I.lherU f l a i r D ra u sln f ......... .........______ M a Hp«uty ... _____ __........ .. Vxt Itrn n ty O in tm en t..............____ __M e F n o r P n w d r r............ ......... ______ M e t old f r e n m .....- —.......... .........- M b Y a n ls iiin i C rm tu H oso Almond 1-oGon *> 14 E ir r y w h e r e b j P e rfu m e T a i r o n t ............. Kongo ......... 1 Iplitk Attb*rUcd Denier« « a d — fS Jf ............M o Mo ................. ..... Jftg A * pq (« . 0 \