f AGE TWO /HE TH E AD VO CATE Published «very Saturday at Suite 312-313 Mecleey Building. Portland. Oregon. Telephone BRoadway 5807 ... Editor Associate Editor and Manager -O ffice Assistant and Linotype Operator K. D. CAN N A D Y. -------- M R S E O. CANNADY. Yaacy Franklin, --------------- ADVOCATE AGENTS - Broadway & Everett Street* E. Richardaoa. --------- - __________ 125 North Sixth Street HalUday * Holliday. Edgar Williame. ------ __________________________________ Agent and Reporter (joins5 You aren't nailed down, are you ?*" asked the original s|»eaker. “ Then there are machines doing the work o f a hundred men. Thai cause* a lot o f men to be out of work." spoke up an onlooker "W hat we need is a good war. Look at the prosperity during the world war. There was plenty of work and big pay wasn't it ? Hten BETHEL t.HI HCH NOTES the ‘rtu killed a lot o f folks at the same tune that helped some, Rrv D. G Hua, Ja. Pastar Nntk Lave. Reporter continued the man who wanted war. The argument continued, hut the Early Christmas morning services thought accepted by most was that were very largely attended. The pro too many people come to the city. gram was very beautiful, very mi The Many could find work were they pressure and most significant pastor, Rev. Hill, delivered a womlrr to stay on the farm. fnt sermon, using for hi* subject, "Ilie After all, there may 1« some­ Supreme Gift,“ emphasising the birth thing to ,‘ Barber Shop I’hiloso- o f the Saviour. Special Christmas phy."— music was rendered by the exception N puui itf ihr (Hljurrin'tì SU B SC R IP T IO N R A TE S Per Year, 12.50; Six Month«. $1 50; Three Month*. $1 00; Payable in advance Entered at the Poatoffice at Portland. Oregon, a* second-clan matter. IM P O R T A N T ! AU communication* for publication or otherwise should be addressed to The Advocate Publishing Company, Suit* 312-313 Macleay Bulding, Port­ land, Oregon Advertising rates made known on application. "Dont aak for rights. Take them An don't let anny wan give them to ye. A right that is handed to ye f r nawtbin' has somethin' the matter with i t ” — Mr. Dooley. Daughter Elks Art* Thank«*«! Mr slid Mrs. C H. Bin ford o f HW Winona Street, wishes to thank the Daughter Hks for the heaxily laden basket presented them on Christmas Res W. R Lovell, pastor of the First A M E. /ion Church, is slowly recov­ ering from his recent spell o f illness. Buy a ticket to the Spanish-American War Veterans' Ball on January 21— whether you are going or not. Help them buy uniforms and other things to properly fix up their Camp Resolution on Death A Happy New Year! 1 from the real business firms o f our Group is a wonder. I f our Group would give their own papers half ^ support they give the white, it wou]d not be long before every large city would own a Colored daily, Negro preachers are the smallest ¡n number o f the professional class tbat support our papers. It should be just the other way They should not only subscribe for and reac] these papers themselves, but the>. should insist on their congre- Rations doing the same, For every congregation needs D Fc'K M llEK ADVOCATE of Brother J. W . Ligan ally well trained choir, with feature solo hy Miss Clifford Freeman This beautiful Christmas servis-e will King remain in the memory of all who was in attendance. The Joy Makers, who sang Christ mas carols, Sunday afternoon, and early Christmas morningf, were most highly commended by their hearers The Joy Makers' annual Christmas party was held Thursday evening at the home of Mr. Guy Jameson, tiny Jameson. Eugene Carr, John Jameson, and Claude Holliday, entertaining Sunday morning services were well attended. Rev. Hill preas'hed a won derful sermon—"And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful, Counsellor. Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince o f Peace." Tenor solo by Dr E. I. Booker and special Christmas music by the choir. The evening services were conducted by the Social Welfare Bureau o f the Church. Miss Myrtle Maxwell, chair nun of the Bureau, gave a very inter cstmg talk on "Sociology," and Mrs. Suzanne Flowers, the secretary, alvi delivered a worth while talk on "The Connection Between the Xmas Sell and Tuberculosis.” Both talks were very helpful and commendable. The Knights o f Bethel were reorgan ■ red last Wednesday evening at the home o f Mr. A. A Jones. This club, composed o f men of the church, are planning on being of much assistance to the church, both financially and spiritually. The budget committee met Thurss lay night This group is getting out the church envelopes for the ensuing year is is quite anxious to have them m the hands of each member of the church next Sunday. Sunday night, Decemlier 30. at 8 :« ) P M., the Sunday School will present a Christmas cantata, “ The King Has Come," with a chorus of Co voices, at the church. The public is urged to come out and encourage the young children. Watch Meeting Services will he held at the church on Monday night, from 10:30 p. m. to midnight (Decemlier 31). .N ?!>. lt*W o f ê f Mr I .rouai d Croaswhile continue« to improve front his recent autumn bile accident Santa Claus contributed hi* part toward making him Iwlter. FOLLYANN Mr. and Mrs, Il D Fuller weir lit» Chriatma« diunrt gue«ts of Mrs I l l 's Bril at 20?'» la r i alice St Mi and Mrs. Win I aylnr were the dinner gurstv of Mr anil Mrs. l-.rvitt Flowers, Wednesday evening. Willi» Mt A tliralrr gur*!* of Ki* ni. Mi«»c« Mr O v ir H Up-to- the- M inute Modos Prepared Es/vt tally fur Thu newspaper SA I * lui PU'il OtriMttWM Day, i*» tltr tttattitrt .»t ihr Mtbk' B on íhi M in V H. M c H e n ry m 4 M i Oten h Pta«. tsftitiN Pollyann Reed Mr i in a * S in g e r« , and Mr» d in n e r Willi* O tH M g u , g ite ti* of \ Krrd, lliriM e \ r u in g Society Editor 303 Cherry St. *rrr of 9Í «hr Wiii —— < Phone East W77 NIr» S M Reel and Mis. Shirley lime Krrd, o f 303 (fierry St., are .pending (vari o f tlie Vnlrti.le vea«ott Mr and Mrs. Gilmer, of i s d , | with Mr and Mr» Wi*lm S Reed at First St. N , had as thru Christmas .»SII l'ihbrll» St dinner guest, Mrs. tradurr Maury Covers were laid for five, and around ( S i i k listed tí N W h ite and J (* a centerpiece of rrd roses, was verveil a most sumptHHis Christmas rr|>ast I . g i n , both p ro m in e n t pi. si r e f citi ------ I tens r sp re tiv r B o t h are confined hom e» in th ru re Dr. and Mr« K 1- Booker and i ■ daughters were the Christina« dinner ¡ guest» of Mr and Mrs t.ra Moore. “ JIM C H O U ” BUI E The dance given at tIve Stag t luh j IN DETROIT STORE Portland. Oregon, Dec. LM, 1928 The New \ear will dawn filled imi Christmas night was largely at , \\ H E R E A S : On the morning o f Dec with material promises o f good tended and much enjoyrd by all Detroit, IW 2 d Not content with 20, 1928. during the still hours when — j handing out the dirtie»t and wor*t for Oregon. death is most rampant, the Almight l*a»d joh* to Negro *«»rkrr*. *lto arc More marriage bells have been saw fit to invade the peace and sanctity Mr and Mr* M t Ruhv. of 2* • driven for lung hour* under mi*erable rung during the year just closed o f that little home of J. \V. Logan, and McMillan, had a* their Clirittma« com! i Hunt. the J t„ Hud*.»n l a , o.w take from our midst our dear beloved than in any previous year; the guests, Mr and Mr*. Cameron * of iVtroit * largest department «tor«*». brother; and voices of more children give Ore- ■ ■ - — became the latent to employ di*crimi gon benediction than ever before; \N H E R E A S : Bra Logan was made a tufory tactic* against the race, hy in In honor o f their tecon«! anniver«ary Mason on July 2«, 1927. and almost to in the never ceasing march be- «tituting the “ Jim t r o w ’’ tvtlrm la*t Mr and Mrs Willi* \ Keed *ervrd a week. date has been a member of this fra tween the cradle and the grave, delicious four courte dinner on Satu- tensity, l year and S months. He im Negro employee* have lieeii told that during the closing year many much day, December 22 Chritima* decora mediately became an active workman, if they cared to continue to purchase loved men and women, over- tion* were used Cover* were laid Bland out anvaig*« alt othert in thit and through his activity and love for his . . . * . a. *i ! lulu*h *** the company * cafeteria, they frock. It ha* tappimi nation, charm for *i*. having a* their gur*»H, Mi*» ... wearied, have folded their hands Lodge, he was intrusted with one o f the • * would liave to »it in 4 f.«r • -ft « . .f n c i and an originality o f detiqm which will Nellie Dobton, Ml** r.thel Rowmrr, | and fallen into that sleep, the to know the endeavors o f the most important positions in the Lodge— piravr her mightily live tállelas of the dining room hy theimelvr* The ! and Mr. Otcar B Plant, of the Will awakening from which is beyond race, its progress and what it is that of Tyler— who watches carefully order wat received with great re*ent j which are enjoying such a smart re­ tarns Singer*. vival and winch are usueii in such soft over all while the Lodge is at labor. This ment by the Colored worker*, and the stars. undertaking. texture« that they adapt thrmvelves office he served with credit; and (mm that day all of them luye liern exceedingly well to the full outline* of The celebrating o f New Year’s the mode, are «uggeiird as thr ha poi Mr Urskin S Reed is at home I ou,,id* ,unih. '» I 1 '«« '»'*« be is the oldest o f all. When men W H E R E A S : Now he rests from his est choice for this frock It may alto A Fine Edition for an indefinite rest, convalescing | J'm Crowed" in the «ture labors; not forever, but to resume he made effectively georgette, or in learned first the processions o f the fly in m g _ from an attack of tumtago ami rheu 1 " ^ur^her ordered that the ( ol crêpe de Chine The deep cape odiar again in that Celestial Lodge above— stars and the seasons, the begin­ matism. ! «»va lor guts ami <»tb*r is included in the team joining the fr>* "*>«« praise and l e „ com The acting has been thoroughly done [ plaint inrffu irlK) |hc land, was ill at homr thr grratrr pait copy o f these resolutions be sent to the growth to insure another harvest. larity. of last wrrk. family, a copy sent to the press, and a and costuming and stag.- lighting will pal** department of the city And the hope o f it all caused ----------- o ----------- add to the impressiveness of the even copy placed among the relics in the Christman Cuntuta anti Wale ing. men to first hail their fellowmen archives of Excelsior Lodge No. 23 , The Joy of Service with Happy New Year's greet­ "N oel" is the mime of the vehicle A. F tc A. M., Portland, Oregon. Ihr rmployrrs of thr Portland re Meeting Services. Mrs I- I) Cannady left W ednes­ ings, to realize that the world’s used and consists of four scenes: ( I ) day for the East on business. She rrivrd thru usual $*. Xmas gift from Christmas has hern quite joyously The Wailing o f the Jews; (2 ) Thr An annual life symboled man's life, R. C. GARNETT. »sill visit friends in Chicago and St thr managrmmt of thr hotrl company, observed at Mt. Olivet. Services o f last nunciation; (3 ) The Birth; ( « ) The “ I never made a sacrifice in my and out o f it sprang the hope that Paul and perhaps in New York while for which all of tlirm arr very tliauk Sunday were well attended, and set life,” said David Livingstone— a FRED M cCLEAR, Presentation In the Temple. away. ful and arr hoping ami wishing for for them, when the chill o f their very wholesome example for the weekly Miss Pearl Mitchell is the directress rather remarkable statement know­ (hr giver»' continurd lappine«» and OSCAR BRANDON, winter shall have passed, there observance. ing as we do something o f the prosperity. SU N D AY M ORNING Mr. Paul Hutchison gave the solo would be for them another spring, Committee. toil and the suffering he experi­ The ll:<8) o'clock services at Mount numbers and the Choir was very im another summer and a harvest enced in Africa. pressive in the old hymn, “ I Will Arise. Olivet has been prepared so as to em­ loaded with blessings. A Christmas card from ex head Doubtless he counted that ex­ Considering the inclement weather, the phasize the theme around which "N oel" H O L L ID A Y -H O L L ID A Y And as civilization advanced, waiter Ike, o f the Portland, was re Tonsorial Parlors Sunday School program and Christmas s built. The pastor will preach on the perience the great wealth o f his reived hy the editor more and more ostentatious honors theme. It is suggested that those wlio Tree on .Monday evening was well at AGENTS W A N TE D life. If any o f us look back over 123 North Sixth Street began to be paid the day; it be­ tended. Mr. Geo Payne distributed the expect to attend the Cantata will do well the years o f our life until we find In our present location we gifts with the help of a bevy o f young to attend the morning service, since they came a custom to ring the old year our most costly gift for others, T I R E C O R D S. (E lectrically R e­ ladies. There were numerous presents are so closely interwoven. l.ewi» A. Goodwin, who for upwards out and the new year in; to hail we, too, shall find that it is the are equipped to give better of 30 years, was a waiter at the corded) The best race records on the and a token from the Sunday School for Our pastor. Dr. Caston, had his Xmas the day with joyous greetings, t a one thing money could not buy market W rite today to The Chicago all who attended. Portland, who is now unable to wait saddened quite a hit, when a telegram service than ever before. _ fill it with stately music. ami has been for a year or so, was from us. It is never o f the real Record Co., Sheboygan, W isconson announced the death o f hi* grandmother W e are prepared to take C A N T A T A ON SU N D A Y NIGHT The Happy New Year greetings service, of the worth-while things, n«8 forgotten on Christmas hy his ex T o sell the famous B L A C K PAT- —Mrs. Emily Jane Finney, o f Macon care of men, women and eo workers who m m lulicrrd him with The annual Christmas Cantata will Mo. should have full zest, for they that we prate as benig sacrifices. lie given Sunday (tom orrow ; night. The should come from hearts at once children. Come and let us a gift ill $18 Charles Redd, one of Sacrifice! Love does not know final rehearsals this week have been the waiters, was the leading spirit in filled with thankfulness for bless­ that word. It rejoices in every A Profitable and dignified largely attended and a real treat is in serve you. the presentation. ings received and hopes for bless­ store for those who attend. gift it can bestow, and just in GETS YEAK IN FEN ings which the new year will hold Mr. C. E. Ivey, as Gabriel; Miss Holliday & Holliday proportion as our love to the in store for them FOR STEALING HAM Barbara Hubbard, as the Virgin Mary Fred Winningham, ex head waiter at .Master increases and the tide o f Of Your Own -------------o------------- the Portland, was here last week from brotherhood swells within us, do YVe want representatives, San Francisco on business. we estimate any share we can alert men and women proud Worth of Our Papers Chicago, Dec. 27.—That these United have in the world's good work, of their race and competent States have one law for rich men who as privilege and not hardship. steal big, another law for the worker to take a part in its promo­ Happy New Year to all at the Port $ 2 5 . 0 0 to who steals to keep from starving, and There never was a time in the What we view only as duty, that tion. land and others as well for past sup II another for such a worker wh i history o f our Group that the something forcer! upon us from port given The Advocate. happens to lie Colored, was demon Making a connection with Negro newspaper was more recog­ without, may be hard and irksome, strated for the 'steenth time, when W h ere young M en B uy” nized as a powerful factor than but that which is prompted from the Warren Book Company George Corey, a young Negro worker, Subcsribe for the A dvocate is really going into business it is today. within is love in action. was sentenced to one year in the house $2.50 per year for yourself. You make fine o f correction ------------- o------------- N o institution has grown into Corey was accused o f stealing four contacts, become a leader recognition as rapidly as the race Barlter Shop Talk hams from the firm of Swift & Co., a among your set, and earn paper. And yet, it does not re combination which has taken not four ceive the full support o f the mem­ good money in spare or full hame, hot millions o f dollars from the bers o f our Group. “ What's the cause o f all this time. workers o f this country. C. Gee W o Not even the pulpit has been as unemployment ?” asked one barber When Corey stole the hams, on the This is an excellent oppor­ 28 year« night o f April 7, hP was shot and effective for the advancement of of another o f his profession. tunity for Teachers, Stu­ A Beautiful seriously wounded by the night watch our Group, and for justice as the The other, busily engaged in dents, Secretaries, etc- In Portland man. Since that time he Has been press. Thousands o f the best cutting hair, replied: “ There are confined. 00 0 WARREN BOOK CO. thinkers o f the white group read too many people in the world.” Island, N ew York City A Source o f Pleasure for Many Years N egro papers weekly. The white Another barber amid the clip, press, wherever the editors read clip, clip o f the scissors, came RAIDING THE GAMBLERS CH INESE M EDICAL HERBS Complete Line at Negro newspapers, recognize the forth with the thought that: “ Too COM PANY, INC. worth of the Colored press to the many people come to the city. We hold no brief for the Chinese public in general and to our Group W hy don't they stay on the farm? 262% Alder St. lotteries or any other form of gambling v E C O ^ There is plenty o f work out there S I X T H à 0 L I 8 A N S T R U T S in particular. W . Corner Third S t, —hut we believe if our city and county How the N egro press has ad- for all o f them.” Portland, Oregon. 6th and Salmon PORTLAND, 0R R . ulhorities would devote more time to­ tranced with such meager support “ What’s the matter with you ward apprehending the many hold up B UINESSS Bradford Clothes Shop $ 45.00 tiK>e Her Something ‘(SeW C. GEE WO AUSPLUND DRUG STORE SM TIIT P GAS RANGE PORTLAND GAS COKE CO