THE. ADVOCATE I b th« intcrwt of All THE ADVOCATE 1« Published Only $2.50 Par Yaw Subscriba Por Iti Advertías in TH E ADVOCATE It Circulataa In All The States And Foreign Countries A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE Voi No. IT PO RTLAN D , OREGON SA T U R D A Y , PRICE: 6 CENTS D EC EM BER **►, m « CLEVELAND N.A.A.C.P. BRANCH STARTS DRIVE tcA K csm CHRISTMAS! SPIRITUAL MEANING OF CHRISTMAS RETRIBUTION Hy Rev. W K Lovall. Psator A Mrrry Christmas! Klrat A. M K. Zion Church l hriatmaa! What a mai|(r word! By Krv J. L. CaMon. D.D. of Mt ( hier nuire we wi»h our many The harbinger ol pracr and good­ Oliva« Haptiat Church Trailers—every one— the hapisest will! At tint iilad tune, turn forged *T'or I hr a r j c r of („ill liaa ap- all the harriera that aland between |( ‘hristmas that life’* circumstances prarrd lo l a i r all mrn. ami H thrill l.ikr a refreshing shower that make possible, ii limili u* in ranounrr irrrligion amt tools the heated air, allays the germ Christmas is a Christmas festi- worldly pataiona ami lo livr a life laderf .lust and punlir., relea.ea the val. and should be observed in the of tr|f ina.trry, of mtrgrily, ami of nutrinirnia of earth the apiril »f i < hristiar* tsfnrit. Tt . . . luaty. in lina prravnt world." Titua a n r ii l m i * cools ihr hrated passions of men engendered hy prejudice. T,,C r<‘a * ° n ‘ ’* CIVmS P f ‘ * >« 2 I I I » I Mudati I T h e a cheer to millions of hotura, brighten . . . . . . I for bringing thr dr.d futile ' ° M friendships, transfigure childrrn with past, garnishing the hrart and home r' valry, display of wealth, selfish- Itravenly joy and stir the aged to for a new welcome guest—the New tifss, llo|*e of material advantage youth again Year of hope and succeta. j o r by mere formality. T his is thr dullest season of the Christmas is not something that To give out of thankfulness- natural year, hut it. short days. it. * » " ' « »"<« '« » "«■» »*r«h; o f |ovf an(, a ,Q ^ rough weather, and its blighting | * ,,ew , o u ’ comes to earth upon e a c h : ( |]))se |css fo r t u n a , r to give ex­ storms arc forgotten Why ? A new recurring year W'e should, then, swing wide the pecting no return; to give un­ life stir* thr world and happy hearts doors of hrart and home and nation selfishly, realizing it is more blrss’d join in parus ol joy and carols of to hid welcome this new soul. Our I to give than to receive, Continued on Page I l hristmas should always witness the That is true Christmas giving. rnd of all that disturbs or molests Esjiecially if we would meet the the peace of nund. If this is not approval of the Christ, whose ad­ trur. then, ours is not a true Christ­ vent we celebrate. mas Our fathers raided Mack men’s homes And made of black men slaves, Their seed paid well the Mil with bombs Whereby were digged their graves; And still their children’s children pay In a belated good, By the crude gods to whom they pray, And learning’s timid mood. The groans of Africa’s dying sons, Thrown to the fish at sea— Throbbed through the roar of Sumpter’s guns, And out-live Grant and I>ee; For still the whip-lash, long decayed. Sendeth its hiss abroad. And on the yet unborn is laid The unforgotten goad. The balances of judgment still Uncertain seek their rest, Weighing what Mood we yet shall spill, What yet may be our test; Nor yet our nation's course is free The grave’s up-reaching hand That makes a buried wrong to be A living God's demand. Aeons we yet shall pay the price. For which our fathers signed; If blood indeed for Mood suffice So mind shall Meed for mind— And » u l debased shall soul debase, Arid heaven itself shall tell How slower, heavier is the pace O f all that tov with hell. We should remember generous- ■ ly the sick, the unfortunate, the La Cresccnta, Cal. Asaorislt* Fdilnr Cttcs Kant needy. This w ill he real Christ - mas giving and this we can do AND HIS NAME ' while extending greetings and Tha Advocate does not neceaaarily share in Kite Keid'a views, but wheth- ir we do or not. her opinions arc lane, and logical and well worth reading. It is your privilege as well as £"25*# 7 “ h K .t . andI the invites your opinion upon subjects she discusses from time to time in her column. Mrs E I) Cannady, associate e d i- , . tor o' T h . Advocate left Wednesday |KOOd on a business trip east. She will he | K°'ic f«*c IS days. With thr wile gone the boys arc staying with their lHntir J n ,| having neither dog ..r . , . " , "*•»« ' or ,h<- editor is a mighty lonrly place this Christmas. . , " ,sh‘“s ,0 evfr>' One. PO R T L A N D v. S E A T T L E —R obert H’hitaker. SHALL BE CALLED WONDERFUL B y Rev. Daniel G. Hill, Jr., B ethed A. M. E. Church Following in the footsteps of the Christian Pilgrims of the centuries, we journey once again to Bethlehem of Judea and bow in wonder and admiration around the crib of the Saviour of Men. Today, all the joy of childhood is ours! Today, we thank God for the gift supreme! Today, a new •measure of love; a new basis of hope; a new con­ cept of "Peace on Earth to men and good-will’ is ours. And because of this new joy, new hope and new concept— millions of the faithful will lift their voices in praise ! From the far comers of the earth — from the lips and hearts of red men, black men, white men. yellow men—the immortal strains of A deste Fidelis will ascend unto Jehovah! In our adoration, admiration, respect and happi­ ness, we are thanking the great God of the ages for this little Jewish baby who restated and re­ affirmed the eternal truth of life. We are rejoicing with the heavenly hosts at the birth of Mary’s child, whose purity of life, humility of spirit, gentleness of heart, sacrifice and service’ has helped men find the way to God. Whenever the nations of the world, and the peoples of the earth, recognize and practice the virtues of life, as revealed in Tesus of Nazcreth, they shall have cause to rejoice in the words of the Prophet Isah ; And his name shall be called ll'onderful. Counsellor. Mighty Godi Everlasting Father, Prince o f Peace." May a Merry Christmas ami a Happy New Year he yours! Here’s good luck and happiness Folks, last year the colored huskies to Cornelia Marvin whose genius .V/u# <>// Christm as S ig h t — Trift» from Seattle invaded our City of has given to Oregon first rank in Triangle C lubt Roses and down there in the Coli­ state libraries. If she is to tie mar­ seum nosed us out of a close game, ried to F x -Governor Pierce which •it to 2# The members of the Port- one shall l>r congratulated thr most? | land team have no alibis to offer for Here's happiness and long life to last year's defeat— Seattle, w*ith a l„>III of them. more experienced and veteran aggre One of her remarks is so trur it cation, won fairly. But. friends s r is painful “ I made up my mind I I well wishers, this should really be would never go through another ses- Portland's year. Our team has dis­ aioli of thr legislature. Good turn played in their six hard built-up and women arr pillored before the games, grit, fight and determination waya ami means committee.” I hap- to win; so every Portlander—large in at one of this committer sessions or small—young and old alike—Come with a friend who was in one of the out on the 29th at Centenary Wilbur state instituions. When we left the gymnasium. E. Ninth and Ash. and room I asked him why hr endured give the boys your moral support such insulting grilling. One would The game this year promises to be have ihought that hr spent the mon­ a hectic affair. Seattle has the weight ey for drink and fast women that and her players are large, but we hr was asking for thr support of cannot vouch for the Seattle super­ (Continued from page two) iority in basket shooting, ability, etc., Portland's hospitality has never been because the floor work of Captain Hakrr is remarkable this season, and questioned. Churches, residents and in fact, the entire team is hopped the public will have an opportunity to prove to Seattle A. M. E., down for thr game. W YATT W. WILLIAMS Attorney at Law With Julius Silvestone, 523-524 Lumbermen! Bldg. Attorney and Counselor BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS 112 Macieay Building announces the opening of a class in PIANO Private and Class Lessons Studio 8 7 8 Union Avenue North Trinity 1870 No need to puzzle over your Christmas List. G IFTS. Give ELEC TRIC A L They're always gratefully received, because they make tasks easier and home life happier. See our Christmas Display of all kind* of labor-saving appliances— at prices to fit every pockrtbook. The list includes Res. Phone Ea. 8983 PERCOLA TORS. T O A ST E R S, W A FFL E IRO N S. H EA TER S. ELE C TR IC CLOCKS, D E SK AND READING LAM PS, Doctor E. L. BooQer DENTIST TH E STORE FOR EVERYBODY H O U R S. * . IS, 1 • • 502 - 3 PA N A M A —and dozens of others equally useful and attractive. Electric Store . . . . . . . . Electric Building PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY B U IL D IN G Alio Stores in Salem, Oregon City, Greiham, St. Helens, Hillsboro, St. John a, Oregon—and I'aucouver, Washington ■ T h * Q uality js fro n t « * Sun. A Evening by Appointment (b er. , Mrs. E . D. Cannady MILE OF PENNIES In my work, I am called upon for WOMEN’S GOAL all kinds of service, from giving a telephone number (sometimes called AT CLEVELAND out of bed to take “Information’s" place) to writing an editorial—altho’ my husband is the editor), and Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 13.—A mile singing at a funeral. I meet lots of people and love to do it. I count of pennies is the goal of the Womens that day lost in which I have not 1 Auxiliary of the Cleveland Branch met and made some new friends. It of the National Association for the was my good fortune Monday p e n ­ Advancement of Colored People, to ning to stop at the home of Mr. and raise funds for the 20th anniversary Mrs. J. S. Donald at 310 E. Broad­ conference to be held here next June. way While sitting in the kitchen The mile of pennies at 18 to the chatting with Mrs. Donald and trying foot, will amount to *844.90. In addition to Mrs. Louise W. to coax Clarence Ramsey, Jr., to kiss me, Mrs. Donald's sister, Mrs. Davis, too E. 98th St., Cleveland, is J. Gross came in. 1 was so glad to making fruit cakes at $1.50 a pound see her as I had not in a number of —as she does annually—the proceeds (months. I have known Mrs. Gross of sale of the cakes going to the [ever since I have been in Portland Association. Many affairs are being planned by j and have loved her just as long. Presently the door-bell rang and in the Cleveland Branch to raise cash came another lady. We had not for the Conference, which it is ex­ met before, but she was introduced j pected will be a memorable meet­ as Mrs. Dancey, from Tennessee. I ing. Charles W. White, president of the was so happy to meet this beautiful, spiritual woman. It wasn’t long be­ Cleveland Branch, reports that at fore we were discussing the sick the regular monthly meeting, the I and someone mentioned something East End political club, of which about praying. In a little while, we Claybourne George is president, voted were all on our knees in true Christ­ unanimously to denate S25 toward mas spirit thanking the Master for the 20th annual conference expenses. (Continued on Page 2) Hear . . . . CASTON AND HUTCHINSON —it — MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Tomorrow (Sunday), at 1 1 :0 0 A. M. DR. CASTON Preaches His Christmas Message— Subject: “Grace Has A ppeared” MR. PALL HUTCHISON WILL BE O l'R GUEST SOLOIST Singing “Beside Still Waters” and “The Publican” Good Seats fo r Those Who Come E arly! YOUR CHRISTMAS STORE . . . Here in this fine big store you will find everything for your Christmas gifts—Books, stationery, toys, kodaks, fountain pens, engineering and artists’ supplies, gifts, leather goods, golf supplies, and many other practical and useful gifts—all of them you’ll find here at right prices. Let us serve you this year. Call BRoadway 6021 The J . K. GILL CO. N. E . Cor. Third am) Aldar Last!! Something C . H. W e s t o n C Portland , Oregon o . Incorporated Under the Lazes o f th* E LEC TR IC R E FR IG E R A TO R S, RANGES, VACUUM CLEAN ERS, Store By $844.80 MARK Booksellers—Stationers—Office Outfitters Fifth and Stark Streets Take a Tip from Santa Clout and Give Something Electrical . . . . Alberta Yvonne Mayo Tli. N.lW»l. St.t., «tvl Uni TnkwMiMl* * • « * 1 . 1 1 0 » . ( I k . I'stwa S IM M Office Phone B t . 8967 ft YOU CAN’T GO WRONG ON ELECTRICAL GIFTS OULD you buy Christmas Seal# if you knew they had helped to reduce the tuberculosis death- rate? In the past twenty years the death rate has been cut in half—a saving of more than 125,000 lives in the year 1928 alone. "Bu y Christmas Seals,” for they are fighting tuberculosis every day of the year. Christmas Seals give protection to your friends, to your family — and to you) Pori land’s Own THE ADVOCATE So, fans, come out for the evening for the game, that we excell. —------- o----------- and give your loyal support. Your team deserves it. W P h o n o : Br 0635— Sail. 6260 Read 'THE SONG IS ENDED r BUT THE MELODY r State o f Oregon Takes care of you while you are sick Phone B R . 5 8 0 7 let Yancy Franklin Insurance Agent explain Mr. Franklin Service Contract providing for medical, surgical, dental, ambulance and hospital service made neces­ sary by accident to, or illness of, the beneficiary H eadquarters at THE ADVOCATE OFFICE 312 Macieay Bldg.