THE PAGE TWO CHURCH DIRECTORY B ETH EL A U . E CHURCH l-arrabcc and McMiilen Streets Rev. F. X. Runyon, Pastor. E. L. Jameson. Assistant THE ADVOCATE ZION A. M. E. Mt. Olivet Baptist Church E D CA.NNADY. -------- MRS. E D. C A N N A D Y , Y ancy Franklin, ..............— Broadway & Everett Streets ______125 N o rth Sixth Street _______ A gent and R eporter E. Richardaon, --------- Halliday 4 Holliday, E dg ar Williama, . , E a st F ir s t Ä Schuyler S treets Kev. J. L. Caston, l 'a s te r P asto r's address, 384 E ast 1st St., North, P h on e T rin ity S70t>. SUBSCRIPTION RATES P e r Year. $2 50; Si* Mnntks, $1 50. T hree Months. $1 00; Payable in advance E ntered at the Postoffice at Portland, Oregon, as second-class matter. IMPORTANT! All communications for publication or otherwise should be addressed to T h e Advocate Publishing Company, Suite 312-313 Macleay Bulding, P o r t ­ land, Oregon. Advertising rates made known on application. ---------0--------- SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 62nd St. and 39th Ave. 8. E. tary of the Williams Ave. Y. \ \ . T H E B AH AI ASSEM BLY C. A., but we hope to in the near Meets E v ery F rid a y N ight at 405 Y amhill S treet future. However, “The Advocate M eetings are Public takes this means of extending its columns, free of charge, for the Rev. T. W. Anderson, Re- publication of the activities of the • • . . eional Secretary of the Na- institution she r e p r ^ n u . ,u tt B a p tis t C o n v e n tio n , « . have always done. i U . S. A. — O ffic e 429 T il- \W hope. Miss Harper, .hat you , g 3422. will teel free at any time to call __________________ __________ upon “The Advocate" for space The Tammany tiger is respon­ for publicity of your work, and sible for more than 300 Negro we hope that our relationship may patrolmen in N. Y. City. There always be cordial. HOOVER OR SMITH? was not one under Republican It is only by co-operation that rule. Negroes are represented in Front “Baltimore Afro-American we will attain the high goal we every department of the city gov­ desire for our Race. And "The THINK FOR YOURSELF ernment, with the result that more I f Candidate Hoover wins, it Advocate” stands always ready to than 75 per cent of the Negroes will be a victory for big business, do *ts share in this respect, of New York are supporting A1 the anti-Saloon League, the M. E. —0 Smith for President. Can you Church, the Quakers, the Ku Klux PROH IBITIO N QUESTION" blame them? Klan, the Lily White, and the ----- bourbon South. One of the big questions of the LETTERS TO EDITOR If Candidate Smith wins, labor, day which is causing the people! foreigners, Catholics, Jews, wets much concern and is costing th e ' W rite r Says "A dvocate" H a s Taken and the middle class South, will government millions of dollars an- O n Dignity, W ith Years. celebrate. nually, is the enforcement of the m ento. C al . S ep t. 29. 1928 Should Republicans win, can the liquor amendment to the LT. S. My D e a r S M *crm r a n d M r*. C a n n a d y — I k n o w th a t you w ill e x c u se m y ta r d in e s s in c o n ­ churchmen and big business save Constitution. g r a t u la t in g m y old f r ie n d “ T h e P o r tla n d o n p a s s in g th e q u a r t e r c e n tu r y you from the Ku Klux and Lily Many suggestions and opinions m Advocate** ile -sto n e o n its m a rc h in th e v a n o f R ace p ro g re ss. White? have been expressed, both pro and F ew R ace jo u r n a ls h a v e succeeded in a c ­ h as in r e ­ Jew-s and Catholics W’ith whom. con, and all, except the bootlegger d co u m c in p g lis h to in g a w m h in a t im 'T u m h e th A e dvocate*' m is u n d e rs ta n d in g s w hich te n d to c r e a te fe e lin g s o f m is you combined to destroy Klan in- and his patron, agree that the most h a te s I ts A rm b u t * ane s ta n d o n tr q u u e s s t tio an n d s ich affect th e w h o le p eo p le, h as sta m p e d fluence in the nation are with the effective way to enforce it is to it w h as a jo u r n a l o f b ro a d e n in g in flu en ce I re a lly b eliev e t h a t it h as ta k e n o n an Democratic party. Can you call put the bootlegger and the buyer added d ig n ity w ith th e y e a r. A c o n s e rv a tiv e d ip lo m ac y th a t h as e n a b le d it to ac co m p lish upon them for help and at the both in jail, or the penitentiary, th in g s a n d g a in co n cessio n s w h ich w e re deem ed same time cast your ballot for the alm o st im p o ssib le. I t is fro m th e a tm o s p h e re c re a te d by “ T h e G. O. P.? A d v o cate" t h a t w e h o p e to see th e e n tir e THE DAILY PAPERS P acific C oa»t p erm eate d . T h e a tm o s p h e re o f Should Democrats win, can you ra c ia l g o o d -w ill a n d to le ra n c e . A nd in c o n g r a tu la tin g “ T h e A d v o cate“ p e r ­ expect Catholics, Jews and for- The most of the daily papers m it us to add o u r c o n g r a tu la tio n s to th e cgners to make common cause make h a [Joint to overstresi the b ra in s w h ich h a v e m a d e “ T h e A dvocate*' Y o u r frie n d . with you in getting a job, a decent Colored peoples’ alleged crime5,— W J W HEATON. B u re a u o f P r in ti n g home, a proper school and a bal­ and in many cases, with big scare- S a c ra m e n to , C al. lot where you have none? heads on the front page. But Association for Study of Negro Life Now is no time to listen to paid when they accomplish something and Hi*tory to H old Meeting, politicians. They are not thinking creditable, it will take a very care- wuhinaton. d c . s«pt 20 . of you,— they have eyes on their ful reader to find i t , - for usually, Su,w 1,2 Bld' pay envelope, and a political job it is tucked away in some comer n £ £ after election. a m o n y me th e s to c k rm n ta tin n s a n d th. u.t and w H w i-to ill ta k r e p Y la In S T t. O among siock quotations, ana ,k ry w 0rtob, ou te and U Loula T ro, Old party lines are down. New obituary notices w orker» a re m oat c o rd ia lly in v ite d to be J * p resen t. You a r * e a rn e s tly rwqueated a t mo to ones are reforming, choice isn’t This tvpe of publicity has been to Ur< ‘ thiA , *u m llt' r»r>' » ro u p * to .e n d r * p r « * e n t a tim r J e etin g . A ll p tro o n a in te llig e n tly in - easy. You can’t decide wisely un­ the direct cause of many racial t*r*,t*d in th* 1» made welcome . . , T h« m in tin g held in P itts b u r g h la et O cto b e r less you THINK, discuss and de­ clashes in the past, and will con- WM th* »latest in history of th« a * so - . e la tio n . We a r c h o p in g th a t th « on« in 8 t. liberate. tinue to produce race friction and / u»uia wi|J ** » stm greater «ucee»a. • A . , | A t th ia asp ect* o f It s your problem and your job, race hate in the future, unless N a* ro Jif* m a e n e d tin g h , i* to o n ry ly w ap ill e cial b« erm.W*r* w ith you. 1 R « * p * ctfu lly y o u r .. O. W O O D SO N . D ire c to r. c. AGENT8 W ANTED T o sell the famous B L A C K PA T- T I RECORDS. (E lectrically R e­ corded) T he best race records on the market. W rite today to T h e Chicago Record Co., Sheboygan, W iic o n so n C o m in g to I’o rlla iu l DR. MELLENTHIN S p ecialist In Internal Medicine for the Pa*t Fifteen Year* DOES NOT OPERATE! Will Be At B enstm H o ld THURSDAY. F R ID A Y . SATURDAY O C T O B E R 4. S. 6 Office Hour»: 10 A M. to 4 P.M Three* Days Only No Charge for Consultation D r Mellenthin is a regular g r a d ­ uate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the State of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic ap pen­ dicitis. gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re­ sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid­ ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal lilm ents. Below are the names of a few of his m any satisfied patients m Oregon who have been treated for one or the other of the above named causes: H. H. Blake. Marshfield. E lm er Booker, Condon. Thos. Burke. Willarnina. Mrs. M. R. Cooper, O reg o n City. D. G. H orn , Bonanza. E M Hunt. Arlington. Mrs. George W. Mathes, Ashland. Remem ber the above dates, th at consultation on this trip will be free and that his treatm ent is different. Married women must be acco m p a­ nied by their husbands. Address: 2’.’4 B radbury Bldg., I.o* Angeles, California. ----------- o and South. Mrs. A sherry repre­ ward» »ml Mr». Kilwgrd»’ mother. Urowu. Among §otmr sented the Stste of W ashington at Mr». A I • * * • the »»th biennial session of the N A. «>( ilie activities ul intrre*t visited ashing by Mr». Jicksoit «luring her »lay in Mrs VV V Jackson of I I Centro, E\ C. w *s convention, In Cortland W4i iNe W om an • I'eace ton, D C . Cal., house guest for a week of Mrs l o u i k il, of which Mia Nathan liar Jessie Edwards and her mother. Mrs m \% prextdrnt. ami the reception The hoard of management of the \ F Browne, of nr* Union Ave. N.. was the motive for a siicecsaiou of Williams Ave. Y. W. C. A., held a held on Monday o e ii n ig at William» social counteaies during her brief so ­ reception on Eriday evening. Sep Avr V. W\, where Mix» Je»»ie Cole• journ here. Am ong them was a card tern tier 27, honoring Miss Helen lira) toil g»N r a brief resume «»I party, given by her hostesses W ed­ Harper, the new executive secretary llie National Association ol 1 olorrd nesday evening. September SO, at of the "Y ". A very delightful pro. Women's Convention, held last sum their residence. Three tables were gram was given and the reception tiler in W ashington, D. C\ emplosed for the guests who played was well attended Maxwell, win* Miss l lir> xlalrr Mrs Browne entertained her guest Salem High from thr lirailualnl Mr and Mrs, E I, Jamison, s«1* Saturday at the Portland Theatre. »oute Sunday, Mr I.loyd l lowcrs was host Garfield Ave,. had for their gitrsts at S< lumi taxi June, w ill take ItftlUtt O. F a ir the «I. of i*oiir»e» al for a delightful sightseeing trip over dinner Sunday. Mr, and Mrs I I* Si hool. the Columbia River Highway. O thers Cannady. in the party included Mesdamrs Ed­ Mr anil Mrs W. 1 Smith, Mil* wards and Browne, t i n Monday, a Mr and Mrs Mack Oliver, II# l* tvth .St, S. I* . were host» at a format reception was given for Mrs. Albina A v e , will leave on the eighth Jackson by h rr hostesses, at their of this mouth for a two weeks' visit delicious breakfast, 1 bur »day noon. residence. A large iiutiihrr of guests with friends in Twin Calls, Idaho, O ctober 3f. honoring Mr». W. V called during the hours <1 to 8, to and Salt Lake City. I ’tab. In Twin Jackson ol I I l entru, C a l. who was meet the charm ing guest of honor Tails they will visit Mrs. I.rtia Bar a week’s hotl«r guest of Mrs. Jeaste Mrs. Jackson expresses deep appre kcr and her children, who are their I dwards, ami her mother. Mrs. A I* Seated cialion for the unexcelled hospitality G o d ch ild ren Mr and Mrs Ollivcr It row tie. of I ’nion Ave. N about the beautifully appointed table, of the people of the Northwest, and are long time citizens of Portland and for the gorgeous natural scenery this aid with their money and moral sup which was «entered with v arico lo red section affords. port many worthy causes. Their fall flowers, from the hosts’ flower friends wish for them a very pleas­ garden, were Mr ami .Mrs. Smith. M r. \V A Ja« knoii. Mr. and M. Ml mem hers and friends of the ant trip. \v s lUdtfrr, of (iratliart, Mr» Old Rose Club are urged to he pres Jra^ic !I d ward* ia nd Mrs. K l) « 411 Mr W . S. Hadger was in the city 1 cut at the first meeting of the fiscal nady. year. T hu rsd ay. O ctober II, at the this week looking the picture of health. Mr b adger own» an ittn at Williams Ave Y. W. C. A. Im ­ I 1 Oliti•ring Mr and Mrs c Jone» Gearhart, Ore., which he has success portant business to tie transacted. fully operated for a number of years • -i Lgg A ii|(rlri, \l. L L It 11 ir I iy n ifrrtai lini al dinner. South »V. ¡at her Mi»» lone Duke, former assistant M r % Jotlr % hotnr. I0U2 Dem rr A \ r Mr» Clara Bell, si«i7* j Larrabee secretary of Williams Ave V. W.. i* here \ Ititliltf her • IxtCf, Mr > \\ S t . spent the past two weeks vaca- will leave in a few days for I 4 »» The table W iI« at A AI m rriiathy. Angeles, Cal., where »he will visit tioniiig at the badger Inn. at Gear trac ttv r with il« centerpiece of pretty hart, l >re. Mr» Lottie Johnson-Si hafTer. for a fall flowerV A iIrlicioua »etk n i t iour«e brief period Mr» Schaffer former dinner w ai xerxe d t o \ rr X w rr r Uni Mr». W A. Jackson, of Los An iy resided in Portland. genes and El l entro, Cal , left Port for xcvrn land by tn>at for Sail Francisco, on Mr and Mrs. Williams badger of Tuesday evening. Mrs Julia \ Fuller writes "The She will spemi Gearhart. O r e . are »pending their v a ­ two days visiting friends in San Advocate“ from San Francisco, under cation as the guest» of Mrs badger's Francisco before going on to L o t date of September 27, that she will brother, Mr Charles Strain. \ngele». Mrs Jackson, who is the be home “in a couple of w eek s" wife of Prof. Jackson, manual art»; While in Portland Saturday and teacher in the FI Centro public school Mis» Maxine Maxwell writes from Sunday. Septem ber 2'J and 30. Mrs. system, has just returned from a Waldo Hall, where she is domiciled Nettie J A »berry, of Tacoma. W a s h , four months' trip in the Fast She at the O rrg n n State College, that was the house guest of Mrs. b e stir visited her home in Kansas C ity. Mo., everything is beginning to take on Coutoure. at the home of Mr and also Chicago and other Fasten» form and that the girls are friendly Mrs. W aldo bogle. 436 Marguerite cities. In Seattle, she spent several towards her She. however, wishes Ave. A few friends were invited in weeks with friends before coming on her friends here to write to her often on Saturday evening to meet Mrs. to Portland, where she has been as she sayt it is quite lonesome Xsberry, who had just returned from royally entertained by her old friends away from home, ami no letter» in a three months* tour of the Fast and acquaintances. Mrs Je»»ie I d the daily mail tlly Pollyanna Reedl LEG A L N OT IC E S N O T IC E In TO I'roK af# Spicy Sayings C R E D IT O R » th « C irc u it C o u rt o f th « S tar« O r« fu n f o r th « C o u n ty o f M u ltn o m ah D epartm ent N o tice i* h ereb y g iv en th a t th « unalar* •ig n e d ha* been appoint««! e x e c u trix o f th e e a ta te o f A r th u r F r a s ie r , deceaae«!. by th e C irc u it C o u rt o f th e S ta te o f O reg o n fo r M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty , a n d ha« q u alified AH p erso n a h a v in g claim « a g a in a t «aid e a ta te a r e h ereb y n o tified to p re a e n t th e aam e. du ly v erified aa by law re q u ire d , to th e u n d e r ­ sig n e d a t 312 M acleay Hldg . P o rtla n d . O re ­ g o n . w ith in aix m o nth« fro m th e d a te h e re ­ of. D a te d a n d fir s t p u b lish e d S e p te m b e r 22. L a st p u b lic a tio n M RS O cto b e r E. D. 20, Price for o r«r 39 years *5 ounces fo r 25 * USE LESS than of high priced brands 192*. H E KNEW "L ondon Punch" tell* thi* onr " H a d n 't you better ko and trll your m atter?" *aid the nintori.t to the fanner'» boy who »loot! looking at thr load of hay up»ct in the lane by a rollirion. “’K know».” replied the hoy. “ Know*? Howr can he know ?" "'Co* 'e'» under the ’ay." CANNADY. E x e c u trix The Laxative Ton Chew lik e Gam No Taste But the Mint At Druggists—tfc , ago M I L L I O N S OF P O U N D S U S E D BY O U K G O V E R N M E N T INVEST IN ELECTRIC POWER You can actually own an interest in the gigantic power that tu rns the wheels of industry in your community. In the factories that make for prosperity— in the lights you »ee burning all around. P O R T L A N D E L E C T R I C P O W E R C O M P A N Y $«.oo FIR ST Daily Fashion Hint of F e e n ra - m i n t 9 H'V* °ñ ® defy IN Frank Stevens, a waiter from l a l - ifornia, is here and is "muleing” for the boys at The Portland 417 Williams A v e Rev. J o h n F. Moreland, pastor. Published every Saturday at Suite 312-313 Macleay Building, Portland. The S tranger's Sabbath H o o t O re g o n Telephone B Roadway 5807. _ Editor ___________Associate E ditor and Manager -Office Assistant and Linotype O p e ra to r OCTOBER ADVOCATE P R E F E R R E D STOCK —offered at J9S.00 a share, will net you a return of 0.13% on your investment. This stock was first sold at *«0.00 a share, two years ago, and has advanced in price three times since then. You can see your money working for you in this investment every day of the y e a r—every hour of the day. An attractive, easy way to save money and have it grow rapidly with perfect safety. You may purchase on a small monthly savings plan if you wish. I N V E S T M E N T D E P A R T M E N T — 820 E L E C T R I C B U I L D IN G PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON D IV IS IO N O F F IC E S AT Salem, Oregon City, G reiham , Hillsboro, St. Helen* and St. John», Ore. and Vancouver, W ashington KNEW W OMEN "You *eetn to he an able bodied man. You ought to t>e «trong enough to work.” “ I know, m um , and you ite m to he beautiful enough to go on the »tage, but evidently you prefer the simple life.” After that speech hr got a square meal and no reference to the wood- pile wras made. J O S H U A 'S D I S T I N C T I O N A small boy, when asked by his Sunday School teacher what he knew about Joshua, answered: “Joshua was the man who told his son to stand still and he did.” The only comment on this, says "T he Christian Advocate," is that Joshua was much more successful than the modern father. GOOD T IM E "Did you have a good time at the p arty ?” asked the fond mother, when the child returned, flushed with ex­ citement, from a birthday party "Oh, yes, mother, we had a per fectly lovely time.” "But what did you do to have such a lovely time?" "O h, we just screamed — and »creamed I” TO R E L IE V E T H E DOCTOR Henry Thompson, famous surgeon who was called to operate on N a­ poleon III, in his last illness, also I numbered T hackery am ong his pa- I tients. O n one occasion, he asked Thackery, whom he was visiting p ro ­ fessionally: "About how many bottles of wine do you drink a year, Mr. Thackery?" “ Well — ro u g h l y — about 500, Mr. T hompson." The docto r looked grave— or as grave as he could and the patient added, in depreciation of imminent rebuke: "But it’s almost all other people's wine, you know." Authoress — "Imagine my horror when I found my three-year-old grandson tearing up my manuscript I” F rie n d —"W h a t I Can the child read already?" I.loyd Griffith, popular 'round-town man. celebrated his 'nts birthday a n ­ niversary, Thursday, October 4 . FALL STREET FROCK ‘Miiartly distinctive it this youthful stm t fro« k with the pointed motif of the buttoned over uppri-fronts re- iicatrd in the lowrr sections of the blouse and the front of the skirt Tlie four puce circular skirl which joins lhr blouse at a low waistline is just what they are wearing on the fash­ ionable boulevards of Paris at this autumn season. This frock is espe- i tally stunning in the new woolen fali­ ne» which are enjoying such popu­ larity in the present day mode such as tweed, covert, angora clotn, wool ert prs, and figured i hallis. Pictorial Printed Pattern No. 4485. Sires 14 to IS years, 34 to 44 bust, 50 rents See a smart raglan coat for the woman of larger Tiip in tomorrow's p»pcr. Mrs. Ella .Smith of M th St. S .-E , has recently opened a restaurant at «■•o First S t , in South Portland. It is known as I he Southern Restau­ rant, and she invites all to patroni/c her. For all stomach and inteatinal trouble« and disturbance« due to teething, there is noth­ ing better than a sale Infant»'and Children^« Laxative M rs . W S in s io w 1» t r u f