SEPTEMHKR TUE 2'2, UI>'2H try and U) per cent of that ia co n ­ trolled by five companica. Contra»! that with the fight Governor Smith ha« been making in New York when M it A. J >*'rattklin t|>riit Tuesday he haa held aa a principle “ that the people of the atale ahould look on in hugrur, ( >rr., un business. By Kits Reid L 9 8 T —A CARDEN thcae water« and their development Manager -" Y o u are asking a day aa their proaperity and their business; off to dig in your garden, but I find Subraribc (or Ib* A dvocal« that thry ahould not allow them to you haven’t any garden.” $250 par yaar -------- o » Tha Advócala doaa not nacaaaariljr alienate even by leaaea for any Clerk—“ Some one haa taken it off Mr«. I. K Johnson, o( lui li 7 hi li lhara in Kits Raid'« viawa. but wbath period o f time.” Coolidge, you know, the window sill then." Si , N . Who had • ha mialorluna to ‘T L t ° t ? U “ . < £ 2 believe« in their devebipmcnt by the (all and injure her right ankle and It ia your prlvilaga aa w«U aa government and then leaaed to pri L IF E 'S D A R K E S T M O M E N T leg. u grcatly nnprovad and will, »hr ouia to dlsagras with Klta and aha vale interest». A young banker, after eight years hopaa, in a few day. Iw abla to drive ‘ nvitaa your opinion upon Mbiacta o f dbsener, alighted at the station of aha dlacuaaaa Irom time to tiraa in bar bar car and grt about at utual. the town of his birth. There was no column. On the subject of the oil acandal. one on the platform whom he knew T o retume Ida Tarbell'a account Mi»» Tarbell expreaaea heraell in a No one. R ,ed Discouraged, he sought out the of "W h y Smith (ia lt My Vote," con- direct faahoin not very complimentary baggage master, a friend since boy ­ tinned from latt week, the give« ut to Mr. Hoover, aa follow » "N o one ran doubt that the loath hood. our choice o l two men "the one a powrriul admiui.trator o f thinga aa aotne acandal which for the paat aix T o him at least he would be wel­ 112 Mirlray Building they art— the other, a challenger of yeara haa been dragging aero»» the come, and he was about to extend a PORTLAND • • OREGON | all that the (acti belie, a retllett whole country, ailencing even the hearty greeting, when the other spoke White ilouae, waa utterly hateful to firat. $2.50 par Year •eeker (or new aolutiona.” "H ello, G eorge," he said. “ Coin’ And again the tayt In graceful, the great maaa of the Republican Delivered at Your Door alinoit poetic, language “ The one party and certainly to the majority aw ay?" ------------- o ------------- hide« a great and true heart behind of the tw o adminiatrationa it a f­ — - o - . - ■ ■ Hut Republican solidarity P R E C O C IT Y •hy dignity (H o o v e r), the other fected. Spend your vacation a t (.Smith 1 overflow « with a joyou t love muat not be disturbed One almost Authoress — "Imagine my horror the Sunflower Camp—Sea- o( life which warma the very cripple prayed to hear a clenched fiat banging when I found my tbree-year-old the cabinet table in Washington, a grandson tearing up my manuscript?" aide, Oregon. Fumiahed *h<* wVch,t ,him. hU wmd,'w loud voice denouncing the outrage Friend - “ What I Can the child Cottages a n d Furnished *’ / . . and railing for the fullest light and read already?" H ouaedceeping.- T e n t a ; * By| ihc fur(hcr rtD)io(U u. Ih„ punishment, to tee a portfolio hurt­ Swinjf, Croquet &nd I torse l( j, noi $ ijucttion of choice of ling through a window, one honest P U N C T U A T IO N ? Herbert Percy said to his wife: Shoe Court- F o r r a t e s , perennatiti««. It ia a choice of con outburst o f righteous indignation we almost prayed for it, but we did "It reads here that ‘ Women, without write J. W. Curry, 107 N. troi by political partiea. There ia not hear a peep." her man, ia a savage'.” no <|ueation here of which party and LOCAI, NEWS “ ARROW TIPS" SPICE THE ADVOCATE 14 at Portland, Ore.— P hon e-------- Br. 1541. FLIT DESTROYS M o th s . F lies Bedbug? Roadies (a r fa r a n o f FLIT tod a y! Gasco juets Summer Price Now On Order N'ow at Ga* Sale. Room « — Sixth and Salmon Streetr and Save $100 I’ er Ton r whoae policiet control Hoover. He baa plainly told u. the Republican party dictate« hit thinking and the policy of Coolidge ia hia watchword. With .Smith, the Democratic party ia hia platform, but the law id the laud ia bit watchword W e have had right yeara of Republican rule and wc know where it hat landed 11 » While all we know of Smith'« future ia hia paat record aa governor of New York. I'm aorry that I canont agree with Mra. Alexander Thompaon in her Hop to Hoover on account of Tammany and Smith. I am «till wondering why the Hop. I waa talk­ ing with a club woman who had at­ tended the Medford convention a couple of yeara ago Thia lady aakrd me if I knew Mra. Thompaon very well. I «aid no, I did not. Mra. Thompaon ia a aouthern w o ­ man and the ia not likely to be very chummy with people of my color." "W elt," «aid thia lady, “ I would like to know why «he ha« to aud- drnly changed her mind about Mr llrrbcrt Hoover. At the M rdiord convention »he couldn't think of enough mran thinga to aay about him. She waa a Democrat then.” • • • 137 ZBroadvday near Alder Ihe old location on Washington Street will tie abandoned and Jacoby will have only one store. Jacoby invites yon to visit the new store, which will lie Portland’s largest popular-priced jewelry store. need not wear The waiters o f the Portland are very sad because of the sudden resig­ nation of their good friend Ike Mia- trom, who had been their head- waiter for a long time, and who had only a few days previously returned from a tw o months' vacation Juat why he quit or just what this future plana are. is all guess-work. Any­ way, Ike don't have to worry about his pork chops, for he has a monthly income from the rent o f hia houses, and a war pension, which amounts to several hundred dollars. Attorney John Jamison worked on Sunday as a bell-hop at the 'Portland Hotel. E. H olton, after having to give up the head-waiter's post at the Port­ land two weeks ago, has come back as a dinner captain. James Bragg, one of the private waiters at the Portland, is taking a few days' layoff. Garner Grayson, waiter at Hotel Portland, has gone to Los Angeles on buainess. L. E. Brown, o f Spokane, landed in the city a few days ago and played in luck by getting a jo b at the Portland, as one o f the captains in the dining room. He was form ­ erly a captain over waitresses in a restaurant in Spokane CLASSIFIED ADVER­ TISING FO R R E N T Apartment# for rent to man and wife. Suitable for house-keeping; al­ so for »ingle men. Reference— 329 E. Broadway - Phone Trinity 8826 Jack Hall, proprietor L B. P. 0 . your Sunday elothes lo shop here — so “ come as you are.” “ Yours Foday • • Year to Vay' W O U L D Y O U M A R R Y ? Girl, II. $23.000. will inhrrit $30.000. W idow, 40,$7»,000? Photos, description free. Club. Mrs. Warn, $377 W . Fourth St., L os Angeles, Cal. C o S top th em today Stop them quickly— all their dingers and discomforts. End the fever and headache. Force the poisons out. Hill» hreak cold« In 14 hour». They tone the whole system. The prompt, re- liable results have led millions to employ them. Don't rely on leaser helps, don't delay. Be Sure Itfc Gat Rad Dot noti os Dahlia Temple No. 202. I. B. P. 0 . E. o f W., o f Portland, Oregon, meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month at Stag Audi­ torium. All visiting Daughter Elks in good standing in their re­ spective Temples are invited to meet with us. Newly furnished room for rent tc man and wife Phone T abor 130A. DOLLY PARIES, Daughter Ruler. 'jf e n i k Wmr C a t • a n d W ou n d Prevent infection! Treat e v e r y c u t , w o u n d or scratch with this power­ ful non-poisonous anti­ septic. Zonite actually kills germs. H elps to heal, too. ROSE CITY LODGE No. I l l , L B. P. 0 . E. o f W „ MEETS the 2ND AND 4TH W EDN ESDAY EVENINGS OF EACH MONTH AT THE STAG AUDITORIUM. 381% E. MORRISON STREET. ALL VISITINO BROTHERS ARE CORDIALLY IN VITED. PETRON EL JACKSON, Daughter Secretary Syracuse Lodge, No 1, K. of P., meets the second and fourth Fri­ day nights each month at the Stag Auditorium 381% E. Morrison SL T. H. W ILLIAM S. E. R. STAG AUDITORIUM for LEE C. A N D E R S O N . C. C 830 E. 10th St. North 381% E. Morrison St. clean, bright, sparkling Furniture Use eaar A ß d W V ■ P P o lis h ? I r H. B. T R U IT T , W Y A T T W IL L IA M S , Secretary, E. o f R. A A 836— E. 30th Street THE EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER W ill Promote a Full Growth o f Hair. W ill also Restore the Strength, Vitality and the Beauty o f the Hair. If your Hair ia D ry and W iry, Try— 3 0 c to $ 3 .0 0 aioli East India Hair Grower Daily Fashion Hint If you are bothered w ih Falling Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a ja r o f [EA ST INDIA HAJR GROW ER. The ^remedy contains medical properties that I go to the roots o f the Hair, stimulates the akin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm o f a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron fo r Straightening. Price Sent by Mail, 6 0c; 10c Extra for Postage l Oil. OU, tion for that the Democratic Party ia the traditional enemy of the Negro race. Pishop Hanson, Marcus Garvey, and now the Rev. Carutherx, are leading their brother Negroes in this mad rush to destruction. The arguments that you and your colleagues advance to justify your support of the party of slavery, dis­ franchisement and lynching, arc so weak and witless that I wonder that you dare to make them public. “ You explain that 'N egro appli­ cants for job s in Washington have been high-hatted' and ‘that the Ku Klux Klan is doing everything in its power to elect Republicans.' You are very well aware that Democrats have consistently barred Negroes from political positions this is the un­ breakable low o f the South, and it is seldom that it is broken in the North. “ How many N egroes have been appointed to office by Al Smith? The merciless dictum o f Carlyle ‘the Negro is useful only as a servant' is the rule o f the Democrats and Re-1 publicans alike. Surely you cannot be ignorant o f the open determina­ tion o f such Negro hating Demo­ crats as Carter Glass, Heflin, Hoke Smith, et al., to keep the Negro 'in his place' as hewers o f w ood and drawers of water." J * 4£57 login Brand haa raioad mota h a a lth y b a b le « th a n a ll ocher Infant foods rombinoti. l 3 c VtlvKi E A G LE BRAND C O N D E N S E D M ILK. W. Cor. 4th ■ Bradford S. Washington Clothes $25.00 to Shop $45.00 CLEVERLY ACHIEVED It takes genius to make simplicity attractive, as this dress in beige jersey proves. Trimming bands of contrast­ ing material or plaid in a deeper tone of the same color accentuate the slim silhouette and lend distinction to the design. The fronts are dart-fitted on the shoulders, underfaced and rolled to form revert which are surmounted by a turn-down collar. Medium sire re­ quires 2% yards 54-inch material, with % yard contrasting fabric for trim­ ming. Pictorial Printed Pattern No. 4161. Sires 14 to 18 years and 34 to 44 bust. AC.K-Vrs OUTFIT Hair Grower, I T « »pW 1 Shampoo, 1 1 Far* Cream and direc­ for Belline. CL Poeta*«. S. D. LYONS 316 N. Central Dept. B Oklahoma City, Okla. For all stomach and Intestinal troubles and disturbances due to teething, there is nothing better than a sale Infants' ana Children’« Laxative. Price X k M rs . W inslow *# IUININE S trut For Cash Here AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE Agents for Butterick Patterns and The most in valne-Th* beat in quality "Whirr Young Men Buy” ^ D eliciou s C ^ood A food for pro* tein; a food for m in era l salts; for calcium and phosphorus; all the essential ele* ments for health and strength are found in good cheese. And all the essential ele­ m ents o f good cheese are found in Kraft Cheese. 28 yaara Babies L ots It Buy Publications C. Gee W o Colds c If. For Sale. 7 room bouse, 268 M c­ Millan street. All modern conveni­ ence«. $500. down and $50 per n o , with interest. Suitable for an apart­ ment bouse. Lot 50 by KX) Phone M rs. L. Rice, Trinity 2856 Until October 1 — 326 Waaliington Street After October 1 — 137 Broadway 'ever ''rippe E OF THE WORLD (Continued from page one) About Ortohfr 1, M. Jacoby, Credit Jeweler, Will Move to New and Larger Quartern at . . . . you HOTEL NOTES Major Parties Charged R emova 1 Remember, She looked over her shoulder and said, "N ow , read, that again." If Hoover had banged the tabic And he read: "W om an? Without and his portfolio had gone thro the her, man ia a savage." White House window, do you sup­ pose any power on earth could have A man haa leas courage than a wo- ’ prevented an almott unanimous elec­ man. T ry to imagine one withlZ tion to the presidency) Hardly but rents in his pocket trying on seven hia silence may cost him that much suits of clothes. desired job. And she closes the oil scandal with thia remark, which I commend to Mr« Alexander T h om p­ son. "the country had hettrr be Tam m ani/rd than Sinclairircd ” On the question o f religion, she has this to say: "Tamm any ia not a Catholic o r ­ ganization. Six of its twelve sachems are Protestants. What haa Governor Smith done in New York State? Take hit cabinet hrada today. Of the thirteen department heads, ap­ pointed by him, nine are Protestant*; three are Catholics and one ia He­ brew—for the sole reason that he is serking efficiency in government— not influence in his church. No, religious freedom is not threatened hy the Democratic party today It believes too heartily in I muat really beg the pardon of' the ability ;o f men and women to my reader« for talking of Mi»a Tar- think for themaelves." bell and Mra Thompaon in the same breath. It ia like mixing diamond« with hit« of broken window gla«s. And Miss Tarbell closes her re­ Again, Mi»a Tarbcll remind» ua of markable article with this statement: the difference between the two men "The belief o f one party is in in their attitude« on the power ques- power at the top. and the belief of lion. Dig buainesa, under the lead­ the other party ¡1 in the maaa be­ ership of Samuel luaull, of Chicago, low ." now control», with the help of the T o which group do us comment Republican Government, during the black folk belong ? la»t eight yeara, over HO per cent of the power production in thia coun­ PAGE T H R E E ADVOCATE In Portland C. G E E WO P. F I N L E Y & MORTICIANS M ontgomery at Fifth Phone Day or Night Atwater 2181 CHINESE M EDICAL HERBS COM PANY, INC. 262% Alder St. S. W . Corner Third S t. kraft ( Portland, Oregon. H R rh eese KRAFTPHENIX CHEESE COMPANY A X lL L E R and*ÍRACEY k* Independent F u n era l D ir e c to r » 'n ’ethmqMm St b et JVtb » e d it t i ^ f’> o o t . B r o s J » 4 y 3 > * l SON