THE ADVOCATE ln th« interest of A ll T H E A D V O C A TE la Published O nly 12.50 Par Year Subscriba Por I ti L » VOL. 24— No 44 PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY JULY 21 T H E A D V O C A TE i l C irculates In A ll T he S tates And Foreign Coun trisa 1928 PRICE 5 CENTS 4- N.A.A.C.P. CONVENTION LARGEST EVER HELD ALA. KLANSMEN LYNCH AL SMITH IN EFFIGY H o w A Y oung N egro Succeeded In B usiness STREETS DECORATED; CROWD AT STATION GREETS OFFICIALS G O W K AND MAYOR BRING m i l G R E W ; ( M S PICK AUDITORIUM Miss Ovington Goes I o Seattle Wash. “ Mia» Mary W hile O v in g to n , found er of the N ational A ssociation w ho • pent a week in P ortland a« th r guest o f the local Itran ch o f the Na tional A«*ociation, a fte r addressing the a tu d rn t body o f the U niver»ity of O r c |o n F a ten »ion S um m er achool M onday m o rn in g at L incoln H ig h School, w hich w li the final engage- tnent here, left for S eattle, W a»h A fter »pending a few day» in S eattle, Mias O ving to n plan« to re tu rn to her hom e in New Y ork City D uring her »lay in P o rtlan d , »hr filled m any »peaking engagem ent*. N oted a- m ito g st them w ere ad d resses on Sunday m orning. luly 15th before Ml O livet B aptist C hurch and Zion A M F C hurch and In the evening before the F irst C o n g reg atio n al C hurch At each of these m eetings, the speaker told of the w orking of the N ational A ssociation for the Ad vsneem ent of C olored People At a„ in terra cial tea held in h er honor by M rs 1 J H an d sack er, Mis« | O vington explained th e program of th r A ssociation and answ ered questions reg ard in g «ante In re an ((au itin u ed on page th re e ) 1 h««( w ho had had the pleasure ill atten d in g (h r previous N A A C I*. A nnual C onference, w ere u- n anim oua in th e ir opinion that the 19th A/nnual C onference held in I .oft A n« e,e*- C alifornia. June 27-JulyJrd * * • t y far th r g re a te st I* * * • pointed out th at the rircep *'°n tendered the N ational O fficer* *nd dele pate» w ho cam e <*i thjr »pecial train a* the »tation was the firat of it* kind in the M atory of the A ssociation. T he «treet» all th ro u g h the colored business sectiiei and dow n tow n in the w hite buaine«» section in the -immediate vicinity of P h ilh arm o n ic H all and S hrine A uditorium were gayly deco rated w ith hu n tin g , flag» and N A A C P p o tter« T o eve- rv entran ce to business places on < rn tra l A venue w ere p larard* bear- in g w ords o f w elcom e and g reetin g to the d elegates sn d o th e rs attend- ing the C onference T h e stre e t dec- o ratio n s and o th er publicity w ere paid for out o f th r $1500 ap p rn p ria t- Vd hy the I.o s A ngeles C ham ber of YContinnrd on page th re e ! ________ Q ________ hull P rogram A tlanta, Ga , Ju ly IS— D r. John H ope, presid en t of M orehouse Col- lege, this city, w hile in atten d an ce upoit the recent C o n g re ss o f the W orld R aptist A lliance in T o ro n to , C anada, received from M c M .ste r U niversity, nf th a t city the hon o rary degree of D o c to r of Law*. A like degree w as conferred by the U niver- aity upon John T h o m a s Forbes, principal of the T h eo lo g ical College of S cotland, w hile the degree of D octor w as conferred on nine emi nent preachers and m issionaries from six d ifferent countries by Mr. Jam es W a rre n at an e l.b o - rate re c .p t.o n held in the show room at the H efflm F u rn itu re Mfg Co., 2330 S anta A na Blvd , S atu rd ay nig h t, July 14th D r Boyd him self a na- live T exan, is one of the o u tsta n d in g business, fra te rn a l and ch u rch men o f the race. He is S e c re ta ry of the N ational B ap tist P ublishing Board, , N ashville. T en n . D irecto r of a bank T he im posing cerem onies were conducted at a spencial convocation held in Y o rk m in ster C hurch, T o ro n - lo, attended by the officials and fa- culty of the U niversity and by a large num ber of delegates to the W orld B ap tist C ongress. O f the eleven men rcceivng degrees. D r H ope had the d istin ctio n o f being one of the three from A m erica, one of the three to speak in response, and one of the tw o to rtrceiv^ the degree of I.I.D . in th at city and S ecretary of the Na tional N egro Pres* A ssociation, T h e ex h ib it of the N ational Bap- tist P ublishing B oard w as one of the a ttra c tio n s a t the W o rld ’s Sunday School C onvention. It covered a space of tw en ty by fifty feet and consisted of Sunday S chool liter»«, tiire, song books of 23 differen t m akes and nam es; a m inature pulp it suite w ith som e little pew s, show ing th a t they n o t only m ake e v ery th in g from a postal card to an encyclopedia b u t th at they tn anufacure fu rn itu re for. churches from w ooden collection p lates to church pew s and pulpits, T h e exhibit w as in ch arg e of som e well inform ed Sunday S chool Supt Dr. f lo y d will preach at Zion A. M. E. C hurch Sunday m orn in g , July 22nd at 11 y'c. service. H is d a u g h te r, Mrs. M iller w ho is an accom plished m uslcian haa been requested to play Por Hand’s Own equipped the m achine and vceneerinC d e p artm en ts of this factory. HU plans and m ethods are still in use in th at factory today In the m eatim e, during his spare hours, H efflin built a suite of bed- room furniture in the basem ent of his hom e w ithout the aid of m achine­ ry. T his furniture he sold fo r $300 to a local housekeeper, bringing his idea, thereby, closer to its realization. A fter three and half years’ connec t'On w ith the A ngelos F actory. Heff- tin » Ith a sto u t heart, the $30000 he room earned from m aking the bed bedroom furniture and $20000 m ore w hich he borrow ed from friends, left his posi- tion and entered the m anufacturing business on his own account in a rented shack on E ts t N inth Street. H is initial equipm ent consisted of a saw table, a joiner and a rented band saw. Now. began the real struggle for existen ce and the test of H efflin s rem arkable tenacity and tact. In hi* own w ords. Mr. H efflin explain* how he m arketed his first product«: DRAGS FIGURE ABOUT HALL WITH ROPE SO ALL GET Ï0 KICK AÏ _ . jO U tn C m L .( ] I I P /4 fO f Here On Visit --------- l*roieM or j M T errel of H ouaton Xex4S was , he cJ|y , he past week B irm ingham , A la , July 11— A lfred E. Sm ith, D em ocratic nom inee for , president, w as lynched in effigy at a recent m eeting in the N athan B ed­ ford F o rre st klavera of the Ku K lux Klan at W ahaum a, according j to a re p o rt ju s t received. T he gath erin g of K lansm en was an open m eeting, and the curious m ixed crow d num bered about 200 according to reports a fter some im prom ptu speeches denouncing the H ouston convention had been de­ livered and volunteer speakers voiced their condem nation of 'Catholicism when two klavaliers brought in a dum m y, w hich w as introduced as "A1 Sm ith, D em ocratic nominee fo r president.” T h o se gathered w ere asked by the p resid in g officer w hat they w anted or ten days. P ro fesso r T e rre ll is toBring the W e st in tbe ¡n ,e re„ 0f his hejslth. F o r a num ber of years, j,e has been active in educational cir- c|es ,n the S ta te of T ex as serving as principal of the Ft. W o rth publia schools. T h e F t W o rth colored H igh School is nam ed the T errell H igh School in his honor. H e was for three years p rin c ip a l o f the P rairie View S tate N orm al School a t P rairie View, T exas. A fte r re ­ signing from th at position, in 1926 he influenced a w ealthy w hite man to donate the m oney for building and (C ontinued on page four) erectin g of a colored hospital , in H ouston. T exas. T he hospital isde- dicated to the m em ory of L ieutenant John H alm C ullinan. son of the do­ nor, 344th F. A., 90 Div., A. E. F . “one of the m illions of young A m eri­ cans w ho served in the W o rld W ar to preserve and p erpetuate hum an liberty w ithout regard to race, creed 1 o r color, is dedicated to the A m eri­ can N egro, to inspire good citizen- , N . Y. July 11— D efinite decision to ship and for the relief of suffering, . call a nationw ide , strike was , „ taken sickness and disease am ongst them. ” M° nday by ,b e conference of officials P ro fesso r T errell is the house J ” * * * “ * " of ,h e B rotherhood gues, of Mr and Mrs. G eorge Scott, P “ Ilnl»n P ° rte ™ »«_^ q u a r t e r s 935 T ib b etts street. H e has been of the organization 2311 Sesjenth avenue. the recipient of num erous courtesies T he d ate of the w alk-out w ill be w hile in the c ity : Mr. and M rs. K. . _ , , L Culp entertained him a . dinner | d e,e n n ,n e d a * F rlday * ?e5,,on of ,he conference, b u t its publication w ill Sunday and on T uesday they took be held in abeyance until the strike him for a drive over Colum bia R ivtfr call is actually issued, it w as a n ­ H ighw ay, a fte r having lunched to­ nounced by A. P hilip R andolph, gether. Sunday afternoon and even­ g en eral org an izer of the b ro th e r­ ing, he w as the guest on a sightsee­ hood. Mr. R andolph said the strike ing trip o f E d ito r and Mrs. E. D.* will have the backing of the A m eri­ C annady; M onday evening h o w as can F ederation of L abor and the four guest at d in n er of Mr. and M rs. J. big railw ay brotherhoods. "W hen I started in, 1 m ade sam ples I A- Wrisdom. 1512 U nion Avenue N.; • Mr. R andolph declared th a t no of a dining table, a library table and T uesday evening he w as the dinner m ore n egotiations will be taken up a few chairs of pine wood in M ission Ruest of Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Mul- by the p o rters’ organization w ith the style. A t th at tim e Period F u rn itu re *en- 318 E. 41st St., and on W edncsH U nited States B oard of M ediation. w as popular, but out of reach of the w as the *uest o f Mr. Cooper T h e dem ands of the brotherhood poorer people, so 1 had previously on an autom obile sightseeing trip, jare recognition of the union in the decided to m anufacture that style of P o rfesso r T errell w ho left T hurs- m aking of ag reem en ts on w ages, fu rn itu re in pine for tw o reasons: d aY C alifornia, will spend sever- rules and w orking condition; $150 F irst, I couldn’t raise enough money ■*' weeks there before going on to a m onth m inim um wage, as com pared to buy hard wood, and second, 1 be- G°m f ' n H ouston w ith the present m inim um of $72.50; lieve the sm aller sto res w ould buy ------------0------------ a 240-hour w ork m onth o r the eight- pine m ore readily w hen they saw the hour day, and reinstatem ent w ith PARSONAGE REN O V A TED advantages in price. T h at idea was pay fo r tim e lost of all p o rters die- successful. | T he interior of the parsonage of charged from the service for affilia­ " I hired a sm all tru ck on credit Zion. 260 C ook A venue, is b eing re­ tion w ith the union. PULLMAN PORTERS TO STRIKE Dr. 3 o y d H a s D r H en ry A llen Boyd and his p arty , including M rs. B oyd, (his d au g h ter, M rs M iller and S ecretary , Mrs. W ilto n w ho are p ro m in en t ¡guest* i„ P o rtla n d th is w eek-end. cam# h rre d irectly from I.os Ange- lex w here they a tten d ed the W o rld Sunday School C o nvention July II- 18 T h e p a rty was royally en te rta in - rd by T cx an a of L os A ngeles h IS (B y Mrs. E. D . C an n ady) I to resem ble ham m ered m etal and we I don t know of any good reason u |(t d if it w ere a t^ rh m g like R hr w hy f shouldn't s ta rt this series of „ „ „ w h ifh P)o ( h U| , nd Rudjr articles on my glim pse into the b u .i - 1 y mltntlno w ere UiA to r, „ Mr ness, social, re lig m u . an d pol.tical Kmory y Crmin S ecretary and p art circle* of the city of 1-os A ngeles . _ I _ .: a . u . . , ' . , .. ow ner, w ho w as ouf guide, told us w ith a brief story of the HefUin . . . . . . _ «; . . . . . . .. . . . . . „ 'h a t it w as ju s t a t beautiful but not F u rn itu re M anufacturing Co. T h e re , , ,, , nearly as costly, l a an o th er room are good reaso n s why I should. we saw all so rts of m achinery for F irst of fall the founder of the plant ¡th e co n stru ctio n of furniture parts. *» a T ex an he got his sta rt in a little ' A n o th er room displayed the paint tow n in T ex as. T h a t m akes us kin guns and o th e r apparatus for finish­ by soil and g eography. A nd then, ing and last toucheg. A nd still in hi* w as the last place I visited be­ an o th er p a rt we were show n the fore taking leave, and the good book p rettiest knobs fo r auto gear-shift says d o e sn 't it som ething about last w hich Ibis com pany m anufactures in shall be firat? large am ounts. A fter we bad been T h e H efflin M anufacturing busi­ ness is housed in a $40,000 00 b u ild ­ show n the first process w hich p re­ ing w hich w as designed and built by sented a perfectly w lfttr knob, 1 asked colored men and w hose m aterial* o u r guide w hat they did to m ake w ere purchased from colored people. them look like pretty ag ates when I tell you this a t the s ta rt so that finished, and he politely told me that you inay know th a t Mr. H efflin be­ w as th eir secret. So a fte r purch as­ lieve« in his race. T h e building ing one for our friends'* car w hich w hich w as com pleted last O c to b e r is she had turned over to me upon my located at 2330 S an ta A na B oule­ arriv al in L os AngeJek, we proceed­ vard Its presid en t. I-eon M. Heffi- ed to o th er parts o f the building THEN LYNCHES DUMMY e a d ________________________________________________ U a young „van ab o u t 3« y e a rs ! L iving R oom S .t by H efflin „Id w hom m ost peopic would t e r n 1 ---------— --------------------------------- good looking". H is d a rk large eyes and kindly frank ex p ression tell y o u he is n o t to stric t but th a t he m eans business and they at once in­ spire confidence. H is wife is a ch arm in g young w om an of New I ° rl' * n!,> U S h f *» ollc p ersisten t effort, persever ' a,,ce« u c t a " d thrift. I t is a story ol dau n tless spirit pursuing its goal w ith th at persistency an d reverence th at eventually brought its rew ard. H ctilii, began his trailing in the color, m d u w orld when a m ere lad m and fn *ndly and ,ooks a f,e r ,h * ,h * " ,anUal ,ram ,n g d e ‘>ar,n,cnt Hcftilin baby. A fter seeing th ro u g h g ram m ar school dow n in T exas, the large p lan t and a sk in g a m illion C om ing to L os A ngeles a t the begin- and one q u estio n s about it, then ; ning of the W orld W ar, he brought seeing its founder and in spirers, it w ith him his idea and soon excelled w as hard for m e to believe th at it his fellow pupils in the w oodw orking , a ' ' 0 Kf , hcr w as the w o rk of this young j d ep artm en t of the 14th In term e d iate m* n 'e a r* *Ke) th at had m ade it a Hefflin a ttra c te d unusual atten tio n by and exhibit if his fine handicraft . rca G'y- j T he large show room contained at the S tate N orm al School E x p o si­ p re tty b reak fast tab les a n d ch airs, tion in 1915. dining room sets and a Spanish bed W ith the aid of Prof. F ran k A. room set. T h en th e re w ere living Ilouelle, a t the time P rincipal of the room pieces in go rg eo u s Spanish up- 14th S treet Inerm t-diate School, and h o lstering all finished w ith detailed now A ssistan t S uperintendent of the care. J n an o th e r room we looked City Schools of Los A ngeles, H efflin at an j exam ined cask ets of red-w ood secured ______ em __ ploym ^ ____ ____________ _ ent w ith the Ange- w ith so ft w hite pillows. A | Us F u rn itu re M anuacturing Co., the ia r „ e shipm ent of these w ere being largest factory of its kind in the con,p |e tc d for an E a s te rn m o rtu ary . W est. H ere, w ith his ch aracteristic (^ne Qj had been finished to energy, he w on m any friends and w ith T h e sto ry of Mr. Hefftlin's life is his love of detail soon oragnized and and w ent d o w n on Main S treet to decorated front top to bottom . Rev1, the sm aller fu rn itu re stores. In front and Mrs. M oteland are all sm iles o- of each store we would put the furni­ ver it. ture on the sidew alk and then 1 w ould go in the store and bring out the buyer to show him o u r stuff. I a this way we booked o rd ers for m ore W YATT W. W ILLIAM S than $l,OOU.OO w o rth of tables and Attorney at Law chairs the first week. ?40ur w orking force consisted of With Julius Silvestone, tw o men and m yself. O u r m achinery w as propelled by a gasoline engine 523-524 Lumbermens Bldg. th at w as so noisy we had to put it O r the outside of the building and Attorney and Counselor cut a hole th rough the wall fo r the P h o n es: B r 0635—SelL 6260 (C ontinued on page fourt Portland. Oregon Office Phone Br. 8967 ---------0--------- Sells Federal Offices Charge vs. Howard P erry W . H ow ard, N ational re ­ publican com m itteem an of M issis­ sippi w as indicted by the Federal G rand Ju ry last S aturday. H e is charged w ith having sold to the highest bidder a num ber of Federal officer i„ M ississippi. Mr. H o w ard ’s delegation was the only one th at w as headed by a colored man w ho w as seated at the R epublican p arty Na­ 1 tional C onvention in K ansas City. Res. Phone Ea. 8983 Store D o c t o r E. L. B o o G e r T H E STORE FOR EVERYBODY DENTIST H O U R S . 9 . 12, f y h ■ j U Â Z TMS Q u a l i t y S T M S â r . mm 1 -6 Sun. ft E vening by A ppointm ent 502 - 3 P A N A M A B U IL D IN G N. E. C or. T h ird and A lder