Saturday April ¿I, IWH THE ADVOCATE PACE FOUR ■ PORTLAND YOUNG MAN PLAYS SENIOR RECITALS N EG R O ES AND NEGRO L IF E Negro in fiction Millin "God's Stepchildren"; Van Vechtcn “Nigger Heaven": W hit, “Fire in the Flint"; W hite, “ Flight"; Wiley, "Prow ler” ; Pctcrkin, “ Black April" Negro in Art and Literature Cullen, “Color"; Fisher, “Negro Spi rituals"; Green, "Lonesom e Road", (six plays for the Negro theatre); Green, "Lord's W ill a::d O ther Caro­ lina plays”; Guillaume, “ Primitive Negro Sculpture", Handy, “Blues", an anthology; Hughes, "W eary Blues"; Johnson, "Book of American Negro Spirituals"; Johnson, "Second Book of American Negro Spirituals"; Kennedy, “Mellows"; Odum, "The Negro and his Songs"; O'Neill, “ All God's Chillun Got W ings"; Puckett. "Folk Beliefs of the Southern Ne­ gro” ; Scarborough, “On the Trail of The Negro Folk Songs” ; Torrence, "N egro Theatre Plays”. Negro in Life Dowd, “The Negro in American l ife" DuBois, "D arkw ater"; Graham, “Soul of John Brown"; Kennedy, “Black Cameos"; I.ocke, "The New Negro"; Moton, "Finding W ay Out", biogra phy; Pickens, "Bursting Bonds", bio­ graphy; Sandburg, "The Chicago Race Riots"; Seligmann. "The Negro Faces America"; Vandercook, “T om ­ Tom "; W oodson, "The Negro in our History" Gas Meter is Accurate Put 100 of the best watches against 100 gas meters in a test for accuracy, exposed to the same varying condi­ tions of heat, cold, humidity and the m eters will win out every time, says a bulletin. The gas meter is regarded as one of the most accurate measur­ ing instrum ents in use today. Like the registering turnstile in parks, rail­ road stations and fair grounds, the m eter will not operate unless some­ thing passes through it The mechan­ ism is not set in motion and the in­ dicator hands cannot move except as gas passes through and makes them move. It is rather interesting to know that the original mechanical principles adopted in 1844 for the cor­ rect measurement of gas still persist and that while hundreds of inventors have endeavored to discover some­ thing better, they have improved up­ on details only. , Please come in and pay your obli­ gations to The Advocate. (By Mrs. Leon O. Smith, Reporter) Phone your news to 286V. Bethel A. M 1 Church notes (Rev B E Edwards pastor) Services were well attended thru- out Sunday Dr E. R Driver of Los Angeles California occupied the pulpit at the morning worship Dr. Driver is a very able speaker H r came to our city to conduct a Revival m eet­ ing at the Penecostal Assembly^ (w hite) but extends a cordial im ita ­ tion to all. At the evening service two young men (w hite), and natives of Africa spoke T heir discourses were very interesting St Paul Baptist church had a very impressive service with Rev D D Poufs as pastor, was well attended Rev . Mrs Banks and A rthur Jr. are thoroughly enjoying the com forts of of their beautiful new parsonage winch has been recently purchased. Mr Frank W illiamson, quite a pio­ neer of our city died at St Mfbotisu- hospital Saturday evening No fun eral arrangem ents has been made a« yet. A very live dance rarty was giver l a s t e v e n i n g h v Messers S Sims and Smith The reorganize'’ Plantation orchestra furnished tin music which was glorious indee-* Misses Frm a and F lrrna Andres o ' Vanpa were the out of town guest; r real jovial time was had hv all lu a rural court the old squire had made a luting so unfair that thitfe young lawyers at ones protested a- gainst such a miscarriage- of justice t he squire immediately lined each of the lawyers for contem pt of court t here was silence, and then an old lawyer walked slowly to the front of the room and deposited a $10 bill with the clerk. He then addressed the judge as follows: "Your Honor, 1 wish to state that I have twice as much contempt for this court as any man in the room." » • • W ith a face that vainly endeavored : to appear mournful, and eyes that -trove to produce a respectable flow oi tears. Patrick Murphy O 'Dolan enter­ U N I T E D S T A TES ed an undertaker's shop. "I want ye to tell me", he began, ASSISTANT ATTORNEY . "phwat the custom is for th' w earin' iv mournin’ — the depth of it, I GENERAL DIES m ane’" “W ell", replied the assistant, "of (Continued front page one) course If it is a near relative W illliam Clarence Matthews was a band it of varies. black the sleeve or hat. burn in Selma. Ala., on January 7, and for a distant on friend a black tie Is 1S77. He was m arried to Mis- Pene­ enough". lope Bele Lloyd on July 0. 1904, He me a shoe lace." he said, at was athletic instructor in Noble and last “Give " It’s me wife's mother." Grccnough School, Boston, front IW5 • a e to lOtC. and in the schools ot Bostort He was one of officious fore­ for the following five year- He was men, who tried to those make those under a member of t te F.lks. Reindeers, and the Masons, and the \lpha l'hi \lpha his charge realize that he was some,- body of im portance But one day be Fraternity. met his match. ---------0--------- Mr Bird of Everett W ash was an Steppin up to the simp rum orist, he Faster week visitor of Mr. and Mrs said: "You're a minute late this m orn­ W in Gildon He and his grandaught- ing.” cr. Clara Gildon attended Faster Ser­ "I know, but there's a reason for vices in Portland and was the guest it.” of his daughter Mrs Hamilton C art­ "Explain." "W hen I was cornin’ along to work wright I heard a man in the river yellin' for -------------0 ------------- help. I ran to him, was pullin' him out W m Gildon was in Portland T ues­ but let him drop again." day to the Ball game. "But why didn't you save him ’" Not likely." was the dry answer Stay off May 28. W atch for par­ "Why?" ticulars. —Adv. , “Cos he was a foreman!" Mr William Duncan Allen, con of Mr W D, Allen of this city, was pre­ sented in organ recital April l.tth at Oberlin, Ohio which marked his min­ or senior recital His m ajor recital will be presented June 5th and will be on the piano. Mr Allen graduates from the music departm ent at O ber­ lin in Ju n e^ H e has made a spendnd record during hi- f"tir scars' course» His friends in Portland are not surprised for he made an ensiahle re­ ducing his high school attendance at Jefferson where he was class musici­ an and w rote the music for the class song. PATENTS Obtained. Send model or sketch and we will prom ptly send you a report. Our book on Patents and Trade-m arks will be sent to you on request. D. SWIFT & CO. -------PATENT LA W Y ERS-------- 305 Seventh St. Washington, D. C- Over M Years’ Experience A minister was quetstioning his Sunday School concerning the story of Eutvchus, the young man who, lis­ tening to the preaching of the Apostle Paul, went to sleep, and, falling out of a window, was taken up dead. “W hat," he asked, “do we learn from this solemn event’" The reply from a little girl came: "Please, sir, m inisters should learn not to preach too long sermons." £ rw * S n a y a n d S q iiJ i. a l S ta rk . "One of the N orthw est’s G reat B anks" SE N D YO UR F U L L NAME AND DA TE OF B IR T H AND R E CE1VE A ST E LL A R N U M ER O L OGY R EA D IN G FR E E . AND LEA RN H O W I PA Y T W O DO L­ LARS FO R NAM ES AND AD D RESSES. —M. C O N N E LL , 131« C A L IFO R N IA . —ADV. 123 North Sixth Street r EASIER To Get A Job O r Hold The One You Have If You Are CLEAN ! T hat's W hy You Need A Ruud-Autohot ÌDBAND PO R T L A N D GAS * C O K E CO. Public Service Bldg. Sixth & Salmon k A 58 Individual Home Treatment Booklet Treatises o O n Daily Fashion Hint LO N G . w l" „ B7 * r Y IO H T OXLIGrMT FVMIDTOIU V U U Y F>fP * £ Q U »5 lT 0 $04» PWJrilO» IN O T H E 0 «0 «V TH .O R TM * H OVEBTON air orca HYGIENIC < MADE ONLY BY T H E O V ER T O N C h HYGIENIC MFC.CO. i c a g o m a mmmwiuimwinwi mimtiimmunniiiitiHHumniimniHUnit ■ ' «*- ' Cm tm Vmu m il t rr~m I t f t ' t r . l ¡o tail.,to t o « * ImtfttO- m t l . í . T h f h r o . y l.iomlhtl I f tm>lturtlomi o m j titi •* FLORI'H Loe Anreife. I’ll. yVuP '. \ 7 " S n . ? . n i h * ........................ ,r n m ' h' Here is the Lisi: I—A im 27— F la t u U n r« 21 — Fn t Tra u b la and F allen A rrh e « 24— f«;illst«n oi 2 0 — Ooifre 60— fsort-wrhe» SO— H a lr f -r o w ln v B s rk ir h « s tro n»» fled w i t f i n « 20— May F .v o f Blond P ro tiu r* fh ! a » l 77 - M e »rt sc »io Blood P ro oiu r* flown 70— H o n rt Merango H ro a tt (L u m p * In fho) I M M r. I r *Sf >l I Ml 70— Honrt ftm lvular C a ta rrh and Cald* lo.ikaqo of) C irc u la tio n fd o fM 30— tlvo ) Inaomajo 31 — M ldney htonea C n n a tlp o tlM C y a tlf It 32— L lv a r Tro u h lo « fiMfno«« 33— M era tru a llon D igestivo n it o r dora ( r a l n f i il ) Dropsy 04— Menafrtialton Cora («hron l* dia- ( F araoaltrt) rhargo f r o « ) 05— N rp h r itla C*/«m a and » ; - N — ra lgla I'aorlaala ( T r i i M ia » ) I gllopsy 40— N ru rltla J — A dhcdM t (r » m y l« | i I — A n ta ls ♦— Appendili!!* 5— A 4 H» MS A -A u t i f « » «tl* 7— (n — A— 0— 10— II I? — 11— n — 14— H igh-B row n Face Powder 10— MRS E. D. CANNADY 312 Macleay Bldg., Portland Pacific Coast Distributor b ring n A rt«fl nit a e e m m o n t a n a * h o m i t r « . s t m « n t I . a. .in.athrf fo r y o u r . p e d a l caao. to a a a l. t to b r l n . , oho lit e u r o " * t l , . . L , . . i a " » a i i a i i h J b l t * 0* • * « r e l i l n 0 . . . i f . . . . I l l u , t r a t « d ) ate.', PHONK II Roadway 4347 i I y o i) 1 . Proprietor A superb toilet necessity. In four shades—Natural, Pink, Brunette and White. High-Brown "Face Powder has earned its place in the esteem of the most discriminate and skeptical users of toilet ar­ ticles by its own distinctive merit and the complete satisfaction to be derived from its use. Also a large assortment of toilet requisites for the lady who cares. Manufactured only by THE 0VERT0N-HY0IENI0 MFO. COMPANY CHICAGO n „ „ r, ’ '"* «"» W H A T EACH BOOKLET CONTAINS J. SAMUEL SMITH Our High Brown Hair Grower stands as one of our highest achieve­ ments—it is a prepar­ ation we look upon with pride. —Distributor Mrs. E. D. Cannady, 312 Macleay Bldg., Portland, Oregon. n I t h « . . . . p i « |a w ’» urn. w h ic h il L“‘ - ------------* ’ om w h ir l, you e u 0 & » " - v - - r common A i l m e n t , t e l li n g -n ejirli one tb* c tii*e rff. ♦ j>n ri t r i m trie «fafir, h o m e t r e a t m e n t ft, ,t * , U . ..n , » , Qivon t h « In fo rm a tio n -- t D r V r C . y „ t„ p at ont a In p n v a t a p r „ , . T h e . b-,.,1.1 m , m a y r , v . an .U ".n " * ” r r ■ " " r r l n i a m i w I - Ip p lv a VOO t ” * a a a l i t a n c e a n d re! ef y o u are reeWIng 107 N O R T H S IX T H ST ALL Now S O c e a c h a , „ o u e e re le t " F o r yom n / hovo b rr* »barring f>.~,, 4 , h tlo n t om Sop to m b or ¡ ¡ th , * h m 0 ,tfftr io g « it.sapp .trr.i Ho otto, h ot r t ,,n r r . I f , ho h im tr lf o f b o ill " r m Headquarters for Good Eats Without a doubt, the best article of its kind—a combination Hair Grower and Hair Straightener. Gives the hair a natural soft and silky appearance, stimulating hair growth in the most hopeless case. --------------------------- In our present location we are equipped to give better Knights of Pythias of N. service than ever before. — A., S. A., L , A., A. and A. We are prepared to take (Operating Under Supervi­ sion of U. S. Government i care of men, women and children. Come and let us »L'Vit Mai w rn Avcnuo Hot Springs Nat. I’urk, Ark. serve you. Hot Radio-Active Water Furnished hv »he Government Holliday & Holliday For All Baths. Sanitarium has 10 Rooms, D l i..J ('prrUin; Rooms | Hotel has 56 Rooms; Telephone, Hot anJ Cold Running X Water in Every Room. Rates $1 to $ i per day rhe YELLOW ! BATH RATES: 3.00—10 Baths $6.50 PENCIL J 21 Baths . . with the 21 Baths to Pvthians and Caiani he:* nt», $8.50 SAM ’S CAFE OPEY Mr (liarles Adams observed his birthday annivresary I Inn-dm night by .entertaining a colerle of trinrds at a party at Ins residence oil Sumner ' Pythian Bath House and Sanitarium Tonsorial Pariors Centralized Banking National Bank- I'hc Sunday School has been oigan- i/ed w ith a good attendance cat h Sun­ day Rev. George Gardner ol P ort­ land is Pastor in charge. Faster Services were wicll attended with splendid program and Faster egg hunt for the children Mis Gardner made the trip with Rev Gardner Mrs W orthen and her daughter ot Poll- land attended the Faster Services in 1 ongview They came with Rev and Mrs. Gardner Sunday the pastor and his wife were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs I -5 Firem an at thru home on 8th Avc * Mr ami Mrs W chstrr Rand. Mr. and Mrs George Gaskins and W eb­ ster Jr. m otored to M ultononiah falls, tlregou Sunday New York, April 6—Hon Huron lite Old Rose Club met with Mrs. Fitts, Lieutenant Governor of the W F M onismi, Thursday April 12th Slat« of California in Los Angeles, After the business of the club wss Junc27 to JulyJ, of the National transaitrd, the ladies engaged in Association for the Advancement of quilting a quilt (or future exhibition Colored People, it was announced to­ Ihe hostess served lunch On T hurs­ day. The information conies in a let­ day, April PJlh the club was entertain­ ter from Dr. H. (', Hudson, President ed by Mrs llonnic Bogie at her resi­ o the Los Angeles Branch dence Dr. Hudson reports that Lieu­ 0------------ tenant Governor Fitts is a veteran of Mrs George Moore sponsored a the world war aWd that colored sold­ eery entertaining and enjoyable pal­ iers have found in him a ready cham ­ lor concert at her home fn Rose City pion in anything infecting thrir wel­ Park on the evening of April U lh fare Only the very young people inclini Dr. Hudson also writes that not mg Mis Moore'e son Philip, partici­ alone the Los Angeles Branch of the N A A C. P hut the entire State of Mi and Mrs J IV Patton of P ort­ pated on the program which was for California will take part in the wel­ land were guests of Mr and Mis the benefit of Belile church come to the N A A C P Annual l eni t i Brown Sunday After dinner Mr W illiam laeknnn of Oakland, Spring Conference Mi ad Mrs Brown took their guest- Caifornia it vim H iik relatives and “ Local Committees are preparing over the beautiful Saeajawea drive triend» in llm iaton, A no tin, Ft.W orth, to entertain delegates that come to Port docks and the new fiber plant 1‘alias. San Antonio, l.ittiu a n d visit different parts of the State," i ^prinklr, Ihr Utter Ip* old home He -writes Dr. Hudson "There i a trip 1 Mrs Sam W illiams has been indis :* bruti; royally entertained by frinrda to Catalina Island where one may see posed hut is m urh improved wherever stop» Mr Jarkaon who i» the marvellous submarine gardens employed the railroad compand, Mr and M is Hugh Harper, Miss plan» to hr by Divers can be seen on the ocean bed hack home about thr fir«t Fish of every variety are viewed in Crystal Graffel. Mr l liailes Stiam ol of May in thrir natural haditat through glass Portland were guests of Mr ami Mrs bottom boats W ithin a frw hours W m Gildon of Kelso Mis (iihlon Clara Anderson, •-j l.arra motor ride is the High Sierra that for and her guests drove over to Long bre Mr» street underwent a acrioii» scenic beauty compares with Switzer­ view to see the many bcautv spots of Tuesday morning at ft o'clock ojH?ra A* we land The IVlh Annual Conference Longview; the beautiful Saeajawea, k»o to prca» she ia restili« very nicely of the N A A C P will stand out in drive the new depot and other places tnd ia in plrm hd condition Hr Nich­ Neatly furnished rooms for rent your memory California is preparing They were very much impressed with ols m » harge She occupies a privatif 446 E. 10th Street North. Phom to welcome you " the beauty of Longview room in the hospital and »• rcceixdn«* East 4042 —Adv. every attention for her comfort and A baby «irl wan born to Mr and viril hem« Mrs J. H art M othrr and baby art Mrs J I- Casion was hostess |o Mrs W S Badger was in the city the Interm ediate cla-s of the Mt Oli this week from her borne at Gearhart doing fine. I .itile Mr Conway ia being treated vet Baptist Church Sunday School on at Good Sam aritan Hoapital for a Mrs l.rlia Gravo of Hm uto.n, T r * ( broken Thursday night at the parsonage T hr lr« It I« «aid all the nursed i* in I.onijfvifw visiting her friend, young folk had a m o-t delightful time. ha\e fallen love with him Needle»» LARO CHEMICAL CO Mr« Kranlc Coleman, for a imlrfimti to say lie is in brin« This is a m onthly event and is prov­ well eared for time Mr* (irav i and Mr« Coleman ing quite a success, furnishing proper Big: profets. Pay us wh n social intercourse for the young folk. sold Write quick. We misi arc frtends of lonu standing She i Mr* Croaswbite who was operated cxpei tin« her husband in a few day« on at the Good Sam aritan Hospital a Mr W illiam Cain who underwent you. and expect* to make I.nnffview their wrr-k ago i« »o greatly improved that an operation at the Good Sam aritan *.23T j Jefferson Street. Mem home | her physician «ay« «he mav he rrmov- Hospital a few weeks ago and who j ed to her In me in a few dav* She i« afterw ards was up and about, was ta ­ phis, Tennessee. Misa Geneva Tolliver of Seattle ' very cheerful and always «lad to see ken back to the hospital twi days W ashington is bouse guest of Mr and her frinrd« Mrs Wrn Kontino Mr« I on lino is him ielf. However a- we go to press he Subscribe* for the Advocate is able to it up and his condition is recovering from a recent illnc«» greatly improved. HOLLIDAY HOLLIDAY The car had broken down and the pair of legs protruding from under- j neath seemed to indicate that repairs« were in progress. “ Had a breakdown?" inquired a passerby. “Oh. no, only playing hide and seek with the works," came a muffled voice from underneath the car But the questioner was not easily daunted "W hat power is it?" “Forty horse." "W hat's wrong with it?” The centralizing of all of one’s banking “W ell, as far as I know,” came the* at one bank naturally m akes for closer answer, “thirty-nine horses have bolt­ contact between bank and custom er. ed and the remaining one is too upset to answ er questions.” * * * W ith every departm ent of banking un­ “ Did you hear that liggs wa- killed der one roof and one m anagem ent here at the United States N ational, this central­ while traveling in K entucky’" ization of banking is both possible and "N o How was he killed’” practical. “In a fued." "And I always told him not to ride in those cheap cars.’ I ruled Slates . TO ADDRESS LONGVIEW NOTES LOCAL BRIEFS N. A. A. C. P. 15— 54— IS — 20— 21 — 47— f i n i t i l i »0 — Prolapsus of Organa ! » — P ío s la tle nisorrtoea !7 — flottai i roiihloo ■10— B*leiirt» lltiltl • a -t 10 — H u -ill to 5 « w • * »• «! (Malt) 40 — S tre n g '), f d a i n ln « of) 55 — i-y n h illit fa tu i» and t'ir o n lr) 41— Te n tila (diseased) I I) i «heles 47 Tuberculosis of H l» iiin «a 41— T irm n rt of U fe rs « 4 1— V a rite lo Vaino iVeipM ( Q n in ln f « f i -W r .q h l ( fle dllftlM I) 7— FOR SALE ALL STORES If your dealer 1« not stocked then you j u i t order direct on coupon below. INTERESTINGLY PLANNED Since Mack crepe satin is one of the m.'it fashionable m3t.rials of tiiq season, it is the logical fabric for this ultra-smart Paris model. Three sec­ tions joined in diagonal outline com­ pose the Mouse front, the hack being in one piere. The fulness in the skirt is gracefully arranged at the sides, with added length at the left side to provide an uneven hemline. Medium sire requires 3% vartls 39 inch crepe satin. ^ Pictorial Printed Pattern No. 4233. Sires, 14 to 18 years ami 34 to 42 bust, 45 cents. M c C o y P ublica tion a, Inc. 1101 Builder* Exchange Bldg., Lo* Angelee, Calif. F.ncloieJ u I ............. lend me booklet l / havo m arked off ( 50c to .) NAME ............................................. ADDRESS ........................................ CITY ............................................ 1 2 I C T 12 IS 14 IK 18 I t 20 II 22 23 28 27 21 2» 20 S3 14 I t 3» 40 41 42 36 37 43 44 46 47 41 4t r.o Ki 52 63 64 66 5f r.7 58 «••aaaaaaaaaas 8 9 Jutt tee Numbern on above liet and circle the oner you want on thia coupon.