# THE PAGE TWO ....................... - -t EDITORIAL PAGE THE ADVOCATE Published every Saturday at Suite 312-313 Maclcay Building, Portland. Oregon. Telephone BRoadway 5807. humane civilization "The great advancement of the world throughout all age* i* to be measured by the increase of humani­ ty and the decrease of crime.“ OUR R E C O R D AND S H A L L JU S T IC E PR EV A IL ? ------ Saturday April 21. I’M* ADVOCATE i Mr Alderaon want* to hold on to hi» job a* County S.-hi*ol Suprrmtin dent Hi* opponent i* Robert \N HanaiL ---------0-------- The office oi County Commi**ioner head» the list with »even candidate*. m \ of them »ill be disappointed a« on CHURCH D IR E C T O R Y B E T H E L A M K CHURCH Larrahce and MeMillen Street* Rev. F. X. Runyon. Pastor. E. L. Jamenm. A**i*tant 1 1 Flovd Cook of Medford. Oregon i» a candidate for deleate - at - large tol CHURCH N O TES CHURCH N O T E S ------ 0------ FLIT M oths, Roaches B e d b u g s,F lie s A n Am azing Success Feenam int The J. K. Gill Co. B E T H E L A. M. E. (By Edgar William») Mt Olivet »as favored Sunday mor­ 417 William» Ave. ning by having Dr M It Parouna Rev. John K. Moieland, pastor. gian, »Ini »poke tin ihc Near I W I The Stranger's Sabbath Horae Relief Being a native Armenian, the speaker gave a scry pathetic talk of ------------0------------ the condition* of hi« people and what Mt. Olivet Baptist Church \mcrica has done to asc the thou­ East First & Schuyler S t ie c t * sand* of children in that stricken land Rev. J I t aston, Pastor Rev Caston's morning siihiect was. Pastor's address, 384 East l»t S t . "liospel and Comfort"; esening *uh Vorth, Phon« Trinity 5790. jeet, "tii»l «peaking Home to the H eart" You missed a real blessing \ if you w ere not present Sunday I o SH ILO H B A P T IS T (it right in with what Dr Paroumi gian hail said about his people. Dr CHURCH Shiloh Baptist Church 7f>th and E 1 Cation said Everett Street: Sunday School at Our fathers ami mother* endured 10 : A M ; Preaching at U : A. M ; the hardship* of slavery ami the Rr B Y P V at 7 P M ; Preaching at construction period, because they »aw It P M la brighter day ahead Rev W F House The sermons made you stop and Pastor >c4i i li your own ion»ciciKc When you ha \c K»'t it. look out tor three* thin |t* ; first, for consolation, then Rev. J. \V. Anderson, Re­ »loir it up 4nil pa»i it on liocvl gional Secretary of tlu* Na­ deeds never die Sermons like the»** Rood Sean h a tional Baptist Convention, v\ ill ilo a world i*f every mic feel» the Utili» i ' T l 44tOfl. U. S. A. —Office 4*> T il­ effect. » lamook St., —Trinity 3422. 1 lu choir I n rr lidding very g i a .l 1 hrrr irr• other nirinbcr* ot music \N hatv the Church that tun »mg ST. PHILLIPS MISSION holding you bai k 3 Your place i* Rodney at Knott St w hers you can il|u the most good Mortòri ¡r servie«*, l i a . tu.; Sun 1 'lease take notice Sunday night April day School. 1'2 in. Archdeacon 22— Dr o < » \\ i iight will give a nil« I II ite k in ch a rg e ; Mr H. Coles, lay | »„iitary lecture with motion picturrs reader. A cordial welcome await* Srr Mt Olivet , horns and other rit- you at St. Phillip«. tcrr«ting,worth »hilr feature« Don I tail to attend United with the church Sunday, SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST j Mrs J W Ingersol ami Mr Brown 62nd St. and 39th Ave. 8. E. ! Collection tor the thr rtiurch Sun Sabbath School 2:00 P. M I d ay - $97.01) Services 5:00 P M Mrs I-astinon of 195 Ivy S t. who Miss Pearl Stafford, Leader tias been ill for some time united with Visitors welcome. the church after a special visitation -0- by Rev Cation She was converted T H E H O U SE O F P R A Y E R 28 Union Avrnue North, Portland. Of and expressed the desire to b ba| tiz- Eider Robert Srarcie. Pastor i ,| The rite will lie performed a, 6705-66th St., S E. Phone Su. 2794 j «oon as she is able Sunday School 10 A M ; Sunday ser­ 1 HE C H O IR IS T O SING* vices. 12 M and 7:30 P. M Mid-week Services. Monday, Wednesday and Two tentative engagements have Friday evenings All nations welcome tieen booked for next month; one will I he under the auspices of the Daily T H E BAHAI A S S E M B L Y Krhgiou* Kdutitinn Movement of Meets Every Friday Night at Borland and thr other in St Johns 405 Yamhill Street We all hope and pray for early re Meetings t . e Public covery of Sister Lucille Crosswhite Be sure ami attend services Sun­ day DR. J. F. M ORELAND 'jfenite Party Supplies MT. O L IV E T B/ a P T IST FIR ST A M E ZION OHURO*. The latest available record* of the V '. ,, ., the United State*, show Editor that they own 200,000 home*, conduct ‘ E. D. C A N N A D Y . --------------------------------------------- --- --------------- MRS. E. D. C A N N A D Y ,__________________Aaaociate Editor and Manager 70.000 business enterprise* and have i F\-United State» Senator Robert Yancy F ra n k lin .______! __________Office Assistant and Unotype Operator accumuated property valued at more N Stanfield is an aspirant for the ___ than $1. 500,000,00000 honor of going to Kansas l ity in Negroes operate 1,000,000 farms, June as dclegate-at large to the Ro own more than 25,000.000 acre* of publican National Convention A DVO CATE AGEN TS land Own and operate 500 colleges ---------0--------- Broadway & Everett Streets and normal schools, while t h e E. Richardaon.-------- L. R Wheeler, a splendid young ______125 North Sixth Street value of his educational property is Holliday & Holliday. business man, is a candidate for Rep­ _______ Agent and Reporter $30,000,000; 2.000.000 Negro children Edgar William*, ----- resentative in the State Legislature., j attend public school and over these and if the voters will elect him, Ju* arc 44.OOtf Negro school teachers promises to work for the best inter­ Negro church property is estimated ests of the common people SUBSCRIPTION RATES --------------0-------------- at $100,000,000. There are among col- Everything seems to indicate that Per Year, $2 50; Six Mnnths, $1 50; Three Months, $1 00; Payable in advance ored people 50.000 church with an Honorable Fred Stadter, of the muni Entered at the Postoffice at Portland, Oregon, as second-class matter. adult and children membership of eipal court will receive the Repub­ 800,000 lican nomination for Circuit ludge at -------------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- 380,000 Negroes enlisted in the ; world's war; 200.000 of these were in the Mav primary election ---------0--------- France while 42.1X1 of these were com­ IM P O R T A N T ! The l hicago Primary election prov- bat troops; 1400 were commissioned All communications for publication or otherwise should be addressed to ! cd a great disappointment to Mayor officers. The Advocate Publishing Company, Suite 312-J1J Macleay Bulding, Port­ Not so bad for a people just out of Thompson and his host of followers. land, Oregon. bondage so to speak But we a< citi­ inanv of whom were colored But like Advertising rates made known on application zen*. are ever asking that J l S T I k E all good citizens they niu»t bow to the will of the majolity T R E Y AIL. ---------0----- — Oscar W Hora who ha« served “Dont ask for rights. Take them. An don't let anny wan give them to several terms a« Representative in the W ATCH AL SM IT H ye. A right that is handed to ye f r nawthin has somethin' the matter with State Legislature, is asking the voters it." — Mr. Dooley. of this district to give him another All of this talk about A1 Smith can­ term in that law-making body ---------0-------- not be elected if nominated for Pres­ of course, but would it be fair for us ident because he is Catholic, is all the The last two candidates to file for C R IT IC IS IN G OUR L E A D E R S to speak or write publicly disparaging bunk. For instance, look what a coun­ the office of County Commissioner them because we did not like their ty down in Georgia, full of K K. K.'f were Dr. Andrew C Smith and Ed did at a recent election held there; Ay j ward C. Gavin both arc well-known It is with a great deal of surprise, style3 Dr. Pickens is one of the foremost; woman. Catholic and Republican, de- | in the business affairs of the city and with a feeling of disgust that we ------------ 0------------ note the adverse criticism of some of Negroes in America and is one of the ! feated a man for the office of taxe Roy Kendall candidate for the o f ­ our leading men and women—espec­ few who is putting over his program. j Collertor who is a "native son. demo­ ially by people who are occupying Let us as followers and fellow work­ crat and Protestant. The office of fice of Sheriff of Multnomah County' places of lcaership themselves. Of ers cease our criticism and try to at­ : Tax-Collector may not be a big one j is kept busy lately making speech , | but in small Georgia County it looms es While Mr Kendall does not claim course we realize that this is a ireie tain unto his heights. We sometimes question the sincere- some size and it shows that even oratory as one of his acconiph«h- Country and peope have the right of free speech, but even so, our race ty of those of our race who so glibly' down in Georgia where they lynch ments. rather prefering the deed to cannot afford to try to pull down and criticise our men and women who are women and burn men alive, the people the word, he is succeeding like a vet­ attempt to destroy the influence of doing their full duty to make the Ne­ are for the best fitted candidates re­ eran. His sincerely is half the battle of those who, through their personali­ gro'^position in his own country bet­ gardless of their religious and politi­ ties, have gained the ear of those who ter. Is is a sincere criticism or are cal affiliations. A1 Smith, if nominat- are in a position to help our race. At their critics trying to attract the pub­ ! ed, bears watching. this tjVne we have in mind Dr. Will­ lic's attention to themselves—trying iam Pickens Dr Pickens is the most to make people think they're big be-i G A N G ST E R S C O L O R B L I N D Albert Me Lain formerly a waiter versatile of our race leaders He has cause they criticise tbeir superiors’ at the Portland who died in Omaha come up to the top of the ladder from Or, is it like the late “ Bruce Grit" two weeks ago was hurried Monday the lowest round He is a well educat­ used to say, " I t is the tribute medio-t Whatever ed man— graduating at Yale Univer­ crity pays to greatness". Gangsters in Chicago shot to death from the Dunning Funeral Parlor. sity. He speaks several languages | the reason, we know our race cannot on Tuesday of last week, election , his two sisters who reside in Seattle, fluently and won special recognition j advance like it should and as much as day. Attorney Octavus ite of the inclement weather and the generous applause that greeted the performer* was rich- Iv deserved DR. D Y E R HONORED Was Former Pastor Of Mt. Olivett Church ST MART1NVILLK, LA < >ne ot the greatest ovations ever given a sou was given to Rev P C. Dyer, pastor ot Ihc First Baptist I hun h ot Duarte, l alitornia. by the nii/ens of St Martinville, Sundy ev­ ening. March 8, in ihc torni of a ban quit at Mallaliru Methodist F.pisco- pal 4 titles ti lh> hinqurt marked the close ot an eight days preaching »er vue by the Rev Dyer at the above named church, during which tune his w under ful sermon* caused a great sjnruual awakening in St Martinville Hr preached liner limes on Sundays and each night to ever increasing number* of people of both races ami of every creed of religious faith Dr Dyer is distinctively one of the great i st preacher* on the American plat- (orni. Uin/eii* of the town took pecu­ liar prut« III honoring linn Because he is a product of St Martinville Orar ch affiliation* wrrr laid aside and thr people vied with each other in ar ranging a reception like unto whuh ha* never been given in St Martin­ ville The Rev Dyer together with Ills brother* and slslera, had been summoned home on account of the death of their father. Rev Samuel Dyer, one of the |>u>nrer minister* of St Martin Parish It wa* during hi* stay there, together with lu* brother, Mr Samuel Dyer, to wind up their iather's estate, that thr great revival took piare It wa* one of the greatest spiritual awakenings that ist Martin- ville has had in may a day Evi hange CLASSIFIED ADVER TISING H O U SE FO R S A L E T E R M S $-1.28- reduced from $4,1X10. Modern new Corner Holland ami Mallory 1 block wc t Union Avr car lie r>229 — ■ o Por rent. Very deiirable, modern three room Apt J l l ( .berry Street Phone Piast (MS7 Adv. 10 ro. .ms, 2 hath«. 2 garages and lot extending from ( berry to Weidler; frontage on both Street*. Close to Colored porter* club ami I lk* club, suitable for dub ot rooming A board­ ing Will si ll house and lot for $7500 or if baK RP.N I 5 room ajiartturnt, all convenience«, 366 Shaver St Phone Walnut 1600 — Adv To sill the fatuous B LA CK P A T­ T I RECO R D S. (Electrically Re­ cord'd) I lie best face records on the market Write today- to The ( hirago Record ( «»., Sheboygan, Wisconson Keep youth longer! cleanse the system o f poisons Two of the great enemies to youth and vitality are delayed elimination and inteMtinal poinorm. To koep your* self free from both three rnmmon diffi- cultien will help you to stay young. With the use of Nujol you ran do it too. For Nujol almorha body poisons and oarriea them off. preventing their atmorption by the body. Nujol also •often* the waste matter and bring« about norma! evacuation. It ia harm- lee*; contains no drugs or medicin«. It won t cause gas or griping pains, or affect the Htomarh or kidneys. Every corner druggist has Nujol. Make sure you get the genuine. Look for the Nujol bottle with the label on the hack that you ean read right through tho bottle. Don’t delay, get Nujol today.