THE PAGE FOUR j ECTRIC MERGER A The two electric companies of Portland are now performing a service that can be better ami more economically performed by one. Competition in regulated public service is waste. Duplication of plant and facilities impos­ es an unreasonable and unnecessry burden upon the users of electric service. We know definite economies can be effected by combining the two companies, and have bound ourselves and our companies to establish reduced rates effecting a saving to our customers of approximately $400,(XX) annually. We know that less investment will be required hereater to provide for the increasing demands of service if but one company is charged with the obligation of service, and that such savings in future avoidance of duplication will be cumulative with each succeeding year, and thereby enable the one com pany to provide service at less cost than would be possible if two companies remain in the field. Our earnings are limited by law to a reasonable return upon the value of the property de­ voted to the public service, and all income above such reasonable return must inure to the bene­ fit of our consumers. The Portland Electric Power Company purposes to purchase the properties of Northwest­ ern Electric Company. This purchase must be first approved by the voters of Portland. A PERSONAL PLEDGE TO 00R FELLOW CITIZENS Here and now we renew that pledge, without equivocation or condition whatso­ ever. We have said, and now repeat, that the annual saving in bills of our residential cus­ tomers will approximate $200,000. THIS PROMIS W IL L BE KEPT W e have stated, and restate it now, that the rates to our commercial customers will be reduced more than $100,000 a year. THIS PROMIS W IL L BE KEPT \\ e have declared that these lower rates will be made effective immediately upon the consummation of our merger, which the people have been asked to vote upon lightning from a clear sky—it landed | Georgie Dtxon, the tpindlt-legged on Oakland Johnny’s chin and he col­ youth who hai fought his way lapsed to the resined floor His right through the preliin rankt to the very leg stiffened, he turned over on his 10 p ol hi* profession and a C h a m p io n - back and shivered several times as shi|i in the ditn horiron Referee Gruinan't hand slowly went up and down until the fatal 10 had COLIM A POULS ORKAT COL ORKD riU llT K R IN 4TH been reached and then Bums was W ork of Burns o f Portland We have affirmed that, if the people approve the proposed merger, the rates for domestic service will be reduced to a maxi­ mum of 5 cents per kilowatt hour, with a minimum monthly charge of one dollar. SPORTING CIRCLES Dixon Makes Short Message to Citizens We have singly and jointly and in person, to the city council, and to the people as a whole, through the local press, and in vari­ ous public utterances, and over our own signatures, made certain plain and specific declarations with reference to the proposed plan for the consolidation of the two com­ panies we represent. SatunUy, March Jl, 1928 ADVOCATE at a special citv election to be held Monday, April 9, 1928. TH IS PROMIS W IL L BE KEPT As further evidence of our good faith, the Portland Electric Power Company has filed new rates with the Public Service Commis­ sion of Oregon, and the commissioners have made a formal order rendering these rates operative immediately upon the consumma­ tion of the merger. W e submit to you. our fellow citizens, that no statement of facts nor any affirma­ tion of pledges could be more definite, more unequivocal or more binding than the fore­ going obligation which we have committed ourselves to discharge. This is a nlain business proposition to the people of Portland. Your co-operation is necessary, and is all that is necessary, to se­ cure these lower rates The election of April 9th is your opportunity to profit by ending wasteful duplication of expense. FRAN KLIN T. GRIFFITH , President Portland Electric Power Com ¡'any (By Billy Stepp— I'ortlaad News) George Dixon, the colored cyclone, became a fistic sensation in one min­ ute and 1$ seconds Tuesday night at the armory arena A terrific right to the chin sent Oakland Johnny Burns to sleep in the first round of a scheduled 10-round bout and turned the arena into a roaring and raving turmoil of fight mad fans The colored boy met his seasoned opponent in the center of the ring They touched gloves. A le»t poked Burns to the face and he stepped a- way Dixon followed, throwing both hands at Johnny’s head They went to a neutral corner with Dixon crowding Burns and Johnny poking that famoua Irft hand to George’s face A right landed on Burns' jaw and he staggered to the ropes, but caught himself quickly Dixon was upon the Oakland boxer with his teeth • clenched xnd a sneer upon his face. Burns poked his colored opponent away and they danced to the center ' of the ring and Dixon leaped in with his left and missed a terrific right hand haymaker which forced Burns to the ropes Dixon followed Burns like a woun­ ded animal seeking the kill They tore into each other like a champion­ ship hung in the balance Dixon ! crashing his right to the head and Burnt battering both hands to Dix- •n’t face Crash—like a streak of carried to his corner—knocked out Wolcott Langford who has invaded The crowd was up— the place was the West under the personal direction a mad-house The fans jumped Into of Bill Stevens of Chicago shewed he the ring They carted Dixon off a- could fight, could tukr'rm and make a mid roaring cheers that shook the old comrbatk from a bad start bv bit win arena and a sight that is Impossible on a foul over Bert Colima, Tuesday to relate in words took place. , at the Olympic. l>lxon was sent the short end o f »hr Bouncing up from a knock down in wise money when the bell rang The thr third Langford tore into thr Mrs smart veteran. Burns was the ruling i ican idol punishing him with body favorite He knew how to fight a blows, shooting it over to thr chin bone crusher He would ride hit bike frequently Hr drove him against thr out of danger, but Dixon fought a | ropes ami had all the best of it when different fight He crowded He | tic was suddenly fouled twice, in the fought with both hands and threw | tiflh round tern at the target and they landed one minute and five seconds after the bell Mikr Watters lost six roundt and and ten seconds later thr fight was ' t hr it knocked Eddie White out in thr history. seventh It was a whirl wind battle—not a dull tick of the Ingersol It was such for Andrnon won a clear-cut 10- to pay off at the undertaker's. roiuid decision over I'hil Krug The crowd eatnasae shouted as a football cheering section—“ Bring on t h e : s h a d o w o k f l o w e r s Joe Anderson— go get Anderson. Mr Levy— Dixon will lick the world ’’ "Sunny )ini'* Williams, who was It was a fight that you'll hear talk­ bought track 1.1 the U S from Aus­ ed about for days at your favorite tralia where he has not lost a match cigar hangar—ft was that kind of In three years with knockouts to his fight that will make the ruling favor­ credit over their middle-light-Uravy ites seeking the crown worn bv Mic­ and hrax vwright champion*, i* out to key Walker, the middleweight cham­ regain thr middleweight title which pion. to stop, look and Bstrn before Mickey Walker so unjustly claims they sign on the dotted line for a Immediately alter the dralh of T ig­ battle with Portland's latest fistic er Flower* Sunny Jim came back to sensation, Quinton Collins, better uphold thr crown among hi* people known to the fight-loving fans as at 3 P M , at which time dedicator- ib I addresses will be delivered by Robert L. Vann. Attorney and Editor of the Pittsburgh Courier, Jane Hun­ ter, Executive Secretary of the Phyl­ lis Wheatley Association of Cleve­ land, Ray E Hughes, Assistant Pro­ secuting Attorney of E'ranklin Coun­ ty, and others. It is truly an epoch in the econo­ mic and social life of Negroes ill this section D ed icates N ew Edifice C «dumbo*. O. March N —The Su­ preme Life and Casualty Company of this city of which T. K Gibson is president, announces the Dedication and formal opening of its new Branch Office Building in the dry of Cincin­ nati. Saturday and Sunday. April, 7th and 8th The building being thr first of its kind erected by Colored people in Cincinnati, is creating widespread in­ terest, and its dedication will be fea­ tured by elaborate ceremonies It is located on one of the principal thoroughfares of the city, on West Ninth Street, a national highway; is constructed of Indiana Limestone, concrete and reinforced steel, and modern in every detail. It romprises twenty-one handsomely equipped o f­ fice suites, a double store room and auditorium, dexignrd and constructed by an architect and builder of our group.-Samuel Plato, with fully 95 of the entire work done by artisans and laborers oE our race. The principal exercise will take place at the building Easter Sunday SCIENCE CORRECTS ITS OWN MISTAKES MUCH UNNECESSARY GLEE has been occasioned in some quarters by the discovery that the tooth, found, in Nebraska and supposed to be that of a primitive man low down in tbe evolutionary religious press jeers gen­ ially at a science which is alone,so primitive that it cannot tell a man from a pig wth those of a dawn..:nan. Reminiscences of Bret ,Harte‘ inevitably arise to quicken and flavor tbe mirth. Well, ,of course, the thing has its humorous aspect. It is legitimate “ column” material. But there is an., other .side to the matter. The circumstance which the anti-evolutionary press overlooks is that, if science made a mistake in the original in dentsfication of the molar, it was science also which corrected that mistake Science does make mistakes. Nobody ever doubted that. The whole pro­ gress of scientific kaowledge has been the correction of the mistakes of earlier scientists. But science, when true to it* own faith, does not surround it* mistake* with a halo of sanctity and declare that the fabric of the uni­ verse totters if these are shaken. It holds its opinions subject to correc­ tion a* further light breaks from the study of the facts or from the discovery of more facts. It corrects its own mistakes, and often has to correct its corrections. It may, with the accumulation o f evidence, become very strongly convinced on certain points, but its certainties do not reach the level of inerrancies, and it does not emotionalize its conclusion* in such a way that an old mistake becomes too dear to the heart to be displaced by a new truth. No acientist ever denounces another as a destructive critic for attempting to displace an old theory with a new one. And so, though we are not privy to all the intimate details of this pig-tooth episode, we are quite confident that no scientist who was involved on either side of the argu­ ment had any other interest than to interpret the facts in the light of other knowledge. I f the tooth was the tooth of a man, then certain conclu­ sions are different. Just like that,_ No excitement at all, no partisan­ ship, no determination to make it be a pig's tooth or man's tooth regardless o f the fact*. Looked at in that way, science really appear* to rather good advantage in the incident. Religion may have something to learn from science in respect to willingness to face fact*. —Christian Century G O V'N OR A PP O IN T S M INISTER Philadelphia, Pa., March 26—Gov­ ernor John E'isher has appointed the Rev. William A. Harrod, Ph. D., pas­ tor of the celebrated E'irst African Baptist Church, as delegate to meet­ ing of the Minister’s Alliance which is to be held in Washngton, D. C , j Marj-h 27th to 30th. This is said to H O LLID AY H O LLID AY Tonsorial Parlors 125 North Sixth ¡Street HIGH-BROWN In our present location we are equipped to give better service than ever b efore.__ We are prepared to take care of men, women and children. Come and let ut serve you. Holliday & Holliday HAIR CROWER AN EQUAL. Without a doubt, the best article of its kind—a combination Hair Grower and Hair Straightener. Gives the hair a natural soft and silkv appearance, stimulating hair growth in the most hopeless case. be the largest getting together of- ministers in the history of the church, ministers of all denominations form­ ing this alliance. Delegates to this unique gathering are officailly ap­ pointed by the state, and Dr. Herrod enjoys the distinction of being the minister appointed to represent the State of Pennsylvania. Nicely furnished rooms to rent In walking distance from ths city. Near the Broadway bridge. 309 Koaa St. Pliurir East 0457 Adv. ---------0--------- FOR RENT Neatly furmshcil rooms under new managrriien! 376 Williams Ave Phone T r 7765, Mrs. R H Young. Tall Mr*. Al Mi I amor« fur Real E 'lalr; also let her sell you a dandy Whippet car Trinity 8841—Adv r n in ip n in i ni ' i ^ ^ T i i ' i i l | l » i i r iHi)>»i (I’aid Advertisement, Portland Electric Power Company and Northwestern Electric Company) TI RECORDS. (Electrically Re­ corded) Tin best race records on thr market Write today to The C hicago Record Co., Sheboygan, Witconson Subscribe for The Advocate and send it to a friend for a New Yrar’s present Only $2 50 per year. Northwestern Electric Company W ITHOUT AGENTS W AN TED T o sell the famous BLACK PAT­ Apartment* for rent to man and wifr Suitable for house-keeping; al­ so for single turn Reference—329- E’. Broadway - Phone Trimly 8826. Jack Hall, proprietor GUY W. TALBO T, President V o te 5 0 0 - X “ Y E S on A p ril 9th E'or rent. Very desirable, modern three-room Apt. Jll t berry Street. Phone East IM57, Adv 0 /'H|Ch-BR WN'\ Our High Brown Hair Grower stands as one of our highest achieve­ ments—it is a prepar­ ation we look upon with pride. — Distributor Party Supplies Y ‘*“ everything party. Mrs. E. D. Cannady, 312 Macleay Bldg., Portland, Oregon. H igh-Brow n Face Powder Wl11 here to make a successful I’arty favors, decorations, bridge prizes, nut cups and place cards. A superb toilet necessity. In four shade«— Natural, Pink, Brunette and W hite. High-Brown Pace Powder has earned its place in the esteem o f the most discriminate and skeptical usera o f toilet ar­ ticles by its own distinctive merit and the complete satisfaction to be derived from its use. Also a large assortment o f toilet requisite« for the lady who car««. MADE ONLY OV THE OVERTON HYGIENIC MFC.CO. C . M »C . A G O iiimiiMiimimmiiimjiiHiiiiiMiMiiiimiJiiiHiiiMimimMiim mnnui CHICAGO S A M ’S C A F E U rt IP , “ t / Headquarters for Good 107 NO RTH S IX T H ST OPBV MBB S. D. 0ANNADY 312 Macleay Bldg., Portland Pacific Coast Distributor ALL V IO K T J. SAMUEL SMITH Proprietor PHONE RRoadway 4S47 SECOND FLOOR I TheJ. K. Gill Co. Manufactured only by THE OVEETOH-HYOIEinO M F O COMPANY = I Booksellers Stationers and Office Outfitters FIFTH & STARK STS. Eats Stevens Law Pub. Co. 207 Fifth Street Near Court House ANYTHING IN LEGAL FORMS nearon 272« Nights, Run. and Hoi., Sell. 0251