Saturday, February 25, 1928 THE ADVOCATE PAGE THREE L B. P. O. E. OP THE WORLD NOTICE Dahlia Temple No. 202, I. B. P. 0. E. of W„ of Portland, Oregon, meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month at Stag Audi­ torium. AH visiting Daughter Elks in good standing in their re­ spective Temples are invited to meet with ua. DOLLY PARIES, Daughter Ruler. LULA HUBBARD, ROSE CITY LODOE No. I ll, L B P. 0. E. of W., MEETS the 2ND AND 4TH WEDNESDAY EVENINGS OF EACH MONTH AT THE STAG AUDITORIUM. 38154 E MORRISON STREET. A L L VISITING BROTHERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. D aughter Secretary. Syracuse Lodge, N o 1, K. ol P.. meet* the second and fourth Fri- day nighta each month at the Stag Auditorium 38156 E. Morrison St. T. H. WILLIAMS, E. R. STAG AUDITORIUM 38154 E. Morrison St. » i L. A. A S H F O R D , C. C. 328 W heeler St. WYATT WILLIAMS. Secretary, l 708 Maryland Avenue. » Buy H B. T R U I T T , K. of R. A 8. For Cash Here v A nd Save the Difference ' Agents for P attern s Silk Revelation and JllXUAl] - such as Cleopatra never knew t A gents for * Butterick for W om en Publications The m ost in value-Tbe Hosiery in Quality * ^ L lL C k ?^ now on display ("Daily O klahom an" of the Reverend | Duncan who for many years owned j a street corner down town The la- 1