PAGE THE ADVOCATE TWO THE ADVOCATE Publuthed «very Saturday at Suite 312-313 Maclray Building. I’houe Broadway 5807. HOE NOIES Robrt Jackson for JO year* a waiter K. I). CANNADY ................. Editor at The 1'ortlaud. who has been til for MHS. K. I». CANNADY . Manager a long time is last on the road to re­ covery. Carr, captain of bell hops ADVOCATE AGENTS Eugene Portland, if lum ois arc true, is E. Richardson, Broadway & at to The hitch up with an automobile and Everett Sts. perhaps a jane’’ if one who is domes­ Holliady & Holliday, 125 N. ticated can be found. Sixth Street. Charles Robinson, winter at The Elks Sanitary Barbershop, Portland twenty or more years ago, 90 N. Sixth Street. was a visitor last week Edgar Williams, agent and trout his home to in Portland 1 akima, \\ ash. and reporter. called at The Portland to say hello to the old timers, friends and former co- SUBSCRIPTION RATES workers. i'er \ car___________— — $2.50 ¿■ a Mouth*--------------------—----1.50 T. L Allen, waiter at The Portland, three M onth*__________________1.00 is red hot in the collar at George Payable in advance Entered at the Postoitice at Portland, Hardin, Deputy sheriff, tor not trust­ Oregou. a* aecond-cla»* matter. ing him with the booze that he cap­ MT. OLIVET CHURCH by Edgar Williams Sunday, June 19, was General His­ tory Day Services were in charge of the Get Acquainted Club Scripture lesson was read from Cal lo by Rev. Dyer; Invocation by Louis Jones. Mt Olivet was favored by having Ke\ Moffit formerly of Ycrnonia, Oregon to preach both morning and evening. Text: Gal 0:1-4, “What do you think feel without the cross of Christ1’* Rev. Moffit made his Uis- eourse very plain and simple and he was in earnest about what he said. "Service is the evidence of love. SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1927 WOMAN’S r e a l m : A. M. E. Sunday was a large and lull day. School at 10 A. M I'rcaeh One chucked lull ot big events. The mg Sunday 11 A M by the pastor. Rev. morning service was largely attended G. G at Gardner P. U at 7 P. M and the pastor spoke Irolu ilu sub­ The B Y. P. U. B. was Y. well and ject ; Common place epoptc Trout was led by Mrs Uunjo. attended The Bible the text "Isaac, servant digged a Drill Irani conducted by Mis. Tun­ well . lie very bcaulilully gloriled the is proretsing and improving caeb commonplace and stated that Isaac jo Sunday. rpieseuled th e ovrwhelmmg large at 8 P. M by Rev. tiard- majority of pople today, tie was uot .Preaching ner subject, 7:14, "Never Empire Builder an fciupirc minder like his Ins , lather, latlicr, n not V -poke , , like . this ; John man , a man speaks, a , ixathetic «haiactei liki his -on J*C-Y , l he 1-rrewill Worker* C Club met ob, , but was a man ol common place with Mrs Ida Thomposn, East 79th attairs. The afternoon was spent Sunday evening a iaige audience street North for the bazaar The hostess greeted Dr. and Mis. if L. Mcciorcy -cwmg a delicious repast. About 22 ol Charlotte, N. v and listened at­ srvrd persons were present Mr*. B. J. John tentively to their veiy bcauilul and son and Mrs l-'.dna Gildon of Kelso, instiuelivc messages W . pleasant viators. Farh lady Mrs. MeCrory uiged that the wom ­ spoke were words of praise of the work hr- en ot our community strive lo make a in accomplished the club Next distinct Contribution to the age in meeting will be by with Mr* Webster which we live. Straw dcr, 1700 Hancock street Dr. McCrorey gave a talk on the The Junior girls organized conditon* ot the group in other plac­ an athletic club lo be named a club— es, and told of the great progress ot These young gills range in age later from Johnson x. Sm ith University, the It) years up to majority. school oi which I k is president, lie plan great limes hiking, play­ also paid a glowing tribute to m o­ ing They tennis, baseball and doing athlet­ therhood and its contribution ic stunts of kinds. They will Next Sunday, C hildrens Day will meet every various Tuesday in connection be observed; the pa-tor will speak at with the Frecwtll Workers Club after both services \ ou arc cordially invit­ July 4th at the different parks ed to worship with us; and enjoy Miss Geraldine Bagley is chairman our good music. of the By-laws and you can just bet W YTUH FO R RALLY DAY! this will be some club All girls be­ tween 10 and up are invited to join MORE ABOUT "ARROW l ittle Wright will be too TIPS’* glad to take your name l ittle Mist C lara Gildon of Kelso, Wn.. joined (Continued from page one) Indeed, alter all (tie special taxes, the club and the girls will keep in regular taxes, uitcrst on city bonds, touch with her through writing. intrest on school bonds, interest on (Continued troni page one) bridge bonds assessm ents for street KELLY MILLER TO SPEAK IN and sewer, ineitascs in the salaries of PORTLAND JULY 4TH our five little tin gc>d- whom we call city commissioners, unless some one verv milch about Prof Miller since he comes forward with an old age pen­ is almost universally known, but in sion for most of u-r the county will order to refresh the minds of those «teed to enlarge the poor house. who have not kept up with hi* activi- T hat Charter i- a peach and John lies we give the following informa- The things you love best you serve most. Love is blind and has no fear. How true these statem ents by Rev M ottitt W e don’t stand by and allow the thing- that aie dear to u* be dc stroyed without a protest and tight tured on the federation boat excur­ W e m ust carry the good on that those sion several days ago. i w ho would follow us on he field of IMPORTANT! All communications for public* George Kenny, pioneer waiter at I activity will pick up where wc left tion or otherwise should be ad­ I’he Portland, after taking the rest 'o ff. Things must grow belter as we dressed to The Advocate Publish cure in California f«>r several weeks, go along tins Christian race. T h e speaker dwelled at length on the mg Company, Suite 312-313 Mac- Mrs. Kenny, is back and on the church Covenant, calling the mem­ leay Building, Portland. Oregon. with ber's attention to their duty. R e v. Advertising rates made known job. Moffit stopped over on h i s way to on application. TWO BURNED ALIVE ON California. LINDBERGH DAY The Sunday School is going along Don't ask for rights. Take them, fine. 1 he little folks just keep the sn don’t let annv wan give them to ye. A right that is handed to ye fr (Continued Front Page One) nawthin' has somethin’ the matter with lame of this land wherever civiliza- banner. The 1L Y 1*. U is having some ve­ ,t '—Mr. Dooley. ion is known. ry V -ubjeets You would do your­ victims of the Mississippi nu.b, self a favor by attending the mcet- “They have rights who dare main he The second third respectively to •ngs. um them."—James Russell Lowell. be publicly and murdered by unpunished The Junior Missionary Circle and .nobs m that State, this year, were the Junior Brotherhood had a picnic OUR GRADUATES Negroes deprived of any semblance at Sellw ood Park W ednesday, chap­ jf due process of law. It is safe to eroned by Mrs > D Porter and Rev- This month, thousands of our -ay that in no spc.t on earth except \ very pleasant time was had young people have graduated front a he Southern State- of America, in Dyer The June Festival and Feast in the lare assortm ent of high schools, col­ •articular the State of Mississippi, vild, t u c s given the Senior a id leges and universities of the country, would such a degenerate and bestial lunior Missionary b « Circles past t hc>e young people are filled to the violation of all decent human instincts Thur-d.iy and Friday was a this success brim with vigor and ambition and be­ is she burning alive of tw o human bo­ Those in charge wish to thank the lieve that they are equipped and qual­ ngs accused of murder, be tolerated members and friends for their loyal ified to take their places in the high­ The occurence of this mob crime er affairs of hie. Many no doubt have on the very day that New York and support. chorus-has finished a busy sea painted beautiful memory pictures of he nation were acclaiming Charios son The Since last Thanksgiving, the cho­ Logan is going to drtciid to Monday I tion: things they are going to do and the V Lindbergh adds weight to the de­ rus has been working continuously night at the Library — Citizenship Prof Miller was born in Winnsbo- success they will achieve. Each one mand for a federal law to extend the and I am -ure the people of our group iraim ng camp, let * go ro. S C. Jutv 2J, 1 Hod He was cduca* of them has hung up their diploma power of the nation to the backward, can see some iruits of their labor — (j- led at Howard Universtiy receiving and has strolled forth proudly with gnorant and brutal communities in And to our director, Shirley O ne of the w orst things I ve Seen his «legree in 1901; 1.1. D in degree or degrees with here and which neither human life nor the vc know that she has given McCanns her best in the charter is the - t, tion providing . PhD Master* He took post graduate work in there displayed a shingle; and forth­ onstitution nor the good name of for the choru- and for her race W'e that if we are feebleminded enough i Mathematic* and Phytic* at Johns with becomes a student in the vast the United States is respected May are justly proud of her She has meant uivcrsal college. Here they soon learn e again call to your attention at this much to the success of the church ! to vote for the charier amendment, Hopkins Prof Miller has held a num- wc will be giving tin- conitnssion the her of responsible positon* as teach- that their dreams havs been as mo­ me, the mob murder in Aiken. South much to our community Dr Dy­ power to issue franchises called “in. rr in school* and college* and it now m ents spent in idleness and they are •een declared innocent in court, new and needed just such an individual to determ inate“ - Now an indeterm inate the Dean of the school of Art* and entering a school far different front rial ordered for the other two by er «mt his program. iranchisc i- positively the very latest Science* at Howard University. Wath the one from which they so recently hat State Supreme Court. This mob rarrv Next Sunday is Rally Day The graduated. 'urder is as yet unpunished and the Trustees art- hoping to make it a big development in the hue , t franchise*, ington. D U H r i* well and genrral- Among the graduates arc men and nob murderers go unmolested and success Come out members, and d«i It i- a bcautuul thing—perfectly e- ly known as a Writer and lecturer on quipped to lake away the last vestige the Negro rare problem He i* a women of every race and from the aunt their guilt vour d ’ttv. Service in charge of the oi the rights ot tli\ people in their | member of thr Academy of Political four corners of the earth. There is In the name not only of the colored Tru-le. L-ard. iivvn public utilities*- ex<|tnsitrly fla- • and Social Science*; a member of thr one group in this array of nations •ven« f the United States, but of vortd with whereases and parties of American Social Science Association; or races, wc may well say, who dis- til the citizen* with any pretense to Sub-cribe for The \dv. .cate Read ill first part and privileges for the W alt W hitm an International Fellow- spite the fact that they leave the in­ cspect for the honor t.f their native parties of the first j>art, but with no ship and other important organiza* stitution in a number of cases, the mil, the National Association for the kind of protective coloring or flavor tion* including thr National Associa- peer of thier classmates, find themsel- edvancement of Colored People ur- for the poor party of the second part tion for thr Advancement of Colored u s and their people unprepared to :es yc.u to demand of Congress at its —the deluded public There is a Him- People Among his be*t known hook* give them employment befitting their text session the prompt enactment of $y clause which say- that the Iran are: Race Adjustment. Out of thr qualifications. Hence we find our i federal anti-lvnching law PER CENT chtse may be taken away from the House of Rondage. The Everlasting young men and women with college I first part if it does not behave itself Stain degrees, menials, working as porters, LIVINGSTONE COLLEGE but—my dear children, we had a Thr Vfount O livet Jubilee Chorus waiters, bellhops, and bootblacks and IS PRAISED clear example of h w* hard it is to will rrnder the music for the occa­ the young women, as chamber maids, B O N D S _____________________ makc any private utility company sion and Dr Elbert Rooker a gradu­ (Continued from page one) -crrib women, servant girls and cooks live up to its franchise when the ate of Howard, will introduce the dis- S E C U R IT IE S 1 his great handicap and disillusion chance. Housewives’ Council tried to convince , anguished speaker. There will be no which our graduates experience will The school has leadgrs in every M ORTGAGE LOANS the Public Scrvict Commission that i admission fee but a silver offering continue to be as long as we are wil­ field of endeavor who hav contributed the phrase "5 cent fare" m eant 5 cents will be accepted REA L E ST A T E _____ ling for them to remain educated me­ and are contributing to the education and not 8 cents It never was convin- • ----- nials. Hence the big question with of our leaders and the people gener­ G E N ER A L IN SU RA N C E ! ced The spectacles of the Public Be sure and read The Advocate! these graduaates now is what are ally in all parts of the country. Both speakers paid a beautiful tri Service Strvice Commission are of they going to do with their education L IF E IN SU RA N C E _____ bute to Rev. John F. Moreland and peculiarly constructed glass which BLACK-EYED PEAS .ti» lovely wife, both of whom are 1 modifies figures and in this case turn­ REPEAL BLACK LAWS ONF.-HALF SPRING graduates from Livngstone and whom ed a 5 into an 8. BEACON 2185 CHICKEN they knew as children in their city The one constitutional amendment i’hey told of the splendid family and FIRST NATIONAL UTILITY. POTATO SALAD Just read section 315, friend voter, submitted to the voters at the special background of the young couple and and make up your mind that you —and— INCORPORATED « lection Tuesday that ought to pass, said were very happy to think wont be caught in that trap Just HOMEMADE SHORT CAKE is the or.c repealing Section 6, Article that they when they arrived back home think of expecting voters to vote II of the Constitution denying the they would 245 Pacific Building With Whipped Cresm be able to tel! Mrs. More­ such an extrem e power as that to right of suffrage to Negroes China land that they PORTLAND. OREGON Saturdays and Sundays at had visited her son and those five men at the City Hall By men and muliattoes, regardless of RICHARDSON’S CONFEC­ the way, whatever became of the their citizenship. W hile the 14th A- wife. TIONARY In the audience were form er stu­ franchise the Telephone Company mendment to the t ' S Constitution dents of the Johnson C. Smith Univ­ Information Gladly Furnished a-ked for this spring1 I believe that Cor. Broadway and Everett arogates this particular section, nev­ ersity: Messrs. O. S. Thom as and 1 smell a rat—do you? ertheless, it has remained on the sta­ l-arry Foster. tute books of Oregon, which to say At the close of the meeting, a group the least is a disgrace to its fair name accompanied by Mr and Mrs Mc- V O TE 300. Yes. ■A l.C ’ R 'S THOUGHTS ¡“THAT LITTLE GAME rorey took refreshment* at Bald­ win’s Restaurant, 346 W illiams Ave. Colored people can protest and Dr. and Mrs McCrorey left the next » See' how Aso fee. HAFTA G uess PU. t CAHr TEu- k 1 G oing t o Resolute as much as they please a- morning for Seattle. W ashington for DMïHTHW 6 M E '. Don août Sonst. HER t COS’* HAFTA HIT I& í t A lowö gainst segregation, jmernwsim and a brief sojourn. ONE OF THE 1 CANT ASK IT IN A LIL I HBVtn 1 3 ( juin 1. 1 T he r e s t of other age-old injustices of the strong FE l l AS. - VWVFE. SH^u. G a m e ,— 1 T his u lE e x ’ w ecL , T h i s i S against the weak, but the quickest We fear that the removal of the ju AHTA KNOW THAYUdOOLO. &OT Vo HAFTA 1 Y n E GoTtA NP< L *S *T ! way to better conditions and gain e- Grand Lodge of F.lks from New York 1 DAve SoN\e CJJHAT HAPPENED DE MN F inish '.! pat u d a c k , qual conside ration is for colored peo­ to Cleveland is a big mistake, and \ that u io u l o No Mone i TO MINE. S he A i n t 1 E m o n e y .* (He ple to improve their economic condi­ trouble will be sure to follow as a re­ B u L ik ve ( h e . , R e a s o n a b l e LEAVE TvrST AS SHOOT tion. sult n ea t WEEK.. E A R N 30 Do You Buy xnohder if H i g h - B r o w n FacePowd er A superb toilet necessity. In four shades— Natural. Pink, Brunette and White. High Brown Face Powder has earned its place in the esteem of the most discriminate and skeptical users of toilet ar­ ticles by its own distinctive merit and the complete satisfaction to be derived from its use. Also a large assortment of toilet requisites for the lady who cares. Manufactured only by THE OVERTON HYGIENIC MFO. COMPANY CHICAGO MR8 E. D. CANNADY 312 Macleay Bid«.. Portland Pacific Coast Distributor w ip e r s By ELEANOR h RII.K.Y WOMKN V ARK ER R O R S AKK T TKKKUK9 iS. A UTTce there hole IN IT .-------T h e r e • < Fences Food F in tee * T g ao u O M > ; -*• N o w fL L SMOUJ HBf* the h o le , — T h a t 'S vaiHe n e M y TACK cAjftgAT. — T a*- l a - l a - I* tl* 8 IN SEATTLE CIRCLES By ETHEL STONE Mr. and Mrs Arthur Campbell and Mr. and Mrs A G. Stone spent Sun­ day *n Kcnnydale. • • • • • Miss t lara Williams uf the Bunga­ low Tea Shop is at home from thr General Hospital to the delight of her many friends. Scattlans are requested to phone Rainier 3780 or mail your news to Miss Stone at JS25-J4th Ave. S. regu­ larly each week. Miss Stone will for­ ward them to The Advocate for pub­ lication. The Advocate is also for vale through Miss Stone or direct from I he Advocate offices, at 312 Macleay Bldg . Portland, Oregon. ***** Mr. Fred Waters of the Marine Association still continues "quite ill Mr. and Mrs. A. Nakla entertained ! at the Swedish * * llospial. *** for for their sister. Miss Helen But Mrs S. II Stone entertained in- let. with a dance at the Dunbar hotel Friday Eve, June 17th and also Mr i.>finally at luncheon for the pleasure and Mrs. William Mclver for the of Dr. and Mr* 11 L. McCrorey, of 20th pleasure of their daughter, Miss Sa ( hailottc, N L’. * * June *** die May Both young ladies were graduate* of the Franklin Hi school Mrs L.lten h Harvey entertained for Mrs Met rorry with a motor trip so it was a joint affair. Tuesday, June 2llth * * * « • Mr and Mr*. S. A Glass and Mr* I Ms J F Davis rntertainrd for the Katherine Strong motored to Green pleasure of Dr and Mrs McCrorey River Gorge Sunday. with a motor trip to Simqualtnie ***** Falls, Thusday, June 22nd Mr. J I Kearns of Bellingham, Wn « • • • • »pent the week end with his daughter, Mrs Blanche Simpson has joined Mrs. A M Ball. the Seattle readers of The Advocate j ***** Mr*. Fashion Williams entertained with a dinner for the pleasure of Mr and Mrs. Harry Duval Sunday, June 19th « • » • • Sunday evening, June 19th, t>e Mt Zion Baptist t hurrh, entertained with an educational program in honor of the High School graduates. $ H ow : D û t Y u . T u s t SAW » L O ST *T*. T h a t w o n t D E l T i M 6 '. î«Y G c o a s f e '. P U A lly r Ä l u l O O l i l i l í I ¿to Setup*. famous operatic aitut, decUrat that women are thr terrors of a tenor's life in an article full ol revealing incidents in the current is­ sue of Collier's Weekly There are women, he says, genuinely interested in art and arUsts who make valuable criticism of their work "I Hav* found that the sane, interested woman can pick flaw* in a characterization with uncanny prevision, hut this is a nor­ mal manifestation of interest quite different frum the irrational excite­ ment of the women who mob their opemtre favorites. 1 here was the countess, the cur­ rent toast of Vienna while her hue b*nd was the current joke She had written me on her impressive sta­ tionary asking to meet me Unscholcd as I was, such recognition from the nobility seemed a great honor. Of course I accepted gladly her mvita rvry^ .3 OF ARRESTING CHIC Tha season’s pUnls are drvek-pe.1 in tion to tea She looked so frail and so ctxzqus* «fleet, giving them » new air pathetic behind the Ira urn 11 1 had ol smalti»»** Vo live left is im lured known the stones current about the • (ruck ui light amt «lark tan. with the oi i >L iui brown iilk. col Ur wh I lady at the moment 1 would have with live gives I lie wagered my head they were untrue cuds kuswniHg is pia itesi, and the weaicr’s usai She was a most affeting person, even skirt latini odds U) live chic of live hkmxe though her recital of her martal w«.es Medium sise tetjuirev 21| yanlv JV sud I yard plain material was embellished with such intimate indi A plaid soit vnnle would I» veiy prell« detail that it made me uncomfortable —..u »iter tlvr sei «aid inodel, which "I am *u unhappy, inon ami," she fcstttio Up vnvxhing >ai skirt ami bk'Usc sighed “1 am married to a count • The V vliaped neck is trimmed with a collar, while live haig yes. he ha* wealth as well as name lafssk.wn stravisale gallici est gito naiiiiw wrivt But does he kiss my wrists tenderly1 hands The M ouse droops vlightly Does he look upon me as if, pouf, over a narrow belt of rildagi tu coire with »he esdnr of the die** ma With a breath of air I would blow a i|>«id ut Mei! nini tue fcuuires JV« vani* way) No, 1 am married to him, and ter mch nutet lai it is enough 1 belong to him. And I 's hirst Model I ' m tor u l Review Fruii r'utls i ti No 3841 Sizes 14 m 18 have no solace. 1 could die lor a man eil ami 34 to 44 bust. 45 cesila. who was unreasonable, impetuous, re veals M .«ingialli No. StvH Any tin te letter tnorseful! Tell me. dear Tito, when do nvtvzrini <4) cents Crintesi Faltern No. s„ I, ' Cl.»lei you sing that passionate monk a- .18*1.1 hi .et 14 to 18 leaf* ami *4 to gain)“ 42 bust. 51» cents, in.« tsnuckum "The countess remembered her po­ pattern sition tor a few years But when she became older and beyond the years of discretion I understand she did fiml a Signor Schipa delates he hat gone young gentleman who was unreason through the storm* of admiring wo­ able and impetuous. She is was who men unscathed because several years ago he met and married his ideal wo­ lived to be remorseful." He details mysterious meetings man - Madam Schipa with masked ladies, some in cemete­ ries and some tn courtyards, and even VISITS RELATIVES IN with a royal lady who wrote him - "If LAGRANDK. OREGON you knew what my high estate was you would know that I have taken Mrs Garrir II Turner, of Omaha. leave of my senses in writing you. Neb, is spending the summer with with the aifairs of government so un Mr and Mrs J L Stewart at their certain now Thrones topple easily delightful home in I aGrande. Oregon and the people fencetn our motions, : Miss Adams is a niece of Mr Stew whil they mrv love wheie their lancy art She will accompany Mrs Stewart cas." on a visit to I’ortland soon UlMYlNG Fon. ME,- t cuAS SUPPOSED “To ■&€ UUOflVDNG T o n i & h t . — I KNOW» w h a t iV t d o ,* \ vNONT TEU. HEfl G ee '. No**» I’ v e G ot AN ft» eA .— fGL a tP aw TOooSCR P ocket , — •! TO TKNOKS SAYS ONE ’’Who is who in Colored America is a book of an enryclopedic nature recently gotten out, and edited by J J Boris contain* biographical sketch es principally prepared by themselves of some outstanding Negroes and o- thcr* of lesser place. The book hat some value anil while it would be a desirable one in one'» library, the price is almost prohibitive 20 . 00 For Any Old Range ♦ Wood, C oe I, <)«• or Kl«ftHr) ' if actually in use on a SMOOTHTOP GAS RANGE wUk vonknl reculstar, 4 (O Fifth and Alder Street At. 1181