THE ADVOCATE PAGE FOUR ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNI TY OUTLINES EIGHTH AN NUAL OO-TO-SCHOOL G O T O l O t CAMPAIGN COLLE« NOTED CRIMINAL ATTORNEY HONORED ON HIS 70TH BIRTH DAY ANNIVERSARY W ITH GREAT BANQUET (Coatiaued (root page one) (Coatiaued from page one) time for the cooperative work of all members. The i- <► Review of deals and purposes back of wonderful E thiopians op Sunday April 24, was a Religious History ' Day it was truly this annual movement ca n 1 TH E ANCIENT CUSHITE • great day. Services were is charge of The best be seen fro a reading of EMPIRE Brotherhood. .. t this proclamation. By Scripture lessoa was read from Isa. | . . . . , .. _ . __ . Drustlla Dunjce Houston I I :— 4 inclusive. Text, 2nd verse:— ' W Ureas the members of “ And the Spirit of the Lord shall A l p h a P h i A l p h a are Com- Published by the Universal Publish­ ing Company, P. O. Box ¿12, Okla­ rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom __¿ j A ______________ homa City, Okla. the Spirit o f mitted to lives of service, ___ u n d ersta n d in g._____ One of the most interesting and ab­ counsel and mi gat. the spirit of And, whereas the Frater­ sorbing and certainly the most uni­ knowledge and ol the fear o f the Lord. Subject: The Unequaled Christ. nity has dedicated its efforts que book which has come to our Rev. Dyer was prepared for the day. and program to that service desk lately is Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushites. The sermon was one we all will re­ This story as interesting as any member aad which we all enjoyed. of mankind. fairy tale, yet drawn Irotu absolutely T o me, it was the best sermon that I And, whereas Alpha Phi authentic sources, is the mighty dra­ ever heard any one preach. A letter from the Federal Council Alpha believes that proper ma ol the part black men played in •f Churches was read requesting the dissemination of truth and primitive ages, the ancient Cushites, who gave civilisation to the world. church to aid Portland to put over The oppression of other races its quota of $25,000 for the Missis*- knowledge elevates the mor- springs from the fact that they think ippi flood sufferers. Collection was a i taken at both services for the pnr- intellectual, and phySICa ot the Negro as having spruug from pose. standards of the people and a depraved auccstrjAand that conse­ quently it is Right and Expedient to ¡ / s X r i . K " S S i U ' f f S j destroys h.rreds >nd preju- keep him under fo o t l'be Scriptures say: "And the truth shall make you not speak at the evening service as dices bar snapping his irreverent blue suspenders.” That was Attorney Donald Richberg speaking, and he continued: ‘‘ His motto is: T o him who has not, should be giv­ en something even if it be only a little charity and mer­ cy. He has been a defender of man’s civil rights, more than a lawyer for a private client— a lawyer for human­ ity, a sword o f truth, a shield of science, a defender of the faith, that old and universal faith founded on the doc- rine, know* the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Sympathy for All And, ‘‘his religion has con per schedule. Mr Kaste says he re - 1 t y h e r e a c tr» rh#»c» free." “ In this book indeed is the sisted in a love for his fellow truth." grets very much that he was unable ! ‘ V*®* , " a.S man rather than in the love The author read in modem writ­ to have been with us. He promises to .ends Alpha Phi Alpha IS mil- said ings that w hat the ancients said a- of any abstract God,” SO»tantly engaged in an effort hout the Ethiopians was fabulous. Shirley J. Case, professor Qf livered bv Dr. Dyer at the evening to Stimulate the ambition of She determined if it took a life-time History at she would find out what they had .C iirlv Christian service. He read from Mark 5:20—21 fjQVS a n d verse. Subject: Thronging Christ * r H a i l is e t. v l .l »km ( r u t h ig V III» C l O il ' and Touching Christ.. You who were k n o w l e d g e a n d t o k n o w t h e »liberated or told the truth. As tho by God's years .fie ‘‘There is no human ill for not present missed¡another great ser- h jg h e f a n d th(? f i n e f K ” r~ r * leading, in a * few ‘ ------------- things came upon the most astounding ma­ which he does not have the mon. The whole day was a spiritual terial ol what black men had achiev­ treat. I.ct that day come as often as of life ed ii. olacn days. deepest sympathy.” possible, I am sure every one feels Now, therefore I, Ray­ By the light of higher training she the same as I do about it to judge Walter White, Secretary from the remarks heard at the close mond VV. Cannon, General was enabled to perceive that ethno- n • j „ e x t , m ' . , I logy today, anthropology and archae- of the N. A. A. C. P., who re­ of the service. All the departments of the church rresident of Alpha P h i A l - ology prc've that what the ancients tained Harrow in the Sweet are enthused over the church pro­ pha Fraternity, Inc., and D i - 1 case „ Detroit, dedared; gram as outlined by Dr. Dyer and Saturday April 30 , 1927 * "AS YOU LIKE IT” By Evokus Mann Th* Advocate do«« get neceeaanly ahare in Evokua M w t'i v i m u 4 il ia th« lenders' privilege to .."call hia hasid” whenever you like. However it ia an intaratiog column which ha writaa and ww hop« all will enjoy ita lup and otharwiaa. — Ed. Women Must Become Chur­ ch Membere Before Learn - ing To Read, Saye Texas M. E. Missionary (Continued from pag* one) lowed to learn to sew. While the school year lasts only 37 weeks, the educational work a- inong the primitive people ol th« Congo is by no means confined to actual school work, says Ike R«v. Ansil Lynn, a native ol Texas, who has been engaged in missionary woik i Africa since 1911). Time Spent In Training Boys The missionaries must spend much tunc and ettort in training the Oste- tela boys to be good cooks, wash jacks and house boys. They arc also Warned in gardening, consltustiun work and taught how to clear and care (or the land. This type o( work is a new (rature among the people of the Congo, says Mr Lynn, as prior lo the coining of the missionaries none of the men of the Cono ever condescended to such menial tasks as raising ilieir garden* or cooking their food StM It work was COM M tfa to belong strictly to the women, anü a young man seeking a wile always tried to pick a good gardener and a good cook During the 37 weeks of the school term in 1926 thirty of the Otetrla boys won promotions in their regular class work and several of the advan­ ced pupils were used as aisistant in­ structors for thr lower classes in thr boys’ sehool and also taught in thr schools (or the workmen and the wo­ men Eleven native teachers are ac­ tively engaged in teaching the live schools at Tunda and in the sur­ rounding stations. The Advocate does no» nscessatily share In Kits Kstd’s views, but wheUi- sr ws do or not. her opinions are sane, and logical and well worth leading. It fa your pnvtlegs as wtU as ours to disagiee with kits and she mvitts your opuiton upon sublects she discusses Itoin time to time in ber column. (hat gol Say. Go, have you mg Pro. from Miar FU.—Kev Moreland? Yes, F'lo, hut he wears a Kentucky Derby. Talk about International Relation­ ships, Mr. Kanaiuu and Mr . W. ’G. One grows so weary of the arbr Byrd "play" with the Chinamen in trary actions of some of our boards the twilight. and commissions I Ins tune it is the Bjurbcrt Portland Censor Board which decid­ Mr. W. C. Holliday is without a ed a couple of weeks ago that it doubt the hottest barber in town! would not be sale lo show a film giv­ But from reliable information, it ing the history of the Passaic strike. looks as though Mr. Ed Rutherford The lilm has been shown all over the is making a comeback. You gotta country—up and down the Pacific know just how to lov« ’em. Coast— in schools and in churches, Recreation but Mrs. Norlhrupj chairman of the Messrs. Wyatt Williams, Ed Wat­ Board is quoted as saying before she son, Dick Bogle Gene Carden. _ C saw the film that she was "not inter­ Stevens, were up on the courts Sun­ ested in strikes" and Mr Maxwell, day morning. the only other member of the Board They arc all stellar performers attending the viewing, was so inter­ when they hit their stride, and so arc ested, it is reported, that be spent the planning on tennis games for Tues­ time taking a nice little nap. day and Wednesday. kev. John F'. Moreland is a golf Here we have an instance ol the "bug" now and has been taking les­ exercise of arbitrary power that re­ sons from Guy Holmes. minds one of Russia We have on the Harry Madison, Lloyd Griffin and one hand a person who knows noth­ their wives were given a long spin by ing about the industnal situation and Frank l_*dd. Sunday and were enter­ according lo report, wanta to know tained by Harry who is the talkies! nothing—and another person whose boro in captivity. C O LO R E D M A ID O N LY mind is completely blank on the sub “That Gang“ Lonny Cochran, Booker Washing­ E Y E W IT N E SS T O L A T ­ ject, both these ufifcials ui the city of Purtland sign an official refusal to ton and Sam Smith took a dip at C. EST H O L L Y W O O D bar the exhibition of one of the most Beach Sunday while Edward Watson tragic pages in the history of the and "Baby Face” Thess Freeman sat TRAGEDY United Stale» Isn’t It a travesiv on on the hank democracy? In a minor way, it is Sam boy got pinched for speeding very much like the Sacco-Varuetti will do their utmost to carry it out (Continued from page one) with another boy’s girl and he did £ £ £ , Go-to Cone0« 0 Cafn * £ ‘ nJ “ W e do honor to a man not have a license —for driving — fight to investigators from the Dis­ verdict. Such incidents make one as pUnned. All of thrs vast material, 10 years’ who has attacked, ridiculed, hold on Booker. So after driving to trict Attorney’* office, Miss Lee an­ doubt thr success of democracy—-at Many visitors at the services Sun­ 2 2 2 ? * ’ - ° t 0 L' ° ‘ ,e ^ e paign, in accordance W ith work, drawn from the same authori­ and exposed every idea held Oregon City 'he kids held that swered questions precisely and with any rate here in America day. Come again. ties that the general histories of our out hesitation At the tune of the The Missionary Circles met at the a u t h o r it V v e s t e d in m e b v schools have accredited, is at your b y this smug, bourgeois CIV- dence on Foster Road fight, she said, she, Raymond and hit church Monday at 4 P. M. A splen- r , r> • • I atu depending upon my subject did meeting was had the vieneral Constitution of disposal in this book. ilization of ours,” he said. Leslie "Wildcat featured t h e year old daughter Valerie, were in matter this Week upon my friends The following are a few of the tes­ the bouse. It was about 7 P. M on p charleston. And. The Junior Brotherhood met with the Fraternity, do hereby From another, 1 have the notes ol the pastor. The boys are doing fine , . i , . , J timonials sent to the author: Saturday, she said and the telephone the address by Dr Duncan Spaeth, He cited Harrow’s victory in mates, he can really do that thing and will welcome a visit from you. designate and proclaim the "W e know of no book published Chet and Vern are back in town rang and Raymond answered it. of Princeton and Heed College (tem­ during the past quarter of a century, defending Hr. Sweet of De­ and they say Chet is staying in a Describes Beating porality only, thank God ) given at The Chorus week of May first to May which offers such irrefutable inspir­ troit. T o every member • please be sure | , / ‘‘He has shown,” he TEPEE while in Salem He shined "I knew he was talking to Paul the League of Women Voters’ lun­ and he out to rehearsal Wednesday Seventh, inclusive One thous- ation to the black peoples of the the best of shoes— the Governor* et Kelly, and I heard Mr Raymond say, cheon on Wednesday He was sched­ earth. Wonderful Ethiopians is a continued, “ that the anos-, ’All right, come onver ’. Five minutes uled to sneak on Poetry and Politics J S .2 5 £ and " ¡“ 'h u n g e r and twenty , tonic guaranteed to stimulate.’*— tics and free thinkers arc I saw Mr. Earl Morrison in Salem later Paul knocked at the door and but said he wouldn't do that because for the operation of Robert L. Vann. Editor Pittsburg This is a special request o f the direc- Seven, said: ’ 1 understand you have been there was no politics in poetry and frineds of the Negro rather C ^ for mV i l h»uy 7n Saiem'Tongir! saying things about me ’ He was very in present day politics there was cer­ tor. Be there at 7:30 sharp. « h r F ic r h fh A nnual fin to Courier. Sunday (tomorrow) is Testimonial n.t n , A “ n U a l "The wr,tings of Drus.lla Dunjee t h a n t h e fundameltalists I —the doggone ’jibber"—he know* angry Mr Raymond told him to sit tainly no poetry. Then he went on to and Communion Day, Service in H i g h oC hO O l, G o - t O - C o l l e g e Houston should be syndicated, they .. . , down with him on the davenport and make a most astonishing statement just what to say. .» will be of great value to her race—to whose religion Stops at the charge o f the Deacon Board. Miss Ruth Perry went to Seattle then said something to Paul and he that he did not believe in universal campaign. any „ „ ■■ _ Robert T. KerUn. cotor lin e» so that leaves Mr Clarence Johnson struck Mr Raymond on the jaw suffrage—rather did he believe in a It IS possible to get some ‘‘The story ol the Cushites as you * , , just as good as single. **‘Where is Mrs Raymond?* Mr. limited suffrage And now listen : _____ nave related it is convincing evidence I 1 n o u g ll Censured a n d - - _ _ _ ■— •» . j j , have hough Well. 1 see that "Noble Three" is Raymond asked. ’I don t know.’ Paul friends on what basis he would de­ idea of the magnitude and 0f of the thr capability of Ethiopians Ethiopian* for e e- rLr. r(rPH .vitu e v p r v JYes, /< you do’, said Mi Ray- termine one's qualifications as a vo­ disre- sort of broken apart Francis went lo J replied. .effectiveness of this cam- ▼°,v,nK and disseminating culture.” i cnrarKea ' ln e Seattle and Alaska to look for old: mond Then Paul struck linn again ter— on a "business'' basis— on pro­ t ____, —Jerome Dowd, Leading American spect for the law, declared Edward found it here so that leaves Mr Raymond remonstrated He said: perty qualifications. Therefore, if Pasadena, Calif., April 1 - T h e big- paign _ n when one knows that Sociologist. Jude Harry M. Fisher, “ no Booker singing ** T is better to have '1 haven't eaten. I'm a wreck and 1 yOU want to prepare lor this M M loved and lert than not to have lov- can't fighf. I ni fifty pounds under­ ar’a scheme ol enfranchisement, be­ -0 - S;.l2ck'TK 2i*,S5?.^n.,i!l; ‘ 5 ' “ >«»b«ship »1 seventy man has done so much for ed at all". Yet they a r e getting weight and have been drinking ’ gin to pile up your shekels and in­ K. O. artist with a record of 19 first C h& pterS, lO CA ted in StAtCS L O C A L BRIEFS ** *'That’s your alibi’, Paul cried crease your proper»» biddings Oth­ J » . sweeter day by day. the law* as he. He has round kayo’s, in speaking of his s ch e -ie v t e n d in p - f r o m R lin d t» l e ­ The sweetest foursome tha. ever \ pkul hit Mr. Raymond three or four erwise you will not be able lo vote v i e d tattle, tomorow night with “ Big (Continued from page one) fended every -constitutional was— Misses Lenora Freeman. Ver- | times and knocked him down I went According to his idea, what sort of Ralph Smith, well known Pacific land On t h e n o r t h t o F l o r i d a ried ' in Klamath - Falls, - nel, Rosalee, Elena Jackson Cast to the kitchen I begged Paul not to intelligence has any man on a busi­ Coast it white heavyweight. Smith] j 0 nthe SOuthT and from New Friday. b r th fjlr iU ! guarantee when those who your eyes in that direction. And tell hit Mr. Raymond. Then Mr. Ray­ ness matter who does not own pro­ who recently gave George Godfrey a y , , •», , , Peace, W. B. Barnes. Rode! Atkins insisted they wanted law me now, aren’t they perfection? mond called him. perly? slight workout in Portland, is the OTK 3nd MESSSChuSCttS Oil ! and Lois Bynon were the witnesses. 1 i » g - « • « The Four ‘’faces that can’t be re* j Again Beats Him ^ «vTiv5**11 the east to California on the J°nes •* » successful business clamored for their repeal. bom :—The Great Stone Face, The " T i l beat you’, Paul said He then He was quite positive that there 6 f t 6 in. and 230 lbs. The “ ^ 00 man of Klamath Falls, formerly of "H e has kept his pledge Face on the Barrooa* Floo., Baby hit hun three or four tunes. This should be o discriminations at to sex bout was signed up by M om e Cohan w e s t , W ill be jo in t ly e n g a g e d Medford and Mrs. Lewis is of Port- 1 - - F V K color but he is quite sure that in ,hc up d,"in* roo,n g iab Mr h cd K,v* Our rh"lffd Choice “Coun,ry" ¡ m ond ,n gut and Kelly him or of the Pasadena Armory. in a modern crusade against '¿ " ‘i Sh,eJ V - t i ? n|thc r o f Mr5 B J of thirty years ago to be al- ‘'»ce The,i nnr a country such a* ours where the , . . — “ _. , , I r -i j , 7 ° , , Fuller, 746 Tibbetts Street. I ways on the side of the The model Husband—Booker Kirk- and put one hand behind his neck doors of opportunity swing wide o- In justice to George Dixon, local one Ol the most dreadful foes w ’ Lewis, — ~ Mrs while in Portland was Flirt—Vern Rutherford. and beat him'with the other, and pen, that there should be only a Inn The model colored fighter, Joe Sax. who refer- , l „ _______ __ _ r ___ • , identified with the club and social weak. He believes life ends Siniles- 1 then threw him on the couch. He fell itrd suffrage and that would be de­ eed the bout between Dixon and |t 0 t h e P^greSS of mankind, activities of the local organizations. with the dissolution of the Thc model Sap— Roy Holmes, tricks- to the floor. ‘ I'm a man and can't termined by your properly holdings George IngersoM at Astoria Tuesday the foe of ignorance. While She has a host of friends here who The model Lover—Clarence Jack- take a blow, but I’ll fight you', Mr (I wonder where he gets hit idea night, comes to the fr o n t7 • , , wish her a happy and prosperous body. The forces he has "set son, Ha, Hal Raymond said Kelly kept knocking that the door of opportunity it wide "W ire stories coming from Asto- j ^he work is sponsored by a married life. The model Dancer— Francis Fair, No him down as he got to his feet. His Open in this country—he evidently in motion will continue eter- ria and appearing in Portland pa- fraternity whose member- face was cut and bleeding. F’lnally, fooling!! rs gave out the impression that „i ■ • _ ___ ■ , ,, Mrs Leonore Henderson entertain- I nal throuhout th£ history of The model Girl—Application wanted with one crushing blow Paul knock­ duct not study the unemployment sheets ) xon hit Ingersoll a low punch in Ship IS made UP of College ed at noon lunchon Wednesday April mankind.” Mrs. Ray­ The model Me, Myself. I—Guy Hol­ ed Mr. Raymond down He emphasiecd over and over a- the third round which caused him to men of the Negro race, the Z7tb at her home on Union Avenue, mond ot home about 9 o'clock. I was gain mes, And I says- that voting on a question did not drop to the floor, and then hit him . , “ . , . . honoring Kev. Daniel Payne Jones. “ He says he is a cynic,” called about 7 o'clock the next morn­ Thc model Scene— A garden of Ro­ [ solve any problem and deplored the again while he was doem, losing the C llO rt h a s a n a t i o n a l S lg n i- A. M., D. D. of Chicago: Rev. W. D. ing by Mrs. Raymond and I went in­ ses plus 2 prevalent American habit of voting bout on a foul,” said Sax this morn- ficance and aims, through Carter of Pasadena Calif.; Miss said Zona Gale, the novelist, The model Dream— Adventure, Ro­ to her bedroom and found Mr. Ray­ to have a thing dnni^ or to past a Ing. Georgia Kellis of Denver and Rev. ‘but if his words are those of mance, Love plus You. mond doubled up on the floor We law—and then the voter goes home "Dixon knocked Ingersoll down the enlargement o f educa- J. w " Anderson w h o T T o s ,™ Re'v.' Advertising is a medium to trade tried to get a doctor but couldn't Un­ a cynic then let us all be cyn­ and service to that trade is our road til afternoon. I knew he was uncon­ and forgets all about it—expecting with a blow to the pit o f the stom- tional opportunity, to pro- Jones and Rev. Carter. somehow or somewhere, somebody ach, which was fair. He did hit In- , ’ .■ ______ o— ics, too.” to that continuous business and suc­ scious. will see to it that the cureall will be gersoll before he got up and there niOte better Undersanding a- The Old Rose Club held its regu- “ Once before, when we lived at cess. Gives Lesson In Science. applied The more law* we have—the was nothing else for me to do but to mong the people o f the en- i *ar weekly meeting at the Williams r, r T' r~ „ , . And we get no more out of our 2133 Holly Drive, Mr. Raymond or­ more there are to be broken. It's al­ give It to the Astona boy on a foul . " ____ . / cu Avenue Branch Y. W. C. A. Thurs- i r o t . l* a y -(_ O O p e r G o l e , o f I business ventures than we put into dered Kelly out of the house." I am positive that Ingersoll could ( li r e C o u n t r y . j ay afternoon. At the close of the "Kelly and Mrs. Raymond had ways perfectly safe to spring the "loo th e I u J n n i i v v e e r r s c i t t f y v n f h n i i M them more and -nto not a onc willing to put im . o i f u c a i r g n o any bu, '* ine„ than he been going around together quite a many laws” oratory on a crowd—it S T ift^ ia J r S r iS Thirt>- ° " e state campaign ni°y' d e p a r t m e n t o f a n t h r o p o l o y thinks he will receive in return, always gets a hand "T oo many bit?" Miss Lee was asked laws make for lawlessness" and ev­ was in bad shape from the punch in managers have already been „____ Tells O f Wild Parties s s a a tu id h e h a d iv e n t h e w o r l d A while back an East side cafe ery body applauds n e n a a iv e n t n e w o r m , was wfakened by one of iti partners the stomach.” appointed and each one has „ A c a r d fr,?m M ,r I « “ Harold "I don't know about going around — Portland Telegram April 28th. __. , . Browning tells us that he is in Ber- a lesson in science. pulling" out and opening another together, but he came to the house worked out through t h e lin, Germany. Evidently Mr. Brown- Then he paid attention to the inter­ weak cafe further down town But it quite a bit", she answered. “ As the King commanded, held national situation—saying that this is Oakland, Calif. Apn. 28 (PCN B)— c h a p t e r s U n d e r h is d i r e c t i o n ing has Iear"e d ,he language, and he together and is now joined to­ "How about wild parties?" After boxing nine fast rounds against F u u u c r ms» a i r e c u o n , payJ UJ a hi(?h compiiment t,y a»*« l>'en bought, but bont made up my mind that they are and could say nothing that sounded 1877 w” W ilson The main dining room at The both propngandists of the gospel of even pleasant about the I W W.s Commission, 646—648 Court they cost more than I would the oldest member of the * Exchane, will deliver a worthwhile Portland certainly looks inviting things as they are. Both of them de­ and the reds and the poor followers House, Portland. Oregon, on amend- H. B. Louderman who died Dec. 4th last and was the only one who „ ' message to the general pub- 1 m™tV ’to^Ord*r ii o .^ T v g ^ r in g 't h e PaX’ taking the hard since it has been redecorated for cry the ideas that pave the way for of Karl Marx. After he got thro tell­ which purpose it was closed for a progress If it were not for the vision ing them that they were very bad ' “ ‘ • be an- 1 employment • — o f minors in the State est road, I was doing _ th< the membered the advent of Wilson. Re- lie. This meeting will week. It was reopened for business of Karl Marx, there would be'only kind of patriots, he paid his compli­ fusing an offered retirement on P*n- j n m in r e d in nil In rn I n n n ^ r s 1 of - - * 0" ’ easiest thing. Thursday. Induatrial Welfare Commission sion, Wilson preferred to remain on « O u n c e Q in a il l o c a l pap ers one <4e*s of human beings, the pro­ ments to the Oregonian. How he did Of The Sute Of Oregon “ My friends are my com­ perty owners— the rest of us would hold it tip to scorn. That sacred pub­ the job supervisig the work of fo u r , and every reader is invited The waiters and bell hops at The not be human—we’d be slaves. If it lication he said is a most reactionary Millie R. Trumbull colored assistants who now relieve ___ pensation. I would like to Portland are showing their sympathy weren't for the pacifists, God bless "hpet. You see, my friend’s notes say Secretary him o f most of the actual labor. to attend. I here is no doubt think that after I have gone and friendship for their sick co- them, we would be at war with Mex­ •his, "Oregonian criticizes Dr. Spa­ that such a movement deser­ wvirkers, Messrs. L. A. Goodwin and and our boys would be in China eth's liberal tendencies"—but does my friends will be happy Clarence Ramsey by frequent visits ico FOR SALE ves the concerted backing of and India pulling England’s chest­ not fill in the details. After reading and I will be— not miserable. to their bedsides. nuts out of the fire at the cost of her notes, I am wondering where Dr. every minister, educator, so­ their lives. Nav, my friend from Spaeth kept his "tendencies" hidden 4 Family Plat Building / Block I have been a destructive, Doc Howe, it is said, is waiting Princeton, without the extremists, —they were certainly not in evidence cial worker, and members of North of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, table at The Butler in Seattle. without the idealists, without the vi­ at the luncheon. But several days ago other professions, an{! with on East 1st N. Owner needs money. not a constructive force. But sionaries who arc ready o sacrifice the Oregonian rlasscd all the pacif­ I have destroyed weeds. All E. G. Chehalis, former captain in HOME COOKING such backing, the results, W ill make Big Sacrifice and giva their all for conscience sake and who ists and anti-militarists, et al in the The Portland dining room, we are feeble minded class. R eactionary- measured i n educational terms. Mr. Torson, Brwy 4751 — I want more o f life is a told, is operating a coffce> shop in will not stultify either intelligence or yes—but that is also where Dr. Spa­ conscience to hold down a job—with­ 106 N. 6th Street —7 Chamber o f Commerce Bldg. greater capacity for kind­ Seattle. eth puts us—therefore wilt some- betterment, will be far-reach out these the world would go back­ --------- o--------- hodv please produce the learned ward and the word progress would ness, forgiveness, and un­ ing. Please pav yiur subscription to the Mr. * Mre. T. K. Allen, Prope. Subscribe for The Advocate and Advocate. We have to pay our bills. be eliminated from the dictionary. derstanding.” get the live news. ------------- 0---------- (Concluded at bottom of column 6) SPORTS K l°X HOTEL NEWS a Beulah’s Grill "God made us ncighbuis, let justice make us friends.” ‘—Borah.