PAGE FOUR THE SatuPAfr. April 23/1927 ADVOCATE “AS YOU LIKE IT“ with writings on Practical Christian- N. A. A. C. P. R E P L IE S i tty in its application tv the Ameri­ can Race Problem, The Future, and TO ED ITO RIAL Kvoku, Mann The Way To Racial Peace. v ' (by Pacific Coast New» Bureau) Obviously, the Negro is on earth > (Continued from page one) , ------------- by Romans* ValUy by the will of Cod. It is our privilege In a rift ol the ihlnlng mountain, to investigate the Truth and to con- the ballot box May the day never COAST M IXED FIGHTS Mrs. Lynch Brown where the ,kic, art a million atarred. By Kits Reid come when Harlem runs New York A U E . n D r t P I T A O I IT i form our wills to His Will. Our ra­ To this the N A. A C P replied AKE PKO H I A BLE Lie» the valley of Double Kainbowa, cial relationships can be the cause of . as toiUiw ■> — — — With Mt Hood peak keeping guaid. mutual growth, a bond of universal Sunday, April 17th was Easter Sun­ love; and thus hasten the realization Ihc Sunday School and Christian Negroes In Chicago Election Sacramento, Calif . April, 18fInter- The Advocate does nov necessarily The valley of Double Kainbowa, day. The services were in charge of of that Day of light upon light, Endeavor were well attended as usu- To tbe Kditor of thcfcvening Post- «•» «n prize fighting on the l*acifie shaie in Kits Reids views, but wheth- lias a charm that ia alt ita own. the Sunday School and the B. V. P. which it has been „vvll man's goal during *»• The Children had their Easter Sir— Permit me a remonstrance on J ',* s* argumenled by the great Popu- •r w« do or not, her opinion* *r« Km its archea arc budded ol vapura. U. Scripture lesson was read from tYe Da/t^OOO\"ear's~o/darkness Who - - liunl * i,er Sunday School and certain statements in your editorial, '•dly of mived bouts between fight- **n«, and logic*! *nd wtU worth While other» arc budded of atone. the Book of John 20:D2S. by Dr. Dy- kno£ , th, (uture o( tht bUck race had lots of fun finding eggs on the U. of April » 6 .... on the »>»"* .... Chicago election -----......I I er* . race*, is proving exceed . . leading. It is youi privilege es wsll as So 1 long to ride free in thr morning •t Text, ¿1st verse: Then said Jesu s, |he ipinlua| destiny of America? ch“rch .Uw.n- , , "You attribute Thompson's victory to >»glv profitable to promoters, fight- ouri ,c dltaBree with Kits and shs Thiu the gold of the la,! riling »uh. to them again. Peace be unto you. as ' _ A splendid program was rendered the Negro vote, more than intimating ers and the state as well, invites youi opinion upon sublscts Neath the span of the double tainbow My Father hath sent Me. even so p d a d d t A»r D A Sunday evening by the Sunday School that that vote went to Thompson be- According to -tatistics on the tight gb# discusses from time to time in her When the early »pring shower la done send I you Subject: Prince of Peace. J L W l o l l K A t i o l A 1 B A - and Christian Endeavor combined cause the Negroes were given the or- 8*««ic *** Caj'fornia as recently made cojumn Bv Hugh V Haddock Rev. House preached at the Com­ ganized vice privileges, then go on to public by \\ alter A v arwood, secre- The sermon was one that pointed H A I CONVENTION DE- Part, ol Sicily, Mrxico and other munity church Sunday night His out all the important events in countries may have their "Brigand,". subject was the "Ressurection". Rev. the*1 Negro MANDS EQ U A LIT Y Christ's life, from His birth to His 'n ,re**mrn‘ i ' Z a tou l o ^ * 7 l ^ bo*mg"'Uni U‘ ' u' hcc I.a Mafia' etc: but our own Portland house has been unable to preach for ressurection. Dr. Dyer depicted the This is unwoithy of the tradition Paid U K « « in gate receipt, to wit- make us friends" Borah teem* lo hr the hang-out of • alrong OF RACES quite some time on account of ill­ joy which Christ brought into the of the Evening Post as well as ques- ness 108 shows during March this —— - criminal ring now Yet from the ness, but is now able to take up his tionable in its presentation of fact 'ca r world at His birth; the many mira­ Out of this sum the state tax As a rule, the editorials in the Ore- hand« that they play our bu»iiic»a (Continued from page one) duties as pastor. His health is much Granted that $4 000 Negroes did vote «mounts to $10,770. while other revc uoiuan arc One cles He performed during His min­ I hey are dignified ventures have no nerd to worry. istry here on earth. There were made the world safe lor mutual un­ improved. for Thompson, are they anv more nuc received bv rcasTm of the act e_ 1 licy art convincing But every now Our financial investment* are nut _____ many people in that day as in this derstanding. reprehensible than any of the •»50.000 . 'tablishing the commission. totaled and then one creeps in that ls di»- large rnough to play thr game, when "There is only on* unshakable Mr Harris has been discharged whites who did the s*me thing* Is with the tax. netted the it*te $1.1,473 |llu lly below standard day still out of the Ark of Safety, but I he one. the Hold up man »ays to Ojd» and the church was marching on to the basis for an expanding civilization froln the i.OBgvjew Memorial Hos- It not true that raids in the colored 1 <‘>r March for instance that appeared again»!I the Kings, I raise you (J0.U0O I he Ins anj convalescing s h z *s s s \a i lst a s now s v is v v s s • • - vox • s s m s at the section ju-t before election, with the New City of Jerusalem, pleading with and that is the reciprocal reeogno * p,tai M? ich »"'* Y ” clubwomen who were going to Mills- man ic thr heaviest looser to date an open heart and outstretched arms i tlon. ° nation each religion and bome of \lr and Mrs Freeman arrest and detention of some 1.000 rd pver $1000 on March of I ft*, when boro for the trial of Mr» II Well, Sunday and Monday were for the sinner to come. Every one each race s right to its destiny, and colored people, resulted in iust two «he gate receipt- for the month of definitely explains that it. objection Mr. and Mrs. Lynch Brown attend- being detained by the magistrate- March amounted lo ^ . 6 9 6 for nine- to the project t» not on the basts of evidence of Fa*tcr season. seemed to have caught the Easter to understanding of its culture and The frills and "Faster Outfits" 1 hope the women fully appre­ were nut in great numbers Monday spirit. You could hear a pin drop ■dcals. We must abandon the senti- ed strvicel at thf Mt. Olivet Baptist And would not such action provoke ' «>' right show- Total receipts of sex during the delivery of the sermon. ment of Fmerson. that to be great Church of Portland and after service the resentment of anv group of citi- ■ 'he commission for 19-/ are■ *'**»'■ ciate the condescension—implied Thr night The dance was a veritable sea And the many remarks after service i ° " e .mu£s,, 1. . " ’«»“"derstood. they visited with friends. They re­ zens no matter what color’ Is it not | according to the report of Mr. > ar "moral support” which the writer of of humanity, dressed m their all; the the editorial is so concerned about, tlie gaudy colors of the rainbow and showed the splendid effects of Dr ste* “ „ L i? - *° ha' e pe* ce turned home by way of Kelso where true, furthermore, that Mayor Dever wood understood.' they attended a beautiful Cantata at ignored the colored citizens in the is out of |>la> e in a court room 1 h* faint perfume thrilled one's sense Dyer's sermon. A very goodly num- 1 is to be Must Prevent Conflict the First Presbyterian church ber of members were out to hear the matter of appointment- to office and FILIPIN O GOES O^l IN Oregonian assumes something to be like wine "Whatever else we may do. we true which has been disproved over sermon and also many visitors. "Easier Lillee” Miss Ruby Smith spent the week in other ways? SECOND ROUND and over—that courts are infallible Visitors are always welcome and must prevent an interracial conflict. I am neither justifying nor con­ Hiy Holmes, he had pant*, he had A battle or a war between white and cn(j jn Vernonia. Miss Smith former* The decision of Judge Thayer in the we desire them to remain in order demning the election of Thompson, nerve The pants had a crease, hi, that the church people may know browtt. 6r white and colored races • Iy j ivcj in Vernonia She returned but your attribution of his election San Francisco, April 18—To_ stop Massachusetts court, in the Sacco- legs • curve Jamison anil hit wonld be the last staged in the home Monday and reperts having a Vanzettc trial, is overwhelming proof cream miff suit Guy Walter them. further punishment of Irinco Flores, to wicked colored people repaving Holliday, tragedy of humanity. Thoughtful j jovc|y visit with friends, that courts are prejudiced — that these days to mid night when The Sunday School and B. Y. P. men a member of the fighting Flores fam­ ■ their benefactor for indulging them hr i, must, that on a good time and doing it right U. programs were rendered at the i , - therefore, . „ i j get . , together. , in vice is simplv grotesque If the ily of Manila and touted as light­ courts nerd to be watched evening service. You certainly would “0.* mere,>. to talk platitudes ab-ut Longview has been wearing a bca weight champion of the Orient. Ref courts are made up of human brings Negroes "were brought to Chicago Perliapa And Maybe have enjoyed hearing the little folk I tolcrance but also to multiply the tiful blanket of snow this week Quite , during the war", as you intimate, it eree lrv\m stopped the fight, award­ that have most p o s i t i v e human weak That is thr thousandth lime some Every one was fine and rendered h,s v. 'h ,c « j or developing healthy na- a bit of snow fell here Sundav and was to do the work needed while this ing young lack Thompson (colored) n e s s e s , human vanities, human liates one has ask me that question, says. part just like little men and women «'0na' a".d ,n,crnat,onal d Monday. country was at war and European a knockout in the second round of and human prejudices Bring elected Kitward Watson Well, hdward what as a judge, docs not clothe that in* The singing was splendid. It takes | that shall begin in the cradle, march immigration was temporarily stop­ their recent battle Thompson made do you say ’ Honestly, it* nn shame Mrs. Myrtle Jones expects to leave dividual with mfallibility quite a bit of time and patience to to posrss that charming and resist, through the public school system, for Vernonia about the first of May, ped: and if Mayor Th rg8-,.n "vvel- short work of Flores with a vicious tram little ones to perform like they and less quality of ..It". Ye«, we saw not cease until victory of spirit­ to join her husband who is employ­ ; coined" them, that is surely not to onslaughter in the second frame of I, for one. think the Court com­ did. So a lot of credit goes to Mrs. ual unity • his discredit, and it is surely not cml- a schedule 10 round affair Henry Madison when hr wesn't talk- shall have been attained. ed in the mill there. mittee of the Research ( lub is to hr inv C. A. Hillsman, church clerk and 1 eulated to make the people he wel- ideal, apparently too glorious congratulated upon its efforts to rdti Secretary of the B. Y. P. U. for her to "The vote against him Colored Athletic’s Record rate ilsclt and the members of its Our gas and oil man i, still going be realized in our day. must never Mr and Mrs. Lynch Brown motor­ ' coined James untiring and devoted effort. We all Weldon Johnson. Club on Court procccdurc In strong hut if hr krrps it up. it Wont like to see tbe children show their ,orn K,he »«art of man We ed to Castle Rock Thursday night. Of Century Broken Secretary. N A . A C. P . New long Many a betrothed maiden abibty hive got beyond toleration. We Mr Brown is representing the Tan­ thr first place, the Oregonian assum­ be York. April 8, 1927 hr rules for a w4om hut if he keep* The Chorus rendered special s o ^ i t ave K ' ot bey°n<1 tolerance. We ners Shoe Company and lias Cowlitz I .os Angeles, April ltf— The South­ ed — nav. it announced that it would it up, it will hr too bad lim. service and every one was happy . bave J ome t0 the stage of the fdtjal- County territory in which to sell ern California prep record for the be impossible for "thr club women to There Is a certain maiden you had shoes. He will go to Woodland Sat. NORTH CAROLINA HAS century held jointly bv Cliff Gantt, proceed inijiartially with that which and ready to do h.s part to make the of ’ a 'A'? * and . bettrr g o around, for v uU may hr day a happy one. To^ be m the chorus God and ,hc c °"« .e n c e of former colored star of polytechnic is cert.In to hr construed as a most caught, as her dad's in town lust where and to write about it is a hard thing ! k n r »*c,v a',’<» » House have BEST NEGRO SCHOOLS High School but now attached to the partial manifestation". Careful—Mr. Carr to do. Nevertheless. 1 enjoy being a ,.,T h e, sl,lK,n*t b> Dl! ;>unlnir purchased a Chevrolet Sedan, # — — — —— ! Athletic Chib of Hollywood, ami does thr Oregonian get that notion? Queen ( arlotta has gone lo school member and its a great pleasure for I " » is w e B re c e iv ed Just because that newspaper chooses (Continued from page one) Mill (white) <>f Hollywood of io:U to announce Mich an opinion, docs in I.o , Angeles, to that leaves some­ me to sing these songs that pene­ SHILOH CHURCH perience of one colored man in 1922 was broken Saturday when Frank body lonely. S’rs we had a wonder­ trate the very soul. The joy they Bell-hop Playwrite in Columbus County: ¡Lombardi (white) of Los Angeles not make it true And it uses such ful lime Miss Kosalrc Byrd and unfriendly words as "intimidation bring cannot be told. Sunday School. April 17th was well "He had tried to have a Negro ! High dashed off a new '"» « K "*, io'‘ and Achieves Goal Mr Guy Holmes entertained with an “influence” Now, will somebody The Missionary Circles met at the attended and was enjoyed bv all school in the Chadbourne District flat in the Coliseum before 8.000 fans after dinner party, Monday Thr please tell mr why it seems necessary church Monday at 4 p m. and had (Continued from page one) Mrs. Ida Thompson. Sunday School .where they had no Negro school for ! at the loth annual prep clash in the to give a third of a column of valu­ guests were Miss Vernal Kuthrrfcrd. a fine meeting Tbe Junior Brother­ Mr Cloninger played the leading role superintendent, was in charge. 157 years. The Negroes were requir- city league meet tointt still retains able editorial space to "good advice' Miss I.cnora Freeman. Mr F.dward hood met in tbe pastor's Study; the of Fred Kellard, the untamed West- B Y. P. U at 7 p. m the subject ed to give outside of their taxation the record of 49 4s in the 440 mark to women who were exercising thr Watson and Mr Sam Smith boys are doing fine and they say just erner. was Girls of the Bible, led by Mrs. (250 for a school house; This a- established in 19_f> "Life” rights and privileges of citizens and wait, they will show us something. Mr. Anderson calls his play “Ap- f. M. Armstrong. mount was raised gradually until at l ife ia wltal we make if. Like a voters’ Will some one tell me what Alright, boys, I am with you. pearances" and well he may for the Preaching at 8 p m . the subject last they actually paid $l,t>30 He L o n e N egTO ScO fC S In r inalS right ms person has lO - hallmgr the book when closed the leaves arc often Next Sunday is History Day. Re­ plot deals with the age-old idiom of was "Your Feet". became a marked man for his per- l^rt'a make ojtrs ' I good faith of any one who has not tatrrrd and torn view of Religious History will be “judge not according to appearances" The Free Will Workers Club has sistcnce. And in addition he suc- Glendale, Calif. April 18— As the' been convicted of a crime — and I a life for which wc can hr proud, made by Attorney John W. Kaste, and the somewhat dubious thcorT* of purchased a piano for the church cessfully stopped a w hite man from sole representative of his race in the j don't think anv of these women had make yr.ur book interesting from thr who will be the principle speaker of “truth will always win”. in the This club, only a few weeks old. is j profiteering to the extent of seven finals of th< r tsl Prep Las* I «vet beta arras ted even ho such start and wind up with a glorious the day. Services will be in charge of language of Rufus (very But cleverly j doing splendid work There will be farmers Neighbors complained be- climax for which wc may never be whit h 8 major school, f a trifling thing a s bootlegging or the Brotherhood. “ ie C o played by Dreddie u m m in g s ) , an entertainment at the church each cause his wile did not ‘take in wash- S*** ", rn!a*Jr> r«fii'etrd" Hrrt J, I "".k i , b, to n ashamed . , At . . r - j i _ . .. .- •» . » »- , i , Southern t .ihlornia competed. Itrrt holdup — Doth ol wlmli are tnr Roland Washington, baby son of "thinking good ain't . . t gom to do you second and fourth Fridays, under the mg and the Ku Kluk Man began Rj h f San n , MiRh „ , ab li,h -. ionable crime, of the day Why "That Gang Of Mine” Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ivey, was chrits- „ good if you'se There is a gang of young fellows eited at the Easter Sunday service by no some telephone post". . Rev. Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. John Guy in our midst whose history reads as The only genuine black face on the Egg Rolling Contest. The one catch a book of 1553 Hassalo Street are the God­ stage was Mr Anderson who appear- ing the - most eggs will be given a « " Z u # i , | i i ] noon The prrvimiw record < »f 15:5 1 And then »5 if to paint the misdeed parents. Nothing is too big to do; nothing ed in the prologue. The three col- prize. p o\isio <* i V" * * , was established bv Meeks of Hollv- still blacker, the editorial tells us that x . MRS BUFORD . . . D IES , | ored characters are not. “DO DO” Tuesday. April 19th the club met dren is to be concluded in the June w(>o ¡, , , jut| ,ikr thr lriaU ol rad ,c .U - too «mall to overlook. Their moltn seems to be, right or wrong, you are w Green could not get here in time and at the home of Mrs. F. W Smith. of «he the Glendale Glendale High, High, running running the the 100 100 always always attended attended bv bv other radical» still my pal j^jay c r;sjs a[so contains an of They fight between Mrs. Emma Buford, one of its oldest no ,oca, NeiroeJ qualified, so we are | 5104 East 50th Street S F. The af- vard dash in 0 7% , established a new i I ’m »urprised that the women were and most devoted members, when told. article by Walter White. "The Su- Lea true record for the century and not accused of being under the direr- themselves; then they love the strang­ ternoon was spent in making things _____ ______ _ _ . she died April 18th at the age of 61. er shares Some of them have hern The mere fact that Mr. Anderson : for the bazaar Mrs S D. Porter premc Court and the N. A. A C 1 possiblv a world’s prep record j tion of Moscow and the Communist*. to jail or even worse, yet the best Mrs. Buford jvas ready at all times does not lay claim to having written and Mrs. Opal Busch were pleasanl telling of the two victories won be - — o — | Anything and everything out of the of thrill considers himself to be no to render unselfish service to the a great play from a technical stand- visitors The next meeting of the fore the highest tribunal of the land • ordinary these days is controlled bv better than the worse. They fight, Master's Cause. She succored the point is the biggest point in his favor, club will be at the residence of Mrs | jn a space of seven days; an account the influence which eminate* from lovr, and live together as one great sick and helped the needy when and And I do think in all sincerity that S D Porter. 4914— 41st Ave.. S. E of Paul Johnson, a colored electrician, I Russia and to be associated with rad family of brothers and share their wherever she could. She was truly he has accomplished the impossible who is manufacturing 45 different I Scuts i'' to be doomed But oil i"k sorrows and their joys flush a Christian in deeds. articles ranging from a bulb to a in having his play presented to the ELLIN G TO N HAS / 7 dav lof It |MI t" slmw that f t i m w i l She leaves to mourn their loss, a American public. $1.000 Spectro-Sun Solarum; "Dram- He says simplv Ike the head-water at 1 he , Hillsboro—and if reports are correct. lives through sorrow and through husband. Wm. C. Buford; daughters. that he feels that he has a message “A R R IV ED ” Bernice and Mrs. Hattie Caldwell of to give to the world. joys And a unit of strength lo men t W * « Portland took a few days off & i - £ However, it New York and a host of friends. it gives, if they stick as when thry seems __ to ___ me. ___ and many _____ . have agreed Washington, April 18.—From the stories and the usual Crisis "*'* depart eoar * this week from his labors at of "not guilty" » » not partly due to were boy,. She was buried Wednesday, the with me, that the message of truth J Oriental Cafe in Washington, D C., i ments. the juror, resenting being treated a» 20th from Miller & Tracey Funeral is lost in the drama and in the words ! to the Kentucky Club, one of the | the hotel and as a result the children. It was quite evident that Parlors. Internment in Rose Citv of the villan. Jack Wilson, (played brightest spots in New ^York^s gay “ A p p E A K A N C E S LOCAL B R IE FS Cemetary. Rev. E. C. Dyer had so intensily by Harry Jordon), "what night life, and now one NOW old boy says he feels as fine the lengthy and verbose charge of the judge was directed to infantile chargeof -, the , services and the j c choir .- , no,r i happened was just plain luck”. The artists of the Brunswick Phonograph ON STAGE as a kid. Mtjnos Yes my children, great is ine Resolutions were read from ro^ ( , he M ]’b oy £ero Carl (played Co., i, the record of Duke Ellington ft ontinued from page one) -------- Charley Redd, waiter at The I’ortd- I the pres, of the country, but greater the I-adies Auxiliary of the Pullman rather tersely by Daris Hudson) was j conductor of what leading judges (by Pacific Coast News Bureau) land is the proud owner of one of still and more »acred, is its judicial Porters Benefit" Association of which a bit drawn out and not as convinc- have called the foremost colored jazz Los Angefes, April 18.—never be- Henry's Coupes, and. to sec the old system. John Lowe, who was found guilty of the deceased was an active member ing as Mr. Anderson’s own life has j orchestra in America. _ iMv history , ____ _ West ____ ____ fore ul in the of the has boy poke out .... his ... chest, you would robbery, being armed with a danger­ and worker. i* been. Ellington, who is only twenty-eight j such a notable audience honored a 1 believe he was riding in a Lincoln. But now let's talk about something ous weapon, by » jury in l ircuit Jud­ The court room borders_on perfec- | years old, is a graduate of the Arm- \ eKro playwright as was present at _______ else. Again the matter of courts and ge Kkwall't Court several weeks “TH E NEGRO PRO BLEM ' tion in dramatic action. The humor, strong Tech , of Washington. D. C |he ovatlon Kjven Garland Anderson The bell boys at The Portland arc justice as illustrated in Ihc derision ago, was sentenced on Friday, 15th, throughout the drama is invigorating, j Attending in the course of his school- Monday night at the premie* of his very anxious to know who “Evokus in the Sacco-Vanzctti case It is to n o 20 y ear, in the S tate Pen­ (Compiled by Julia E. Johnsen) J And there is a certain amount of pa- astic curriculum the Music School of j ranla "/Vpearances" at Wilkes Ma-1 Mann" is. It seems that “Evokus" rightly nominated — the whole ghast­ itentiary Two white men and Lowe 370 Pages. Published by ] tho, which will certainly bring tears Washington. Ellington was for some ! j estlc Theatre of Los Angeles’ Broad- took a slam at some of them in his ly business — “American justice be­ were said to have held up and rob­ H. W. Wilson Company, N Y . ¡to the eyes of the black audience and time a pupil of the famous Henry way column last week in The Advoate fore The Bar”. It is hard to believe bed (Birdlcgs), Reed's road- .. . J H. _____ ___ In 1921. Price (2215 a sense of shame to the whites. The Grant, head of that school.^ Marco Heilman, millionaire banker They dclarc if they do find out who that Massachu-ctts will rest under the house one night’ during the Winter Reviewed By Miss Helen Pilkington racial propaganda cannot be mistaken But in accounting for his success, and jormer postmaster K„ . . . ................... of Los Ange- he is, he’d better be just gone. disgrace which the carrying out of the I he white men plead guilty and were •** ¡being a bit pointed at times. »11ven' F.llin^jton insists that all his remark- |es ¿„tertained with a box party in. death sentence will bring upon that sentenced to serve 4 years in the Pen- In this handbook are collected a r - I «ure to predict a good run for Ap- able rhythms and harmonies would | bonor 0f Senator Shortridge. Mayor Miss Wellington, the charming State It is to be hoped that since itentiary at Salem. Orrgon. The tides by leading educators of Europe | pearances in Los Angeles where peo- not be before so wide a public todav Cryer*and a party of friends occupied Modiste at The Portland visited Mrs. the courts of the state have failed to heavy sentence meted out to Lowe and America for and against race re- ' pi* are more unsophisticated than in were it not for Irving Mills, of lack another box Dr. Frank Crane. Mr. ; F. H. Harrington in Seattle last Sun- give the accused men justice, that the came as a great surprise to many lationships as they exist today. Such New York, and ever seeking the un- Mills, Inc.. New York t«1«1''? publish an(j \(rs Maiiro tie Mond, Dr. Doro- day and reports Mrs. Harrington Governor of the State will have suf- who watched the case ers. This _ firm._ « « publishing Mich i not» j *»» vz * / * v, thca Woods , • well. She that representative writers as Booker T. usual. • || y» i»n va Moore, j o I 11 v .» and ** z z James va * - - v ■ v * * vu. were vz v ■ '» » J > »» •»» aval» . i says mi i . 1 tz 11 Mrs. Harrington ficicnt appreciation of our American ; ------- n - numbers of EInnKton as a few of the many prominent men wishes to be remembered to all of ideals of justice to prevent the murder Washington; W E Burghart DuBois, *,r W, I' Garter, pastor of . the BirminRham j anj WOmen of Los Angeles and Hoi- her many friends and acquaintances of the two men Ray Stannard Baker. JJerbert J. Se- vVHITE M OTHER SLAY- St. Louis Todelo , Nothing could p<>s- Friendship Baptist Church Pasadena, ligmann, H G. Wells and Theodore ¿»'p z ~ jt ? t O T ? £ rcakdo* r!.ri “A n Black * and " '1 „ Tan * * " lywood who made up the large ap- at The Portland where she and her xibly happen which will so injure 1 alifnrnia. is in the city the guest of Roosevelt discuss the problem in its i 1 L/ 1 o L U i s P L -o o Fantasy , Down Home Stomp ^ and prcciative audience. husband conducted for a number of what little respect there is now for Rev J W Anderson, Regional See­ others, has enabled him to reach the This dramatic offering from the years, expression of race prejudice, politi­ ES LO V E FOR NEGRO - broad-pinnacled the courts as the execution of these rctary of the National Baptist Con- heights of «uccess. cal deprivation, and economic strife, pen of a black boy untutored in the - two men. The whole history of vention Dr Carter is on a vaca- AS CAUSE OF CRIME So far-reaching is Mr. Will's inter­ technique of stage craft or creative Mr. and Mrs. Harry Day who are supplemented by discussions on est in Negro music, as a matter of writing, but with the inspiration that interested in The Portland were their --even years prosecution — wc ,lon and incidentially looking over main divisions of the problem: race fact that be is publishing a book of "any man of any creed or color mav pleasant visitors at the hotel this should have said, persecution — is no- '»«e work of his denomination He riots ard lytiching, peonage, amal­ thing less than a history of prejudice, plan* to he here until Thursday of (Continued from page one) I syncopated gems in Negro folklore attain whatever he chooses to be if week from California. gamation, tbe Negro in Industry, and shun the food. hatred, and anti-radical propaganda "ext week * written by Jo Trent. Trent will be he just has sufficient faith and will the way to racial peace. -------------- Ben Wyndon, colored Pullman It is said that the foreman of the ^ —----- o—— — The final analysis of the message porter of X.os Angeles, implicated remembered as Duke Ellington’s col­ remain true to the standards he has E. H. Hatcher who has been awav jury, before the trial began, said of Mrs. F. I). Cannady was the speak- of the book is this: In these United thru his affections for Mrs. Peterson, laborator in some of the latter’s most set up for himself and others” was a from The Portland for several the accused when an acquaintance ex- erfor thr young wornrns club of Cen- States (of all races) the Negro race pleaded guilty to a statutory charge important successes. revelation to many who had come | months will return to work soon, pressed belief in their innocence, Jral 1'rrsbytcrian church in Laurel- All these musical treats are avail­ expecting a tirade on racial prejudice. is the one race that did not come and was sentened to an indetermin­ “Damn them they ought to hang any hurst Wednesday afternoon the 2()tb able to the general public through here of its own volition. Neverthe­ ate term in the State penitentiary. Instead they saw according to Sa­ F.d Washington, well known waiter, way" Boston papers, of most COD dl - ■ i d the program of the any dealer in phonograph records or less, the race because a unit, which Mrs Wyndon remained loyal to sheet music. Duke Ellington, up un­ die Messier in the- Los Angeles "R e­ who has been in Tacoma and Seattle servative traditions, have openly ac- National Association for the” Ad- has served its adopted land well and her husband and stood by him to the cord” that the "dramatic action of for some time, has returned to Port­ cused Judge Thayer of maintaining an vanrement of Colored People in its til recently w«as a "comer”. Todav the play comes in the trial scene. land. earned more bread than it has re­ end. attitude of the "Advocate rather than j national phase. Mrs. Cannatlv is a he has "arrived”. Watch his sifloke In this, despite its many inconsis- ceived. the Arbitrator". It is a ghastly husi- 1 member of the National Speakers Colored Society Shocked from now on. In the past the Negro was ostraci­ tencies and some unusual courtroom PALO ALTO DRAMATIC ness — where will it end? Is this a Bureau of the N. A. A. C. I’ and The love-nest of Wyndon and Mrs. i zed because of his illiteracy, social Peterson is stated to have been at ' etiquette, there is something that p t t t q s f A Iz r . 0 n u D n T Christian Nation? Northwest Organizer. She was ac- grips one. This comes with the V zlzU B :V1 /\t\_ti,o JL7ll«-ak at the Williams Avenue Y W |cgK«r. crodk and lawbreaker in Chi retary of the Portland Baha'i Assem­ to the social protest of the Negro, the colored group and were heard Miss Geraldine Turner, a gold star states Appearances’ is an interesting L A Wednesday night. April 27 rago is rejoicing over Thompson’s bly from Berlin, Germany, the fol­ the greatest interest. The Fisk who declares that the old reasons for with „ . . .. . . #• i student and senior at Franklin High, play and it would not surprise me He is coming to^ visit District No vi. lory Incidentlly, Thomas plav- lowing interesting bit of news ap­ segregation no longer hold. The bar- Quartette contributed some very fine I a,so p|ayed a violin number and was onc whit if it were to find a certain 2 of which Dr. J W Anderson of ed upon the "Americanism of the pat pears: ier is prejudice because of pigmenta­ m o'ICn ° xn* ° ccas,»n* ,i , r j , , accompanied on the piano by her sts- amount of popular favor. Certainly 429 I illamook Street, Portland, is Re- riots _ his was a decidedly anti Fng- January 13, at Harrcn House, Ber­ M, „ G b,,dy p|ca , ;in..w(.r t|„. question? i English interpretation. Mrs. Alice experience in ( liina, to show how en­ peaceably in the streets of Bahia up­ FOR SALE tion rather keen, judging from sever- «"n that the Industrial Welfare Com- _______ M Handsacker was the charming thusiastic the young people of that hold his statement. • - - ■ , j mistress of ceremonies. al of the characters that were intro- ' mission of the State of Oregon will And Coolidge keeps on sending country became over the Baha'i teach­ And so, as always, when man’s duced to the broad delight of the au- hold a public hearing on Monday, mor(. tr,mps to Chinal Isn’t it rather ings and tints hold out hope and in­ word fails we turn to the word of 4 Family Flat Building Vx Block 1 w Am?,nK ,.he °-u‘ >{ *ow" Ku«»‘* we.ri dience as witnesses in the courtroom 1 ” ^3, ,n” 1927 “* at ’ 2 ° P. 11 Mrin *L* the offices poor politics to send so many voters spiration concerning the problems t At. / tie Ait * _Mrs. Church, Morris of Montreal who Mrs is vis* God. A Divine Educator has said: x North of Mt. Olivet Baptist „ in(f here with Emi)y c Austin scene. The play never obtrudes so­ it *"e "All mankind are of one nation; all Court out of the country so near to a presi- which confront the ( hinese people at this time. This phase of her talk have sprung from the tree of Adam, on East lst N. Owner needs money and Mrs. Comer, a guest at the home phistication. It is as the new mown House, Portland Oregon, on amend drntial election? hay in its vernal flavor, the work of ments to Order No. 46 regulating the was particularly appropriate as one and Adam is the root of the tree. Will make Big Sacrifice and give of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Becton. of the other speakers of the evening The tea was a most delightful one one not experienced in the theatre, employment of minors in the State That free is one and all these na­ term*. Mr. Toreon, Brwy 4751 — SAYINGS OF ABRAHAM and many svords of appreciation were but understanding something of the of Oregon. was a young Chinese who described tions are like branches, while the In­ —7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LINCOLN Industrial Welfare Commission heard on every side, especially bv demands, and acceding to these by conditions in his country. The large dividuals of humanity are like leaves, Of The State Of Oregon “It adds nothing to my satisfaction audience of between five and six hun­ those who for the first time had at­ simple and direct measures.” blossoms and fruits thereof." It Is In Millie R. Trumbull to know that another man has been dred people heard the Message of e Subscribe for The Advocate and tended one of these interracial gather­ this spirit that Julia E. Johnsen has dissapointed.” Secretary. Pay your subscription nowl ings. llaha'U’llah and showed keen interest. concluded this remarkable handbook get the live news. \ LONGVIEW NEWS | SPORTS , ,,™«»p .,d. “ kis «.'"ipii'zav,, ..t, * *. 52 ■am t» A ^rtxs a ; ;v rr STiisEr.'cif.":! « v s •....— r r : t;;"’"'“1 • * ..... .................. ......... . «j-s... - . . ass.WsSsC'sr.a.rjs; J HOTEL NEWS m iiij