THE PAGE FOUR ADVOCATE Saturday, April 16, 1927. “AS YOU LIKE IT” who possesses • pleasing baritone LOCAL BRIEFS voice did not portray this wellknown In the Spring a young part in costume. , ,The two numbers, “O ld Black J o e ” |man's fancy lightly turns to by (Continued from page one) The Beavers and Holly- and "C arry Me Back T o Old Virgin- 1 love, and Sunday was a won­ Mrs. Lynch Brown ia” came som ewhat a t a surprise ton the first of the week. wood baseball teams opened drous day. when announced as the audience ex ­ the 1927 baseball season here pected to hear sole N egro Music by , ... . . .. Let's devote leisure time Mrs. Sunday, April 10th, wa> Palm Sun­ Negro composers. Chiíñ“° Wednesday The Negro Na- S unda> and < m -----..... other oí Mr. . H . . „ A Duke is ... , , at the , Vaughn T he A dvocats doss no, n ectasanly partly to healthful sport, ill rt r*i c day. T h e services were in charge of tional Anthem would have been m ore , d' a™ r were well attended as usual 1 os Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Gray will b a s e b a ll P » r k * ^ , 8 8 3 ^ K It. R r i d ' . j M ^ b j t w b ^ tcn n is> g o l f i h i k e f c t c . the Deacon Board. I am tu re every appropriate than the ringing of A- )">«*«« f ^ P 1« «»>e Christian be rem embered by P orlU m lers A t | r a j ) u l tails p l l l l c d for tl lC ami logic«! and wall w o r t h 1 R u t h A t l d c r s O l l R l l t l l F o r - one appreciated the effort* of the merica which is now almost obselete. Endeavor rendered a program. O ne they were very pleasant visitor* here Beavers who W O ll by a SCOre 1 ' « d i n g . It is your priviU aa • • wsU as | Jt n i„ „ comm ittee for having to many beauti­ the Star Spangled Banner being us- »1 “ >e outstanding unm bers of which for several m o n th s with Mr and Mrs Lf . . 5 t; Governor r n v „ r n n r i I. L. , - w » «»«« with Kits and ah« ry, K o s a k t . Byrd, S a i l l H l u i l - for several m onth» with Mr. and Mrs. |cf £ . tQ Fat n . 0 1 O to d . Governor I . L.. rat- invites your opinion upon s u b l e t s c , a r .l U 0 0 L t, r W a s h i n g to n ed at present exclusively as th e Na- » • * » vocal solo by Gilbert Gildon. ful flower*. Uuk* 1---------- -■ -• »' - * ball, to | colum sh* discuss«* from lima to tima in bar u , u,’ U ° V . W a sn m g to n , „ terson threw the first n tional Anthem of America. H ou *e w a l ab,e to a , , i n d ,he Dr. Dyer expressed his thank* to and Sam Smith had a lovely T he Calvary Baptist Choir attem p t- Christian Endeavor Sunday but is not the committee and reminded the con­ W. H. Rutherfdvd, Jr. died in Phil- Mayor George L. Baker, as ------- hike Sunday and, say, its gregation th at every one was doing ed a grat undertaking with a splendid abl* to occuPy h,i * * * * * »* y t * W * adelphia. Pa., W ednesday m orning a» catcher with Commissioner, “® °d made us neighbors, let justice more fun than a “Hot- make us friends." — Borah. he wiU * abl< ,he the result from pneumonia, accord- h it o r her part, and said he hoped the opportunity for a favorable showing Pier at the bat A large and appreciative audience preaching services soon. Is it any wonder that the average stomp." spirit of cooperation would continue. ing to inform ation received here by _ _ _ citizen finds himself rather bewitder- had gathered to hear them at their . . Scripture lesson was read from w (Hv Pacific Coast News Bureau) Do you know that the Chi­ a t. * a w . . . . . . . . T he church gro unds are being his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H best. It u to be regretted that the . . - . » Rutherford. Oakland, C alif, April 14— Ray rd these days over the quality of the Revelations 22:1-12 inclusive. C _ . . , , • __ . beautified by the m em bers and friends néese question is dangerous­ citizenship of president Coolidge. m aster of ceremonies did not give » . . . / _ ^ A p 1 W alker who opened the show in a Dr. Dyer voiced his thanks to Rev. . . . __. __ ' v* of the A n o n Concert C ompany—A (P lease note the small "p".) T hat ly serious. If we fight our more thorough explanation of the . . . . . Z \ Messers. Ken Nakazawa and H 1 bout with Ray Kavini at thg God- Johnson, for his wonderful assistance gro Spiritual, in reference to thc.r U'vn , , being put in and shrubs pl.n t- Sashida of Japan were pleasant call- j frey-R oper battle at the Auditorium title can no longer begin with a cap way into segregation by the Rev. Johnson preached Sunday m o r n ­ J«“ ' what Meals is ha s e rv in g » best “Noodle joint", we will hlatory and origin. fd T he “ b i *,n,n* ‘° V" y ers at T h e Advocate office, Tuesday W ed n esd ay night, was very much ing, selecting his subject from the ... kt n»c »Mm up to m e of hit achieve- , tl . The latter is making a special study peeved j . m . « being Nothing was said of the distinguish- a l , r a '-tl' c _____ billed as a Negro ^ , #m |Qr(. th<| you wi„ h a r d l y h a v e a d e c e n t p u b l i c book of Solom on's Song, 2nd chapter of the N egro problem in America. Kay, who is very dark, denies that T h e Sunday School and Christian and 4th verse— “ H e b rought me to ed African-English composer. Samuel agree with me that both by title and p l a c e ill w h i c h t o c a t . he is colored, declaring th at he wax the bauquetting house, and H is ban­ Coleridge T ay lor who was the first E ndcavor will have a point program SH E O BSE R V E S B IR TH D A Y work*, he is not the type of man who ^ p r o b l e m : w llC Il it C a s ts | born in Madrid. Spam, 2J years ago should be leader of our great A - __ to recognize the beauty of this music tom orrow „¡g ht T he E a ste r egg hunt , „ , ,, n er over me was love."—"T h e Love A NN IV E R SA R Y and has been boxing in California (or merica and gave it the place it now occupies f wjU ^ he,d after Sunday School. S° . m u c h t o P*a>’ * °n iC of Christ for His Church.” in the music world today. It may be ________ the last three years. His (athcr is First of all come* his veto of the I’l l i l i a i l i a i l , llOW Il lU c il y i l l i t I t was a serm on th at all w ho heard Mrs. W innie Davis, 612 E. 36th St.. a dentist here he said. said that Coleridge T ayior immortal ; T h e E aster program will be under M cN ary-H augen Farm Relief Rill COSt t o f i g h t ' d l l a l l . will remember. ized this form of American music. , he direction of the teachers of the South, entertained a group of matrons T he bill itself may not have been the Rev. Jo h n so n has been in the min Saturday evening at her home, the oc- Well, its going to cost a Pasadena, Culif., April 14.—Gordon O ne author in a biography of Tay- two auxiiiaries. Mrs. Lynch B row n ideal measure.but it was a large site istry for 44 years. He said he built lor gives us the interesting inform* casion being her Birthday annivers- Hawkins, 19 years of age, wellknown c U l l No , . Mrs j A P inxtont class attem pt towards helping the farmers darn sight more before you the first colored baptist church in lion that Dvorak received his inspira- j No 2 o ( th( Sunday S ch ool, Mrs ary A very pleasant time was enjoy- popular colored track and football of this country save themselves from “catch ’em—if you do “catch Des Moines, lo w s. Rev. Johnson tion from this Anglo-African to write ed by all and the hostess received a s „ r 0f ,he pasadena Jun io r College utter ruin I gather from such farm Hazel House, president of the C hris­ was the guest of Rev. D y e r during the New W o rld Symphony. Coler­ num ber of lovely gifts. , w a, instantly killed last week when papers as come to my desk that the ’em.” tian Eedeavor and Mrs. Robert John- his stop-over here. H e left T u es­ idge T aylor at the time was studying , With Salem, College cam­ the light car in which he was riding farmers of th r country are in revolt son. teacher of Christian E ndeavor; Mrs. r V ernon m otored to Seattle day for Oakland. with Dvorak and was very much in- with A. H. Khazoyan, of this city was against the administration Is it any pus, union and Miss Avc’s Both went j struck by a S anta Fc freight train at w onder* After six year* of efto rt— as just a few fields of en­ W e arc all glad to have such men tere'sted" hi”the”'music" of”the American ! N,r* F r* nk Co,em“ * c h a ir m i" o l *hc T u f *da* program committee. on business and will return within a „ as Rev. Johnson pay us a visit. He Negro people. the F rem ont avenue crossing in S o , six years of close study—six years of deavor, we do unanimously few days. Let us hope th at within the future Pasadena. Khazoyan was serious­ continuous and intelligent agitation, has left som ething with us to think Mr. L ynch Brown has added to his appoint Karl Morrison as the music lovers of the Bay District already numerous activities the role -------------0 - the farm relief bill was passed by ly injured, but will recover. about for some time to come. C ongress Some of the most con- white and colored may again have “King Jibe’’. Earl T aylor, former P ortlan d boy T he young athlete, who lived at 117 of shoe salesman. Mr. Brown car­ SUNDAY SCHOOL the pleasure of hearing a true pro­ ries a splendid line of shoes for men, and son of H enry T ay lo r who re- W a v e r|y [)rive> w a , , om ething of g Î servative men in Congress who had "You may fool some of T h e Sunday School is grow ing and sided here for m any years, is in jail . . gram of Negro Folklore by a chorus circlrc and was voted against such legislation at past the people some of the time; . ............................................. ... . women and boys. H e is a bonded in ^an rr a n c isc o , tor . im personating hero in local , school the classes are all organized. The . , . , . that is well trained and assisted bv | ____ _____ - T a n of n e r the s Shoe given most of the credit for the state sessions, voted for it this vear. But representative Junior class just keeps the banner. real NegTO artists. th r president exercised his rnnstitu. but you can’t fool all the Manufacturing Company , of Boston, several penitentiaries in th northwest. Jun io r H igh School football chant- Good for you Juniors! tional right and vetoed the law H e p e o p l e a l l t h e t i m e ’’— h c ilC C , pionship won by thè Pasadena team I Mass. Mr. Brown has had wonder- ! —- 0 is even quoted as saying that he t J,e m an w |,0 cvcn f DO| g B. Y. P. U. Prince Eric Zulong gave a farewell j last fall. ful success in the past tw o weeks. SHILOH CHURCH T h e B. Y. P. U. is making history —— — ; exhibition of his unusual and spcctac- ing to the bankers and the manufae- o * m S t If- j\dw.ini Watson, every Sunday. Every one is very An outing party, including Mr. and j ular perform ance of fire and glass Angeles, Calif., April 1 4 —It luring interests, “ he seen his duty and | L O U tl i C Cochran, the Sundav School at 10 A. M ; B. Y j Mrs. John Lucas, Mr ad Mrs Lynch ! eating, at H ibernia Hall. J40 Russell look ju*l much interested in the subjects. The seconds for Willie Tuck- h. done it " , but—look at the picture 1 “butter and egg man from P. U. at' 7 P M.; Preaching at 8 P young people are making the adults Brown and Miss Ruby Smith, took Street, T h u rsd a y night, April 1 4 th. , er. otherwise known a* "Y oung Sam which he is holding up before us a* . 1 , T H I N K , and th at f a s t O u r young M. by the pastor, Rev. G. G G ardner; ; advanta ge of the beautiful sun shine ! He was supported by Janies W. H. ! L angford" to knockout Sailor Ash the result of his administration? I * . more in the first round in the curtain folks are a fine set of boys and girls. subject. Jo b 14:14, “ If a Man Die last Sunday and visited the beautiful : Griffith and the Nortnenda girls. ______ I As good as the best, bet- raiger of the 'J a c k ie Fields-Sam my W e think they are the best in P o r t­ Shall He Live Again." # Lake Sacajawea. T h e day was such A nation of tenant farmer*—tenants t h a i l lUOSt Mr and Mrs. H en ry Buchanan an d T h e Jo y Makers Club held an in- , Mendel fight here last week, land. renting the land from the bank* of | r.. t,;n :.. .1 . ■ an ideal one that m any of the L o n g ­ . And A i k how did the big In ktl mg the rest, Mr Joe H arper were pleasant visitors Sam m y Mandel, lightw eight cham- .1 the country. " ' he view people seized the op portunity to | tcresting meeting T hu rsd ay evening T h e evening service found Dr. Dyer at all the services Sunday. in the pulpit after a little rest by hav­ visit the lake and o th e r wonderful Mrs. Clara Bell was hostess at her j pjon e f the world, outscored Jackie banks get the farms? T h ro u g h the U1 aKeS a dandy host, Mr. E. W . Smith united with the scenes for which W ashingtoi i. fam ­ residence. 267 % Larrabee Street. At Fields, a Coast product, in a 12 round failures of the little banks th at fin- Mishaps of current wrek- ing Rev. Jo h n so n with him. He was the close of the meeting the hostess „c-decision open a ir battle at W rig- anced the farmer* who went broke I Wyatt Williams as Prcsi- ready for avisit with the H oly S p ir it church and was baptized with three ous. dispensed refreshments. ,fy F i r ,d bffore , 0000 (anl| T h a I lie little bank« are being sacrificed >• , . . . . . . H is subject was, "T h e P u rity of the o ther candidates at 2 P. M. Sunday all over jh c country in order to in I* I - I u c T 01 A. M. K. /\i)M Mrs. Blossom Buchanan led the B P alm ,” text—Revelation 7:9—“After Mrs. W . M. Gildon and Mrs. Lynch Allen Rutherford, son "of Mr. and ^ W t* a hn‘ 12 round * ° wi,h bo,h crease the sire and influence of the ¡and Lawyer-at-largC. Y. P. U. Sunday April 10th. this, 1 beheld, and, lo, a g reat multi­ Brown attended services at the F irst Mrs. W . H. Rutherford, w ho is in boys K)v' n K *bc a nt.nrelnus run big banks aud their branches Hi T he Free will W o rk ers Club met P resbyterian church Sunday m orning the cast attending Jersey Citty Col- j ^or *beir money, Ciuy Holmes losing his tude, of all Nations, and K indreds administration has been responsible at the residence of Mrs. B. E. Mit­ pants on Council Crest. and people, and Tongues, sto o d be- in Kelso. | lege, was at the bedside of his broth- for m ore failures than has any other --------- o ------- ' cr, W. H. Jr., when he died in Phila- fort the T h ro ne and before the Lamb, chell, 1174 Holgate St., Tuesday. T he Lonnie Cochran’s tire tuesidenlial period T h r disaster of hostess served a delicious repast. clothed with white robes and Polm s T h e N. A. A. C. P held its regular delphia T uesday Mr Rutherford failure in the agricultural field has blowing OUt with a rose of Next m eeting will be at the residence meeting Monday night at the Com- a w 'fe and small child besides a in their hands.” been tragic, but when relief was of- ^»ortland b y llis side, of Mrs. Cungo. 466 Vancouver Ave Ed. Taylor, dining car waiter, was fered by Congress, the president finds i r , munity church with the president, M r lar*e num ber o { relatives, here and t i i , . T h e sermon was very appropriate one of the several extra luncheon tnen pleasure in using hi, mighty pen to K°y Holmes says lie IS W . M. Gildon in the chair. T he usual ' elsewhere, to mourn their loss. for the occasion. D uring his dis­ Melvin Radford was sent-! . . . . , T uesday in the P ortland Grill. Kill it. O f what interest is all this •through with the Fast side- , . r- j 1 1 routine business was transacted. course the Dr. pointed o u t w hat the DR. B O O K E R SIN G S enced Thursday, in f ederal q _____ to the city dweller? H as any one Well, kid, somebody’s wear­ Palm had sood for. in the Christian J. Ingersoll, who is relief dining car noticed that wc are having hard eria. In all the m any conflicts the court, to serve 13 months at b e l l h o p ’ s p l a y t o b e s e e n Dr. Elbert E. Booker, sang a group waiter, helped to serve lunch at The ing your shoes. times? T h a t factories arc running ON T H E SCREEN Palm has stood iut for its purity. It McNeil’s Island for selling held at P ortland Tuesday. Boys who will never mar- ________ . of songs at , a club m eeting _ half time or with but half thr usual has been presented to w orriers and dope. ( the Portland H otel on 1 uesday even- 01 , . . . force of workers? W hen farmers j r y U n le ss t h e i r f u t u r e w iv e s Losangeles Cal Mar W.-(HCNB) ,ng H is wife accompanied him and _ ,Thep B ^ c,h tc k tr - whu° *° friends, all alike. And when Christ After two years of tireless effort to \, r , , *. , , I he P ortland from the Multnomah, have money to spend to buy goods f i n d t J , e right man: — Hoy rode in to Jerusalem , they spread Be sure to read T h e Advocate. convince the Pacific Coast theatrical Gwendolyn H ooker gave a read- ^ |o ^ yery ,ong sfcc ^ q( made in factories that are sold in the i i „ i . _ , »- • Palm leaves for him to walk upon. and movie producers that "A ppear- 1 ln8- ,. Holmes, uuy Jamison, hritz stores, the city people have work. --------- 0 --------- a very nervous d e p o s itio n . D own through the ages the P alm has H O W A S M A L L B O Y S A V E D ances" the dram atic offering of a W hen farmers have no money to Cumby. former San Francisco bellhop, was a Mr. Morton H. H ouston, who has T h e P ortland Grill looks very fine H IS H O M E stood for purity. dram a ^worthy of their attention. Gar- | been confined in the Portland Sani- since it was redecorated. T h e paint- spend, t h r whole nation goes broke A Few bums that have land Anderson, the colored author W h at did the M cN ary-H augen hill (} e e n d i s c o v e r e d * THE CHORUS now w orking on the main H ere are a few specific examples ; has arran ged to produce the play ■ ta u™' * ab c *® be out f e 11 *r * . arc > for the farmer»? T o quote: Con- • fl W e are all working hard for the that show the effect of safety teach- , himself, from capital raised through 1 -pending several days as the house dining room and will have it in apple cs« voted the necc«*ary f t c T , K Edward (l\v a gress necessary money, j * -VRn t * O Ortef, \ \ at* ...................... _ interested influential friends of both guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cannady be- pic shape in a few days. next concert at the A uditorium in ing. 250 million, with which to set up the s o ii, Richard Bogle, Earl A small colored boy was one of a races fore returning to his home in Boston. Clarence Ramsey, bellhop at The May. d o s s in Springfield, Massachusetts. A ccording to a personal statement H ad a very fine rehearsal W ed n es­ that worked out an elaborate project 1 from Mr. A nderson verified in part Friday, he was the dinner guest of P ortland who has been confined in machinery for scientific marketing of DllkeS. It WOUt be Waiting farm products and for control of ■ - Am ong other from Mr W ilkes' office, "Appear- Mr and Mrs. Akin. long. day night. Make it better next time. in fire prevention. 1 St. Vincent hospital for two weeks, surplus crops. T h a t was all it in­ things the class made a trip to a fire ances”, will be produced by T ho m as has returned home m uch improved tended to do—help the farmer* help T h e d irecto r is very much p le a s e | We would like to fill Gene station, and was taken to a fire q - j Wilkes, the noted W e st Coast pro- FO R SALE > L. A. Goodwin, pioneer hotel man themselves. with the interest manifested and the larm box and taugh t to ring an a- ducer, under the direction of Virginia ( arr’s shoes, but they cover April 18th is the tentative . c i., t/ Block wbc<" bas been serious ly ill for three willing cooperation and loyalty of the '.arm. In their classroom work in Brissac. In vetoing the law the president addition to the more usual activities date set for the prem ier in W ilke’s * e u m ly t U t BUiltUng yt too much territory. m em bers of the chorus. She is w o rk ­ they also built a fire station and an local B roadw ay theatre, the Majestic, j N orth of Mt. Olivet B aptist Church or four weeks, is slowly improving. said that it was unconstitutional Talk about the “African ing hard to bring out the Tine points alarm box. A fire, of unknown origin, broke Since when has it been fashionable A few m on th s later a T he cast has not yet been completed, on E a st 1st N. O w ner needs money, in o ur new selections. fire broke out in the kitchen of the but according to Mr. A nderson a tal- ! w . l i m a ke Bie Sacrifice and vive out in the linen room of T he P o r t ­ for the president to take unto him- [ Boy w l l O speaks S l i d ) d i f f i - His m o th er lost ented local N egro dram atic student land H otel early Monday morning. self the power« of the U S Supreme j cult language, you should N ext Sunday is E aster Sunday. small boy's home. her head and stood in the middle of has been approached for the lead | terms. Mr. T orson, B rw y 4751 — I t is th ought that if it had not been Court T h e choir will sing and the children the floor crying, but Nathaniel ran W ilkes has recently come into —7 C hamber of Com m erce Bldg. it 1. bad enough to have the hear Ear, Dukes and Clar- _ . for the quick and efficient w ork of court override the power« of Con- will render their program. Come and out and rang an alarm waited for prominence thru his successful pro- the fire engines to come and directed duction of risque dram atic successes In jfC T S O ll i n (li«lIo£U C . the fire departm ent the popular hos qrrs«—we now have an additional hear the little folks. them to his home. T h e next day such as "W hite Cargo." "O ne Man s ^ J « " « J3 0 “ * ’ C o " 1P ' W e l l , l e t ’s t l i r i l OUT tho’tS Serviceg will be in charge of the the father told the principal of the W o m a n .'a n d others th at have and troller OI the Pullman Por- telry would have gone up in flames. burden of autocracy to carry as the Sunday School and the B. Y. P. U. school th at the action of the boy was still are playing to capacity houses . J G -n i-fit A c c n e i a t i n n n f The dam age to the hotel has been president sets himself up as fjnal con- t o F .a s t c r a n f l m a k e j t a | , a n - ___________ ____ , , . 1 undoubtedly all that saved his home at the O range Grove and Majestic t t r s Denellt Association 01 placed at $2,000. I t ig also reported stitutional authority. from burnin, a home th at represent- T heatres. America, who is located in that a num ber of guests lost valuable "T he farmers asked the president OUC^ f o r t i l e k l d d l C S a n d M U N I C I P A L B A N D A ID S C O L ­ ed his entire savings. Mr. Anderson, a form er bellhop in . . . . . . . ------------------- the Braeburn Apts . S u tter Street. Chicago, S e n t i n lllS S U b S C r i p - jewelry and clothing during the ex ­ for bread and he gave them a stone” , j y o u r s i s SlITC t o b e h a p p y , O R E D C H O I R IN P R O G R A M is the way one farm paper put* it A m an OttCC S a i d : "I O F N E G R O M U S IC Subscribe for T he Advocate and ^ ^ T n o w n o v e r ^ n i g h T X n h i, V°n the Advocate, Thurs citement. T h e dam age to the hotel But what can be done about it? W e __ _ , , is fully covered by insurance. .... . , . , woman t eat an cgtr . a black , play ^ “Appearances”, w ritten during day, April 14th. Mr. BottS can see to it that a man be elected , . ,, whose title can be written in capitals UCn l a i d , a i j d i t S a f i n c h t h e (Continued from page one) '¡r^h,, ’or ,” 3 and his wife formerly resid- George Kenney, one of the —a faulty direction. man who is not owned by Mellon h e n w o u l d n ’t la y it if s h e regular waiters at The Port­ and W all Street. W e want a man h e a r d h i m A fter what m ight be termed as lav­ from here to Oakland and ind afterw ards produced and played ish publicity and much advertisement, i rr land is ill at home, 294 Fargo whose silence, when he is silent, does a r I in B roadw ay at the Frolic Theatre. not cover varinty W e want a man M o ra l: K n o w y O tir C ggS many attended the p ro g ram expecting later to Chicago. ‘ Vew Y ork City. Street. to h ear this group at their best. I t whose policje* will not be dictated j E a s t e r , a n d i f y o u haven't -o— — Coming to the Coast in 1926 A nd­ erson entered negotiations with va- is quite unfortunate that the choir by those who profit out of a huge a c o o p h e SUTe o f VOUT h e n Members of Rose City ; rious film companies regarding a protection tariff W e want a man i , „ e , . selected this particular time in which I screen production of “Appearanes” . Lodge, No. I ll, and Dahlia l , , b e f o r e v o t t s f r u t t v o u r e i r p 's whose foreign policy is not control- r- A C K ,! a ' to give their concert right upon the O w ing to the racial character of the ed by F.ngland. W e want an man I'.ASTER GREETINGS! heels of the splendid p ro g ram of play producers have been somewhat Temple, No. 202 will hold a reluctant to seriously consider the joint social meeting Wed., who has some respect for Congress— ' spirituals given in the Philharm onic —EVOKUS MANN dram a for the present, preferring to (By Pacific Coast News Bureau) even though that C ongress is not al- j A uditorium by the two Nero artists, evening, April 27th at the wait the outcome of public sentiment L os Angeles, April 14.— H erm an ways wise, we, the common voter, I J. R osamond Johnson and T ay lo r from releases of several productions Stag Auditorium. H. Jackson, colored youth who was have elected them to represent us. j with racial them es that are soon to Gordon, not mentioning the Roland at liberty on parole for a statutory Even the King of F.ngland does not ! ------------ 0 ------------- be offered the public. H ayes program of last Monday even­ F ever Local influence has undoubtedly the decisions of his Parliament, ing which always includes its share of Mrs. Addie Boyd, who has offense against a 14-year old white veto been favorably im pressed with the Grippe but in democratic America, the prcsi- { girl, was sentenced las t week to San N egro folklore. possibilities of such a racial produc­ been very ill at her home, 907 Quentin for from 2 to 100 years by (lent uses his little pen, and away tion thru the wonderful attendance T h e Municipal Band, under the able and public approval by the elite of East 11th Street, North in Superior Judge Brunell. goes democracy. W jll Coolidge be direction of M aestro Alfredo T om m a- Stop them quickly—all their dangers and H ollywood and Los Angeles biven reelected? Not if the farmers can M arried In T ia Juana Irvington, has greatly im­ sino, rendered several favorite selec­ discomforts. End the fever sod headache Force such recently staged offerings as prevent it. Jackson, who m arried the girl in the poisons out. Hills break colda in a* hour a. "W hite C argo”, "K o n g o ”, "D ream y proved to the delight of her tions including the wellknown Poet They tone the wholcayitem. The prompt, re« Kid", " E m p e ro r Jones" “ All God’s T ia Juana, Mexico, had previously and Peasent oveture T h e choir was liable reaulta have led milliona to employ them. Chillun Got W in g s”, "Uncle T o m ’s many friends and daughter, been granted ninety days But what chances have the farmers on the accompanied by the band in one selec­ Don't rely on leaser he!pa, don't delay. Cabin” and others of similar nature. Mrs. Arthur Nelson. or any of us for th at matter, for learn­ Sheriff's road camp with the under­ tion “C arry Me Back to Old Virginia" Be Sure Itk«AlI J 'e s Price JOc ing the truth? W as there ever in the ---------o--------- A large num ber of our subscribers standing th at he was not to see or which obviously had not been re­ history of this country such a sub­ came into the office last week and J. A. Thornton, who has write to the girl. A sserted viola­ hearsed with the band at all. paid their subscriptions to the Advo­ servient press— subservient to the Nathaniel D e tt’s Jub a Dance was cate. W c highly apreciate this and been ill and confined in a tion of this restriction led to him bc- money powers of the Nation. The I hope all others who are in arrears local hospital, returned to iog sent to San Quentin. played by the charm ing little pianist. Get Red Dai few independent papers that manage with portrait I will do likewise. Miss Bernice Stout. Mrs. M. L. - - — o ------------ to survive do not get into the hands his home this week. McGriff also rendered Coleridge of the mass of voters. W e are led T ay lo r's arran gem ent of "Sometime by the shihholish of loyalty to party Miss Myrtle Maxwell is FA S C IN A TIN G FORM AL I Feel Like « Motherless Child.” This instead of loyalty to truth. W c pre­ FROCK n u m b e ri although one of the distin­ here for an indefinite stay. fer catch w ords to facts—it is too guished com poser's best in his col­ A basque and full circular skirt She arrived Thursday with much trouble to dig up farts. And lection of "T w e n ty F o u r N eg ro Mel­ comprise this costume of stunning so wc go merrily on —led by the nose, her father who motored simplicity. Fashioned in taffeta and Obtained, Send model or sketch odies" w as hardly recognizable in by the newspapers of spccjal privi­ trimmed with embroidery, it is one and we will prom ptly semi you a down from Salem. som e phrases, particularly those with 1 of the smartest of new Paris inter­ lege. And now a new weapon of de­ report. O ur book on P a te n ts and DESTROYS Miss Maxwell will sfiend a decidedly m ark ed rhythm pretations of youthful chic. Colorful ception confronts us—the radio. The T rad e-m ark s will be sent to you flowers at shoulder and waistline add A poem, ‘T h e Grave D igger” re­ on request. law controlling the use of the radio her time here between her to its picturesqueness. Medium size cited by Mrs. E. W . Jack son was well gives the president absolute control host of friends. She is at pre­ requires yards 39-inch material. received also Mr. J a c k s o n 's rendition of the radio field of the whole coun­ Pictorial Review Printed Pattern sent at the home of Mr. and o f "O ld Black J o e ”. No d o u b t about try in time of emergency. No. 3714. Sizes, 12 to 20 years and lo an irrw j -------P A T E N T L A W Y E R S — — 34 to 38 bust. 45 cents. Transfer Mrs. Charles Jamison, 1190 the audience b ein g so m ew hat d isap­ Can you imagine a greater emerg- 305 Seventh St„ Washington, D. C- 13145, blue or yellow, 35 cents. po in ted in the fact th at Mr. Jack so n ancy than a presidential campaign? O ver 34 Y e a r»' E s p « r i» n c « Holgate Street. SPORTS LONGVIEW NEWS j HOTEL NEWS Daily Fashion Hint ? in 1Por,llnd>, Th«y went SENTENCED Colds Go Stop them today CASCARA FUT Flies, Mosquitoes Roache&Bedbugi VALET A u foS trop Razor UININE PATENTS D. SWIFT & CO.