Advertía* in THE ADVOCATE It Circulate* In All The Sute* And Foreign Countrie* THE. ADVOCATE D e v e la d » to VOL. XXIV No.—32. tie « I n t v re a te mf (h e P e o p le PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1927. In the tntareet of AH THE ADVOCATE la Publiahed Only $2.50 Per Year Subacribe For Iti PRICE 5 CENTS MOROCCANS BACKWARDS SAYS NOTED AUTHOR FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIPS ARE OFFERED FREE M S M M U H JPS J J J H NORTH AFRICA A iJajjpg ÌEaaùT HELPS RACE wm 9mm i NOTED VOICE MINER MAKES GREAT OFFER 1 C o n g ressm an M aurice E. C rum packer has opened offices in the Ycon Building w here he can m eet his con slitu e n ts and discuss the affairs of the T h ird C o ngressional D istrict w hich he represents. W H IT E P E O P L E P A Y T R IB U T E T O F O R M E R SL A V E R ich D eccn d an u O f F o rm er M aster Make L ong P ilgrim age H a rry F isher w as fined $100 “CHRIST T H E LORD IS RISEN TODAY, Longview^ W a sh in g to n M onday for assau ltin g a m an w ith a knife. T he SONS OF MEN AND ANGELS SAY, slashing of the coat sleeve o f his in SCHOLARSHIPS TO BE tended victim w as all the dam age RAISE YOUR JOYS AND TRIU M PH S HIGH; GIVEN FREE THRO’ d one by the assailant. SING YE HEAVENS AND EARTH REPLY.’ o— ■ THE ADVOCATE S tay off d ate of M ay 30th. P a rtic u ­ lars later. Mf. L ouis D ry »dale, d istinguished — — o --------- teacher of singing and voice produc- Mrs. M atilda Jo h n so n , m o th er of lion in true Ita lia n m eth o d (B el Mrs. It E. R andolph and Mr. P rince Easier is again upon us, reminding us that He is Risen. On (. a n to ) stu d io , G ro trian-S teinw eg Paries 1 » ill at the hom e of Mr and the morrow, the Glad Tidings will be proclaimed from churches H all, w igm ore »treet, W .. London, M rs R andolph at H64 E. 7th S t . N all over the Christian world. E ngland, it offering th ro u g h T h e A d­ M rs Jo h n so n is suffering ^ u m vocate, tw o tw o year»' free vocal so rt of nervous breakdow n Easter, with the Springtime causing the world to burst into scholarships fo r su p ran o and con. new bloom and beauty, is a day of hope and joy. His Holiness tra lto to talented A m erican» w ho can Mr. M orton H. H ou sto n w ho u n ­ came into the world at a time when it was in great need of spirit- qualify. The»e scholarships are ab- d erw en t an o p eratio n at th r P o rtlan d »olntely free Mr. D ry sd ale, w ho ¡1 S anitarium is g reatly im proved and nal renewal and when the radianf light and wonderful love which Mr. Ivan H aro ld B row ning'» »inging it is tho u g h t, by those in attendance, He brought was sorely n'ed'd. He gave His life that we might m a»ter, (M r. B row ning ¡» know n to th at he will be able to return to Bos- live and live more abundantly; He brought joy and happiness and m any in the »tale») »ays: “ O n be­ peace—a peace that passeth understanding. half of my race and in consequence ( Continued on paj^e four) nf an appeal m ade to me by several May w* catch the spirit of the blessed Easter-time and radi­ of my A m erican stu d en ts, I am o f­ fering to tw o ladies a F ree S ch o lar­ ate happiness and love and peace wherever we go. ship of tw o y ears' com plete vocal training. E ach stu d en t to receive And as the Blessed Master said unto His discipl's, may we tw o y ears’ co m plete train in g of voice say unto you, “Peacc be unto you.” And may this Eastertide be the production and tin g in g in the true most blessed and the happiest one you hav* ever experienced. Italian m ethod (B el C an to ) co m p ris­ 133 R ussell S treet ing several lessons each week , P o rtla n d , O reg o n R ep erto ire: E nglish. Italian , F rench A pril 5, 1927 and G erm an. D ear Mrs. C annady:- C onditions of the scholarship: I w ant to tell you how m uch I ap ­ 1. T hose selected m ust be prom ising p reciated the co n cert last evening. refined, of good stage appearance, T o tell you how m uch I enjoyed it ■s^~ m ai ■ - m usically intelligent and in o rd er that w ould be im possible, for w ords are they m ay receive the fullest benefits, nadequatc for that. t hope w ith the th at is, every o p p o rtu n ity to p ractise rest th a t Mr. Jo h n so n and Mr G o r­ and study, to g e th e r w ith the a d v a n t­ don will com e to P o rtlan d again and ages of hearing advanced stu d en ts (B y E dna R osalyn H eard ) give us som e m ore beautiful N egro W ash in g to n , A pril 14. —"G ran d ­ and the help Mrs. Dry »dale as ac­ S anta M onica, Calif. A pril 14— No mucic. father clauses," basing the right to com panist, they m ust be p rep ared to doubt the large crow d of concert pa­ I have clipped out from the T e le ­ vote on descen t from a v o te r, have live at the residence of I’rofeasor and tro n s rep resen tin g m em bers of both gram Mr H a te n 's review of the con­ existed only in N o rth C arolina, L ou­ M rs D rysdale for w hich a ch arg e of races w ere both pleased and perhaps cert I think it w as a w onderful isiana, G eorgia and O klahom a. In IS dollars per week will be m ade for Pasadena, Calif. A pril 14.— A ssur­ disappointed in the program given bv w rite-up. the first th ree states the clauses have full board-residence. , I w as thrilled by "Mr. G ordon's expired by self-lim itation. In O k la­ ing the Los A ngeles B ranch of the the C alvary B aptist C hoir in the M u­ 2. At com pletion of sch o larsh ip o r at singing and enjoyed Mr. Jo h n so n 's homa, the intention w as to m ake the N ational A ssociation fo r the A d­ nicipal A uditorium last T h u rsd ay any tim e as P ro f D rysdale thinks fit, solos im m ensely. I'm glad th a t a clause p erm an en t b u t this in ten tio r vancem ent of C olored P eople that evening. a jo in t recital will be a rra n g e d for T h is choir having made such a few of us C hinese people had a share was d efeated by the decision of the they had done m uch to m ake her both stu d en ts at a L ondon C oncert in applauding them both U nited S tates Suprem e C ourt in 1914, sh o rt stay pleasant and w ith a pro- splendid show ing under the direction H all. N eedless to say, I shall alw ays re­ d eclaring such a clause to be in con­ ! fusion of thanks fo r th eir th o u g h t­ of Mrs. G ertrude E dw ards at the J Each applican t m ust send full m em ber these tw o a rtists and will flict w ith the F ifteen th A m endm ent ful courtesies, Jane A ddam s, founder H ollyw ood Bowl last year, failed to length photo and state age. , b o o st them w hen I can. Y ou are of H ull H ouse, C hicago, left for display th eir usual ability in ren d er­ ■ ■ o T h e A dvocate w ill be pleased to to be co n g ratu lated fo r your effo rts e today. Miss A ddam s w as here ing the m uch discussed m usic of the give full p articu lars upon request. URBAN LEAGUE M EET hom A m erican N egro. T h e singers show ­ in b rin g in g them to P o rtlan d for a rest and only m ade tw o public T his offer should be a ttra c tiv e to ed both insufficient practice and I hope to see you again som etim e. appearences. m any w ho arc in terested in thi* line T h e N ational U rb an L eague held Sincerely yours, -----------o— —- its annual conference in St. Louis, of music. (Concluded on Page Four) L illian L ang T Y P I N G A m ong M r D ry »dale's pupil* w ho Mo., M arch 29 to A pril 2. T he sub­ o D one prom ptly an d neatly endorse this o ffer are F lorence M ills, ject of the conference w as: "R ead ­ C all W aln u t 3480 L ondon Pav illio n ; Ivan H aro ld ju stm en t of Social P ro g ra m s in the B row ning, A m erican E x p ress Co.. 6 light of R esearch .” D IE S IN S E A T T L E H ay m srk et, L ondon, E n g lan d and .T he su b jects of th e various discus­ John C Payne, 17 R egents P ark Rd . sions w ere: , L ottie Lewis, d au g h ter of the late N. W . L o ndon , E ngland, all of whom "Social service needs in the N o rth ” Mr. G eorge W . W eeks, died in S eat­ "E x p an sio n and efficiency" are from A m erica. tle T uesday follow ing a long illness. A ddress T h e A dvocate. 312 Mac- "In te r-ra c ia l w ork th ro u g h ‘O p p o r­ Mr. Lewis, husband of the deceased, leay B uilding. P o rtla n d , O regon tu n ity ’ m agazine" and m any o th e r in­ com m unicated by long distance w ith tere stin g subjects. Mrs. W eeks, 444 B enton S tre e t, re­ questing her to m ake funeral a rra n g e ­ IN H A N D S O F R E C E IV E R S m ents here, w hich M rg. W eeks kind­ New Y ork. A pril 14— T ak in g ex ­ ly consented to do. J. P. Finley & W ash in g to n , A pril 14.— ' M ost ed­ ception to rem arks of Mme. G enot, T h e P o rtla n d T eleg ram , one of the j Son will have charge of the funeral. ucation ignores the physical basis ol of Bari», who, it is said, vigorously leading dailies and one th at has spok­ L ast sad rites w ere tendered by the life,” says H en ry F o rd , the billionaire denied sta te m e n ts p f Mrs. Rosa en out fearlessly on all q uestions a f­ autom obile m a n u factu rer . w ho is a' Lew is, (w h ite) of L ondon, w ho re­ fecting the rig h ts of the people, has C atholic C hurch in S eattle on W ed ­ nesday. T h e body accom panied by keen and p ractical stu d en t of hum an cently extolled A m erican N egro d ish ­ been placed in the hands of a receiv- j , he husband and so„, T ed H aith, ar- affairs. "W e re a r increasingly large es as the best cooked food in the er. J E. W h eeler, o w n er of the pub- rjv e d jn the city T h u rsd ay m orning. generations In the expectation of hav­ w orld. W . O. T h o m p so n , of this city, lication, th ro u g h his a tto rn e y s Joseph F uneral services w ere conducted in ing o th ers earn th e ir living for them , says: "T o som e ex ten t, as far as my and H aney, has p etitioned the F ed er­ the afternoon. while they them selves keep book* on experience goes, the E nglish lady is al C ourt for perm ission to go into the exertions of the earn ers or w rite not so far at fault. W h en it com es to bankruptcy. H e a rin g on the petition volum es on aocial questions involved. plain cooking the N egro, at best, is has been set for M onday. W e teach them to in h ab it a paper unexcelled; th at is, cooking w ithout w o rld ; we teach them to assum e th at the frills, such as fow ls, lam b, beef, IN K is preferable to action. W e have pork, vegetables, m acaroni, biscuits, considered the B R A IN as the organ m uffins w affles, cake and pastries. T h ree m em bers of the school board Mrs. E. D. C annady spoke before to be trained, and we have neglected F o r th a t so rt of rep re to ry I can p ro ­ the w om en's M issionary society of of D istrict N o 1, have started peti­ the o th er and m o st im p o rta n t im ple­ duce several N egro men and w om en the U nity P resbyterian C hurch W ed ­ tions to the board at the election on m ent of the m ind, the H A N D . One w hom I w ouldn’t h esitate to place a- T h ey arc nesday afternoon a t th e hom e of June 7th, for reelection. tro u b le w ith the w orld ’» to o m uch longsidc of the best talen t of the H orace M ecklcm , Mrs. G. G. G lines b rain -w o rk , w ith o u t the n orm alising F ren ch cuisine Mme. G enot may se­ Mrs. V ickler, 753 E. 78th S treet, N. O nly one balance of hand-w ork.” , She discussed the p ro g ram of the and G eorge P. É ism an. lect. I p erfectly ag ree w ith Mrs. Lewis th a t good tasty m eats of any N ational A ssociation for A dvance­ new candidate, J. O. Bailey, prom i­ nent A ttorney, so far has filed. P e ti­ S A Y IN O S O F A B R A H A M so rt do n o t require a sauce o r gravy m ent of C olored People, of which L IN C O L N tions, how ever, will be received up exotic in flavor to m ake them p a la t­ she is N o rth w est O rg an iser. T he until tw elve days before the election "D ie w hen I m ay, I w ant it said able o r even a w o rk of art, th a t is, w om en num bering approxim ately fif­ — — — -«■*• — th a t I alw ays plucked a thistle, and to ta ste s no* req u irin g alcholic ap ­ ty, w ere greatly pleased wSth her planted a flow er, w here I th o u g h t a p etizers p receding a m eal o r along C H IC A G O A N V IS IT S W E S T m essage and invited her to return. flow er w ould grow ." " I t adds n o th in g to my satisfaction w ith it." A t the close of the m eeting, tea w as Mrs. G. H C hase, of 3710 Jiles Av­ to know th at a n o th e r m an has been served by the hostess. T h e p asto r d issapointed.” enue, Chicago, w as a pleasant visitor of the church, Rev. P o rte r, invited " I say tr y l If we never try we ne­ WYATT W. WILLIAMS in P o rtlan d S aturday, Sunday and M rs. C annady to a d d re s s the eleven ver succeed ed." \ Monday. She w as the house guest of o’clock service a t his church in the Mr. and Mrs. H . A. D uke. 159 E. 68‘V Attorney at Law G eorge G ray, ja n ito r a t the W e st­ n ear future. S treet w ho beautifully en tertain ed her ern U nion offices, w as found guilty With Julius Silvcstone, Sunday evening, M rs. C annady will while here. THE STORE FOR Mrs. Chase is a ch arm ­ in C ircuit C ou rt T u esd ay of a sta tu ­ speak to a group of H ig h School ing m atron and m ade m any friends EVERYBODY 523-524 Lumbermens Bldg. to ry offense involving his m in o r ste p ­ girls at W estm in ister P resb y terian on this trip w hich began on the 2nd dau g h ter. H e will be sentenced later. church in Irv in g to n ., O n W ed n es­ of M arch. .She visited C olorado Spgs.. Attorney and Counselor day, A pril 20th she will deliver a D enver, Salt L ake City, L os A ngeles, Mrs. L eg g ett, 193 Ivy S tre e t is con­ Phone*: Br. 0635-Wa. 3920 lecture on "N eg ro Life and H isto ry " San Francisco, P o rtlan d and Seattle. fined to her hom e w ith Influenza. T m s Q u a l it y I t o s i m , before the women of C entral P resby- 0» XSOT lamo O m < M O P Portland. Oregon J terian church. Subscribe for The Advocae P ay your su b scrip tio n now ! CHINESE APPRECIATE M U N M J N D AIDS negl W hands Portland’s Own Store ■ M onroe City, Mo., A pril 14-W hite persons paid a rem arkable tribute to "U ncle Jo e ” P eyton, fo rm er slave, when he was buried here som e of his "m aster’s folks" traveled hundreds of m iles to be p resen t a t the funeral. \ A s ide from loyalty to the fam ily that ow ned him in slavery days, the old N egro also w as noted fo r having served in the C onfederate arm y, fight­ ing against the F ederal forces in the Civil W a r that w ere try in g to free his race. A m ong those whe traveled here to a tten d “U ncle Jo e's” funeral w ere Mr. and M- ’ * »-»I’-vare and Miss Marv dents Nickeil, of St. Louis, d e f e n d a n t s of the old N egro's ante-bellum m aster. T hey w ere fo rm er residents of this tow n and, before m oving away, a r ­ ranged for "U ncle Jo e ” to be cared for in his declining years. D uring the Civil W a r “U ncle Jo e" altern ately served in C onfederate trenches o r in Southern m ilitary hos­ pitals. H e was proud of the fact he fought fo r the South, and w as a unique figure a t C onfederate reun­ ions. hohmuw SOME COM. BUD AUTOS AND BEGGARS ARE PLENTIFUL SAYS WRITER R o g ers W rites on N o rth A frican* N ew Y ork, A pril 14.—W ritin g in the M ay num ber of T h e M essenger Mr J. A. R ogers, noted N egro au th o r and jo u rn alist, says of the N o rth A f­ ricans, “T h e M oors are a m ixture of A frican, E uropean and W estern As­ iatic stock, w ith the N egro strain i t L ook a t any N egro com- particularly one in the N orth, w ith its sprinkling of fair and dark w hite p erso n s, and one has a p retty accu rate idea of a M oorish tow n as say, R abat, and the native q u arter of C asablanca. v “T h e B est th at can be said o f the average M oor as I have seen him here, “is th a t he is very backw ard. H e has a tendency to reduce his ex­ penditure of energy to a minim um, and large num bers of them may ba seen in the sm art F ren ch quarter, stretch ed out on the pavem ent of fine buildings, sound asleep, clad in indescribable rags. Such squalor such ragged, d irty clothing, such w retched beggars in sw arm s, such neglected children, I have never be­ J O E S H E F T E L ’S R E V U E A G A IN lieved existed before in such volum e." Mr. R ogers is to uring the countries IN U N IT E D S T A T E S lining the shores of the M editerran­ San Francisco, CaL A pril 14.—C om -| ean Sea and will he ab ro ad fo r some pleting 36 successful w eeks in A u­ time. W hen last heard from he w as stralia and a fo rtn ig h t stand in H o n ­ a t P alarm o, Sicily. H is first article olulu, Jo e S heftel’s R evue is again in is entitled “Im pressions O f M orocco". the U nited S tateg and busy playing All is n o t rags, d irt and squalor, how ­ ever. Mr. R ogers tells of M oors vaudeville. F o r tw o w eeks the Revue is play­ w ho own m agnificent hom es, are ing the Bay d istric t to be follow ed very w ealthy, are scrupulously clean w ith tw o w eeks in Southern Cali­ and dash about tow n in expensive fornia. T he Revue w ill then sta rt m otors. H e tells m uch of th eir w ork, th eir a r t and th eir custom s; all curi­ E ast. ous and in terestin g to black people T h e M essenger is a R E V . P E N N ’S C H U R C H B O M B E D in A m erica. N egro m agazine published in New Chicago, 111., A pril, 14.—A bom b Y ork City. w as hurled th rough the Fulton S t, M. E. C hurch of w hich Rev. I. G ar- •and Penn Jr. is p asto r last T uesday evening causing a dam age of m ore than $50,000. Rev. P en n w as one of the m ost loyal su p p o rte r^ of W illiam H ale T hom pson fo r M ayor, and his forceful and vicious criticism of the D em ocrats in his speeches for him O rcella R exford, w ellknow n color is regarded as the cause of the bom b­ ing. H e w as said to be the only psychologist, spoke to a capacity m in ister of the race su p p o rtin g Mr. house a t the M etaphysical L ibrary, 405 Y am hill Street, W ednesday even­ T hom pson on the W e st Side. ing. She explained the m eaning of P R E S ID E N T O F M U SIC F E D E R ­ the Bahai M ovem ent, laying em pha­ sis upon several of its g re a t princi­ A T IO N L A U D S JA ZZ ples- H e r talk w as illustrated by S anta R oga, Calif. A pril 14.— In stereoptican slides w hich she and her defense of jazz m usic, M rs. A bbie husband, D r. G regory m ade while in Jam ison of L os A ngeles, the H oly L and. T h e lecture was of the C alifornia F ederation of Music highly en tertain in g as well as instruc­ Clubs, speaking before the o rganiza­ tive. Mrs. R exford w as dressed in tion’s convention here last week said, P ersian raim ent, as w as Dr. G regory. “T h e tim e is n o t far distan t w hen T w o o f M rs . Fred O lsen’s pupils jazz will be on the sam e level a§ ing by ch anting selections from the classical m usic." H idden W ords. -------------0 ------------- N. A. A. C. P . E N D O R S E S P R O ­ P A N -A S IA T IC BROTHERHOOD T E S T A G A IN S T T R A IN IN G W IT H IN 50 Y E A R S SAYS C A M P S E G R E G A T IO N C H IN E S E E D U C A T O R HEADED EAST El 1ST SPEAKS New Y ork, A pril 14.—T he N ational A ssociation fo r the advancem ent of C olored People, has telegraphed P re s­ ident C oolidge, endorsipg the p ro test against segregation in the citizens’ m ilitary training cam ps made by G eorge W . H arris, E d ito r of the New Y ork News. T h e telegram sent by the N. A. A. C. P. to the P resid en t reads as follow s: "T h e N ational A ssociation fo r the A dvancem ent of C olored People en­ d orses the p ro test of G eorge W . H a r­ ris, E d ito r of the New Y ork News, against the b a rrin g from citizens' m ilitary training cam ps in the New Y ork area of M arsden V. B urnell who was advised by L ieutenant Colo­ nel H. W. F leet to seek training at A tlanta w ith the necessity of paying p art of his own tra n sp o rta tio n to that place. W e endorse Mr. H a rris’ p ro ­ test as p a rt of o u r tong cam paign a- gainst the federal governm ent dis­ crim inating in any way in the train ­ ing of the men upon w hom it may have to call for the national defense. T h e citizens' m ilitary train in g cam ps are advertised as dem ocratic training schools fo r citizenship. Is seg reg a­ tion to be a p a rt of th e curriculum ?” San F rancisco, Cal. A pril 14.—T he question of a future titanic struggle betw een the w hite and colored races depends entirely on how the w hites treat the O rientals, is the opinion voiced by Dr. H u Shih, distinguish­ ed C hinese educator, w ho arrived here recently enroute to S tandford U niversity w here he addregsed the student body. “I think India will throw off the yoke of oppression soon. I t cannot be half a century before the nations of A sia are in a broth erh o o d " said Dr. Shih, w4io is one of C hina’s m ost distinguished educators. “U pon the attitu d e of the w hite races tow ard us will depend w hether there ig to be the m ost titanic struggle the w orld has ever seen. All we ask is fair treatm en t.” Mrs. A. E. A lexander spent last week end in V em onia, O regon on business. M rs. A leander is agent for silk w earing apparel. K N O W Y O U R F U T U R E . Send a dim e and R irthdate. me try and locate your future m ate, will send nam e and address, del. Box 1595 Sta. C. L os A ngeles, Calif.