P A G E FO U R THE A D V O C A T E fact that the leader LONGVIEW NEWS by Mrs. Lynch Brown Last Sunday was Hallelu- Sunday School and Chris- jah Day. The Choir was in tian Endeavor as usual Sun- charge of the services. They day, with a splendid pro- seemed to be singing by in- gram Sunday evening, spiration. Every one was of The Arion Concert Com- had re- M O K E A B O U T “ A R K O W quested the girls to go out T IP S ” quietly at the close of Mrs. I -------- Moreland's reading. Sunday'(Continued from page one) at the closing session, Miss “ W ill the Christians o f the Geraldine Turner p l a y e d West permit a condition to beautifully, a violin solo, ac- continue under which their • »’ i • copanied by Miss Nellie A l­ h " . " , r ,m*,aP P '“r len and she also was com­ f f0r pro' pelled to respond to an en­ * * * * * core. Besides serving on the program. Mrs. Cannady was Saturday, March 19, 1927 watchmen in the whisky warehouses on the Atlantic Coast stand for hooze. Don’t • ' i 'V ” , tl,dd°l -vour Pob* t,C-s, w *' a . sl,P,H>8c ,e said that McAdoo was the only dry in the democrat .... ; ¡" 1 •" party and he lie couldn couldn't t be he e- hctcU. didn't he?" SI,, said "Why, how did you guess i t 5" I said "Because The H olly Spirit was sure- pany is booked to sing in va- !misa , maxweu the natives?" It would seem 1 politician into his nitn ami ly with ReV. Dyer Sunday, rious places in the near tu- h ^ the C h in w ^ v e o ii to jai. ‘ ' and you should have been at lure. 1 he Arion Concert Co., onr " M o n - - A -' both services. \ our soul is under the direction of Mrs. ‘ , ,• ' * ..... America has adapt- U. S. & B K IT IA N B O T H would have been blessed. Robert Johnson. uiuied two years are eligible Vd the English method of F IG H T S M O K E E V IL In the morning he preach- A party from Portland. ° r ° lce' ed form Matthew. 28:16-20. composed of Nadine Shelby, He took the 19th verse for Miss Beulah Street, who is his text: “ Go ye therefore visiting in Portland. Mr. and teach all nations, baptis- Evan Porter and Mr. W illie ing the in the name of the Battles, motored to Long- p , .i i i i .• tnerican Stars and Stripes— tbc ofiorts ’’Dug »»»d o thru- Father and of the Son and of View Sunday afternoon. And , , l n it n S " — what ,1s, call she do. I»,tt ™ , . l . t - S . . i , „ ,o mil- the H olly Ghost.” while in the city, were the ( c ° l ° r « l ) will, no doubt put pro„ s, by forCl, a(.ai|,sl hav. .gate t l „ poll,lion of l l „ at- on a miniature Girls Confer- ing a civilization foisted on ,nospbere by smoke and soot Subject: The universal guests of Mr. and Mrs. lence in the near future at one spread of the Gospel of Jesus Lynch Brown. her thro exploitation, rob- a.r 0 close! cl°seu v para leiefl in ¡of the churches and at that Christ. The sermon waswell Miss. Mamie Logan was,.- . .. bery and humiliation such as <,r~ at l*r*Don. received, And it was very in Longview a few days vis- i. ."’ ’ f A ! ' 1 . 10 Pu lc an ‘ ‘In­ we and our allies have been bi‘ soot f,ab bi London, portumty to see just what guilty of doing? according to Sunlight, the appropriate for the mixed iting her cousin, Mrs. John the conference did. ♦ official organ of the Sunlight congregation who listened B. Lucas, on Nichols Blvd. The Conference was under Ihe missionary from la- leagu e of Great Britian, is with devout attention, while Miss Logan is a Beauty Cul- the auspices of the Oregon he explained what Christ turist and has been in Seat- pan savs that the exclusion being materially decreased Council of Religious Educa­ meant when He said. Go and tie for the past year. She act passed bv the Unijed |l,v ,,u‘ substitution of gas for tion and Mrs. Jean M. John­ States Congress in 1923 has ! •'"»oke-producing fuels; the preach to A L L Nations. was the guest of Mrs. Lynch son was in direct charge. The B. Y. P. U. was well Rrown on several highway wounded the heart of Japan. decr?asc being direct pro­ Great credit is due Mrs. attended and had a wonder- trips. She left Tuesday for o f course we know now that Ju*r,,on to ‘ be grow ing mini- Johnson for her untiring ef­ ful subject: “ Taking the Chicago to reside. native sons and daughters of bcr °* Fas installations, forts toward making this curse out of money.” The , Street. London s The Longview Branch o f ,‘ V*1 “ ä T T . A " " the Coast States just forced . text was Luke 16:1-13. Read the National Association for !1C, bl^ st and best, that exclusion act through ,amous "Street of Doctors,” : Ciiris conference ever held in the text and see what vou the Advancement of Colored Congress bv plain, unadult- shows ‘ be largest consump- the state. So pleased were d falsehoods. (1 should tio? of Per acre of any HENR:Y A U j EN BOYD c >f N a s i i v ille AKS k )I I j n J l u 9r SHELOH BAPTIST CHURCH Monday Night, March 28,1927 A L L INVITED ed over their visit to the po- lice station, Sunday under the supervision of Nit. Olivet who has invited all the other Sunday schools to join. A t the evening service last Sunday, Rev. Dyer selected one of his favorite subjects, “ Religious Capacity of man” quilting and the Jrs. are cro- cheting. And thev all are re- hearsing^for Easter. Brotherhood Meeting every Monday at 8 p. m., and all men are in- vited to attend. The Chorus is planning another concert at the Audi- torium in April. W e have over thirty members now. Our director wants fifty. I f you sing and want to make Portland a better place to live m, come and join. You are welcome. S H IL O H B A P T IS T CHURCH NEW S Sunday School will open - o’clock. - ■ - The - at - 10 subject o f the lesson Is C h r i S Duty, Act. 8:4-8 and 2nd Cor. 5:14-20. There will be preaching at 8 o’clock in thc evening. Thc pastor’s subject w i l l be •‘ VVhiel, way are you Sail- mg. The B. Y. P. U. will begin at 7 p. m. The subject, A missionary message, from Psalms, 47:67-100. Next Sunday, March 20th there will be a baptizing. The candidates are Mrs. EI- VUVII and att%M JwaouilI nora aia„ Mitchell Rosadel! Smfthr* The servicerw iirb c held at Grace Baptist church - - .................. East 76th and Ash at 2 * p. m. Com e! You are welcome. — --O------ Subscribe for tbe Advocate id from has Mrs been improv her m a„; the Coal Smoke Abatement roa(h What can the colored ( retary to Roland Hayes, un- Mrs. Lynch Brown was in ' ontL-rence was beautiful. trooP8 Every one was made to feel na• ‘dosed door on Japan; S ociety;th c New Health So- nian do to help himself? | den went an operation, in a Portland Tuesday and \Yed- nesdav, while in the city was that she was an essential trooPs and * u."boats ,n Nu> ciety; the General Nursing I "1 scc you pray, hut I d o , local hospital, Thursday, for k of appell­ ili force Mr. in in the city f s. um. Mr. Henry W illiam s spent Saturday and Sunday in \ ernonia, Ore., visiting his sister Mrs. M aggie Jefferson Mr. W m . Harris returned to Longview from Portland seriously ill. He had been to visit friends in Portland. Mr. Harris recently under ------------ *-----------1 went a major operation In a Longview hospital -------- 0---- MORE AB O U T O LD ER G IR L S C O N F E R E N SICE CE -------- (Continued from page t o ne) J of piano numbers on Friday evening’s program and was enthusiastically received, she had bad to to resnond respond to to vnrnrp encore. M i» H o o k i r R e l i e d ^ lj,ail'l“ « was so large that it had to be divided into tw0 sc:ctl'jns jn « « » » with glory; Mrs. ^ DIFFERENT TO W H IT F S A Y S PROF. H O E R n I I ---------------- (Continued from page one) uals have s u c c e s s f u l l y sought and achieved higher education and a professional training in Europe and A - merica There are, e. g., some -- - • men • in the five or six medical South African Union who :n /African are of pure Bantu descent; * h o have acquired their pro- jfessional qualifications ' a t rr j . , , ' * ,, . Edinburgh and other good medical schools; who count l,nth Fnrnn^nc onH both Europeans and Natives f j o n g their patients; and J^ose professional conduct 4'as never been impugned ìpugned by ^ e r a l Medical Council.” ' Reciting the the handicaps handicaps mt- im- Reciting Posed by Europeans upon the natives and the obstacles leaving one behind in or- ¿ « t o conform to another, ^y■ e liv e .d the night’s session and was"we'fl received. She was immedi- ately requested to speak for several different organiza- tions and colleges in as many different towns. These re- quests Mrs. Cannady plans fill in the ____ near ______ future; f to mi ,¥ rs; i i orela" d ^ ad B L A C K M A N ’S M I N D NO Kip- s Boots and was com- Polled to respond with an- - . other reaoing. The applause was deafening at the close of her reading in spite of thc by smoke and soot in Ameri- some friends who are not a- can ci‘ ics has been estimated ira'd to sit at the table with i. & y“ r * ° ’’ i bav, done and even „ nd i. natrintism tbe United States Bureau of * have done so and even f .._r dnrt aim Mines. jdrank bootleg liquor with *.i t f lintji Dr. James E. Ives, of the you, and in what better way " „ • r t r • . U. S. Public Health Service, can friendship be manifest- (j0 * • . . estimates that New York ed ?" j . ' “ Y r u ’rc a ^ 'W '8 sm°ke pall is depriv- A demonstration followed JJnn t tbe city of twenty to fif- the meeting and Darrow left f,tm°crat aren.t you. 1 hat ty per cent of its sunlight. by a rear door. Ti­ , dernocrat» quoth I. She n The * "V National Conference ni a re- L O C A L N E W S B R IE F S ,„ :d f J ¡nfr tn t Board on Sanitation cent statement on smoke 1 jor X| Smith of N ew York ' ...................... Z " L m " ' , " “ t "fa” . f conditions in New York said, '/Continued from PaKe One) for presmentr 1 saifl, 1 am ,,i. „ , „■ . , 948 I ihhetts St., is home not H e‘S all wet.” She said n ,sP,tab” ^hools, homes f C alifornia to see his , i „ an^ work-places are being . „ . . . , X ? cr. «cmocrat. d(*l1 itred with smnk,- W "lother. Robert IS somewhat j ^ id H v h a F s A 1 ^ 3 got dcluffcd with «moke. Wc this week but to do with my poHtica, pKhi. Jnow that >t » necessary t o , h J to bc out SOOI1 Hc prc_ ]OSophy?” She said, “ Y ou ’re PurJ* ^estn am because . mother with a no V, \ L ------, :/ . . . . . of the relation between pol- M \ ...... lha, 1 ^ 7 ^ . h erein O r"- upon his , shollM prcsume l0 It is also necessary for Mrs. Leon Gregory is re- rcKU, ' t(. wha, f i ew York ,K? of ,v,/."a Iported not to be doing so peop|c havc on ,hcir tables.” f ' h' , c0.™m“ " " / ,ha well this week. She is «t her , sai,| ..|s that so llow ,|„ * « r‘ > » of the snn hc no ,)37 R, „ ln Avenue. v0„ fi ¡, Sht , aid ,'V ‘ “//, ' e l f cater p a rt, 10 ______ / T m « i tr, ***** ~ th» rh x n tro - m. at t i v * progtess at the pres- ’t h S ? k J W U l f L . AveSue. ent day w ith eyes not utter ing democrats don’t go to ¡ ha, |ics o v c r ' most o f ,,le -------- 0 — — ft *y unsympathetic will mar- Mrs. George Mullen, who n „ •>uppcrt _ , h ,C, Sa,<1’ five borough, of New York. ^el. rather that it should be i.w W ell this one strayed by ac- 0 I has been visiting in several K °'nf? on such a rate.” cident, and hc said' that if I M O R E A B O U T D A R R O W California cities, has return- Tbe essential difference wouldn’t vote for AI Smith | -------------- - led home and reports a joy- between white and black at and the repeal of thc prohi- (Continued from V»age onc( ous sojourn. present, Professor Hoernle bition amendment, I was no tdoor, refusing to let you en - 1 ------ y ------ believes to be due to differ __ ____ , UU(,v . * _______________________ _ ______ _ _ and _____ democrat— now I ask you, ter the best hotels to __ use Mr. S. Montgomery, one ‘ n socia ra itions and not ‘’Pe or degree of in- stand for booze?” I said “ no, rear of the street car. legislature, was a pleasant (