Saturday, February 5, 1927 THE ADVOCATE PAGE TWO Jefferson evenue, he noticed spiritual and material ad- basis of every-day, practi- a truck turning into the alley vancement of the state. And cal application in ordinary Published every Saturday at |because he has a large pro- human life, 8uite 312 313 Macleay Pudding. at high speed. The most fascinating book In the path of this modern portion of beggars in his H i Broadway 5807. juggernaut was a news lad j ranks he is branded as in- you ever read.” different side of this shield, both are right aud both are B R O T H E R OF M INE E. n. C A N N A D Y ............... Editor -------- who did not see the approa­ ' ferior. and sitting there conversed wrong, accordingly as they MRS. E. D. CA N N A D Y. Manager White philanthropists are T H E R A D IO PROGRAM ching danger. The driver (Preston News Service) in the most friendly way. view the object or uuder- --------- was too close to apply his .not contributing with the If you must bear a heavy A D V O C A T E AGENTS 1 .ooking up, one traveler stand the principle. In a brakes. same freedom to colored in- The program rendered on cross, remarked. “ That is a beauti- large number of these cases, E. Richardson, Broadway & Nick visualized a mangled stitutions as they did in for- Sunday evening by the Mt. If you must suffer pain, and ful gold shield” . The other if these contenders could be Everett Sts. boy on the brick pavement. n ei years. That is a step in Olivet Baptist church pastor loss, disputed courteously, “ No, it persuaded to consider from Holliady & Holliday, 125 N. What did be do? Yell to the the rjght direction, but it and chorus, was indeed an Or penalty condign, is not a gold shield; it is a the other s point of view, se- Sixth Street. driver or scream to the bov* will work a tremendous excellent interpretation o f If Destiny deals with you so, silver shield” , contended the rious trouble could he avoid* hardship unless they give to Negro Folk Songs. The pro- ’Tis by these very signs I first spokesman, and the hot ed and there would he main- Elks Sanitary Barbershop. No! He promptly pushed the ,iair chance to make of him- gram was greeted hv a large 90 N. Sixth Street. know rejoinder was. ” 1 know bet- Gained a spirit of amity rath- A. H. Morrow, Compositor boy to safety and allowed I self all that he can; to reach and enthusiastic visible audi- You are brother of mine! ter: I am looking at it, and I er than discord, tell you, it is a silver shield.” These divergent v i e w s Vernon Baker Agent.______ the approaching wheels to the highest point which his etice and a still larger invis- crush his own body as a sac­ capacities c a n carry him ible audience. Even before If you suffer sore defeat, As these men disputed may he the result of heredi* SUBSCRIPTION RATES rifice that the child might without hampering him be- the program was well under From vantage-ground forc­ their anger waxed hot; vile tary, pre-natal or environ- Per Y e a r _______________ $2 SO continue to live aud play and cause he is colored. If under way, telephone messages of ed to retreat, epithets were hurled at each mental influences, am! in Six M o n t h * ____ ___________________ 1 SO Three M on th *______ ____ 1 00 enjoy life. ¡these conditions lie fails to congratulations were pour- If sometimes you incline other; then both arising they such cases arc fundamental, Payable in advance When at the hospital his peiform tasks well; if he is ing into the K G W radio sta- B e c a u s e of persecutions drew their swords and thrust I hey may grow out of dcfec- Entered at the Po*toffice at Portland. life was spared long enough | unable to keep pace with civ- tion from which the program Oregon, as second-class matter. strong, each other through; intuit- tive mentality, lack of ethical to make peace with his wife, ilization then brand him as w a s broadcasted through T o cease your fight against ively, each looked up to see training or mistaken ndlicr- IM P O R T A N T ! the wrong, All communications for publica­ he said, “ now I can meet my inferior. But it is grossly tin- special machinery installed if there might he a mistake, encc to degrading principles, fair to condemn an entire jn the church, tion or otherwise should be ad­ 'God. Good bve.” You are brother of mine! T o their surprise and to all of which are vital and dc- dressed to The Advocate Publish Poor Nick has written his race of people who arc de- The interpretation and ex- their inexpressible reg ret mand consideration, ing Company, Suite 312-313 Mac- name high on the scroll of med the opportunity to work ' p,anation of the tongs by If sometimes you have err­ they discovered that both Because of refusal of indi- leay Building. Portland. Oregon. great men. ing been, Rev. E. C. Dyer, pastor, pre- were right and both were viduals, races and nations to Advertising rates made known — Rvan’s Weeklv, Tacoma. AN A N SW E R FOR pared the wav for a special I*1 weakness yielded unto sin wrong, for the shield was study disputed points from on application. E V E R Y P R A Y E R ’ appreciation of the songs as I And then, by help divine gold on one side and silver various angles, great wars “ Don't ask for rights. Take them. L E T T H E C O LO R E D interpreted by the chorus of ^ ou have triumphed o o r on the other. Under these have been fought and mil- An don't let anny wan give them to Is a remarkable hook by a 30 voices under the direction your enemy circumstances it was a gold lions in men and treasure MAN W O R K jre. A right that is handed to ye fr Southern Negro, John An­ of Lola S. McCanns. naw thin' has somethin' the matter with And won a glorious victory. shield accordingly as it was lost. In this country igno- it.” — Mr. Dooley. drew Patterson, published by viewed from one side or a ranee and stubborncss arc re- Great credit is due to her You are brother of mine! The following editorial Elizabeth Towne Co., Inc., untiring efforts which made "They have rights who dare main- silver shield if viewed from sponsible for much of the tain them."— James Russell Lowell. from the Philadelphia Tri­ Holyoke, Mass, and the L. the singing such a decided Whoever you may he, or ,|u. ot|,cr The travelers beg- racial friction and its conse- bune tells the plain truth a- N. Fowler Company. Lud- success. It is here also appro­ where, ged forgiveness, s h o o k quent disturbances. For this bout the reasons why our gate Circus, London. E. C., priate to compliment the per­ W ho must life’s heavy bur­ SO U TH ERN P R IN C IP L E reason all should commend hands and died. group is in a state of depend­ England. dens bear. A M YTH sonnel of the chorus. For and encourage the work of Had these hot tempered ence: The Publisher’s Review is without their coopertion the Rejoice you or repine, various commissions on race “ The Negro has received as follows: “ This new and program could n o t have Whatever he your native travelers been a little delib­ relations and strive for a bet­ erate and had each made ef­ The United States Senate too much charity and has startling book, which has land. fort to see from the other’s ter understanding. by a vote of 48 to 33, refused been given too little oppor­ flashed like a glowing me­ been so successful. All pull­ Extend I sympathetic hand, ing together is what spelled This story with its applica­ a seat to Col. Frank L. Smith tunity to work. Those most teor before the world of mo­ point of view, they would success. Dr Dyer has receiv - 1 For you’re brother of mine! tion is commended to all in- of Illinois to fill the unex­ sympathetic with the strug­ dern thought, will prove a not have ended their lives as ed numerous letters from pired term of the late Sena­ gles of the Negro have con- revelation to you in practi­ T W O PO IN TS OF V IE W they did; but failure in this dividual«; to racial group as high and low. white and respect ended in an awful well'as national and intcr- tor McKinley. The Senate tributed generously, almost cal prayer. black complimenting him up­ Inational groups; to all ranks It is related that two tra- tragedy voted not to even let him too generouslv, to the sup- It is a book that will thrill on the program. Some who Often we find two indivi- and classes, and it is hoped velers, both soldiers, met on take his seat preliminary to port of his charitable institu- skeptic and scoffer, agnostic were not near enough with duals striving with a n d a - that those who read it will his right being decided after- tions but have refused to and Christian alike, by its their radios to reach the col- a highway, at a place where gainst each other, each con-¡resolve to be more tolerant stood a post to which was wards. In other words, the give him a chance to earn a simple truth, clear logic, lection box whn it was pas- Senate very radically took decent living. L'nknowinglv compelling facts and fascin- se(i round, sent their contri- attached w h a t might be tending for the correctness j in consideration of ^he views the stand of being the judge these friends of the Negro termed a “ guide-board” , or of his theory, the justice of ¡of others and shall strive for ting personal incidents. hution through the mqils. a highway marker, in the his cause, the logic of his | a b e t t e r understanding of the qualifications of its have placed the Negro in the Sincerity and understand- \n Advocate members regardless of the position of a beggar. They ing vibrate from every word, wh o ' heard the endre°pro- S,’ apC ° f 3 S,Ucl