THE ADVOCATE PAGE FOUR that the war department is I am also unkind. MORE ABOUT The program Sunday nite ***** responsible for the campaign KITS REID was well rendered under the it of defamation of character direction of Mrs. Robert Believe me, its going to (Continued from page one) take some nerve to live up to and attempts to repress free Johnson with a chorus of 2t) voices. Mr. Sam Scott Ted Mullen Spends Holi­ Tom Harris as "Struttin’ wine with au outcast. And alt the foregoing. And 1 am speech for peace in which its days Here. Mr. led Mullen Sam” and Frieta Shaw as the thrid time he was having quite sure that I ought to subordinates are engaged?" (By Mrs. Lynch Brown) sang a baritone solo. ***** son of Mr. and Mrs. George a fist fight with a promoter have a halo it I do succeed. Good for the Reverend Mr. "God bless you”, Happy kukula of Samoa, inside a church.” From Kah- And when we wear halos, Sayre, who by the way, is an New Year! That expresses Mi*, and Mrs. W. M.| Fon- Mullen, came home from Se­ Princess shined briiliantly in the ar­ Episcopalian minister. Bish­ lil Gibran. **** we usually adopt a halo op Sumner—what do you it in simple words and true. tino were guests of Mr. and attle to spend Christmas tists’ roles of Arthur I lock - with his parents. His guests attitude and if there is one think of it? Rev. A. A. Mor­ Its what the heart of me Mrs. Lynch Brown Wednes­ wald's fast moving musical who came down with him May the Christmas sea­ thing in this world that I rison—do you agree with Dr. would say if l could speak to day night at dinner. "Struttin’ Sam you. May every day be hap­ Mr. and Mrs. Lynch were the Misses June t ray extravangza, son bring to you a broader abominate more than any­ Sayre? From Alabam”, playing this The article in ques­ and Hannah Green; Monroe Brown were dinner guests conception of your obliga­ thing else it is that ‘I am ho­ tion is on page 3 in the Ore­ py dys—until your journeys at the lleilig theatre. On the Blackwell and Alfred Purn­ of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fon- lier than thou” attitude. 1 end. is just the simple wish tion toward those not bless­ opening night which was of December 28th. A- of one who’s glad to greet tino Monday night. A beau­ ell. Aftter having “the time ran into it today at the gonian ed as you are blessed. Thursday they placed to your replies, and old friends. tiful!) appointed dinner was of their young livs", they re­ full house in which a large a The above is the text on a State Teachers’ meeting. waiting ***** wishing for one and all. a Seattle Sunday. number of colored people served. The color scheme in turned to ------ Christmas card received by One woman dared to get up Happy New Year, I am o------ a friend of mine—and is it and criticize certain of the Yours in deepest sympa­ Christmas was celebrated decortions were red ami noted drawn there ¡herewith Christmas trees green. not a sermon? And does not ‘formulae of the prevailing thy. Mrs. Leon Gregory spent were mainl) to see and hear the ***** and concert at the Commu- the personal greeting sound system of “standardizing” Christmas at her home, 937 iprima donna, Frieta Shaw KITS RFID. The reporter was the re­ !nitv church. The tree was a responsive not that sets and the way some of those Rodney Avenue. She return­ who is a Portland cipient of many useful Xmas teachers squelched her for one’s conscience with all kinds of gifts ed to St. Vincent hospital on There were many girl. prettv **** a-tingling? her presumption. The poor ADVOCATE PRAISED j laden for every one present. Santa presents. So it pays to be Sunday. "high brown” steppers and To remember our obliga­ thing shriveled right up and Continued from page one ..Claus was generous from real good just before Xmas. as “Struttin’ Sam" observed tions to friend and foe alike, squeezed out thro a crack in involved, that this gre&t pap­ the many packages every Happy New Year, every­ Miss Golden Baker was "heaven must have declared body ! is a challenge that cannot be the door. She had not read er will continue to stand firm lone received. ***** hostess at a delightful Birth­ a rccscss.” easily evaded and yet how my New Year's resolution. the cause of the race as day dinner party Sunday at Frieta Shaw wore several The children’s concert was ^ easily we disregard it. How If she had, she would have it in has always don in the past. the home of her parents, Mr. gorgeous gowns and sang prone we are to believe the charity for their blindness 1 wish success and happiness a splendid success. notes and Mrs. H. C. Baker. 989 E. beautifully. Her voice ap- ***** the evil we hear about our and she would know that to the Advocate staff and to 20th were laid for peard to better advantage friends and how jealous we mere teachers must uphold the great paper they repres­ Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gildon Guy Jamison, the eely bell eight. St. A Covers delicious course din­ ¡than in previous years. are of their successes and the prevailing system, espe­ ent. entertained at Christmas hop at The Portland, spent ner was served ami the de­ Miss Shaw was presented dinner in honor of Mr. and this week in Seattle in quest lightful guests enjoyed honors. With our lips we cially if voiced by one of the J. A. G. Washington. the a bouquet by the < )rgon Fed­ praise while in our hearts supervisors or she will lose ’Mrs. Cartwright of Port­ of a wife. ***** affair immensely. eration of Colored Women’s we hold envy and malice. her job. "All ye who enter SPORTS EDITOR IS land. Oregon. The table was Christmas colors in deco­ ('luhs and from St. Philips Richard Bogle a student Are we really followers of here leave hope behind” is HAPPY IN SEATTLE beautifully decorated with rations prevailed. Choir, at the close of her spe­ at O. A. C., Corvallis, Ore., the Christ when we do these not entirely effaced from Seattle, Wash. Dec. 29— Yultide colors, with a bril­ cial singing number. spent the week hopping bells our school house portals. liant Christmas Tree back­ things even tho we are not To the Editor: TO MY FRIENDS There will he a matinee at The Portland. But each year, the words ground. Her guests included found out ? Are we not a- Hello everybody. I am so ***** Saturday (today) afternoon Just a reminder: mong those whom He scour­ grow dimmer, and perhaps happy I hardly have time to Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright. May you find much happi­ at 2:15 and the closing per­ ged in the market place? bv the time the present gen­ write. We beat Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Lynch Brown, “Doc” Howe, former wai- ness in the opportunities formance at 8:15. And how weary a place it eration’s grandchildren trip the girls are going wild a- Miss Essie Robinson. Mr. 'ter at The Portland is in including war tax makes the world of ours. It’s through the doorways, a bout us. They are giving Neville, and Mr. Howard. A Sown in the role of advance for service that may come for Prices evening and matinee. to you during the New \ ear so full of beauty, so joyous system may have been evol­ parties every night. I got sightseeing trip over the ci­ agent for “Strutt in Sam Dr and Mrs. Dyer, mem­ Floor, $1.65; Balcony, $1.65, From Alabam" theatric! Co. in its promises of happiness ved that is for the child. But cut on the cheek and a pret­ ty was enjoyed bv the gusts. *****' $1.10, 75 cents. bers of the church, the Ad­ 'However, he has about de­ if we will but acknowledge as long as Big Business con­ ty little { irl took me to her and all other friends. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST the loving Spirit —if we trols our schools, just so home and gave me first aid. Mr. Monroe Wilson was cided to remain in Portland vocate — Edgar Williams. would but realize that “as long will we have standard­ We leave for Tacoma to­ in the city a few days ago as his contract expires next CHURCH you rise and are true, you ized systems and „standard-1 day and will return to Port­ from Pullman. Washington. week in Seattle. ***** THEY HOLD OPEN lift the whole world with ized" children. And our tea­ land Friday. Mr. Wilson is a student at (By Edgar Williams) HOUSE ON XMAS. Judge A. C. Hough of you, far as you tread the chers dare not be individu­ Pullman college and is VERN ***** path, it becomes plainer to al or depart from the estab­ spending the holidays with Grants Pass, Oregon is a Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hand- The services both morn­ Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Smith his mother in Seattle. While guest at The ***** Portland. lished methods. your fellowman.” ing and evening had the saker held open house Xmas. ***** •*** entertained Wednesday at a in the city. He was the guest C hristmas spirit Everybody Day and night. Many guests And so. as we face anoth­ As it is not yet “New dinner party honoring Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole­ Among the waiters most called, representing sevral was happy and wanted to emphatic in their New Year H. C. Williams and son, of er year of living, can we not Year’s Day as 1 write my man. v & nationalities. In the evening make others happy. A fine ***** resolutions, is Charles Redd story telling occupied agree upon at least one good column, my resolutions are Seattle. ¡frame <>f mind to he in! Mr. and Mrs. Lynch who says he is going to close place and was ended by a big resolution and this is mine:- not yet effective so that I Dyer’s sermon sure the ‘‘That I will rejoice in the can tell you how I have House for sale Alameda Brown were guests at the up like a clam. The old wait­ hotess who told a beautiful I did Dr. hit some us a knock- blesings I have—that I will chortled with glee over the district. 938 - 33rd St. N. J. Monticello Hotel’s anmfa'l ers are resolving to “stick to Christmas story. I hc Misses i out blow. He of precalled share them whenever I may action of John Nevin Sayre, Mvers. Phone Trinitv 1748. Christmas Tree Dec. 24th. the old ship” while the new ¡Turner accomplished daugh­ the Book of 1st Peter, from waiters are saying. “I’ll do ters of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry chapter, 1 *>th verses. 5tb —that I will not allow mv brother-in-law of daughter my darndest to hold on”. Turner furnished music on , His text was, The Practi­ mind to be cluttered up with of Woodrow Wilson. He envy—that I will bear the had the nerve to complain to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mulen the violin and piano. Christ­ cal Application of Christian snubs and sneers with great­ Secretary of War Wilson a- of 318 E. 41st St., entertain­ mas carols were sung by all ity the Success of the church. er patience—that I will do bout the efforts of army offi­ ed with an elaborate Christ­ the guests. Refreshments Nobody was omiitted. The my best to remember that cers to prevent his speeches mas dinner on Christmas were dispensed. truth is what hurts so; mak­ every human being is a child opposing compulsory milit­ ------ o--- — day. Covers were placed for es it hurt to the bone. After of God and as well as I can. ary training in public (). S. Thomas who has twelve guests. The house evrv storm ***** comes the calm, treat him as such.” schools and colleges. He al­ been a patienrhi a local hos­ was very artistically decor­ •*** so objects to their calling ated with Christmas bells, pital has recovered and is at The evening service was Knowing myself as well him an open communist. I holly and other seasonal col­ home 329 Sail Rafael St. well taken and very passion­ as I do, I think that’s a rath­ should like to ask any army ors. A large beautifully de­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rand­ ately preached by Rev. Dy­ er large bargain to make officer at the Vancouver corated Christmas tree en­ all, er. Being the last Sunday in with myself, when I am ra­ post, to tell us right out in I Union Avc. N., en­ hanced the already attract­ this year, he spoke in serious ther sure that certain people public what kind of creature tertained with a midnight ive home. Every one present eugh asw sallP YC are nearer being children of an “open communist” is? dinner party, Dec. 24th in expressed keen appreciation and solemn words his thanks the devil than anything else. One of these days some of honor of Mrs. Nellie Knott for the fine affair. to God and the members I assume that to be their these brass buttoned and of Alberta Canada and Mr. ¡of the church and friends for parentage, judging from the Sam Brown belted gentle­ I and Mrs. Joe Johnson of George Cannady won the their hearty co-operation du­ outward appearance of such men whom we taxpayers Cleveland, < )hio. The house Junior hand-ball chmpion- ring 1926. He urged them to inward grace as they seem are supporting in leisure, *!iip at the West Side Y M was decorated in Christmas look to a bigger and better to possess. And then I stop will have libel suits on their C. A. Friday. He defeated colors. Covers were laid for 1927. H is text was: Applied to think of how the Master hands and they will wish bis opponent. Howard Kirk­ nine. livery one had a nice Christianity, Matthew 24th blessed the thief and took they had not used foreign patrick, 31—15,. time until 5:30 A. M. Chapter,anid the 13th verse, the hand of the prostitute— words quite so promiscuous­ But he that shall endure tin and I begin to see that these ly- to the end, the same shall souls are simply blinded, ei­ Any how to go back to he saved. ***** ther from ignorance or my story. The Reverend Mr. choice and that if I myself Sayre asks the Secretary of ------- ------ training or oapiu! can « « a b tl* * Mg taalm The young people are behave as God's child is ex­ War “if the war department » • r w ow* work wtmn rot» apara U na fall tuna, and mafto from |U to ItOO a want. __ sure having some real meet­ pected to behave, I may does not take energetic Ford Auto Given Free ings and good attendance. If help to cure their blindness. measures in restraining Lie­ Wa irant man and w*.m*n to r*pr«aant WoruWfttl plan. #50 Household Naraaatti#« dir«* from fsotorf you want to spend a pleasant At any rate I can be perfect­ utenant-Colonel Lewis and to horoa. Wa i-rmlda ail ln*tntf-Uo.» and *uuJtimedt In- _ eluding automobila Writ« quu k for offer. hour Sunday evening, come ly sure that their unkindness others in activities similiar to Mt. Olivet **** at 6:30 P. M either of blindness or ignor­ to the case mentioned, will I ance, cannot hurt me, unless * not be justified in charging There was several visitors present. 1 he reporter met the following ones: Mr. 'and Mrs. Hanscll of the city Mr. Drew of Colorado Spgs, Mr. Joseph Johnson of Clev­ eland, Ohio and Mr. E. Dyk- ThE M. J. WALSH jes of Oakland, Calif. ***** Electric Company The Christmas Tree for (the children was had Friday night in the basement of the 106 4th Street church. All the boys and girls present were happy and went home ***** smilinir. Extend to You NEW YEAR Watching the old year out and the New Year in The Heartiest was obsreved by a large mini bes of membrs at the church. ***** I lie first Sunday in the NEW Y E A R ’S New Year, Jan. 2nd is Fel­ lowship and Communion day. Roll call. Be there and answer to your name. Greetings ***** •U|Kl! - e u.)ddet| } uoa \ ji ‘am qjjaa LI HAD MERRY CHRISTMAS LOCAL BRIEFS “STRUTTIN' SAM F ■■■HERE _ *• IB THE ADVOCATE W ISHES YOU I O ffe rY m loot mnmUntm. Tourwtf $100 a W e e k r* tom m. ils AM I. R ICA N P R O D U C TS CO.. Dggt Claelaaatl. Obi*. HAPPY JB ,)H M D llEJE.lddB -U O U JI.V ip Jo j UOSUJ .M |1 SI JjaaM 1SEI ui sajou Aiu iliujjait jt>| sum j