ADVOCATE THE Aa I n d * p « n d « n l Fa D « v o t « d f lo lh a I»l«r «it a mt (h a P a a p la • PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1926 VOL. XXIII—No. 49. PRICE 5 CENTS GREAT A R M Y FOR PEACE OCCUPIES LONDON NEW LABOR PROBLEM INVADES SOUTHWEST MEXICAN OR NOGRO LABOR IS QUESTION Mr*. Nettie J. Asberry SEASIDE NOTES LOCAL AND FOREIGN A. M. E. ZION C. E. NEWS' NEWS BRIEFS ------ _____ Keren H. Mills Mr and Mrs. Fred Mitch«», J74 “For Christ and the church Williams Avenue, N., accom panied we S t a n d . ” Senator Charles McNary (By Lillian M orrow ) Mrs. I M cl.emore, who has had Southwest Confronted With charge of the Golf Links Camp, broke effmp Tuesday and left with her fam ­ New Problem ily on W ednesday for i ’orttand. __ q Mrs. B. Sigmond, who has been at by their charm ing daughter, C arlotta r . *,/.«* l .o t A n g rlrs, C . l . f . July 25—The the Golf (.inks Camp for the past two and Miss Nannie H a y G ih n . of in-1 W e C £■, hetj oor reK„iar m eet- real economic competition (or the weeks, left W ednesday noon lor P o r t ­ dianapohs. who is yisiting with them, , jn(( Sunday, begining at 7:00 o'clock, control of the agricultural and nidus- the week-end in Seattle, their | h e topic for discussion being, “ i f a k - j land. She was accompanied by her spent former home trial «ituatinti in IM i M l M M j te r­ ing Cities C hristian.” T h e three min- , son, little Ruth Cage and three cad­ T hey motored up, returning M on­ ute orato rs were; Misses E dn a Mills, ritory, comprising w estern Texaa, die*. day. New Mexico. Arizona, Raja (L o w er and Myrtle Moore, Messers J a c k ' Mrs. Mm liadger and Mrs. Beulah Miss Gahn is a niece of Mr M itch­ Bedford, Roy H olm es, Ansell Bell i California) Mexico ami California h a t Allen attended the Spirit of the W est ell and is a teacher in the public and Von T ipton. area'll h t O W an acute problem m All spoke well j parade Wednesday, at Astoria. thia section, havuiK ahifted mice the i and seemed to gain much inspiration j Mrs. M L. Johnson and daughter, schools of her home town. ---------- 0---------- cxcluaion of the oriental» from the | from the lesson. Mrs. A. If. Morrow and family, a t ­ labor situation. to the v a n o u t other ¡ Mrs. J. C. Wycliffc is here from —C. E — tended the Salt Cairn dedication at type« of available labor. O n Sunday morning. Rev. More- j Seaside W ednesday m orning and Chicago visiting .the Keene family, A Serious Problem 425 Church S treet, who are her rela- land spoke to us from Dent. 33:25 and | spent the afternoon at A storia a tte n d ­ W ith the di»apperance of the O r i­ ! tives. in the evening he chose for his text: ing the Spirit of the W e st i ’arade. ental» from agriculture the dom inant "Some present day spiritual gifts” --------- *«---------- Mr J. Johnson, Who has conducted qu estion is "w ho U to do the m a n ­ ____ ________ ___ i T h e serm ons were well delivered to | | a shining stand at Seaside for the Miss Elizabeth . l o l ___ l i n g ___ bas _ opened ual la b o r ?“ T h e E uropean white , past m on th left Sunday for i ’orttand. a "delightful seven room "R esi-hom i appreciative audiences. O n Sunday worker 1 » leaving the country fatter Mr and Mrs. S. Golden and sons, ! on the west side here convalescents m orn ing we were pleased to have than lie is arriving; 44,750 having dc- with us. Mrs. Bollen an d Mrs. Colly j Shelby and Hayden, Mrs. A. Golden may go for quiet nd rest. parted in 1925 to 27 9U8 arrivals. of H elena Arkansas. Mrs. Ruther- of K ansas City, Mo., who is a sister- Of those who remain only a small in-law of the Goldens, and Ardella Mrs George Mullen went to Salem ford of S. C„ Mrs. W ebb, Mrs. Perry num ber get went of the RockitS, I I. Kngliss, a niece, arrived at the Sun- T h u rsd a y to visit Mrs. H attie J a c k - ! Mr*. J a n m o n ,^J.^as T f x a *» IMipinoca, i'o r to Kicans and Last I flower T hursday noon. Misses Lucy son who is in the State Hospital. Mr. and Mrs Poller, of T uson, Art*. ' U nited S tates S enator Me Indians used in small num bers can OC 4IIU U l l i c r visitors V t b l l U i S are d i e welcome WCUUIIIC XT ( , . | M. William» and Ruth L. Kirk a r ­ She also took Mr*. Jackson a basket I T i h H ese and other hardly be considered in any quantity I at any time W e extend the "R ight .¡Nary spent several hours in rived on the evening train. of "goodie*.” T h c tc remain,! but tw o groups, the Mrsdaincs Schwiech, V augh and hand of fe llo w sh ip ^ to them. P o rtlan d M onday while en- M r \ n . m i a n d th e N r g i i Minor went Clam digging T hu rsd ay Use Of lllack Labor Discouraged Sunday* n ig h / at* th e Ch'risrian T h e Gleaners A rt Club held its route to his farm in M arian morning and were very successful. T h e rapid development of cotton Mr. Golden and family went Clam Church, o f which Rev E. E. Griffis monthly luncheon at the home of C o u n t y . E v e r y O n e eX D eC t- acreage in the So u th w estern States i digging on Friday and returned with is pastor. T he musicai p rogram Mr*- Mattie P rescott on O verto n ^ , 7 r has created a g reat shoirage during a large bucket of clams. Everybody was preceeded by an educational I hursday. T he club has disbanded )CQ him to say Something COn- the t r a t o n t of experienced workers | had clams 'n everything. talk on Negro music by Miss Shirley “"«'I ' SeP'*rab^;c ^ * E_ Icerning S enator S tanfield’s in the Kiu Grand Valley of T exas a- Attorney E J Minor, Mrs. L. Cros- Macanns. Mrs. Nettie J. Asberry, foremost round H arlingen with a total cotton am o n g the club women of the north' I w hite and A. H Morrow, m otored W e Zionites held a W aterm elon SUCCeSS in p u ttin g Over the The Q u artette is composed of Miss production in excess of IUO.UUO bales, west"," was in the city Sunday night Friday night Mrs. Minor who Macanns Mrs. Clara Bell. Mr. Mm. 3 r l*r M l. bul he nnid nothing. a sh o rta g e of 5,000 co tto n pickers rn ro u tc to the National Association ] bas been visiting Mrs. Schewcich for Drew and lam es McArthur, the ac­ iS iS ; ^ i n L T , aisled in Inly, b i t year In Yarns ol Colored W o m e n 's Clubs Bi-annual I two weeks, returned with her hus- companist is Mrs. Jessie Edwards. —C. E — Valley district of Arixona below Convention in O akland, Calif , from | band and party, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cannon were FOSTER MOTHER Mr. H. Von Tipton, of Seattle.w ho Needles with X',000 acres in cotton, July 29th to Aug. 0th Mrs Mary ! Mr. S^ Golden was the Barn-yard formerly resided here, was in the city hosts .on F riday evening, at dinner a call was sent in for 3,000 cotton Hethune of H o n d a . the National pre»- 9 t* in h o nor of Mrs. Maggie W e b b of week and Mr. several days this week. pickers In tlir L o w er Calilornta- ident prenidtti* Dallas, Texas. Covers w ere laid for Special correspondence, O maha,N eb. H. .Morrow the ( roquet champion ---------- o ——— Some years ago a N egro here was Mcsten district with IJ5.U00 acres and ten. Misses T helm a W o o d a rd and Mrs. A cb erry is the president of the , T he reporter can t report on Mon- Mrs. Adah McGill, 641 Union Ave., file im perial Valley district of l aid . W ashington .State Federation, which Mrs. W e b b jeft with lo ur children, the eldest be­ • game* as the series was n o tI North, was the guest, at dinner Sun­ Keren Mills assisted. ing a g i n of eight years. H e refused with 150.000 acres a sho rtag e exists ills! closed its annual scssiop in Scat- ; finished, cause— a family secret—Sh-! of Mr. J. R. Mills. day, of Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. Geo. is the m o th er —C. to listen to the argum ents to put the In the San Joaquin Valley district ol lie, on the 16th. It is reported that E — Mr. Golden says Mrs. Golden ch eat­ B Hardin, 1008 E. Yamhill Street. children into an institution, fo r the California, near llic Colored town of this session was one of the m ost im­ ed G ossip— D on't tell anybody. /siiciigworin. wiiii 4 000 pickers cm p ortant ever held and th at the pres- A llcnaw orth, with Mr O. W. Stevens was at G ear­ w , . i „ i ii n i .. , cv » i W o rd was received from our presi- reason th at he himself was separat­ Mrs IsabHU De Jo^rnette 157 Ad- d , Miss Rosalie Bird She writes ed from his brothers and sister« when ployed a . » . 50 per 100 lb, last year, hart for the week end. miral St., and Mrs. G. r-. S W hite, 65 UJ {rom K an jas Ci,y Mo s h e in_ a child and he w anted to keep his Attorney and Mrs. E. J. Minor. East 10th St. will attend P,c^c r * * crc n v ' J r J - with helpful inform ation and pro g res­ the G rand forms us th at she w ouldn’t bring any ­ children together. s i v e quite a num ber of black i sivc >jye kU p i t io n i ior thc future activi- Mrs. Schwiech and daughter, Mr*. Lodge in California next month. suggestioni A friend one of his race volunteered Aniericans are used around Allcns- lies of the clubs. thing new back but a fine pair of Croswhite, went Clam digging S un ­ w orth , , in , Ibc . San Joaquin d istrict; a i a Mrs. hose and some handkerchiefs, she also to help look after the children, which will be , i r s , n Asberry s u e r r y w-ui oe gone g o n e u until n t i l i the n c day m o rn in g -at G earhart, the butcher Mrs. J. D. P atton's condition is im­ said th at she was learning the “ Mess- she has done for alm ost eight years. r o u n d ( . a h u a t r i a a n d E l l e n t r o in t h e , of s , p lr lllb e r S h e will has been wondering if they have left proved at this writing. around.” She gets home at 2:00 a. Although she is aw ay from home at I m p e n a l Valley district; aro u n d Bly- j £ lne time with her brother in town. ---------- o---------- m. but d o sn 't go to any dances cab­ her work a part of alm ost every day, Mr. S.Golden and party enjoyed a l * . m the v a im u i Arixoua and W o t - < W t a n d , - d with relatives other Mr. J. W. H ouser Ls still very ill at arets and the like; so you can form she has kept a watchful eye on this and pleasant trip to T illam ook H ead, S un ­ California cities. family and they came to her w ith all St. Vincents Hospital. . m I o . i i district*. the tendency is your own conclusions. ly i afternoon A pproxim ately 25 w om en from day to discourage thc em ploym ent of Ne­ W ashington, principally from Seattle, K. C , as she calls it, is red hot, their problems. I hey visited the H erm it, registered T h e father, who is a w aiter is ob­ Mrs. Leon Gregory was noted a- with lots of high-browns. She closed gro-labor, giving a reason th at o n ­ wilt attend the Convention some go- at ' V , Jnn an<* brought back many m ong the 5.000 officials and em ­ by saying th at she would write more liged to be away from home at noon ly thc shiftless m igratory class of ing by boat, o th ers by stage and priv- *°*,v,nll1' hr.r . against • * _ : ! £ I lean Morrow T aco m a W eekly has filed suit u a l J u'o u n K Negro woman now enrolled at in P ortland for two days this week ’ Maybe I haven t any real parents, ly. California, O reg o n , W ash in g to n , time. It is really a blessing to see her College of P ug et Sound, Tacoma, Arizona anil W estern T ex as present enroute to O akland i o atten d the he choked, but the ones 1 have got. owes her opportunity for higher edu­ Rev. J. E. W o o d D. D.. president j u p aKa;n little in d u s trial opp o rtu n ity to the National Association of Club W o m en love me as much as yours love you cation indirectly to a cookbook and __c . E.__ While in the city Mrs P ark er was y T b c v c a n t , taunted his play- of thc National Baptist Convention, Negro. In the building trades o r­ (un-Inc.) U. S. A., addressed thc citi- ! Miss R uth A nderson w rites the re- djrectly to the enterprise of the State ganized labor d o rs not welcome col­ the house guest of Mr and Mrs. W. mates; O u rs are our real parents. "VVell,’’ said he, with sudden in­ iren»s. / >t - p<2r,lan !1 ,ast T u ' s2a>' ored building artisans and will o p ­ L. Reese. *he i porter, from Parkdalc. O re Ruth Federation of Colored W o m en 's O r ­ This spiration "mine love me m ore than >. V\ l A., quite a crowd heard him says she is really w o rk in g hard. Im - ganization« of W ashington. pose any large influx into the trades. group of women, bent on helping girls He was the guest of Rev. nad Mrs. a g jne ¡tt your« do because mine picked me In S outhern California and o th er lo Jud g e John Rand of the State Su- out of a hundred other babies, and J. W. Anderson while in the city. and boys of their race, compiled their ralities where the open shop pre- p rcnl* Court is very ill at St. Vincent —C. E — He left for Seattle, accompanied by yours had to take w hat they got.” dominates Mr. W alt. Roark h a sn ’t been out favorite receipts into a volume which artisan is em- f (ospitai ,.v He may i , , es, the colored . . have to u nd er go Rev. J. W . Anderson, where he spoke since he and his best girl "cashed in.” they sold for the benefit of their ployed to some degree when m ore an o p c ra ,jon However, his many _ scholarship fund. Money from this efficient than his white co-w orker; fr ic.ndis are earnestly hoping for him The W if e » Gone T o The Country. to a great crowd in the Mt. Zion Cheer up Walt., there are others. source has been lent to this young Baptist church. Rev. Dr. J. S. Moore, —C. E — H o o ray I however, the dem and is for thc skill- „ s p e c u y „ r e , c m ,rrv __i ____ l ____ . . . t i l . : __________ • ____ overy. pastor Dr. W ood is considered a Little Guy-Guy came out Sunday woman now in her second y ear in ed colored man with sufficient cap ­ m orning for thc first time since that College. ital, experience and executive ability Rum or has it, on good authority, very fine speaker. Besides contributing to the state Rev. Anderson came home to spend TO THE PUBLIC “certain p a rty ” left. to handle his own contracts. it is said, th at certain gentlemen federation activities, N egro women — C. F. — It is in the agricultural sections of whose wives wore at the beach, had a few days with his family and will return to Seattle next T uesday to a t ­ I w onder if Mr. Mills, our advisor, of W ash in g to n are pro m o ting their the Southw est region comprising T h e following letter was received a helluva time a few nights ago. Baptist has received a spanking since his people’« welfare through their local Southw est Texas, Arizona and Cal­ by thc Associate Editor of the Ad- It is said they began thc night tend the N orthw est Coast m o th er arrived. You alw ays have to cjubs and through the National Asso­ ifornia, a region of varied crops with M i.ite one day last week from the “quietly" with an out-of-town o rches­ Association. behave when Ma’s around. H o w do ciation of Colored W o m e n ’s Clubs. cotton predom inating that thc N egro vice-president of a-larg e business in­ tra. the strains of music furnishing T he S ojourner T r u th Club of Seattle has the opportunity to supplant the stitution in P ortland: Mrs. E. J. N. Sims, a prom inent you feel, Mr. advisor? a dream y back-ground for a little has established a home for women Japanese as the d o m inating la r to r in W ith my fingers, little ones. T h c rep ort does rlub woman of Spokane spent two Portland, O regon, July 19, 1Q26. game of "hearts". and children. A Spokane club fur­ — C. F — the agricultural and indu«trial life of Dear Mrs. C annady: not sav w hether thc hearts were hu­ days in the city this week enroute nished a room in the H u ttle Settle­ T h a t w hat you d o n ’t know will this section. However, th at is of to O akland to attend the National The w riter has been approached by man or not. Mrs Sims never hurt you— Rah! Rah —Zionites! m ent H om e for Orphans. T o E m ploy Mexican L ab o r a Mr. George Harrison, p asto r of thc little consequence com pared with F ederation’s convention “T he w om en’s club has b ro u g h t a holds the chairmanship of the Na­ It is this shiftless, m ig rato ry type Colored Baptist Chnrch. who seems w hat took place later. new force in progressive w omanhood, of Mexican th at is m w p red o m in at­ to be raising a fund of <58,000.00 for Ju st you wait! Said a few, (maybe tional W a v s and Means Committee. " H e was m y fourth hu«band,” sigh­ a great aw akening of race apprecia­ In company with Mesdames H. C. ing the labor situatii n of these states. a Colored Ind ustrial building, special­ one. maybe tw o) So acute has become the situation ly to accom odate Colored servant H igh-pow ered autos sped up about Baker and R. W aller, of this city, ed thc widow. ”1 crem ated them all.” tion and race exp ression.” said Mrs. At this an old maid burst into tears. Nettie I. Asberry, president of thc that relief has been «ought thro the girls et cetera, along thc line of thc I. I. X. ami these nice little hubbies, Mrs. Sitns. was a pleasant visitor at F ederation of " H o w unjust the w orld is!" she sob­ Colored W o m en 's introduction of the Vincent Bill into M artha W ashington, I assume. with their "hearts" n'ever-thing, were Thc Advocate office, Tuesday. "T he d e p artm en t pro­ bed "I'v e never had one man, and W ashington. the last session of the California C o n ­ ----------- W h a t is vour opinion of this pro­ loaded in and out to thc road-house. gram extends over a wide range cf vcm've had ’em to burn!” gress pro posing to make contract ject? Is it bona fide and supported After getting (along side) or on thc T hc public installation which was work. Its standing com m ittees in­ labor from Mexico possible. by people like yourself? It seems out side of iots of "chickcos" and. .. hold bv Syracuse Lodge. K. of P „ clude literary and race history, busi­ At present the S o uthw est is ab so ­ that the amount of »8.000.00 is rather ..................... .. havnt got thc heart to and the Court of Calanthe on Friday ness. arts and crafts, music, religion lutely dependent upon Mexican labor. small sum for a building which would tell. Any way they headed to w ard the of last week was a m ost pleasant af­ and education.” T hey are the So u th w e« ts only reli­ am ou n t to any thing in this cause. slumbering city, stopped only by a fair and was attended by a represent­ Club w ork for N egro w om en be­ ance both in the industries and on It also seems rath er an unbusiness­ lamp-post, telephone pole, cop or ative .crowd. gan in W a s h in g to n at the time of the the farm. like system for a man to solicit money something. Said only one man in the ---------- n---------- Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in T h e Mexican laborer is a m ig ra t­ without any real credentials and w ith­ party spent the night—m orn ing— in 1 1 is a curions fact th at many sh o r t­ 1900 A group of T aco m a w om en met XVhcrc the rest of ory workman. He lives along the line out any recom m endations from well his own home. hand typists can’t bear bring dictated at the call of Mrs. A sberry to plan of Irast resistance. H r cannot be known citizens or institutions. them slept is still a dark_ mystery. to. a display of handcraft for thc expo­ classed as an im m igrant o r of the T h an k in g you for w hatever infor­ H ow ever one report has it th at they sition. T he exhibit won a gold medal. tenant class like the Japanese who mation you may have in reg ard to spent what there was left of thc night It was not until 1917, however, that T he man who stands tip for w om en in the cars; an o th er says they all arose rapidly from the «tatus of la­ this program, I am a rail was issued for a state federa­ went home with the chap th at was is thc one who usually falls for them. b orer to tenants. H e comes to A m er­ Very truly yours, tion and_ it was then formed Until- ica to sell his labor th at he may r e ­ '(raid to go home with them. the armistice, clubs occupied them ­ But say, that's noth'in compared turn to his own country and be in­ Vice President. E very man has his price and ev- selves chiefly with patriotic relief dependent. He is not acquisitive, has cry woman her figure. W e arc w ith-holding thc nam e of w ith what happened later on. work and organization. O ne of the fellows turned up so no idea of time n o r sen«e of value thc w riter of the above letter bceattsc —C hristian Science Monitor. C onsequently thc Southw est w ants we did no t ask his perm ission to dizzy he had to "lie” on his job all Some men put their soul into ev ery­ ---------- n---------- only his labor; to bring hint here, use publish thc same. And o u r only day; another was so late, if he h a d n ’t thing: others put their foot in. People who live in the same square him and rettfrn him home. reason for doing so is because we been his own boss he’d a beep lo ok­ don ’t atway« move in the sam e circle. 80 P e r Cent “B ootleg” L abo r believe thc public should be informed ing for a job yet. And the rest of the gang ____ ____ Well, we can’t tell it. It is estim ated that 80 per cent of ciuiecrning such activities. T h o u g h man Is supposed to have the Mexicans arriving in America are W e arc no t acquainted w ith any W e will say, its too bad to have to *W K W IL L PR O TECT YOU conquered the air. there arc m any "B o o tleg " (smuggled across the b o rd ­ individual of thc name of George leave town on an early train thc next O u r Universal Service Of­ street musicians who haven’t. T w o or three of their er ) Around 50,000 enter the United H arrison and if such an one is repre­ morning. fer* You a Real States each y ear accounted for, and senting him self as pastor of a local “old ladies” hurried home from thc P rotection probably as many more are smuggled church, we believe him to be a fake beach when they heard about the "blow-out." W e are iust w ondering W e write every kind of In-, in O nly about 5,000 of those on re­ and an imposter. snrance, including Fire, A uto­ cord e n te r California yearly, yet I.os W e believe th at if a bona fide how m any of them guys was in this mobile, Surety Ronds and Life. Angelos is about the forth ranking proposition, such as the Mr. H a rri­ gang? Any way, there is a big re­ city in the world in Mexican popula­ son represented, were on foot in P o r t­ ward out for thc guy th at spilled the Phone or write us and our Believe me we are glad we land we would certainly know som e­ beans. tion. representative will be pleased- w e rn ’t in it. T hey do say tho, the thing about it. ------- o- to call. T herefore we would advise our gan g spilt its own beans, singing: "I caught the cook this m orning white "T h e wife is gone to the country, and Colored business friends straining the coffee thro ug h one of to look well before m aking donations hooray I m y socks." M oral: Wive* take hubby along, to strangers. "Did you discharge her? next time. Signed "C ertainly no t; It w asn ’t a clean T h e end. (m aybe?) Mrs. E. D. Cannady. one.” \ t X h Portland’s Own Store GRANDMOTHERS’ B IG TREK Women Peace Pilgrims’ Ex­ periences A g reat A rm y of Peace h a t occu­ pied London. An old lady walked from Leeds, and .two g ran dm oth ers walked from Liv­ erpool to take part in the Peacem ak­ ers’ Pilgrimage. A n oth er woman trekked the whole 500 miles from Ab­ erdeen to Charing Cross. Such is the spirit which has actu at­ ed the 7000 women who completed their crusade against w ar by a huge dem onstration in Hyde Park on S a t­ urday. T h ey have marched from practically every p a rt of Scotland, England, and Wales, spreading wide their slo gan: “ Law, not war.” An A rresting Spectacle Blue was the pilgrims' colour, and those who did n ot have blue coat* >r cloaks had blue arm lets, on which the device was a w hite dove carrying an olive branch. T h e London pil­ grims presented an arresting spec­ tacle. Led by Miss R u th London, who was mounted on a white horse, and who wore a Madonno-blue Crusader’« cloak ornam ented with silver doves, the procession stretched from the Temple Station to Blackfriars Bridge. T h e pilgrims m et m any adventures on the way. Considerable interest was taken in the fact th at tw o Q uaker la­ dies who marched from T undridge Wells alm o st to the Crystal Palace were betw een 70 and 80 year« of age. "W e were entertained like royalty,” one of these ladies said on Saturday. “T h e w eather was bad. but I think people respect the cause all the more because we were ready to walk in the rain I did not give up until I was within three miles of London, and then I took a tram .” Dissenting Voice L am b erh urst is already notorious as the one village in E ngland which voted against the pilgrim «’ resolution urging settlement of international dis­ putes by arbitration. T w o pilgrims from farthest n o rth came from Dundee, dressed in their blue tabards and shod with sandals. T hey walked abo ut 70 miles, but at Berwick were held up owing to the strike. T h e ir walk was m arred by torrential rain«, but they marched on in the spirit of true pilgrims. At D u n b ar a gentleman took the dripping pilgrims home to his wife, who gave them tea, then offered some fatherly advice — th at they should give up the foolish idea and go home. Needless to say, his advice was not acted upon. N o F re n c h Heels Never has m oderen London seen cUch a congregation of women w ear­ ing. flat-heeled shoes, sandles, country walking shoes, ru b b er shoes for ru n ­ ners. tennis shoes, pumps, slippers and Oxford«, but never a F ren ch heel. T h ey were, indeed, the foot­ wear of pilgrims, the shoes for ser­ vice ra th e r than effect. F o ur g reat processions, each led by a woman marshal on a white horse, entered H yde P ark at different points on Saturday, and converged at Marble Arch end. where they were m et by pilgrims dressed to represent, sy m ­ bolically, the coming of peace. Britain M u«t Lead L ord Parm oor, who spoke from the Dundee platform , said if we could o n ­ ly make the o th er Governments be­ lieve th a t the British people were really in earnest in dem anding the settlem ent of international differences by peaceful means, success m ight be obtained. T h ere was not the slight­ est chance of real advance in the problem of d isarm am en t« unless G reat Britain to ok a lead. O th e r speakers included Miss M ar­ garet Boftdfield. Miss Maud® Doyden, Mr«. W intering h am , nad Miss Ellen Wilkinson, M. P. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH By Mrs. Octavia Williams B oth services w ere well attended, Sunday m orn ing and evening. T he pasto r preached a wonderful sermon in the morning, from the 3rd chapter o f Joel, 14-15 verses, subject: “T h is is the hour of decision. T hree m em bers were enrolled on their Christian experience. T h ey were: Mr. N. G. McCall. Mrs. N ora W il­ liams, Mrs. Anna P o r t e r of E u g e n e .' T h e pasto r preached in the even­ ing from Matthew 20th chapte r and 32-33verses. Subject, “T h e Sight giv­ en Christ.” Every one is m aking preparations for the closing of the annual rally, August 29th. W a tc h for the future date of the B ro th erho od ’s Chicken dinner and program. T he Seniors and Juniors met at thc church Monday, the 26th. 13 Juniors were p resent with 6 S en ­ iors and one visitor, Mrs. Yancy, of Pasadena. Calif. Mrs Yancy gave a very interest­ ing talk to the Seniors. O u r next meeting will be at the residence of Mrs. S. D. P orter, 4914- 41st Avenue S. E. all ladies and girls are invited to spend a social af­ ternoon with us. "N ora, you were entertaining a man in the kitchen last night, were you n ot?” " T h a t’s for him to say, m a’am. I did m y best.”