4 THE ADVOCATE II You Would Avoid Con­ G A Y P R IN T SILK S A R E PO PU LA R ; stant Colds, Grippo, toko a Good Tonic. L IV E OCK NEW COATS H A V E PATCH POCKETS C I7 0 H an allurtnR army of honote ^ oil* printed allka a* minie «11»- playa this aeaaonl In tlielr seductive r o lo r lu R and artful patterning they fairly beckon milady to cut e and Huy. Come and buy ! That Is tho very thlnR women o f aniart fnahlon are do I ur , theae pretty, Joyous col­ ored allka to their hearts' content. Not only le the modem »Ilk print Irresistible In tta loveliness, but It le positively Inspirational to the dealRiirr tlie buylnR (tilllis» the spring coat with pockets. If the choice of milady's eprluR coat were left to the small hoy whose pride and love for "|M>cketa" le proverbial, (lieu tlie nn.ilcl lu the picture wins Win It should, for It Is a very awaR Ror new style This handsome sporti i oat la mude from Itola de rose colored ■I I it gon it I cheviot, Ihle führte beliiR a leader linons novelty woolena for •prliiR. Iluge patch pocket* lend a dlatlnctlve style touch. Tailored Mr». V. J. Allen Salem —"Dr. Pierre’* medicines have been used in my lamily and I Have no lie»it.iin v hi »ayiiijt llut they shrsy* gave satisfartoiv results. My husband had tlie ‘llu’ and it appeared at tlaaigli lie was never going to gel well Hr would cough all night l<>t s*r*4 b y l b « U n ll.- I S l a t « * D » p « M m . a l « I A srlrsllu r». | A recent Investigation of the hog- rholera situation by the United States Deportment of Agriculture reveals sur­ prising carelessness among farmers In dealing with the disease. The effec­ tiveness of the preventive serum treat­ ment has given many awlue owners a feeling of security which la not real. “ Yet without proper safeguard»'' de­ clares Dr. U. «1. llou«-k, In cbsrge of hog cholera control, "tlie disease Is Just s i dangerous todsy ss It ever was." For safety against this disease It Is necessary to observe certain precau­ tions. Isolate all new stock, keeping It apart from other hoga for a period of at least two weeks. This precau­ tion applies especially to hogs pur­ chased at public sales or other sources likely to spread Infection. 1’ermlt no sick hogs to rouni at large. Keep hog lota properly fenced and maintain the fences In good repair. Burn or bury deeply the carcasses of animals that die on tlie farm. Dead animals lying shove ground attract dogs. Mirny oat- breaks have been traced to portions of dlsessei] carcasses carried from pises to place by dogs. Do not attempt to hide the existence of the disease, since every hidden center of Infection la a menace to surrounding farms. The preventive-serum treatment la a dependable Insurance agulnst hog cbol era. but this treatment. It should be remembered. Is a preventive and not s cure. By ado|itlng the foregoing safeguards swine owner* may largely reduce the loss from Hog cholera which last year exceeded $'30,000.000. 62nd St. and 39th A v». 8. E. Sabbath School, 10 A. M. Bible Study, 11 A. M. Y. P. M. V. »o ciety, 2 P. M. Mr». K. O. Johnson, leader. Visitor» welcome. Knights of Pythias of N. A,, S, A,, K>, A , A, and A, (Operating Under Supervi­ sion o f U. S. Government) ST. P H IL L IP S M IS S IO N 4ir>Vi Malvern Avenue Hot Springs Nat. Park, Ark. Rodney at Knott S t Morning service, 11 a. m. ; Sun- day School, 12 rn. Archdeacon Black in charge; Mr. B. Coles, lay reader. A cordial welcome awaits you at St. Phillip». S H IL O H ! Hot Radio-Active Water Furnished by the Government For A ll Baths. Sanitarian has 10 Rooms, Diet and Operaikg Rooms Hotel has 56 Rooms; Telephone, Hot and Cold Running Water in Every Room. Rates $1 to $3 per day B A T H RATES; B A P T IS T C H U R C H 76th and '£. Everett Sts. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. B Y P U. 6:30 p. m. B E T H E L A. M. E. C H U R C H Larrabee and McMillen Streets Rev. P. X. Runyon, Pastor. E. L. Jameson, Assistant Y 21 Baths . . . $13.00—10 Baths . . . . $6.50 4 21 Baths to Pythians and Calantheans, $8.50 II. B. P. 0. E. OF TH E W O R L D T H E HOUSE OF P R A Y E R 28 Union Avenue North, Portland, Or Elder Robert Searcie, Pastor 6i41 66th Street. S. E Phone Su 2794 Sunday School 10 A M ; Sunday ser­ vice*. i2 M and 7:30 P. M. Mid week Services. Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings. A ll nations welcome C. G E E W O CHINESE MEDICINE CO. In Boston Keep Going I’oraous who visit lloaton are often perpleled by Its mass of streets. A visitor was coinplatnlnR to a resident that he was constantly RettlnR lost. “ Never mind." said the Bostonian. “ Just keep on ro I or straight ahead and you will always come out where you went In.“ - Exchange. N O T IC E DaLlia Temple No. 202, I. B. P. 0. E. of W ., of Portland, Oregon, m eets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month at Stag Audi­ torium. A ll visiting Daughter Elks in good standing in their re­ spective Temples are invited to meet with us. P A U L IN E Y O U N G , Daughter Ruler. ROSE C IT Y LO D G E No. 111. L B. P. 0. E. of W .. M E E T S the 2ND A N D 4TH W E D N E S D A Y E V E N IN G S OF E A C H M O N T H A T T H E S T A G A U D IT O R IU M , E. M O R R ISON STREET. ALL V IS IT IN G BR OTH ER S A R E C O R D IA L L Y IN V IT E D . LULA Syracuse Lodge, No. 1, K. of P., meets the second and fourth Fri­ day nights each month at the Stag Auditorium 381J4 E. Morrison S l 38V/i T. H. W IL L IA M S , E. R. S T A G A U D IT O R IU M 381J4 E. Morrison St. HUBBARD, Daughter Secretary. G. N. W H IT E , C. C. jaanS «not 1 * * 3 S9 E. J. M IN O R . Secretary, 419 Abington Bldg. A R T H U R N E LS O N , K. of R. A S. C. G E E W O CHINESE MEDICINE CO. Cheese Very Much Alive. “ An old story." said a well known author recently, “ tolls us how a rail­ way freight agent wrote to a four- menl: ‘ Dear Sir- Wo have now held your shipment of one Canmmbert cheese for three days. If same la not called for Immediately, It will be shot.'" Sheep Eradicate Weeds and Improve Fertility Levi P. Jones No. 118 Meets every first Wednesday night in each month at 8 o’clock Most weeds seem to be Ice cream “ Cash paid for False Teeth. Dentel and cake for sheep. In a list of 200 weeds, sheep will eat 175 o f them. In­ Gold. Platinum and Discarded Jewel­ cluding cockle, the young shoots of ry. Hoke Smelting & Refining.. Co., Canadn thistle, dandelion, pigweed, Otsego. Michigan.— Adv foxtail, Ironweed, horoeweed, whltstop. ragweed, wild nuntard, winter cress, wild morning glory, sow thistle and many other specie* that represent the worst posts. And the more weeds sheep eat the less Is the cost of their upkeep. Fields, fence corners, road­ sides and farm waste places generally Obtained. Send model or sketch enn be kept tidy with sheep, all the and we will promptly send you a while Improving the fertility of the report. Our book on Patents and soli and yielding a comfortable profit. Trade-marks will be sent to you Pastures can be kept clean by the use on request. of sheep, while the cattle carrying ca­ pacity can be increased in the mean time. Sheep nre also useful In grain ------ P A T E N T L A W Y E R S ------- fields and In meadows. In a timothy 305 Seventh SL. Washington, D. C- meadow there Is no better way to O v e r 34 Y e a r » ' E x p e rie n c e kill vvhltetop than to turn sheep Into the field, since sheep prefer the white top to timothy. On grain stubble, sheep will pasture on fuxtull and other late blooming weeds. Remarkable Linguist. Sir William ltowan Hamilton, the celebrated English mathematicIan. who died In 1 SCf>. had an extraordinary faculty for learning language*, and I* said at the age of twelve to have mastered 13 language», besides Eng­ lish. at its Headquarters and Club Rooms. 2841 i N. 17th Street A ll ex-service men are welcome to join. F or further information CALL BROADW AY 5+26 SAMUEL MALVERN, Pott Commandtr PATENTS Hating Oneself III. llnte, In the courso of time, creates , poison In the system as well as In the mind, and all evil emotion la bad for | tho health. Ono of the earliest-dis­ covered truths was that health and morality depend on each other, and many religions aro built lurguly upon hygiene. D. SWIFT & CO. Conclusive. Daily Fashion Hint “ My client la not mentally normal. The fact that he murdered his wife Is pnrtly a proof of that, but the fact that he married again la conclusive.” - I)orfbnrhler, Berlin. Live Stock Hints dose to the throat, also the hand­ somely designed sleev«>s and particu­ larly Ihe very smart Interpretation of 1 navy blue with white. ' Printed silks In pastel colors vie with those of more flamboyant hue*. These have an exquisite delicacy both In tints as well a* In the subtle tra­ cery of the design Itself. Their popu­ Pioneer In Novels. larity Is foretold made Into simple “ Ml** Betsy Thoughtless," by Mrs. dresses which Paris tells us will have Ilaywood, published In 1761, 1* gen­ short sleeves. However, tho sleeve of erally regarded a* tho first really do­ Immediate style Is long and whimsi­ mestic novel In the English language cally designed. An outcome of the vogue for fntlrlc It I* thought to have been the model combinations Is the dress of printed for Mis* Burney's "Evelina." silk over whleh Is posed a redlngotc of solid colored georgette, preferably Easy. navy or black, for these dnrk colors Advertisement In Portland (Ore.) veil even the most gorgeous prints to Journal "T w o married men of meek tho point of refinement. And now the mode Is directing Its appearance for electrical salei work." time and genius to the featuring of American Legion Weekly. pocket», which shall add prestige to the newer coat models. Not "useful Great Lawyer-Presidents. as well s i ornamental,'' but rather Van lluren and Bonjnmln Harrison ornamental aa well as useful, Is the are conHhlored tho greatest lawyers guiding thought when It conies to de- who hnvo boon President of tho United States. Two Firs Cause» lCloctrlc light wires hung ovor nails and oily rnga thrown Into a comer are two of the thinga which give the news- imper* atorle* about "flros of unknown origin.’' Behnke-Walker 417 Williams Ave. Rev. John P. Moreland, pastor. Dean W. C. Coffey of the University Rev. E. C. Dyer. Pastor o f Mlnn«**ota, department of agricul­ Phones: East 3333; Tabor 1491 ture, believe* this Is a good time for energetic and Intelligent young men E s t a b l i s h Z S T « s r s to P o rtU n * to get on good land ami farm with live stock as a major enterprise. Speaking before the Block and Bridle ____________ duh, an organisation of agricultural college students est>eclally Interested In animal husbandry. Dean Coffey Stylish Frock of Prlntsd Silk. C. CEE WO. ths well sold: known H erW iu t, h*fl ¿It mj&Fw- . “ Good land wltliln «mmfortable dis­ mivit s life study o f when It comes to being styled Into strapa with huge bullet buttons And ths curative properties frock or blouss or various spring tog- unique placement both oa the sleeves tances from market can be purchased twMsesaed by Oriental P . f e w. and the pockets. A short strap belt at more reasonable prices now than 1 loots. Herbe. Buds and gcry. Bark, and therefrom , It was surely an nrtlstlc Some one la buttoned across the front, which In aeveral years past. I f the capable cotnpounded bis truly 1 » who roneelved the Ides that gsy silk brings up a most Interesting subject, college graduate can arrange for ade­ wonderful Herbe rem- ediea. In their make-up print looks Its brilliant self (be more for twite vie with pockets In [mint of quate financing, he will be better off no poisons or narcotics when contrasted with a fabric of solid Importance this seusou. Not particu­ In the course of 10 to 15 years If be are used ; p e r f e c t l y lea*, and m a n y straight all-around bells but goes on good land than will the grad­ harm coloring The thought has developed larly roots and herbs that — Into a far Touching vogue. Htyllata twits that show a unique treatment uate who chooses a professional line he use* are unknown to the medical profesa ion o f today. And endless opportunity to exploit Not only topcoats, hut suits, blouses, of work." A V O ID O PE R A TIO N S by takiny hit remedies Sharp distinction was made by the in time for Stomach, Cough*. Colds, Rheu­ “ Ideas,'* now that fashion so enthu­ as well as one and two-piece dresses matism. Kidney. Lung, Liver, Catarrh. Blood. siastically applauds the combining of emphasise the fashion for clever Ideas dean between good and poor land. Inflammation, Neuralgia and all female and exotic colored prluts with nciootooe. In belts. Sometime* the belts are rut I .and of low producing power, said he, children’* ailment*. Call or write. Sent by The designer o f the stylish frock In one piece with mi added underarm constitutes a handicap. The young mail or parcel poet. here pictured rhooars to unite a strik­ form, the two ends brought to the men were told that to be successful In live-stock farming they should prepare ing printed silk with sn oyster white front and buckled. Htlll another Item of Interest ap themselves to comprehend tlie whole satiny fabric. With what glowing MXH A M tr SUM*. 8. W. C o r n « Thlr* success, the picture gives proof. pour* on the fashionable doth coat, process of farming from the handling the below-the-elbow puff of the aolt to the turning o f the fin­ 1 Uglily Important style Items In this namely, modish aprlng frock sre the apron sleeve. This Idea la feutured espe ished product over to marketing agen­ SELL OUR O U IC K S E L L IN G drape made of the solid colored silk dally on srrntghtllne coats made of cies for dlsjiosal. M E D IC IN E S and T O I L E T G OODS end the capelet collar huttooed up Ane twtll. for there Is still a consider P A Y W H E N SO LD . BE O U IC K . B O X 2273. D E S O T O S T A T IO N , M E M P H IS . T E N N . Thu term "monadnock" le derived from Mount Monadnock In New Hampshire, and Is applied to an Iso­ lated mountulnllke remnant of hartl rock catcudlnR above Its aurroundlURs In the late states of a period of cycle of erosion. Hume mountain In Hour- Rta la another Instance o f Ibis class. V ery well — Tnke ths Accountancy and ItunlncHH Mimatfutnetit, P H v a t« HocrMart- nl. Calculator, Comp tom « tor, HUnogra- prlc, Paninannlilp, or Commercial Teach ­ ers' Course at FIR ST A. M. E. Z IO N CHURCH* Splendid Time to Grow Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Live Stock, Says Dean East First & Schuyler Streets Rock Formation. You Want a Good Position GOOD SAFEGUARDS PREVENT CHOLERA News of the Chumbes Fur Choker Promised Vogue' Furriers are confidently counting on a return to favor of tho fur choker as soon as the days commence to warm with spring sunshine. Consequently they are preparing neckpieces fash limed of single skins of stone marten, sable or inluk. Ths foremost llusln*** College o f the Northwest which lie* won mor* Accuracy A w ard * anil «told Medal* than any other School In A inerti a Hand for our success Smart women are wearing their Catalog Fourth Htreot near Morrison, corsages this season on their fur cuffs l*ortland, Or. l*nno M. Walker, Pres. On Their Sleeves With Patch Pocksta and BsIL able Interest In the tinflared model*. Sometimes Ibe puff Is heavily em­ broidered. Pur collars of simple design finish tho neckline of ninny a spring top coat. It ts quite tlie proper thing to match the Air to the color of the coal. Very handsome types of twill coal* have a capelet effect, such ns for In stance a qunker gray tine woolen, cut narrow, topped with a matching short cape and collared with squirrel. llelltHl coats in fingertip length* nro meeting with favor. The belt Is placed Just above the hips. JULIA BOTTOM LEV. llt l. Western N iw io tn a r Union l New Trimming for Coat» Coats now, Instend of being trimmed with mink and ermine, are trimmed with mink and ermine tails. This fad Is not confined to coats, as squirrel Is frequently used to fringe voile or chiffon frocks or to decorate the ainnll tight-fitting hilts. On the latter u clus­ ter of tails hangs over one ear. Large Bow* Enormous bows of ribbon nre being Instead of the collar. The effect has used ou the hip, to decorate evening No. 18, 192« the charm of novelty. dresses with the Hare line. I I f your cattle are Infested with lice, get a brush and groom them with raw linseed oil, that Is, paint them with It anil see that they are thoroughly cov­ ered. • • • Young pigs must have exercise. Without It they are very apt to die of thumps—which takes Its name from a Jerklness of the muscle* accoiupa- uied by hiccoughs. • • • The prosperous farmers since the war have been hog producers, for a hog crop stiows a quick turnover. • • • Hand fed pigs nre more likely to tie overfed than underfed when It Is understood that 11 sow has only about one quart of milk per day for a whole litter of pigs. • a a Disposition Is an Important factor in determining Ihe number of pigs which a sow su.-reeds In raising. It should he mild nlid quiet rather than nervous, mean or cross. a a a Corn does not contain enough of the muscle and bone-building material* to produce good strong pigs. • a a Hogs weighing over 250 pounds will he strongly discriminated agulnst by the packers during the next few months. • a » When sows nre fed on corn alone re­ gardless of whether they nre In good condition or not, weak litters of pigs muy be expected, consequently a small per cent of the pigs which are fur­ rowed will be saved. High-Brown FacePowder il» l * A superb toilet necessity. In four shades— Natural, Pink, Brunette and White. High-Brown Face Powder has earned its place in the esteem of the most discriminate and skeptical users of toilet ar­ ticles by its own distinctive merit and the complete satisfaction to be derived from its use. Also a large assortment of toilet requisites for the lady who cares. Manufactured only by T H E O V E R T O N -H Y G IE N IC M FG . C O M P A N Y CH ICAG O MRS. E. D. C A N N A D Y 312 Macleay Bldg., Portland Pacific Coast Distributor •+ SURPLICE CLOSING FE A TU R E D Smartness and severity arc synony­ mous terms in the lexicon of fashion, and both arc eloquently interpreted in this model in natural color kasha cloth trimmed with novelty braid whose color scheme combines black, red. and old blue. The blouse closes in surplice fashion, being worn with a skirt that is plaited in front and plain in hack. Medium sixe requires 4ffi yards 40-inch material and 2% yards novelty braid. Pictorial Review Printed Pattern No. 3018. Sixes, 34 to 44 inches bust, 45 cents. ROUGH W A S H DRY W ASH E A S T 0883 E A S T 0883 N EW SYSTEM LAUNDRY ORIGINATORS OF INDIVIDUAL WASHING W e Do Not Mark Your Clothing W ET W ASH 2 IN 1 W A S H 607 E. Flanders, Portland, Oregon