T H E A D V O CA TE THE ADVOCATE Ovvi McKinley anti lyn.hing bill A. M. E. ZION C. E. N EW S ' cs, and in some C h ristu n (?) walls has not lessened his Attorney Cobb was fought I'hank you (or telegram hard by a number of South­ (S ig ne d ) U u i McNary disciples’ regard for him. Published .T .r7 Saturday at in stitu tio n s; tfhettoed i n i m - Mrs Canady spoke in the interest Keren H. Mills ern Senators. Sutle 311313 Maritar Building j liv al»lo sections of the cities. o( the Nalional A n im a t io n (or Ihr “For ( In isi and ihe church vve stand’' R E G IS T E R . R E G IS T E R 8TAY OFF FASTER MONDAY \.n a n e lili nl o( Colored I’cple Rah! Rah! /lonilca! Pfcoua Broadway M07 and a thousand o th e r indijf- Our pastor and president seemed a NlOItT. ST. PHILLIPS GUILD ■ V happy Easter! — — ----------- ------ nities heaped upon him. little ducouraued. when the Basket * * , , W e cannot urge our group - 0 O0 — K. D. I'ANNADT........... „...Editor Ball Hoys didn't aruve in time lor S TA Y O F F MAY Mat. P A R T I C U ­ S p o r t N e w s i' F as the promiaad, kat ooi maal L A R S L A T E R —ADV. MU8 k T)'CANNADY Man «gir .j » W o f thVcolored >°° strongly to register so We have often wondered if the in- III i l l i f it'll t o v n l e at nl »*'*'» white' are inaiiifcst- iiiK went on We were full ot spirit (By "Denver" Fd Martin) ---------- o---------- il;|| |he »oni» w(Hkrt o| co|or,d people ia .-= = atnhoto f ^ i« T h è as «• ■* qualltuu to vote at - and received the visiting pursts of out ADVOCATE A0KNT8 Stay oft date. April 26th Merrikana I- -. , . A . the C O m illg p r i m a r y elec- ! not the vaine as ill * in »omc sériions neiKhtn.ihood Churches Wlial few Elka Sanitary Barber Shop south and they must: be re- (um ,.or ovcrv Offico to be " ,n,^ ; ; ‘%h,7c'"‘trc''cd *° k**P ‘h*m On March 2J, N ik VvaKvr of Al­ li. i , that did ronutig m Portliad and Club —Adv. "W e Girla" took active part and made moved not only from the , A, , 90 N ORTH S IX T H bine. the I’oilUml li k tvt hravyweiKht A real bargain. Furnitur* for . , . c ,, , e tiller! there are several candt- our nieetiiiK mtcrcstmK The thiee priJe, wax Kiven a severe braliiui ami south but from all parts ot , , , \ fin; thing for some of the lead orators and their topic* were: 5-rooma at your own prie*. Make an SUBSCRIPTION KATES , . u A dates, some ot whom are ing women in the Y W C. A. work knockcil out in ciKhl rounds by liarry minute offer. Call Broadway Slot. Adv Francia Fair— Ictus in the Fast; — *f*0 the count r> "h ere tlu\ ari j . n p w n to b e enemies of our locally, t. do. u «o get one of the Dillon. Canada. Dillon came here un­ — Per Year ______ Vivian Rutherford—Gilts for the dis der the management of Walter Scull, Sia Months ..._ -- --------- 1 SO. to be found, ( olored people • . |1»|, ... . I, ... Board member* interested rnoiaih in off April 20 Oovernor Pierce colored, an.l looka like a promising. tressed; . . . Vernal Rutherford — 1 , hr will Keep Months epeak eleo Judge Kkwall and a .... " » must r e ç o i v e l h e s a m e treat- [ « “ , ’ l ' * * ' ' " , H hard £ . * . . * ._ to „ admit f t . I * M * colored 2 __________ * ? , giris ! » ________ 1 •I'.'fJr' . l.p Payable in advance iiiu m i i u t v i m i n o u n l i t t l e o r IIO r e s p e c t Ullll and boys boxer, one who boxes well and .an ‘ *Y'l,cl -S c , ' , i c ' I'he big chicken dinner all at Flrat A. M. h'T.h- Fdua Mills iul mrssciigci *. In* h u sine" l ..liege It seems to stand up and f im tit under punishment Dawn of Peace and Keren Mills K. Zion. Adv. Hr has wonderful personality, a lad consideration foi colored u, , hat would be a fine wav to prove who could make a lot of money in a Real Religion I ones interest in colored people. STA Y O F F MAY I0«h Adv. short time if property manaKcd After snores. 1 his is simply just 1 ! • the highest, if not Rev I F Moreland delivered three IM PO R T A N T ! bratitiK ) caKcr. he became very pop­ excellent sermons on last Sunday, at For rent Front room with radio; ular and the fans were anxious to scr . i m i only IM1IV fair. ra il. It i l is i s no ni» new urn . I • I . I . ,• . GOOD N E W S ! All communication* for public* and , , » , the highst dutv ot a citizen more of him Matchmaker of the 11:00 a m he chose for Ins text,Tri­ Close in. Kent restonabl*. Phone tion or otherwise ahould be ad doctrine being preached b y . ** . -, . Portland B oxiiik Commission after umphal Fntry, Math 21:1 IH ami at Trinity M3«. Adv. ., • § • lhis i*> is to I here in ■ ^ register « • sto r and amt vote. vote, m ere President Coolidge told a trviiiK dreaaed to The Advocate Publiah- some great thinkers in vain to wet Leo I umsky to 2 .10 p. m. Ihe K of P held their an­ ing Company. Suite 312^313 Mae new dav. but is the same one|ar0 «'«">’ citisens ot both ra- delegation of colored men box jimilur Moore. George Moore's nual ceremony: R.v. Moreland spoke middlewciwht, in «he card A|i from John 1*9, Continue \< in Ils GOLDEN W E S T H O T E L leay Building. Portland. Oregon upon which this Nation was 0Cs " 1,0 1:1,1 to cxo ru f \\n> la-t week that he favored the specdv <'n Sunday evening at m oo nl 6, offered Dillion to match with Love Advertising rates made known the Mt Hood I haplcr of Ihe Fasterti Moore for that date Now Dillion is founded and which we all - rcat dut> and V ™ ''***; B u Dyer-McKinley Anti-Lynch- a good boxer weighing ten pounds Star was m charge. Rev Moreland By Nannie Maud Ivey on application. would do well to heed before “l,r Kr*'»p l»a* **> ,nuch to mg Bill and that he was not more than Jimmie Moore, and hr was selected. Night brings out the Stars A M W I V A I ^ A R R IV A L S All sermons and both programs were ■'Don't ask for rights. Take them. •• ■ . i„. , contend with and so much at g o i n g to appoint a white mail offered twice as much money as he inspiring to the large audiences It O A K L A N D : Arch.. Heath. W G received for beatmK Yeager, hot Scott An don't let anny wan give them to 1 ,î> u u 13 ,v „ handed ,»„Urx to ye f .. t «-------- stake that it cannot afford to to represent Liberia, even Dillon's manager, absolutely refused '«'eined to he Zion and Palm Sunday Huge, ( has Stacy, L I ulbcrson, JJ re n A right ..... that is I 1er, Geo Simmons, t 1 Holman, It is too ba.l that Scott ts so narrow- combined eawthin' has somethin’ the matter with Select your candidates to pc clilatorx or lax in such an though Solomon Porter iinmled Mrs Catherine t i n y , who has been C D Kemp. L Knox. S I. Lewis, It is the first time that two very ill for some time is very much I P I ott, M Broadnax, F Irving, !._ ^ r Poo>*^________________ |vote for from the columns of important thing as the selec- ||i>oil might he too ill to re- colored men had control of the situa We C F ’s. rejoiced to F. Rowe. James King, John Williams, where a lot of money was involv improved “They have right« who dare main- | b .' Advocate for tllOSC w ill» t i o i l l>t UICII t o t ill public Ot- f u r i l . I t SO lie WOllUl appoint tion ed and handling two of the best hoys see Mrs Gray spend Sunday with us A More, R Mathhus, I W ijultlis, «am them“—Jamea Russell Low*» _ use pur colums s|unv by do- f‘icc registering and v o t anPther colored man to the on the coast Jimmie Moore, colored Mrs. Adah McGill plans a trip 1» W WMkerson. F Baseman, I ( Spit managed In George Moore, colored Los Angeles m the very near future j 1er, J Bowman, H J Jordan, J P. «v n i. > i ing so that thev appreciate ,n£ ,lu> colored citizens \\ill post. Harry Dillon, white, managed bv ^he will be a guest of Rev and Mis 1 I e a . ereile, l I Palmer. I < Winn, Some people shed croco- J ' t J show the office seekers that --------«-------- Walter Scott, colored 'File bout no Moore, formerly Zion „ pastor and F McMullen, W I DeWesa. I It wife Don't for gel to mention Zion Baptiste, Joseph Wade. Will Mar­ dile tears about being segre- ______ 0 they support those who re- «Tomorrow is Easter, the doubt would have drawn the largest C. F'.s. Mt* McGill shall. F W Hunt, J Kennedy, (> et wd in the ritv of Portland Many gated and jiin-crowed. and P L E A FO R S IM P L IC IT Y gard them and treat them as joyous day throughout the good bovs faded awav fast bv being Mrs I F Moreland was a guest of Pollard, ( l i f t . m Baker, R W Winn, Mr and Mrs. I.. A Ashford, last week Walker. S I Taylor, J I Hall yet they fail to use the most ----- an asst>t and not a liability Christian world,fo r behold poorly managed and I am afraid Dil­ while Rev. Moreland assisted the It W B E R K E L E Y - I R lames. A I) Le lon vs ill not get far nor make much efficient and powerful of all „ 1 his is an age of extrava- |P the communitv and state. He is risen and lives again. monev under his present manager B Its in Seattle ! lion On Sunday afternoon. Miss Mad­ SAN FRAN C ISCO W Dandridge. George Dixon, George Moore's weapons known to history ganee and exaggeration. A ------- o—-—- (¡lad tiding of great jov specdv we'tei weight, be ax »'larie llro- eline Bedford entertained at an infor­ 11. nr V \ tel. I R Wilson to put an end to such practi- rich woman will have him- Ex-Governor \\ est is a vv j|| be heariPin every place meo clever, tough experienced bos­ mal dinner party complimenting Mr LOS A N G E L E S W I ( oleman. I Covers were laid F Myers, A leiimiigs ces.—organization and the dreds of dresses and thous- candidate for the Democra- | |,js ,|av should he the dav on the came card with Dillon and Dave Robinson WINNIPFiG CANADA: I I llr..»n. Yeager I he wav Dixon is improving for eight ballot. ands of pairs of stockings, tic Party National l ommit- w h i c h w e -is C h r i s t i a n s S E A T T L E i M Duffy. D Bell M he will he a hard nut to crack for anv one in a short white. I ui'.lav night is Zion night, be Holme'. I Y Galloway. 1 Holmes, with innumerable pieces of teeman W e do hope he wins. shouK, r, ^ c ^ I I Scott, John Fair, Van Bogrn, Dannv Fdwards went to Marshfield I there. H ALF SLAVE; lingerie. In language e x a g -jlf we could, we would vote Hjm an a recent employee of the Sov­ tv busy Edwards boxed in Marshfield brought several new slang phrases KANSAS C IT Y t F Molen. F II on the 2b. and in Portland on the 20 back with them and more muse than ; lackson. B F Vinrent, P H Vaguer exist halt slave and hah tree, dearest and lover, are mean- “W E L IV E IN D E E D S ” ereign. The girls wish Rev More- • ST. P A U L - I i John «on. K K ------------ Robert Jackson formerly a veteran liitinnc Moore boxes in Portland A- usual And e\t*n now thoughtful jngless. made so In common- Meade :. . . .1 ..1 . .. waiter at The Portland experienced oril 6 George Dixon boxed on the laud had left them in Sealtlr "W e l \ t in til i l l s - not > i a r > , jn awful fright a few days ago when 22 in Portland and will box again A- OMAHA I D I a. l*o leaders of all races, realize a|jtv aiuj exaggeration, The F ver Ready Club met Thur* P O R T L A N D . I W , . . H Benford. he discovered marked upon the door pnl 6 here Anxell Bell will box Jack­ that flv. that the present program ot Tjie Xcirro. the one who dav evening at 6>f| Gantcnbrin Miss 4 Babbs. Balts Thompson, Samuel ie I ewis. a tough bov. in Vancouver, at his lovely home on Harrison S t , It C April 9 When Bell strikes his Rosalie Bird rntrrtainrd Being April lohn, (#co w <»« A . C It May. I stride he will make it hard for the fn.il day, hobbies were suggested They finally agreed as follows: Bantams. Mr and Mrs F Dad. of New York The largest crowd that ever atten­ Madeline Bedford—talkin g. Gertrude City were guest* at thr hotel while ded the Boxing match in Portland » amp— Roguring her cheeks, Minnie playing o n thr < trphrmn < ireuit here turned out to see Chuck Heltnan and i 1 amp- singing, Ruth \ndcrsun— vrl A Correction , , , . _ V ' WI ^ iviiii f -j » | < vi ' i' ■ i u " “ l a i m il pui o«v n mi o In last week's issue thr article prepare itselt for full and v.. Rut are trmphant over death, the Portland »ir.il Thursday from Young Nationalist* fight for thr ling .Vivian Rutherford Dieting. Yrf nal Rutherford- giggling. Fdna Mills Bantamweight Championship of the ; which read Ansrll Bell, should have rw m til« »* e it i M n e k i n ,lu ™ , ' O IU U n t na> a n \ , ,d " l , , . I j v . ' s n i o i t ” w h o « « ' »hence they were banished JO day* a complete citizmship, aicord- under-fed stomach; he must . . * go in order to give place to white Pacific Coast. 118 lbs Danny Edwards —showing her dimples, Keren Mills 1 been Mr Ci W Wise, of Spokane is —bossing, Rosalie Bird—calm salad. and Allic Taylor boxed the semi- fi­ rnroittr tu his mine* in southern Ore- ing to the true American i- V . _ u llt t , f_r thoughts aspire. waitresses All the men have regained lacks.in—telephoning. Yctivc I non An*, ll Bell >.f New York » I ." j ” 1. n a ' e 3 i a r ' 01,1 n e Ks l a r Dt W h i n » rl.'.'Hc ivrvrrlc o n «h<'r former job- w.th the exception nal six rounds at 124 lbs Rich Palm­ F.lna er of Seattle and Emmett F'olev of Shrlbv—giving advice, Nadine Shelby had spent a few weeks here went to ” ej™\ . vond SO common a thing as . . of lerome Harris who left the city Portland boxed 4 rounds, 115 lbs Ev­ —c.imking her hair. Octavia Ruther­ Seattlr fo r an indefinite stay, but soon Ihts Nation was founded a “ Ford” ' in clothing he mire the test; Bert Wilkinson, former Portland hradwailcr is doing extra waiting at ery bout was real fight Jfclman after ford—chewing paper. Ross Scott— derided he preferred Portland to the being in distress in the second round trasing, » hestrr Brady - making noise Sound City on the principle that the gov- wears the’ be•( his son in law, during Sympathies are w:*h the colored get in the same ring wiht Dannv Mr neonle "n whost* • c charge h n r ^ - c . Isaac E. I -. Stapl , t s p k s and people the colored people whose 1 me coioreu o se "• VV *n Ijj niore ’ i happiness happiness - yofin who have made such remark­ Moore has tried time and again to twelve young matrons met at the this week’s revival meetings The re­ '! raean «»ea». ”lori R Latourettt, able progress since emancipation stop Dannv from fighting, but he al­ home of Mrs Leo Pierce The hostess vival will end Faster Sunday ancestry lor six generation and pf substantial prosper Will give sympathetic consideration ways insisted on being given another served a dainty lunch were born and lived here: :tv- , „ .. , , Both Sr,, and Ir. Mft-ionarv Soeie- all legislation along line Dyer-Mc* chance It means the passing of one of the greatest little boxers the world meetings The f oymakers Club met at thc lirs had very interesting I Kinlev fought bhd r \J died for the, * ----------- - ------- r T a m .e S S . c T e a ,COn‘ i ......... „ , bill __ c . u „ has ever known Monday Quite a rrawd in attendance homc of Mrs Fred MrCIcar Xlessrs n w o r v i t i n n rvf fl|.| c i l l l V f i r m e d a « I t l d g e o f t h e M u n i - , (Signed) R bert N Stanfield. U Next Tuesdav. April 6, Portland Victor Fairbanks and K. Cumbv hosts Dr Coleman spoke to the ladies and preser\ation ot I kilon. Several hundred members Si > Senator baseball fans will have the opportuni­ Music bv the Club quartet girls on the splendid work bring done Washington. D C Mar 20.1926 If any one E.mks colored of the so-called •«--------« P 1* Coi,rt at Washington. superior of seeing Portland and Seatle base­ The Inch Along party given for the in his church The women and girls 1 ). C. to SUCCeed the late R. Portland Bahai Assembly. Portland. ty ball teams opposing each other in the j ebnefit of Miss Lottie Johnson, queen are so active in Missionary work of Americans are free, they are race in Lexington. Kv.. paid ' Oregon of the Coast l.eague scasn candidate was a great success. Lunch the North Oakland Baptist church certainly not it. touch, w.th $2 admission fee to w itness•T ' mXl Th° confirmation of; w,n give my support to passage opening f have iust received word from thr was priced according to waist meas­ that two societies are required for the sports writers of Portland daily pa­ urement. Rev Rtmvon might be cal­ Seniors Vrrv encouraging remark* innnv of the vital issues now the hanging of a colored man pers who arc at the spring Trainnig led small but his lunch cost thirty were given thr Srs and Ir« Next facing our government a few weeks ago. Camp at San Jose. Cal . where thr cents. meeting will be at the residence of the Portland team played the Colored . Note: These notes were tent in sev­ Mrs 1 dgar Williams. 2(tt Mra.le St. 1 his Nation cannot en- -------o— — E A S T E R CARDS Philadelphia Royal Giants six games eral weeks ago. but they were inad­ The Jr will rntrrtain the Sr and have dvte much linger with one- Marcus Garvev who now winning three and loosing three The vertently mislaid ia the reaeon they charge of the program A few'musical and N O V E L T IE S writers say those colored boys are , did not appear before thit week. Ed. numbers will he rendered and our tenth or more of her citizens resides in the federal prison the gr.atcst bunch of ball players ***',or' cv Dver will give an address. be:ng disfranchised, depriv- in .Atlanta. Ga.. was unani- A Complete I.ine at thev have ever seen. Thev also say All the ladies and girls are asked to that if they were in the National Am­ bring a friend and enjoy a social af­ cd of equal opportunity to mously re-elected president- erican Leagues they would surely fin- | ternoon with us cam an honest liking, lynch- general of the L'nivcrsal Ne­ ish first, second or third, a flier fom- , plunent to pay to our colored players Ihe pastor. Rev Dyer will preach ed and burned at the stake; gro Improvement Associa- Nw w hat 'a wndrrful ball tram we will ! both morning and evening Sunday, denied the right in some sec- tion of the “Garvey Move- have to represent Portland in the April 4 Ihe choir has arranged spe- Booksellers and Stationers Fifth and Stark Streets Coast League bv playing those color­ i rial music for the F aster service. Be­ tions. of sending their child- nient’ recently held in De­ ed bovs a 2—2 tie They figured a ing the fust Sunday in the month, ren to the public schools jim- troit. Mich. The tact that big lead over the rest of the Coast there will be our usual testimonial League teams. We should all boost service in the morning, and the Lord s crowed in public convevanc-1 their leader is behind prison the home team. I • S ut,Ptr administered in the evening i *he children will render the Faster program .luring the B Y I’ U »er- C O M I N G ! POM O BA SK ET M A K ERS virrs, beginning at 6:20 Entered at the Postoflice at Portland, m e n t a s W h i t e p e o p l e a i l l l t h e Oregon, at second class matter. st r t m > e r " who comes to Stranger n o COIllCS to our our . , . - , .to iiiiivvi The ff. SALE Easter Dresses ’ 7.95 K RO LAN D H A Y E S C E L E B R A T E D TENOR A U D ITO R IU M Wednesday Evening April 7th M AIL O RD ERS NOW E LW Y N CONCERT BUREAU 1007 Broadwar Building. Main 5001 Prices. Including Tax Silk Frocks for W o m e n and Misses A Or»-La-*t«r aal« of wonderful vlk frocks that embody all ihe newevt fashion fancies. Be sure and see the*e-their quality and style wilt •muse you Flat Crepes— New Print*—Border Effects—Crepe de C h i n e - Fancy Silk»—Every New Color— Doyens of Attractive Styles For Women and Misses— and for AU Occasions Slim lines for the Stout Woman— Chic models for the Vf-.ss— —A style for every tvpe $2.75: $2.20; $1.65: $1.10 S E A T S A L E O PEN S A P R IL 5th Sherman, Clay 8c Co. E L K S S A N IT A R Y B A R B E R S H O P E. W. Agee. Proprietor o U m u i n ^ o ( l f i d & f ía . In it'* new location at 90 North Sixth Street t T H w U d M .SiSMw« 0 * v Completely furnished with modern sterilization equipment BARG AIN B A S E M E N T hM-í-vVÍH RACE L IT E R A T U R E K-CdH HO-9-0 Daily Fashion Hint . C o . T O I L E T A R T I C L E S AND C O N F E C T IO N In the mountains and valleys of Lake and Mendocino Counties in nor­ thern California live various tribes of Indians who have been allowed to re­ main in the region to which thev were native and whose customs have been less directly influenced by contact with white people than have the cus­ toms of other tribes in the State The customs of these J’omos are of particular interest because of the com­ parative isolation in which they have devVloprd and persisted Thr I'otno began life in a basket which served also as a go-cart when hung on his mothers back His house was a huge thatch basket and he plavrd with basket to .- H f. ■ ■ ■! bowls, platters. • and drinking cups were basket shaped to suit their vari­ ous functons. Needs were ground in­ to meal in a mortar basket and fish and meat were cooked in large soup baskets. A conical burden basket served as a wheel barrow or wagon when the Pomo went on a |e| f »| He had fishing baskets, winnowing Isaskets. and long, cyhnderiral ha- kets for trapping game Even hi* fences were of wicker and hr applied the art of basketry to “tules” in mak­ ing canoes. Small onder. it seems, that this art reached I a - high state - of t — perfection and that it is among the Pomo» today that a collector find« the choicest j specimens of modern basketry, tho I these are growing rarer as the years ' pass A few f the basket makers, enrouragrd bv collectors, are still rar- . on the tradition of thnr people —Southern Workman I W E L L KNOWN B A P T I S T H E R E Rev G ( Coleman, ft D pastor of thr North Oakland Baptist church in Oakland. California «pent several ¡ " t h e city as the guest of Dr F. ( Dyer, pastor and Mt Olivet Baptist church Dr. folrtnan is the I resident of the California State Con­ vention of the National Baptist Con­ vention. Un incorporated with head­ quarters m Nashville. Trnn Dr Cole­ man likes, however, to he known as Moderator of V gro Baptist Associa­ tion Mr ( oleman is strenuously op­ posed to white people holding title to colored ehurrh property and upon his view hinges great opposition to him from the other side Dr Coleman received his training m the Virginia Normal School ani letersburg Iheolog.ral Union Uni- vcLMtv* Richmond. V i ACHIEVING THE WIDE HEMLINE The one-piece frock that smart Pans is now wearing is developed in navy blue taffeta- also a student at the latter Universi- tv. during Mr (oleman'» time there. ter « life * ' nnurnft ovtr Mt- 1 1 haring pieces set in thr sides, the lines of the model being slightly fitted m il/ ( oleman is above the hips There are tucks at r hJ * ,r,,> » '" "’»'•Ir in the in- the shoulders m front, and a youth­ l i * ." r,nRa f,°.r • lecture-tour ful collar tmfshed with point». Me­ o7.hV v .FdT n l ' Sood- pr**i £•'**• 14 lo 18 Tears apd i ,. * " ' » ' M P e r and manv have been 24 to 42 inches hurt Price, 45 cents.