* T H li ginning to disconcert many Published every Saturday at a “royal" F. F. V. family. 8uita 912313 Macleay Building. The Racial In tegrity Meas­ ure, known among colored Phone Broadway 3807. people as the “Whitewash E. D. CANNADY................ Editor Bill", classes as “colored" all MRS E. D. CANNADY. Manager white persons with any known demonstrable or ADVOCATE AGENTS E lk » Sanitary Barber Shop ascertainable admixture of Indian or Negro blood. Fur­ 90 NORTH SIXTH thermore, the bill forbids SUBSCRIPTION RATE8 Per Year ........................_ _ ............ $2.50 their marriage to white per­ Six Month» ______ __ ___________1.50 sons, and declares "void ab Three M o n t h s ______ __ _________1.00 solutely from the beginning Payable in advance Entered at the Postoffice at Portland, any marriage entered into Oregon, as second-class matter. between such a 'colored' p e r - son and a white.” IMPORTANT! In their ardor to be effi- All communications for publica­ tion or otherwise should be ad-'cient the reckless lawtnak* dressed to The Advocate Publish- j c>rs forgot that many of the mg ( ompany, Suite 312 313 Mac- ,nosl distinguished families '^Advertising ra tea mad e ^ w n ol VirK>n.a rely tor their on application. distinction upon some ------------------- ------------------ 'downcoming strain of blood I HE ADVOCATE AFRICA’S NEW TREASURE A D V O C A T E MT. OLIVET CHURCH (By O c ta v o William») Sunday Feb 21, was strangers' day T h e pastor. Rev E C. D yer’* morn- The African diamond fields in ( subject was: "A nsw er to the Call have a rival, now that it has of C hrist“, John 11. 42nd and 43rd been discovered that there verses. Driver preached in the even- are more than 2,000 square in* Rev. from Luke 6: 38. miles of platinum territory. Sunday, Feb 28th will be C onstitu­ Day T he pastor will preach in Platinum is a new branch of tion the morning, subject: "T he Beauty of Freedom". Job 3: Id mineral industry in South Attorney James J. Crosslev will Africa and first reports of its speak in he evening on the T h irte e n ­ th. Fourteenth and Fifteenth A m end­ discovery in 1923 were dis­ ments credited. Keen prospectors, Both to Sr the and l T J r Constitution Missionary Socie­ had very interesting meetings though, they knew that Af- ties Mondav T he Bible classes were be­ rica had yielded untold rich- gun and the Jr. began its work for bazaar. cs in previous decades, stuck ts The next meeting Tuesday. Mar 2. to their "lead” with the re- will be at the residence of Mrs Sarah Williams. »4 F 74th St.. N All ladies suit that companies have | are invited to come and bring their been formed _____ to __ ____ mine the .... i needles and thimbles as we will begin W hite Cross work. Come and cn- 2,000 square miles of plati- j our iov a social afternoon with us front mini territory already avail' I 3 -30 until 6. S port N ews (Bv "D enver" F d Martin) A. M. E. ZION C. E. NEWS Keren H. Mills " F o r Christ and the church we stand" O u r lesson, Sunday was very In- spuing. W c wish to thank Mrs. j. { R Mills (or the lovely prayer she reudered and Miss Mina Camp for taking charge of the meeting E very­ one agreed that Miss Comp made an i d o l leader * W e were thirty strong at our last meeting, with Mr and Mis. Irvin as guests Wi will be glad to have them return at any time Miss Rosali(. Bird, our qresident, requests that we be a little more a t ­ tentive that wc may show our visit­ ors that we realy mean business. All C. E. m e m b e rs are invited to attend Sundav School. Most of the girls attend, the boys are welcome Sundav School begins at 9:45, boys Mi and M i s A rthur W ilson visited the Baptist church on sundav even­ ing and rep m t a v,,ry pleasant visit “ lust We Boys" say: Miss Filena lackson h a s been quite indesposed at her home fur the past week The Miu«>l Camp have moved from Cherry Street to 94 G raham Avenue, Phone W alnut 1053. Hiss Ruth A nderson suggests that we write to Miss Avery She co m ­ plains of being vyrv lonesome for Portland Roses Lillian was our C. F Vice President in 1924, her address I- 1219 E 42nd Street, Los Angeles The M i s s e s Mills wtlj cut,.Main the Ever Readv l lub on T hu rsd ay ev en­ ing March 4th at their home STAY O F F E A S T E R MONDAY N I U H T . ST. P H I L L I P S O U IL D . The Colored boy» had a very tough night of it at the A rm ory Tuesday F or rent 3 room s with bath, elec­ night, E'vbruary 23rd but it was a tric Uahte (or 115. per m onth. M l great show and one of the biggest Second Street. Adv. houses d raw n at the Armory in the Ust scar ll seems that the Colored people are beginntg to realize that it F or ren t 5 room, m o d s rn bunga- takes their patronage to get the Col­ low, furnished. Call Mr«. E. D. C a n ­ ored boys a chance nidging by the nady. B roadw ay 5*07. wav they tu rn out There were plenty o ■ ■ of them on hand to root for their SELL OUR Q U IC K SE L L IN O bovs who |u»t could not get started M E D I C I N E S and T O I L E T G O O D S Young Peter Jackson, alter begging PAY W H E N S O L D . BE Q U IC K . his manager, George P Moore ,to B O X 2273, D E S O T O ST A T IO N . get him the match with Nig Yeager, M E M P H IS . T EN N . was so arfaid when he entered the ring that he turned alm ost a« white FOR SALE as Y eager If this fellow Jackson Fiv« room m odern house, double w ould ever It a m to fight hall as good garage. $6.00000; term*. 657 Tama- as he works m the Gym it would take rock. L adds Addition. Sellwood 30*3. six Yeagers to beat him, but when a man is whipped when he enters the ring there is nothing to do but wait "C ash paid (or False T eeth, Dentel I tor the count of ten, which Jackson Gold. Platinum and Diacarded Jewel­ ry. h o k e Smelting A P rim in g Co.. ! did a lter h r had been knocked down Otsego. Michigan.—Adv twice in the third round able, and to prepare for the He was knocked completely out in the fourth round and it looked as it D ecorating. Plumbing and all around additional territory that w ill BETHEL CHURCH he had broken his neck from the wav repair work. W alnu t 5733.—Adv. undoubtedly come to light in he hit the floor. After his second ---------- o---------- (By Melba Burge) had worked on him lor more than S T A Y O F F M A R CH Slat P A R ­ AnDd°on'.“ li innvril h.n g.I"k«hem m f r ° m P o c a llO llta S Or SOlllC O- dtlC C o u rse. Rev. X. C Runvon delivered an five m inutes he was barely able to T I C U L A R S L A T E R —ADV. rt a right that i» handed to ye fr ther equally tauious Indian 1 eople who have delved excellent sermon Sundav morning to go to his dressing room. Bawthin ha* somethin the matter with (ree ■ a n j jt develops th a t a into com m ercialism lo n g e- a U rge and a p p r e c i a t e audence. T ext Ansell Bell, the Colored b«-> from “Glorv of the D angerous Life“ . E ven­ New York, seemed to lack the con F'or i«nt F ro n t room with radio; —-------------------------------- - dozen or more members ol nough to realize now Afri- ing. "T he Brand of Christ." Cloae in. Rent reasonable, Phone dition to do his best, never-thc-lcss, T rinity 3*39. Adv. Bethel Friendship Club met at the he put up a very good tight until hr “Just W e Boys" say: Everyone u m^them j a mes' R ussd i *Lo »• *u*'n tho Legislature itself would canresources have been ex- home —------o -- — of Mrs. Kiser where a w ond er­ ran into one of HelinaiTs "rights" at seems happy. T h ,. Basket Ball Boys •------------------------------------ under the strict qualifies- plotted in the past, will utter ful meeting was held Mrs Kiser and the end of the sixth round F or rent. 3-room (urnithed a p a r t­ insist on being called the " T h ree B's" Hicks entertained. m ent with bath. Call Oarlield 396*. In the seventh round. Bell like any COLORED PEOPLE tions laid down in the Integ- a prayer that in the forth- Mrs. A trip through a T housand Islands other sm art boxer, went out to w eath­ W e held our first annual banquet at on F‘eb 18th AND POLITICS rity Measure be “colored”, coming platinum rush great- was given on Feb 26. starting from er the storm and was doing nothing “ the lust church W e Boys" cnjuy(.d the affair Bethel church at 8:30 o'clock The but blocking H clm au's efforts when ------ This disclosure has brought er equities may obtain for last stop being at the home of Mr the referee stepped between them Res Moreland visited Seattle last week and made arran gem ents to plav If the colored people as a consternation to the State; Africa and her native sons and Mrs Fred D. Thom as. 366 S hav­ and gave the fight to Hcluian, and er St.. w here a musical and grand ball as Billy Step says, "pulled the Mcrklc th,. Baskets - I the ScattU M I race would obtain all their and, judging from the cry than has been the case liere- ended the festivities Mr Wilis Reed of 1926." church The «¿rattle bovs are c h a m ­ pions, now, but " W e " are going to be the ntrtaim nent which was for rights as citizens of this sounded by a number of Vir- tofore. Greedy Britishers, gave It seems about time that some one very soon The girls say: take them the benefit of Miss Nellie Franklin » i s giving Mr. Gruuian some point- or stay at bouir, but "Sorrv girls vou great country; gain the re- ginia's most haughty scions. Dutch, and French, are al- Be sure and see the W o m anless < era as to how' to referee a boxing can't go spect and be recognized by some changes must be made ready surging in all over the W edding March 1, at the church match as this is not the first tune he T h e Sundav School P reparatory has pulled a boner and especially a- The B II I t 's quartet sang at Ml the ruling power, it must be in the proposed measure, in Dark Continent with 90-year Board held an interesting meeting at . gainst the race boys. A fter Grum an's the home of Mr. and Mrs F. L. J a m ­ decision the crowd booed for fully O liv e t Bautist t hureli last Suiulat done through the use of the order to save Virginia from leases and various other in­ ison. We are all s u i t i n g for the 868 Garfield A v e . T hu rsd ay ten m inutes which showed their dis­ evening besi ballot. Colored voters must being a part of its own racial strumentalities of injustice Feb 18. Next meeting will be with approval of the rank decision. \Vc The subicct for Sundav s lesson is: Zenha Baker take a keener interest in pol- ruin. for the native classes. They Mrs could not im agine w hat had happened Areas", Isiah T h e Mock Midget Concert which place \ few more like this one and "N eglected Country 35 1—8 itics; they must never fail to As a colored brother said ¡have absorbed so much of was given Feb 2rd was enjoyed very pace. A few m ore like this one and P S T o carry the feelings of child­ It was for the benefit of Miss Mr. Grutuan will kill the game him ­ use their ballot and use it just the other day, in Rich- the honey of African re- much L ottie Johnson, candidate for queen self This decision alone is what hood into the powers of manhood, to Says She Is \\ illinj> to Give child's sense of wonder and wisely at every election. mond: “’Tegrity is all right, sources that one wonders T h e bags gven out bv Mrs. Geo spoiled one of the greatest cards ever combine Secret to Anyone Who for song books will be turned shown in P ortland loc W aterm ann. novelty with the appearance« wlich Colored voters must make if vou don’t take it too seri-liust what is left. Not satis- in Moore every day fur years has rendered fa- 1 Wants Long Hair. March 7th. M atchm aker of the Portland C om ­ miliar, this .« the character of a great j fied with mere exploitation Q uarterly meeting Sundav Rev. S mission, a careful study of men and ously.” after seeing th at Bell had man, and one of the marks w hirh dis- i R. Ginnes the new P F will be p re s­ gotten so much the w o r s t of the de­ After a long spell of sickness Mrs measures, and avoid the mis- -------o------- of wealth and of men, they ent to administer the sacrament All cision immediately agreed to pul Bell ringuish it from talent P II H utton of 1337 Christian Street, This quotation is from Colcridgr South take of voting for a socalled INSULTING TERMS have been trying, during the Bethelites are asked to be present Philadelphia. Pa . found hrrsell un one i f the folowing cards in a and te n t by the request of our < I H er hair had fallen out double w.udup in order to give him a advisor. Rev. J R Mills Please read almost ball “straight ticket", meaning, BY DAILY PAPERS past year, to pass a colour S IO U X IN DIAN PL EA D S FOR chance to prove Ins ability. Bell is a it C. E H onoraries so you m ight u n ­ in hand fulls and ll was so short, »hr bar bill to exclude African any one political party. Free- could not fix it up in anv style She H IS RACE verv rugged little fellow and prom is­ derstand tried everything she could think of In the name of common labor from equitable and es to make good with his next start (C ontinued from page one) dom does not exist in any got no results whatever Finally The next show at the A rm ory will No man is anything until Christ | but such voting. The proper and Feeney and human respect, just practices. To the credit to her reservation there were no elec­ also «hr gave up the thought of r v r r being feature two of our colored boys, makes him som ething—Zion I able to get anything to give results, best thing to do is to vote for we ca^ uPOI\ the daily news- Gf the natives they have tricity and a vacuum cleaner had not cnc being the well known Satn Bak­ when «hr discovered that her hair been heard of there. The train­ er, Giant heavyweight from Los A n g ­ T H E H O U S E O F P R A Y E R men and measures, regard- PaPers to retrain from using made a stubborn and lasting even had stopped falling, and was g rad u al­ ing according to Dr Freeman, is not eles, against Tiny Herman. If Baker ly getting longer. She continued to the Indian self supporting can do as well against H erm an as he less of the former's political those humiliating and insult- fight against this last insult, tendering "A ccording to statistics in the 67th did against Floyd Johnson here some 28 Union Avenue North. Portland, O r use the last preparation (which she Folder Robert Seareie, P astor affiliation. *n8 ternis as burly black anj victory seems to be Congressional Record 91.000 Ameri­ time ago it may spell curtains for made herself) and after a few month* can Indians are employed in indus­ H erm an T h e other boy of color will 6541 66th Street, S P Phone Su 2794 j her hair was long enough to fix in No special legislation as a coons » negress , etc., when within their grasp, Sundav School 10 A M ; Sunday ser- , any style tries. 40 000 w ork for white farmer« be Jimmie Moore, the flash from race issue has ever been put making references to colored it js to be hoped that the averaging Mrs Burton, »ays that the in g re d ­ $220 a re a r : 27.000 are fol­ Cincinnati, who promises to get re­ vices, 12 M and 7:30 P M Mid-week Service«, Monday. W ednesday and ients can be bought at any drug »tore, their Native Indian arts. venge on jim m y Darcy for what hap- over and never will be. It will PeoP'e- As we see *L there ,s platinum rush, in this mod- lowing F'ndav evenings. All nations welcome 1 and that »hr is willing to give the 5.5»7 Navajo blanket m akers aver­ pened t" Young Peter Jackson who is secret to anyone who will write her have to find its destiny in n.° g°°d reason or justitica- ern era of civilization may be age $130 per year: fishermen average one of his stable mates. u s e r t i i r i r a i s T i v o ivinz AT and send a stamped, »rlf-addre«*ed per vear; lace makers. $30 per 1 would like to say right here that men and measures and not tion f°r so doing. atended with a large degree $80 envelop vear: basket weavers, $25 per vear: I admire the nerve and sportsm anship THE ADVOCATE in parties. Those terms are just as oi- Qf honesty; that whatever brad workers. $20 per year; potterv of N ote-—Mrs Burton has nothing to M anager Geo P. Moore for what 312 Marleay llldg BRoadway 3*17 sell O u t of p u rr gratitude she is makers. $15 ner vear and o v e r 1000 he has done for our race boys in gen­ As a minority race we tens've to the colored group credit is due to Africa and wild passing un the secret th at gave her rice gatherers average $10 per eral and to my knowledge it has cost long, beautiful hair It's free! Just must cease voting for special as the terms, wop » dag° > her people will be given her vear. And yet they arc expected to Mr. Moore plenty to keep the colored send a stamped envelop to Mrs P body and soul together boys in the limelight and although he favors. We must take a big- greaser and the like, to o- and them; and that in the keen <> Burton, 1337 C hristen S t , South “ I believe in foreign missions; I be­ seems to get the breaks against him Philadelphia, Pa race for wealth legal techni- lieve in sending our best, hut it make« he «till says that the day will conic ger view of politics by merg ther racial groups. rrv heart literally bleed when more when he will be m anaging a Champ We urge our group to re- calities and chicanery may ing our demands into the de­ of the best is not saved right here ion of the W o rld in some division WILLIAMS AVENUE ‘Y’ The last addition to the Moore stable mands for the common good fuse to patronize those pa- he set aside for moral, Chris- for the heathen at home "All heathen are not Indian, there was Q uinton Reese, better known a> W h m you are suffering with rh eu ­ pers that persist in this un- tian( human, considerations. of humanity. T he vesper service for F’cb 21*1 George Dixon, a Portland boy who matism so you can hardly get around are some am ong the white people ------o------ T h e largest reservation is the Nav- has bad about sixteen fights winning (list try Red Pepper Rub and you will was conducted bv Mrs C Ingrrsol. When the colored voter necessary and inhuman prac- Musical num bers were rend rred bv which covers 125.000 square mile« ten bv K nockouts and only loosing have the quickest relief known Downing’s orchestra ¡dis­ aio does that, and works for the tice. ____ Miss Louise Randolph and Mrs. K of territory where Arizona. Colorado two U nder the m anagem ent of Mr. Nothing has sui h concentrated, pen- Brown Danlev read a paper pensed some fine dance mus­ . New Mexico and U tah meet T here Moure he should work wonders trating heat as red peppers. Instant "T h e Spirit Miss whole regardless of race or! , 7°^ T~ of Youth in Religion" is not a single living body of w ater relief, lust as soon as you apply Red of color, he will then begln; W .e l,ave faded 10 “ e in ic at the Elks’ Annual. a general discussion followed to be found anywhere on this reser­ Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. and TACOMA NOTES O n Feb 28th the Rosebud Study vation. "33,00 Indians live on that to take his place as a citizen an-v d?,lly Pa Pe” ‘hus far a In three minutes it w arms the sore ( lub will render, bv special request, reservation. 93 per cent of them are spot through and through. F'rccs the the Club p ro g ram for National Negro Mvrtlc W ash ing ton. R eporter and be enabled to wield a n ¡eleven lSf are h,?ad co.nc?,rn'.nf; th° sc illiterate and in all these years only blood circulation, breaks up the con ­ superior white men Week 2110 Jefferson Av . Tacom a, Wn. 400 have found the 'Jesus Road'.” the old rheum atism torf- H istory influence of substantial pro­ who raped The N. A A C. P held a m em b er­ gestion—and Mrs (i. V. Grayson has been asked T h e speaker told of the great suf­ the litle colored riire is gone ship drive Sunday F'cb. 21, at Bethle­ portions. fering from starvation and disease. Kawles Red Pepper Rub, made from to render the p ro g ram at the Main in New York a few “O ut of the tw o-thirds of my people hem Baptist church. Nine new m em ­ red peppers, costs little at any drug A ssociation on March 7th When the colored voter girl bers were secured and a num ber of I he H igh School had a splendid examined, 74,500 were found to be ago and thereby caus­ store. Get a jar at once Use it for brings out racial issues, he is weeks afflicted with tuberculosis and that pldgs. An intresting p rogram was lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck representation at the Federation's By untimely death. The dreaded eye disease, trachom a with rendered. T h e Hawaiian guitar solo sore muscles, cold in chest Ella Louise Hood Almost l ouncil meeting for February lost and cannot hope to gain ing W her by Mr. H e n ry F'llis was appreciated Mid-w inter Conference is being held slight chance to be cured. hat about a scare on instant relief aw aits you. Be sure to ----------------------------------- A storia in March and the club is a successful hearing. We that bit of authenticated — “ In Montana, the Rockoboi I n ­ bv every one. the genuine, with the name Kaw­ at planning to send delegates. T he Silver Moon Grill operated l get are starving to death today. e s on each package. must beware of the politi­ news? We would not have Mrs. J. A Ewing entertained four dians bv Mr S. F'ranklin, "D iam on d" ha- h e I ireflv Club is most fortunate F'or free sample Mail This A dver­ in T securing members of the younger set with a They have eaten all their horses and closed. as its advisor, Mrs More- cian hunting voters. It is had the opportunity of men­ delightful tisement to dinner at her home A very are now eating tntir dogs. land T h e dance held by the Elks of T a ­ “T h e Pema Indians in Arizona W H I T E H A L L P H A R M A C A L C O . easy to promise but mighty tioning it in this way had it enjoyable time was reported. coma was a grand success T h e S eat­ According to the present plans Inc.. 598 Madison Ave., New York. of the T he “Joy Makers" Club met at the are gradually starving to death. C o m m itter of m anag m en t, the "I n the state of California 100 I n ­ tle "B ills” turned out in a large, jo l­ difficult sometimes to fulfill! been a case where a white home N. Y. of Mrs. and Rev. Runyon. Mrs. ly number. corner-stone, for the Y W C A is to die annually from starvation the promises after the votes > child and eleven “inferior” Runyon and Mr. Cage acted as hosts. dians T he boys’ basket-ball team of the be laid the 21st of March or th ere­ Dr. Freeman says th at the Indian's A very educational program was ren­ A. C. E. I., is planning on gaining the about have been counted. in honor of W a sh in g to n ’s hope does not lie in the Indian Bu­ victory at the game to be held in That Baby You’ve Longed colored men had been invol' dered Mrs. Moreland and Miss Danlev reau but in the creation of a hopeful ' birthday. were guests o l the V ancouver High sensitive public opinion. T h e Indian Seattle in the earlier part of Mach For ved. The fact is the colored L e t’s redeem T a ro m a School Reserves on W edn esd ay al- VIRGINIA IS PUZZLED R obert Morrison entertained Bureau which was created years ago T h e funeral of W P'.. G rayson, p'ri- ternoon. men would not have lived to a Mrs. group of her m any friends with a for an emergency, is obsolete, never day, F'cb 19th. Oddfellows officiated Mrs. Burton Advises W om en on Birthday dinner February 16th at her been revised and wholly inadequate at the A M. E Church Rev. lohn- The ‘Old Dominion State’s’ have been indicted for the home. Motherhood and C om panion­ A wonderful time was enjoyed to meet the condition of the Indian, son, pastor, preached the funeral. His ship. according to the New York Munici­ T H E TABLEAU brightest minds are in a terible crime. by those who attended. pal Research Association reported in son, E dw ard Grayson, did not come. quandry. In their zeal to sys­ The Elks’ Ball the other Bulletin No. 65. Bible l ’ictures, with the beauti­ "F'or several years I was denied the In this connection the speaker told H ave you r printing done by the A d­ blessing of m otherhood,” w ritrs Mrs ful attractio n of living statues a tematize the rising tide of night was a brilliant success; of an emergency which arose am ong vocate Printin'! C o , Brdwy 5807-adv. i M argaret Burton of Kansas City. "I gain, at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church color, through a socalled Ra­ every one looked nice and the Blackfeet Indians wherein they East F'irst and Schuyler Streets, was terribly nervoug, and subject to needed for immediate relief $25,(X X ) W edn esd ay Evening, March I7lh periods of terrible suffering and tnel- cial Inetgrity Measure,, the deportment was splendid. T he Indian Agent reported to the I n ­ 1926 at 8:15 p tn I ancholia. Now I am the proud moth- Virginia legislators have e- Congratulations to the com­ dian Commission: the Commission re a beautiful little daugher and a A joint benefit. Admission 25c referred the m atter o the Secretary true companion and inspiration to iny volved a puzzle which is be- mittee of management. of the In terio r and he in turn refer- husband. I believe hundreds of other rd it to th President; the President i V kv , v « » v «:«W h ‘« h * women would like to know the secret Regular meetings of the Port­ Cleaned and sent it to Congress; C ongress debated Fovtr hnadach* or grip p « ^ of my happiness, and I will gladly re­ it for several weeks, finally app ropri­ Preened veal it to any married woman who land Itraneh of the National Aa- ating the $25,000 But when it reach­ Colds break in a day for the millions who will write me." Mrs. B urton offers xociation for the advancement of 91.00 o U p m a n ^ o tla ed the Blackfeet, it had dwindled to use Hill's. Headache and fever stop. La her advice entirely without charge ( / ' ‘Mer'iitrxiiM oC c J Merit On\y the pitiful sum of $3,000 and the e- Grippe is checked. All in a way so reliable She has noth ing to sell. Letters Colored People held every aecond mcrgency was over. that druggists guarantee result*. Cold* are should be addressed to Mrs M ar­ Monday evening at F'irst A M E Dr. Freeman (G ai-i-wah-go-w ah) too important to treat in lesser ways. BARGAIN BASEMENT garet Burton, 226 Massachusetts, Zion Church, 417 Williams Avenue LKK ANDER80N. Hee’y. closed with these words* Kansas City, Mo Corespondence Be Sure It's ( j . Price 3Qc “Let us give unto the man whom will be strictly confidential. J. A. KWINO, Pre*. God hath created an Indian, the op­ portunity of developing into a better 104 F ou rth 8t. Indian instead of vainly trying to convert him into a poo r apology of a j : with portrait white man.” Get Red Bast T h e Meeting was under the auspi- : i In the ces of the Portland Branch of the N. ‘i Mens' and W o m ens' P u re Silk *: A A. C P. j GOLDEN WEST HOTEL Seven different nationalities occu­ H O SIE R Y pied scats on the stage with the dis­ Also Mercerized for Mens’ tinguished guest, including Señora HOLIDAY A SMITH, Props. i: P re tty Silk Lenna O ’Valley who sang a group of Special Sunday Dinner* Regular Meals Every Day songs in her native tongue. T h e sing­ UNDERWEAR O P E N A L L N I O HT er has a rare sweet, dram atic voice which she handles beautifully, i s well —and— as being possessed of a charm ing per­ DRESSES sonality. She was accom panied on the piano b y M r s. C. Stone. Laura D ymond, Beacon 2044 A ttorney James J. Cro ssley in a RAYON PRINCESS SLIPS brief way toid of his activities in A- E xtrem ely well made slips in bodice top style, in Misses' only, 16 laska am ong the Indians and of his to 38. Good assortm ent of colors. Bleated flounces and shoulder fight against the liquor traffic. He straps. Closed by extending a welcome to T a b o r 7100 RAYON BLOOMERS the speaker of the occasion. T h e y are ail heat In light colors and priced at less than material would cost. Made Mr. J. A. F.wing, President of the with elastic tape at top and at cuff. Branch told briefly of the purpose of Phone MAin 6500 the Asociation. The Miller and T r a ­ SATEEN SLIPS or coll on Typewriter Ribbons, Carbon Paper«, cey Q uartet were compelled to re­ Fine quality striped sateen princess slips that are cut full, and well spond to several encores. Portland Gas Stationery, Printing, Book made Shoulder strap style. All wanted colors. Sizes 36 to 44 Mrs. J W. Latimer in a very fit- AV jl l h r and T racey Binding, Rubber S t a m p . and Coke Co. ring and beautiful way introduced VOILE STEP-INS Dr. Freeman Mrs. Stanley Chin and Seal« 5th A Alder Very good quality voile stepins trim med with val lace and some Miss Kate Lewis took the silver of­ em broidered. Full cut and large range of pretty new light colors such 409 M cK ay Bldg. Portland, Ora. fering. Dr. E. C. Dyer offered the in­ as honcydew, orchid, rose, sky. nile, maize, flesh and white. vocation and Mrs. L. D. Cannady pre­ j . . . . . . . . . sided over the program Pennsylvania W om an Discovers a Remedy 1 hat Grows Hair Almost Over Night RLD PEPPERS END RHEUMATIC PAIN SOCIAL AND OTHERWISE« Suits Pressed 35c SALE! of N EW No Cold CASCARA jj? QUININE NEW GOLDEN WExST CAFE Slips - Bloomers - Step-ins $ 1 . 0 0 to $ 1 . 2 5 V A L U E S 69c Gasco Briquets give no ashes Louis H. Strickland P ‘n* » £ x - i ''V