The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, February 27, 1926, Image 2

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s of
Six Years' Trial Declared to Show
Law Unenforceable.
An Advance Showing
Luxurious Fur Trimmings
Cnn’t Be Found When They
Ar« Sought in Arktntai.
Salem .— T h ere w ere five fatalities
W ashington. D. C.—The b a ttle cry
of th e antt-prohibltionl»t» (or a modi­
due to .In d u strial accidents in (he state
U tile Rock. Ark S outheastern Ar­
fied form of prohibition to c o rre c t al
•<f O regon during th e week ending
kansas. fur many years a paradise of
Bits of Best News Items From leged evils a m o n r th e youth of today $381,000„000 Decrease This ( February IS. according lo a report pre­ durk
limiter», (Ids season produced
.tnd a a re th e m orals of th e coining
pared h ere by the sla te Industrial acci poor hunting despite the fact that
Year Provided.
generation* w as sounded Monday and
dent commtaaton.
there m e millions of the green headed
Monday n ig h t by num erous sp eak ers
- . i .. -
W estport An epidem ic of Influenxa w ater fowl.
4 th e second annual "face th e facts"
W hether the w eather Is responsible
conference of th e A ssociation A gainst
for conditiona, or the ducka have
gained through experience of aged
P U T IN C O N C IS E FO R M the Prohibition A m endm ent.
C O E F E R E E S A G R E E D confined
to th e ir homes. Many pupils birds passed on to the younger geu
Called to m eet on w hat w as de­
are out of school T h ere have been erutlous, sportsm en are unable to tell.
scribed a s a "propitious day in view
110 d eath s and no pneum onia o r other Official*, however, blame the w eather
of th e p rinciples of lib erty and self-
For ducka there are, literally by the
E vents of Noted People, Governm ents control ta u g h t by George W ashing R atification by Both H ouses F.xpected : . .im plications to date.
million, but not where the hunters are
and P a r t i r N orthw est, and O ther
Soon; A dm in istratio n Re-
P endleton.—T he co n r'le tlo n of the prone to hunt. They are lu th e leas
ference heard a series of em phatic
ported Satisfied.
bridge at Stanfield acro ss th e Uuia frequented lakes and the opeu rivers
Things W orth Knowing.
speeches in su p p o rt of legislation for
I liila riv e r was th e occasion for a cele­ of the rice country.
legalisation of light w ines and beer
Early In the season ducks w ere so
bration which w as held F riday under
for m em bers of both houses of con
plentiful huuters found no trouble All
W ashington. D. C. - Tax reduction ,h *
°* »h* bu*in““
Reduction by m ore th an one half in
th e clergy, lead ers of wom en's
1 of the town. The bridge w as opeued lng th eir legul bags, and rice farm ers
appealed to the sta te guiue and fish
fees charged for autom obiles e n terin g j ciu t,s atuj o th ers
am ounting to $391.000.000 thia y ear u< tf -ff |c SlltunU>.
commission and the m igratory bird
the seven national parks was announc-
T he gp0a|tera gen erally assailed con and IS4t.000.000 th e re a fte r finally was
authorities that the bag limit be lifted
ed S aturday by th e in terio r depart- j j j | ong w hich have a rise n w ith prohi- agreed upon S atu rd ay by sen ate and
»“ k e r .- N e w . of ,h * f,ra‘ « W »
The hunters hsd hardly arrived
strik e on Goose creek w as received in
m ent.
bision. declared six y ears of th e law
house c o n fe re e , on th e revenue MU.
, takt,r
r e s p e c ti n g h as been when th e w ater fowl disappeared
T he loss by th eft of $66.950 in jew els had show n It could not be enforced
T he w eather had turned w arm again
T his com prom ise, w hich m ust be unijN » a y for several m onths. One
w as reported to poltce in P asadena, and called for Im m ediate relief.
Then came word that duck hunting
Cal.. Sunday by Mrs. Edw ard C. Cros-
S en a to r Edge, republican. New Jer- ratified by both b ran ch es of congress thousand feet of tunnel has ben dug In Illluols, Wisconsin and other north
se tt. She Is th e wife of a w ealthy sey. one of th e reeo g n iied "w et" lead- before th e bill becom es law, re p resen ts The strik e of chalcopyrite w as m ade ern states w as b etter than In years
Chicago lum berm an.
e rs in congress, renew ed at th e asso ­ an increase of about $50.000.000 over 25 feet below th e surface and 600 feet T he hunters put away th eir guns and
prepared to wait for colder w eather
from the m outh of tunnel.
ciatio n 's W ashington birth d ay banquet
the to tal w ritte n into th e bill by the
The executive com m ittee of the n a­
Gold w eather came. The ducks re­
th e vigorous a tta c k s launched during
Eugene.—T h e E ugene cham ber of turned.
H unters again put out for
tional grange has ended its two-day
an afternoon session at w hich Sena house, but is $75.000,000 less than was
But when they a r ­
It w as described com m erce has sent a telegram to Dr. the rlcs fields.
session in W ashington. D. C. w ithout
to r E dw ards, dem ocrat of th e sam e
H arry W oodburn Chase, p resid en t of rived the ducks lead disappeared ex
indorsing any of th e farm bills now
state, was th e principal speaker.
as accep tab le to th e a d m in istratio n as
the U niversity of N orth C arolina, in cept In sm all numbers.
pending before congress.
D eclaring th e cam paign of modi- w ithin th e lim its th e tre a su ry can a f­
Guy II. Atnsler. secretary of the Ar­
w hich it was sta te d th a t the business
kansas game and fish commission. '
The m ost reverend P au l Eugene ficationists w as "not a cam paign for ford.
m en of Eugene w ere eag er for a fa v o r made a trip to the district to look I
Roy. archbishop of Quebec, and Ro- booxe, but ra th e r a p ractical effort
H ouse conferees forced th e re s to ra ­ able reply to th e invitation lo become
man Catholic prim ate of Canada, died for tem p eran ce unobservable today." tion to th e bill, w ith som e m odifica­ president of th e U niversity of Oregon. over the situation. In several of the
rem ote lakes be found four lullllous of
S atu rd ay nig h t in St. F ran cis d'Asslxi S en ato r E dw ards said he would wel- tions. of tax es on in h eritan ces, auto­
th e birds. Mr. Amater said.
G rants P ass.—U nder auspices of the
hospital here a fte r a long illness.
come a nation-w ide referen d u m on mobile p assen g er cars, adm issions and
T hs official attributed the move
m odification of th e V olstead act and
nienta of the birds to the fart that
A Platinum m ine has been located am endm ent of th e 1Sth am endm ent dues, w hich th e se n a te had voted to day celebration will be stag ed here
when the w eather turned cold enough
repeal. S en ate co nferees on th e o th er
n ear F ort Chipew yan on L ake Atha- to a point of common sense legaliia-
hand, obtained g re a te r red uctions in M arch 6 for all pioneers in southern to drive the w ater fowl out of the
b&sca. 350 m iles n orth of E dm onton, tion of sp irits and liquors w ith all th e som e of th e su rta x ra te s th an were Oregon. An exhibit of early-day furnl more northern states. It struck south
A lberta by B. W. Dunne, ex^iom inion safeguards th a t can practically be de­ voted by th e house.
lu re and relics will featu re th e event t-ru A rkansas bard enough to freeze
the shallow er w aters lu and about the
surveyor. rep o rted a d ispatch received cided."
W hile considerable d issatisfactio n A luncheon will be given and a pro­ rice fields. This, he said, hud driven
from F o rt Scott.
“ In th a t m a n n e r and th a t alone.” he was ap p a re n t on both sides as a re- gram will be held d u ring th e after-
them Into the open w aters of the rivers
a sserted , "can we solve th e e n tire suit of the in h eritan ce tax com prom ise. noon-
and lakes.
In spectially equipped cars. 500 wild
. ,
problem, if e v e r it can be solved.
which involves allow ance of a re tro ­
elk from governm ent ran g es in th e
S en ato r Edge declared a re fe re n ­ active cut in th is tax. lead e rs expect­
F lathead Indian reserv atio n n ear
sen tativ e from O regon and ex-com m is­ G ive 150-Y ear-O ld T u rk
dum of th is n a tu re would “dem on­ ed im m ediated ratificatio n .
Moiese. Mont., claim ed to be th e larg ­
sioner of th e U nited S ta te s general
s tra te to o ur law -m aking bodies th e
J o b to S ave Hia Life
The conference a g reem en t on the land office. F riday obaerved his 83d
est shipm ent of wild anim als ever re ­
changed public opinion." and should
Constantinople. — T he fam ous old 1
corded. passed thro u g h Chicago en
birth d ay an n iv ersary . As a special Turk, Zuro Aglta. who claim s th at Ills
c a rry w ith it “a co ncrete proposition
R esto ratio n of th e modified in h eri­
route to Middlesboro. Mass.
for relief so th a t citixens could vote tance tax ra te s voted by the house, in­ event of th e day he w as visited by his •me hundred and fifty years make him
four b ro th rs—T. M andell. Cass. E rn est the oldest man in the world, it to be
E ach man. woman and child in th e intelligently for o r again st."
cluding th e provision allow ing SO p er an j j,-nlnk H erm an — all of M yrtle honored, and incidentally, s a te d from
U nited S ta te s cost th e federal and
cent credit on account of s ta te inheri- |,oint
starvation by the city of C onstantl
the C anadian exp erim en t and p red ict­ tance tax paym ents.
s ta te
governm ents
approxim ately
ed an "overw helm ing v erdict for com ­
The sged man has been unable for
R etro activ e cut in th e in h eritan ce i Eugene.—T he Southern Pacific corn-
I5S.71 in 1923. It w as rev ealed by
mon sense, san ity and decency." if the tax w hereby th e in creased ra te s voted pany will In the n ear fu tu re abandon the last year or two to carry on til.»
figures m ade public S atu rd ay by the
law w ere put to such a te st. H e said in 1924 would be elem inated in favor its street-car line betw een E ugene and life-long trad e us lianiul. The ham als
national industrial conference board.
he was hopeful th a t at h earin g s to be of th e low er ra te s in th e 1921 act.
Springfiled. w tt w as sta te d In a le tte r a re the human delivery wtigona of
Turkey, and it Is a common thing to
Storm clouds appeared S aturday held by a se n a te ju d iciary sub-com-
Allow ance of th e in creased reduc- received S atu rd ay by H erb ert J. Cox.
over the course of th e com prom ise tax tn ittee co n stru ctiv e plans and sugges- tions In th e su rta x ra te s applying on president of th e Springfield cham ber see one of these porters. Iient nearly
reduction bill agreed to by house and tions "w ill be brought out w hich will incom es betw een $26 000 and $100.000 of com m erce, from E. L. King, super- double, plodding steudlly along the
street with a piano or bedstead or
senate conferees, but prom pt ra tific a ­ m ake possible th e adoption of some
at voted by th e senate. T his Involves in ten d en t of th e Portland division of dining room table on his hark. As
tion of th e m easure by both b ran ch es such defin ite and co n crete plan.'
Znro Agha has grown som ewhat too
a saving of $23.000.000 an n u ally to tax the com pany.
early next week w as believed certain
The d em ocratic delegation in th e payers in th is class.
old for this lierculeun occupation, he
by leaders.
G ran ts P ass.—In an effort to concen­ has found It difficult to supply him
¡house from New York atte n d e d the
Repeal of th e cap ital stock tax as
tra te ag ricu ltu ral endeavors w ithin the self with the bread and cheese of ex
! conference en bloc, because, its m em ­ voted by th e senate.
H undreds of educators, rep resen tin g
G ran ts P ass irrig atio n d istrict, farm ers Istenre, for the pension which he re­
bers said in a state m e n t, th ey believ­
Increase of th e Incorporation tax.
"00.000 school teac h ers of th e U nited
ed it would aid in "calling a tte n tio n now 1 2 4 p er cent, to 13 p e r cen t th e re ­ here have signed up to p lant 2U00 ceives from the Association of H amals
S tates, congregated in W ashington. D.
acres of stra w b e rrie s th is spring, to Is anything but large.
to th e m anly, vigorous v irtu e of tem- after.
C„ S aturday p rep arato ry to the open­
Now the prefect of Constantinople.
induce c o n tracto rs to com e here and
ing of the 56th annual convention of P^r a j*ce^ ani
R estoration of th e 10 p e r cen t tax
Emlnehey, has appointed Znro as door­
W ashington w hich enabled him to on adm issions and dues, but w ith an
keeper for the municipal council,
the dep artm en t of superintendence of
m ake proper use of b eer and wine and increase in th e exem ptions to apply on grow ers have set an objective of *on th e re fo re he will now have not only
the N ational E ducation association.
even stro n g sp irits and to avoid the tic k e ts costing 75 c en ts and less, a c res in production w ithin tw o years bread and cheese aplenty, a uniform
nnd a warm place lo all In, hut a
T he sen ate F rid ay approved th e abuse th ereo f.”
ra th e r th a n 50 cen ts and less, as voted
P endleton.—T eats of application of
feeling of Im portance befitting the dig­
Joint resolution, previously adopted by
by th e house.
com m ercial fertilizers to w heat lands, nity of his yeurs.
th e house, authorizing p articipation by
W et G overnors Rapped.
R esto ratio n of th e autom obile pas- which has been c arrie d on under direc­
the governm ent in th e Philadelphia
H agerstow n, Md. — G overnors who sen g er c a r tax. w ith th e ra te reduc tion of th e county agent for tw o years,
H e a t M ines P re p a re d
sesqui-centennial celebration.
The can sing th e “Star-Spangled B anner" j ed from 5 to 3 p er cent.
will be continued th is year, according
m easure app ro p riates $2,186,500 for the are badly needed in New York and
to D estroy Icebergs
R etroactive reduction in th e gift tax to Fred Reunion, county agent. Appll-
governm ent's p art in th e celebration. M aryland, W ayne B. W heeler, gen eral j to m ake th e low er ra te s In effect on cation of tw o ty p es of fertilizer, one a
M ontreal, Cun.- -I’rof H o w a r d T
$1,000.000 being for buildings and $1.- counsel of th e A nti-Saloon L eague of in h eritan ces in th e 1921 law effective top dressing, th e o th e r a sodium nl- llam ea of the physics departm ent of
186,500 for Its d irect participation.
A merica, d eclared in an ad d ress h ere T his tax. as fa r a s tho fu tu re is con tra te , w ere m ade on som e plot* S a tu r­ McGill university, whose assertion
th a t It Is possible to free the North |
P resid en t Coolidge feels th a t failure 3 a tu rd a * Mr " heele r atta c k e d Gov- j cerned. is repealed by th e bill
A tlantic of Icebergs and keep the SI
of the senate to ratify th e Italian debt ernor8 Sm ith of Xew Y ork and Ritchi< ( In crease from $50,000 to $100.000
Law rence river open for navigation
settlem en t would serve to relieve Italy of M ar>'land for th e ir opposition to the th e exem ption from th e in h eritan ce
the en tire year Is helng widely dls
p rev en t h e r from an y longer having
cussed, will leave for G reenland In
of an y obligation of n eg o tiatin g an V olstead act. "T h e s ta te s of M aryland tax.
personal charge of th e h isto ric Brun- Ju n e lo study the effects of "heat !
agreem ent. T he p resid en t is confident and New Vork would be b e tte r off lf j Increased red u ctio n s voted by th e
th a t favorable sen ate action on th e l ^ e ir Korem ora would get up and sing sen ate on cigar tax es w ere accepted. nor building^In Jacksonville, Mrs. Alice mines” upon icebergs, attem pting to 1
Italian agreem ent will be obtained al- th e ‘S ta r' s Pa n gled B an n er’ and for- ! but its am en d m en t to base discovery APP|f‘*ta te S argent, widow of th e late break them up at th eir aource. lie
will take several tona of rhem icala
’ own sonK M
allow ances for oil and g a s 1 L io n e l H. H. S argent, th is week deed
though he a p p e a r, to be som ew hat dis- *et ' g th e lr
- ‘How
I Am'
'■d th a t stru c tu re and h er collection of to (Greenland for Ibis work.
turbed over the opposition w hich has lle Baid
come was changed to m ake the ra te rel,ca contained th erein to th e N ative
Ita u g h ters’ organization of Jackson-
M other Held Polsone1-.
2 7 4 P e r cent.
* *
! ville.
T he a rre s t in th e U nited S ta te s S at­
New O rleans. La. — Mrs. R e n e tta ' The §enate am endm ent lim iting the
t E nd of H om e Life
urday of seven Mexican political refu­ Bussey. 23 th rew h e rse lf o v er th e tre a su ry to tw o y ears in w hich to m ake
Salem —T hrough th e plan tin g of ap-
gees. am ong them Alfonso de la
in F ifty Year* S een |
cask et of h e r 5-year-old d au g h te r as,,e8sm ents on tax re tu rn s was chang proxim ately 600 acres of hops on the
H uerta, b roth er of Adolfo de la H uerta,
Liverpool. — T h at 50 years ♦
V erdie Monday and wept hysterically. ed to th ree years. F our y ears is now g umag j,a ke d rainage d is tric t project (t
who in 1923 led a revolt ag a in st P re si­
hence home life will have dlsnp. *
Mra. Bussey w as charged w ith m u rd er allowed-
In C anada, T. A. L ivesley of Salem and
dent Obregon of Mexico, and Jorge
peared and people will virtually
when th e child died of » h a t physicians \
his asso ciate s hope to supply th e e n ­
live In restau ran ta and hotels, Is t
P rieto L aurens, H u e rta ’s lieutenant,
C o nstitution To T ravel.
said appeared to be poison. T h e !
tire hop dem ands fo r the C anadian
the prediction of I’rof. A. M.
has, Mexico City papers say, rendered
bodies of h e r husband, L a w re n c e 1
brew ing business. T his w as th e an-
Low, well known as a scientist.
abortive an atte m p t to s ta rt a revolu­ Bussey, and th e ir o th e r childred. c i a r - , *tilu H°n “ Old Iro n sid es,” will again
noucem ent m ade h ere S atu rd ay by Mr.
The professor prophesies lliat In
tion in Mexico in March.
ence and E sth er, all of whom have s a **
seas u n d er plans th e navy de- Livesley, who retu rn ed recen tly from
1t»76 present dsy types of ships
will be replaced by giant hydro­
T he son of the fam ous Moorish chief- died In th e la s t year, w ere exhum ed I,a rtm e n t Is m aking, th is tim e along Canada.
,th e A tlantic and Gulf c o asts and pos
planes which will skltn along
tain and brigand Ralsuli, who is fol­ for exam ination.
Vale.-- T he w ater situ atio n In the
the surface of the w ater at tre-
-ibly up th e M ississippi riv e r as far
low ing in h is fa th e r's footsteps, hag
meridoua speed.
F ig h t W ith Dogs F atal.
arrived a t T azrout with an independ­
wishing to cross the A tlantic
of th e school children and p atrio tic so- feared last m onth, has changed great-
ent R lffian contingent.
T h is will
will use airplanes and keep In
h o n k ers. N. Y.—H enry G riffin, a ' C|e t|eg who a re co n trib u tin g to the ly w ith added snow fall around Iron­
serve as a nucleus for o th e r contin­
touch with th eir homes by w ire­
o n e arm e d m echanic was found dead fun(1 for th „ re g to ra t| on m ay gee he r side, Brogan, B onita and elsew h ere in
gents composed of various Rlffian
fu is
ls” wnicn,
which when
when sufficiently
sufficient!v co
road af' e r an
en' It will be th e first cruise of th e fam ous the county.
H. O. K ennard, sta te
R egarding clothes, the profes­
ia u n ru
u n ter w on
ith a tw
o hunger-crazed
frig ate since 1879 when she carried w aterm aster, rep o rts 121.000 acre feet
sor la of the belief th at 50 years
train ed . R aisull's son a sserts, will be
clotheg w ere to rn aw ay and
from now cotton, silk nnd wool
utilized to a tta c k Tetuan
body sc arred by tooth m arks. The exposition. She is now a t th e B oston (•'!<? run-off in April and May, th e re s e r­
textiles will he replaced hy more
voir will undoubtedly be overflow ing.
Roy O lm stead, reputed king of Pa- torn ®od 0Ter a la r«e a re a bore w it’ 'n a v y yard,
cheaper and
more durable
ctflc coast rum runners, and 20 c o n<?8S 1° !be struggle. One of th e dogs
forms of vegetable fiber. The
Roseburg. - J e s s and W illiam W iles,
w ardrobes of women will not
defendants w ere found guilty In Se­ was killed in a sm all building a t Zad
Indians to Get $122,600.
be so large as now “because
both resid en ts of the S u th erlln dls-
attle, W ash., S aturday of conspiring to lers grove, but th e o th e r w as ZtlU be­
W ashington, D. C.—K lam ath Indians .
woman being hy flint time the
violate the national prohibition law. ing hunted by eig h t policem en w ith
. trlct, S atu rd ay w ere sentenced to one
are to receive a p er cap ita paym ent of
most civilized wilt not he
E ight co-defendants w ere acquitted. shotguns.
$100 out of th e receip ts from sales yi!ar ,;acb ln the sta te p e n ite n tia ry fol-
swayed by every passing wave
They w ere: George Reynolds, p atro l­
of fashion.”
of tim b er on th e ir reserv atio n . T he lowing conviction on a charg e of tur-
C attle Die in Marsh.
m an; Mrs. Kllse O lmstead. wife of Roy
Profeasor Low also envisages
K lam ath Falls, Or.—Scores of cattle, to tal am ount to be d istrib u ted is $122,- key th e fts from a neighboring farm
O lm sted; C harles W. H arvey, ex-po-
an era of ugly factories built
licem an; Ben Goldsm ith, W ilbur E. seeking food, have been caught In a
underground. T here will he no
‘ sentence of one y ear In th e penlten-
Dow, a custom house b ro k er; T. thick mire of th e m arsh betw een th e a r *",st th e Indians in sp rin g farm ing.
more chim neys belching forth
tla ry and a fine of $1 for possession
smoke, and factory hands will
T akauchl, John H. H am ilton, negro mouth of Seven-M ile creek and Wood D eposits to th e c red it of th e K lam ath
of a still. Gale H am ilton, charged
he more polished nnd belter ed
barbecue re so rt operator, and C. C. riv e r and have starv ed to death, a C- ! ,n d la n * in th e tre a su ry now aggregate
ucated aa all the rougli work of
cording to a rep o rt m ade S atu rd ay to *14«'00® w l‘h additio n al av ailable re­ with possession of Intoxicating liquor,
W alker.
then will he done by machinery.
Dr. G. S. Newsome, county h ealth of ceipts am ounting to approxim ately was fined $250 and sen ten ced to serve
six m onths in jail.
A w arning th a t an increase in taxes fleer.
$44 14444444444444444444444444444444444414 144444ki ’
may be n ecessary at th e end of a year]
——------------------------- -
E ugene.—W. W. N eely, 83, of Maple-
was issued Sunday by C hairm an Green
Wife Slain, Man Dying.
ton, S atu rd ay night w as declared the
of th e house ways and m eans commit-
Fresno, Cal.—In w hat police believe
New York.—Vera, co u n tess of Catb- cham pion old-time fid d ler of Oregon
Insufficient Ventilation
tee, w ith final action by congress In .to be a carefully prepared m u rd er and cart, whose e n try to th e cou ntry was by a com m ittee of judges a t th e old-
It Is quite common for Insufficient
the pending $387.000,000 tax reduction attem pted suicide. Joe Puello, 49, shot
tim e dance and en te rta in m e n t staged
stopped a week ago when she adm it­
ventilation to occur In the poultry
bill in prospect early th is week. The and killed his wife, Rosie Puello, SI,
a t th e arm ory for th e benefit of the
statem en t w as aim ed a t term s of th e and then tu rn ed th e gun on him self ted “ m oral tu rp itu d e ” in connection children's farm home a t Corvallis. houne. R estricted ventilation la usual­
ly accom panied by dainpneaa, espe­
bill as finally agreed upon in confer- Monday.
with an elopem ent w ith th e earl of T w enty five men, m ost of them aged,
cially If Hie lien house la overcrowded.
ence betw een rep re se n ta tiv e s of th e
----- - ■
C raven, w as to leave E llis Island Bun- took p art In th e contest, which was If q u a rters are not properly venti­
sen ate and th e house, and Mr. Green,
A sserting th a t th e p re se n t city ordl- day for ten days u n d er own personal held before 4000 persons. N eely play­ lated do not overcrowd, as disastrous
who headed th e house conferees. In- nance creatin g a th e a te r cen so r board bond of $500. T he o rd er to g ra n t ed a fiddle th a t he said he bought ln results are sure lo occur. The laying
slated th a t for th e condition he p re­ Is a “Joke" and th a t m em bers h a re no C ountess C a th c a rt tem p o ra ry adm is­ 1861. He Is a farm er of th e Bluslaw q u a rte rs should he as com fortable as
dicted. "th e resp o n sib ility m ust re s t power, th e B eattie censors resigned sion w as received from T heodore O. valley and says he has been fiddling possible, keeping the house warm and
dry, but not at a sacrifice of venti
upon th e se n a te .”
in a body S aturday.
for 73 years.
Rlsley, acting se c re ta ry of labor.
At Attractively Moderate Prices
F u rs are to be laviehly used in th e trim m ing of M ilady'* fall and w in­
ter g arm en ts and our splendid new slock them in in sn ak u n d n are of
styles and w idths, as well as all desirable ahadea. Y ou’ll be fascinated by
their th eir beauty and delightfully pleased w ith our attractiv ely m oderate
p ric e s P articu larly im p o rtan t a ie these epeciel offerings in F ur C ollars.
— M ain F loor, Fancy O oode Section
Fur Collars in Coney
at each ______ JO*
Beautiful Coney Fur Collars,
lined and ready to sew on your
gorment. They come H inches
wide and 27 inches long. Shown
in black, brown, kit and blur fox.
I specially undervalued at $6.93.
Fur Collars in Opoa » « -
sum at each
.... JI/.VD
Fxcptionally fine Opossum Fur
Collars, 8 inches wide and 27 inches
long, lined and leady lo sew on
your gat ment Thev
route in
stone marten, hteh, (dark racoon
and natural Spec ial at $12.93.
Just Received an Importation of *
V elvet Brocade Georgettes
A Rich, High Grade M a -^ _
terial for Dresses and Tun
ics, at
A 36 inch w idth and a very
Cieorgelte», especially adapted
vigils in black, red and black,
copen, cocoa, turquoise, w hite,
%/ i
5 Yd.
line quality of the new V elvet B rocade
for d r t x r c and tunic s t olile» in neat de
grey and copen, tan and brow n, brick and
Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair,
Will also Restore the Strength,
Vitality ami the Beauty of the
Hair. If your Hair ia Dry ami
Wiry, T r y -
EaSt India Hair Grower
If you ure bothered with Falling
Dandruff, Itching Scal|>, or any Hair
Trouble, we want you to try a jar of
remedy contains medical propertiea that
go to the roots of the Hair, stimulate«
the akiu, helping nature do ita work.
Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a
balm of n thousand flowers. The best known remedy
for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brow*, also
restores (¡ray Iluir to its Natural Color. Can be used
with Hot Iron for Straightening.
Price Sent by Mail, 60c; 10c Extra for Postage
I H a ir G r o w . I T .m t,l.
O il, I
and itlrae-
* ”• E,t~
C r« am
U .
T V riM C
316 N. Central
Dept. B
Oklahoma City, Old*.
la Steam Cleaning or
F rench D ry Cleaning
Q uality Cleaning
Pressing and Dyeing
Not merely sponging
and placing a hot iron
on and in this way
work the dirt into the
garment. In this way
much harm is done in­
stead of making the
g a r m e n t look like new.
We care for and store your suit while you are out of the city
There is a difference
between our way of
doing work and our
Our cus­
tomers' clothe* always
look new and have a
more aristocratic look.
R egal C l e a n e r s , T a ilo r s a n d H a t te r s
127 N orth Sixth Street, Bet. Glisan and H oyt (w ith the O range F ro n t)
Phone Broadway 1399
Satisfaction or No Pay
Mail Orders Solicited
4* •* *44 * •* •* ** a # # * # # •* * # * * ■*
Our First Preferred Shares Pay
You 7.2% on Your Money
1. Our business is firmly established, well managed
and permanent.
2. Your savings will be safe,
3. Your income will be regular and dependable,
4. Dividends paid by check first of each month, or
5. Exempt from State Personal Property Tax.
6. Dividends exempt from Normal Federal Income
Investment Department
820 Electric Building
Printing of E v e ry Description