THE ....... . 1" 'J V V V V V' ■' v: ADVOCATE Mrs. Kliza Winger V flttQ IIE holiday rush being over, rom n now ■ period of liotueeewlng and ■uldaeaaon hargulri sales. It ta a »uni- ■non• to elothaa preparedneaa. In en­ tering upon ooe'a spring and atinnnor wardrobe campaign fancy turn* flrat to dainty lingerie— for every woman of faahlon dotee on pretty under- tlilnga. Now that tha economy of allk for underwear la an aatnbllahed fact, ex­ quisitely colorful crepe de chine, crepe aatln, alao georgette, have be- T Pythian Bath House and Sanitarium Knights of Pythias of N. A., S. A., L., A., A. and A. Clarke Broa . Flottato. UT M in im i Ft DAINTY LINGERIE IMPORTANT; PARIS HERALDS SPRING FROCKS LODGE DIRECTORY Juat a» In thè bud wa aee tha prom- lae of ili« full htown lluwer, an In thè lu'e garnlturea whlch appear on froi-ka of l'urla malta la foretold tha prophacy of u conilng lac# vogue la- deed, frolli many authorltatlve «mirre» Ih# meaaaga la tbe aitine, heraldine tace a» a leudlng tbema for aprlog and auniiner fashion». The Freneh couturier la ualng ticb octire Iacea not o o l y o d mldaeaaon anilu and velvet frocks, but thè new ciotti and allk crepe duytlme dre Hotel has 56 Rooms; Telephone, Hot and Cold Running Water in Every Room. Rates $1 to $3 per day BATH RATES; 21 Baths . . . $13.00— 10 Baths . . . . $6.50 ‘¡’ 21 Baths to Pythians and Calantheana, $8.50 j. > 000004« oooo-joooow'ooooooo-jooooooo-x-« - I. B. P. 0. E. OF TH E W ORLD Stood us your ifntRwnU. W « mail you cluck t h « w fiM (toy w « n c « v « good». P ortland H ide a Dahlia Temple No. 202, I. R. P. O. K. of W., of Portland, Or-tjnn, meets ttie 1st nml 3r.J Tuesday nights in each month at Slug Audi­ torium. A ll vialting Daughter Klka in good standing in their re­ spective Temples are invited to meet with us. Salem, Orec. — “ During my fir»t expectancy my lirxllh failed completely. I got run down, weak and so nervous I could nut tlrep. 1 could not cat, wax nauxeatrd all the time. Abo I had severe licaring pains in my tiilc. 1 was too miserable to do my work, wlicn I saw Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription advertised us being good for women during molherlauxl, and decided to try it. It strengthened my nerves, over­ came the nausea, relieved me o f the tide aches, and I got strong and kept so right up to the Last, and my haby was healthy and fine. ‘Favorite Prescrip­ tion' is tlic lic't medicine for every pro­ spective in,,tlur to take if she wishes to avoid a lot o f mitery."— Mrs. Eliza Winger, 135)0 Waller St. Obtain I)r. Pierce's Prescription now, in liquid or tablets, from your druggist or scud lUc fur trial pkg of tablets to fir. Pierce’» in buffalo, N . Y. E. J. M INOR. Secretary, 419 Abington B ldf. Levi P. Jones Of I I I Headquarterg and Club Rooms. 284'i N. 17th Street A ll ox »ervice men nro welcome to join. For further information C ALL B RO AD W AY M„*o ,v\\lt I I. M A IM KN, I’o,I CommanJtr * J. P. FINLEY & SON "W hat’s the matter with the kanga­ roo?” asked the manager of the cir­ cus. “ Gotta bad ease o f blue derils." replied the keeper. “ We got blocked during tbe parade this morning and he had a chance to watch the pedes­ trians do tbelr stuff and it’s made him feel like a back number when It comes to hopping and jumping.’’—Cincinnati Enquirer. T h e Htt-or-Miss Man. If the Individual who sits too close to the side of the canoe and peers over the edge lives long enough, he will probably fall out of an airplane in leaning over and trying to see everything below.— Detroit Free Press. Montgomery at Fifth The term politician was first used in Krnnre In 1569 and referred to men of wisdom and cunning, of artifice and deep contrivance, but never rising to the height of real statesmanship. Fear a Corpse Eiu:>M»h*4 a Y «rs in I’ortUnZ C. G E E W O CHINESE MEDICINE CO. C. G E E W O , th. w .i! known Herbalist, ha» de a life study of th« curative propertic* pow*ea*e«i by Oriental Root», Herbs, Buds and Bark, and therefrom compounded hi» truly wonderful H erb« rem­ edies. In their make-up no poison» or rare©tic» are us«d ; p e r f e c t l y harmtosa. and m a n y roots and herb« that he uae* «r e unknown to the medical profession of today. A V O ID O P E R A T IO N S >9 takin* his rerfiedie« in time for Stomach, Cough», Colds, Rheu­ matism. Kidney. Lung, Liver, Catarrh. Blood. Inflammation, Neuralgia and all female and children*« ailments. «C a ll or writ«. Sent by rrail cr parcel po«t- Sailors are believed to be the most superstitions people. Often they have been known to desert ship when a corpse was taken on board. Ministers are not liked on board. They are cred­ ited with bringing bad lack. Chanting the Psalms This custom was adopted by Am­ brose from the pagan ceremonies of the old Romans, about the year 360. Three hundred years later Pope Greg­ ory the Great added tones and estab­ lished singing schools. Home Products Greengrocer's Sign in London — "Real Spanish Onions. None of Your Foreign Rubbish Sold Here."— Boston Transcript. * 312 Maclcay Bldg., Portland Pacific Coast Distributor DRY W ASH ROUGH W A S H E A S T 0883 NEW E A S T 0883 SY ST E M LAUN DRY ORIGINATORS OF INDIVIDUAL WASHING W e Do Not Mark Your Clothing W E T W ASH 2 IN 1 W A S H 607 J5. Flanders, Portland, Oregon It would bo better to do our second- best nt the right end than our best at tho wrong end,— Viscount Grey. Refines kinky, frixxy, coarse hair to medium; medium hair to good. Strait-Tex Hair Grower 25c percaa N o t only promotes growth o f th« hair, but makes it soft, pliable and luxuriant. An excellent pressing oil. 50c per talc M akes the hair soft and glossy and keeps it in good condition without leaving it oUy or gummy. Strait-Tcx Herbs $1.00 peresa Is a vegetable preparation that oc- tually straightens and restores the original color to gray or faded hair. Color permanent— positively will not rub off. no matter how often the hair is shampooed. Three shades: Black, Brown and Chestnut-Brown. Kokom o Shampoo 40c per battit Is made from pure cocoanut oil? cleans the scalp and roots o f the hair in a natural, healthy mdnner. Is a soothing, greaseless vanishing cream that will not grow hair. Bronze Beauty Lem on Cream 50c ptrjir Is nourishing, softening and stimu- lating to the skin; is filled w ith a triple strength o f oil o f lemon— mak­ ing it a mild, bleaching cream. Bronze Beauty Face Powders 50c pwbss A H E A L THY New Ykar HE Happiest Resolve you can make is to be rid once and for all of your Piles or other Rectal and Colon ailments. My T TW O P A R IS MODELS edging and Insertion used for tbe seams nnd the scalloped hemline. Bird's Peculiar Feathers. A new Idea Iu lingerie sets Is the costume slip with bloomers to match Feathers, of which the color Is Very effective are trimming* of washed out by rain, aro the curious black footing ou gay-colored georgette posaeaalon of the touracou. a bird na­ combinations. tive of Senegal. Costume slips of metal cloth can he made at hotr.e nnd they are very fash­ Famous Bell*. ionable worn under all-over luce or According to legend the Shandon chiffon frocks. bell» are submerged In the water sur­ rounding (he Island of Inlshmore, one Fancy Boxes fo r G arters of the Aran Inlands. The vogue for fancy boxes has reached to garters. Some time ago Root of All Taxation. flowers anil gay little boutonuieres Taxation roaches down to tho base; l came Iu such boxen, but now they tuny but the base Is labor, and labor pays coutaln instead the gayest and fanci­ est garters ono ha» ever seen. all.— Donn Platt. Best and Sscond Bast. Strait-Tex H air Refining To.Mc $1.00 per took Bronze Beauty Vanishing Cream Odd Material for Clock MRS. E. D. O A N N A D Y The following ia otu complete liât 50c per jar web In n different manner, and speci­ mens can easily bo secured and pre- | served In their naturul shape. CHICAGO H AS E N J O Y E D SUCH U N E X ­ P E C T E D SUCCESS IN T H E PAST Y E A R T H A T W E HAVE D E C ID E D TO A D D A F E W M O R E B E A U T IF Y IN G P R E P ­ A R A T IO N S T O O U R L I M I T ­ E D B U T E F F E C T IV E L I N E Like Many a Lad. The ladder should make a good em­ blem of poor luck—it is generally up against It.— Boston Transcript. Music Mistress | Host (to guest) Hush! In order to ! keep her we uro obliged to have the 1 phonograph making jaxx music while | she la doing the dishes. Paris Rlre. A watchmaker of Rockland, Maine, has made a clock, using oyster shells at the hour marks, and a knife and a fork for hands. T R A D E -M A R K Gloss-Tex Brilliantine A superb toilet nocossity. In four shades— Natural. Pink, Brunette and White. High Brown Face Powder has earned its place in the Collecting Cobwebs. esteem o f the most discriminate and skeptical users o f toilet ar­ Ono of the most Interesting and ticles by its own distinctive merit nnd the complete satisfaction to novel pastimes Is the collection of cob- be derived from its use. Also a large assortment o f toilet requisites i webs. Kach kind of spider spins Its fo r the lady who cares. TH E O VER TO N -H YG IEN IO MFG. C O M PA N Y SQVI Aider S t m t , 8 . W . C o r n « Third The Fun in Flirtation The Cynical Bachelor observes that it is no fun for a girl to flirt with a man unless she knows she is making some other girl miserable. Bigger Raspberries Recent experiments show that rasp- i berries as big as blackberries, which [ grow in the Andes mountains, can be successfully grown in California. English Rail Sections Manufactured only by C. G E E W O CHINESE MEDICINE CO. When a Penguin Woos When passenger travel Is heavy on English railways and It becomes nec­ essary to run trains In two aections. the first train carries at Us rear a sign bearing the letters, "A. P. F.,’’ meaning "Another portion follows.” High-Brown FacePowder East First & Schuyler Streets Rev. E. C. Dyer, Pastor Phones: East 3333; Tabor 1491 Male penguin, when mating, go from nest to nest in parties, and when one of them sees a hen which takes his fancy, he places a pebble at her feet. If a pebble cannot be found, he goes through the process in dumb show. Phone Day or Night Main 4322 Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Must Be Up to Standard. All the world asks of a man is for him to do his best; but if that doesn’t suit it has mighty little use for him. — Boston Transcript. Lake Always Ice-Covered On Mount Kenya, which Is the sec­ ond highest peak on the African con­ tinent. and near the equator, there Is a largo lake which Is covered with lco the year around. MORTICIANS summit Peeved tha Kangaroo Defining a Politician B ib le S H IL O H B A P T IS T C H U R C H 76th and £. Everett Sta. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. B. Y . P. U. 6:30 p. m. --------o-------- B E T H E L A. M. E. C H U R C H Larrabee and McMillcn Streets Rev. P. X. Runyon, Pastor. E. L. Jameson, Assistant b lA T T L l and enjoyed the panorama. Then 1 heard a voice »ay. “ Ah. glorious! This was worth all the trouble of the as­ cent." Overjoyed at meeting thus what I thought to be a kindred soul and nature lover. I turned roand and found the speaker—with a bottle elevated above bin mouth.- Muakete. Vienna. history. These are the victory of the American» ovor Hurgoyne at Saratoga and the battle of Gettysburg. M. ST. P H IL L IP S MISSION The Unusual Again No. 118 Meeta every firat Wednesday night in each month at 8 o ’clock W ool C o . I stood on tha mountain Shortens Tongue 10 A . Rodney at Knott St. t*SC II C A V I N U l - Animals can see themselves In a looking glass, hut they do not neces-1 sarlly recognize themselves. They have not our Intelligence to under­ stand the image, and the reflection - larks their particular mark of identity — the smell of the original. On the other hand, the reflection sometimes “ gets »cross" to an animal, In which case the animal Is usually angry, affaid, or puziled. H e h n o ), Study, 11 A. If. Y. P. M. V. so­ ciety, 2 P. M. Mrs. K. O. Johnson, Leader. Visitor* welcome. WT. \ m i s r n* r«p- LBftf»n t>r Ç * tt «r rftlf-k», VS22 "* M -rrì' f . Br*« rata tog Q jU C C N flA T ^ C tIH R -V ’. Jav Todd I)o<'tors st the Kyushu (Japan) Im- Daughter Ruler. perlal university are puzzled by a dis­ A CREPE DE CHINE SET ease that causes the shortening of LULA tlUUBARD, women’s tongues. Kur two years Miss Daughter Secretary. fame as staple almost as muslin, long- | are Unndsomely collared and cuffed Alda Torll, eighteen, has been affected cloth and similar white goods once as well ns intrlguingly detailed with by the disease. She was taken to tho were. There Is, however, considerable lace. The picture gives an excellent clinic at the university where an op­ use of sheer daintily tinted cotton Idea of how the Parisian stylist dis­ Syracuse Ledge, No. eration on t he tip of her tongue voile, likewise printed voiles and cot­ poses lace In modish jabot*, sleeve I, K. of P., meets the s-emed to check tho shrinking for a tons for pajama outfits nnd nighties. I puffs and clever placements which de­ second and fourth Fri­ Outstanding features which have to note tbe consummate art of genius while. day night» each month do with newest lingerie stress the fol­ I “born not made." Not merely trimmings and acces­ at the Stag Auditorium lowing: Widened hemlines secured Sex In Pigeon's Eggs by godets of the material of which sories but frocks all of lace bespeak 361 Fi E. Morrison St. It Is a fact well known to pigeon the garment Is made or with trlangu 1 the trend of the mode. Lncea of every BOYCE S T R A IN , 0. 0., j fanciers that tho two eggs laid by pi­ tar Insets of lace; most everything ijp e and quality are represented In 228 Moad St. geons almost Invariably produce male made up In mutch sets; garments the advunre dress models. The lace either strictly tailored or else very gown featured for evening Is shown A R TH U R NELSON. and female. Some curious experiments K. of R. & S. [ us to which of the eggs produce the lacy abounding In much elaboration. side by tide with tbe long-sleeved lacy Color continues an interesting «rest ostensibly Intended for daytime mule and which the female have re­ i heme. Flesh, peach, rose. Iu vender, wear, which goes to show that there sulted iu showing that tbe first egg with a growing favor for maize and Is no more important subject In style laid Is the feiuaie and the second the light blue are noted, and the prefer­ | circles st present than that of lace. One of tbe effective uses of lace In ence for white la expressed. ' male. Crepe de chine sets like tbe one in a trimming way Is demonstrated In the picture may he made or bought. the fanciful undersleeves which give Battle Made History An unuaunl use of two klndo of lace 1 the “barrel" effect abont the wrist. Historians disagree on the list of marks this gown nnd matching combi­ Many of the satin nnd crepe frocks of battles that have turned the destinies nation. Beal Irish crochet forms the French origination stress this idea. Another charming adaptation of lace of a race; but two have been selected yoke of the gown, also the band of by common consent from American the combination, with vuienrlennes Is shown I d godets which sre made of T. H. W IL L IA M S , E. R. STAG A U D ITO R IU M 3dlVi E. Morriion St 62nd 8t. and 39th Avo. f . E. S abbath ■r PAU LIN E YOUNG, ROSE C IT Y LODGE No. I l l , I. B. P. 0. E. of W „ M EETS the 2ND A N D 4TH W E D N E SD A Y E V E N IN G S OF EACH M ONTH A T T H E STAG AU D ITO R IU M , 381ta E. M ORRISON STREET. ALL V IS IT IN G BROTHERS A R E C O R D IA L L Y IN V IT E D . SEVEN TH D A Y A D V E N T IS T Morning service, 11 n. m .; Sun­ d ay School, 12 m. Archdeacon Black in c h a r g e , Mr. B. Colea, lay reader. A cordial welcome awaits IV. f-. 4 I 1- avj B n « !it (fidi» S'4'kí h k > fl tiU fttl ‘l l l i b f ä f a l r you at St. Phillips. j M on. tl«v «dir famett* W m ^W K«i'ord tv Motherhood Mirrored Animal» NOTICE 417 WilHaau Ave. Rev. John P. Moreland, pastor The Stranger'a Sabbath He Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara Bark Horse Hair. (0 | M *ratiii| [ U n d e r S u j x r v i - i inn o f U . 8 . G o v e r n m e n t ; Hot Radio-Active Water Furnished by the Government For Alt Hath .. Sanitarium has 10 Kcotns, Diet and Operating Rooms FIRST A M. E. ZION C H U R O * W E BUY \ •UG1/^ Malvern Avenue lint Springs Nat. Park, Ark. News of the Chiirrhes CUT FLOWER* 4 FLORAL LES,US Iieuvy types dyed to match the m at» rial of the frock. Perhaps no feature promises more Interest than the allover lace blouse. At present the metnl lace tunics are In the majority, these creating a handsome effect with velvet skirts. However there Is promise of cloth or silk spring ensembles which Include tunics or blouses of Diet or rhantllly. JULIA BOTTOIJLKT, • £ . lilt. W M tir o N . w . D . D . r I ' d I o s . ) treatment Is so scientific, so certain, to complete, so conclusively proved by thousands of successful cases that all doubt Is eliminated. Further. I will give you «W R ITTE N GUARANTEE to cure your Piles of refund your fee. Write today for my « 11*re new 300 page, illustrated. FREE book of information. Hi. PUR Dr O . . n Bulli 5TM\AN tV'M “üi'Ära Behnke-Walker, Initials in F «lt Hat A hat In which the similes of fuchsia Women nre now adopting the fad and lmlluu orange are combined Is a dniriuiug exponent of the vogue for of having their iultlkla lualde of their ■ U 'lt l P tllu l'IL little felt hats. ê Is a specialhairatraightener for men; positively guaranteed to straighten the most stubborn hair in from 10 to 20 minutes without the use o f hot irons. W ill not injure the scalp or turn the hair red. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Strait-Tex Chemical Company 600 F IFTH AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA., U. S. A. jsa x . No material ut the moment 1» more V»ry w«ll—Txk» th« Accountancy »tu’ IIUMtne»» M a n a g e r n « !« , P r iv a t o S ec re to ri fashion able or practical t hun velvet­ at. Calculator, Comptometer. Stenogra : een which comes In extremely light phtr, IVnnianshlp, or Commerciai Teaeij- i ira' C o u re« at weights nnd In an astonishing range of colors. It Is particularly well adapted to the little two-piece Jumper dresses or ensembles. The fo rem o st B u sln re e C o lle g a o t t i t i V iv id C olor» in Hats Mollyftlosco $1.00 perj»r \ 4 DEAN. M D Inc o omets: S eattle orricEs: You Want a Good Position W id e Range o f Colors Are suited to a ll complexions. Can be successfully used on dry or oily skins. T h e shades: H ig h B ro w n and B r o n z e QJow are favorites. N o rth w e s t w h ic h h e * w on m ore A c c u ra c y t w s r i ls en d G old M e d a ls than an iy y other ich ool In A m e ric a . S en g fo r ou r ftuccesa 1 Cetn log. F o u rth S tre e t n e a r M o rrlaon . I P ortlan d. O r I s s a r M W a lk e r . No. », 192« PATENTS Obtained. Send model or sketch Ynd we will promptly send you a report. Our book on Patents and Trade-marks will be ie n t«o you on request. D. SWIFT & CO. _____P A T E N T L A W Y E R S — — 305 Seven« h St. Washington, D. C- Over J4 Year»* Expariewci