f THE ADVOCATE News of the Churrhes F IR ST A P H R T l CROSBY, TH E RAW RECRUIT M. E. Z IO N O H URO k 417 William* Avc. Rev. John F. Moreland, pastor. The Stranger'* Sabbath Horn* S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T 62nd St. and 39th Ave. 8. E. Pythian Bath House and Sanitarium Sabbath School, io A. M. Bibla Study, It A. M. Y. 1*. M. V. so­ ciety, 2 I’ . M. Mr». K. O. JohnKori, Leader. Visitor» welcome. B , JAMES F. DW YER («0 ky »hurl » l u i , F»fc. C . ) A N i n OFFERS A MARKET of the County bank, whose patrloth- soul had lieea stirred by the worde of * '- / t \ 1 L i r t l t L / for y o u r produce ‘The Boys of the Bulldog Breed'' and) ’T h e Absent-minded Beggar," hud never linuglned cold-blooded warfare of the type he was then taking a hand in. A Mephlatophellun self aseured him that he waa the absent-minded beggar wrhen Its dropped back Into the hole Ineteed of taking the chance to rejoin hie company, and the self-mud* sneer did not Improve his temper. Again he bluzcd wildly at tbe opposite hank, and Cutting Glass Under Wattr. CUT FLCWIKi i FLORAL DES f.NS again the foe displayed excellenl ■ C lark e Bros., F ioriate. M7 M o rr.aa * » t . marksmanablp by dusting the recruit Submerging glass under water doe*, with sand thrown up by burrowing hul not necessarily mean that It will cut] let*. Tb* Imprisoned men felt that the easier, but It Is much less likely to W E BUY action of twenty men In waiting pa tlently to murder one wae not above Crat*t th,n tut lD * lr’ cutting seta up vibrations in the glass criticism. And then Crosby’s Imagination would which have a tendency to crack it. persist in picturing tboà* pelleta tbat|TbM a vibrations are greatly reduced came from the oppoalte bunk in a hue It the glass Is placed under water dur that Crosby knew was ridiculous. He !ng the cutting process. was annoyed with hla Imagination. He wae annoyed with the sneering self Animal Species. Send a« your »hiprnentm. We meil you check that pictured him as the living embodi­ the mm* day we receive good*. The biologist. Hunter, estimated ment of Kipling’s "Absent minded Beg­ gar.” He was annoyed with the sane, that there were 518.000 species In the P o rtla n d H ide a W ool C o . respectable Croahy that reckoned up animal kingdom divided Into 18 the Interest on thirty-nine pound* nine­ classes. The different Insects are teen shillings and nine-pence three numbered 360,000 or over two-thirds farthing* for three and three quarters of the total number of species In the - n cv / u % . in re s T F D years at two and flve-elghts per cent animal world. There are 13.000 fishes, quicker than any other clerk in tbe 1,400 amphibians. 3.500 reptiles, 13,000 County bank. It was really the luzl W. !.. k. Ifriivy Brente fr«na fturk* bl*x»l r«*«l*wi un< Irr Mt«t* Hfl peer I* ness of that Crosby thst had evolved birds and 3.500 mammals. N OCCASIONAL bullet whistled through (he thick, hot air and plunged Into the (and bunk behind which Crosby crouched. ST. P H IL L IP S M ISSIO N He shivered u* he listened lo the ghost­ K nights o f Pythian o f N . Rodney at Knott St. ly buzs of tbs Mauser pellets, and he A., S. A., E., A., A . and A . Morning service, 11 n. ni. ; Sun pondered deeply upon the peculiar an- day School, 12 nt. Archdeacon tlce of his luiegluatlon, which persist­ (Operating Under Supervi­ Mack in charge; Mr. 1). Coles, lay ed In picturing those dying bullets as sion o f II. 8. Government) reader. A cordial welcome uwaita red atoms tlngelug tb# atmosphere 4 ir.VSe Malvern Avenu.t through which they ripped a track. I you at 8t. Phillips. Hut S priifc* N at. Turk, A rk . This distorted visual Image puzzled Crosby, lie knew that e bullet was S H IL O H B A P T IS T C H U R C H Hot Radio-Active W ater Fuminhcd by the Government not red. yet, every time be heurd the 76th and £. Everett Sta. ping of the leaden messengers, bis fo r A ll Baths. Sanitarium has 10 Rooms, Diet and Operating Rooms Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Imagination made an attempt to over­ Sunday School 10 a. ni. whelm the Impression* recorded by bis I lotel han 56 Rooms; Telephone, I lot and Cold Running B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. eyes. It wus a very pecullnr manifes­ W ater in Every Room. Rate» $1 to $ J per day -------- o ------- tation, and. try as he would, he could B E T H E L A. M E. C H U R C H not prevent his fancy from building B A T H RATES: up the Impression again and again. He Larrahee and MrMillen Street* took the cartridge* from Ids bandolier, 21 Bath» . . . $13.00— 10 Bath» . . . . $6.50 Rev. F. X. Runyon, Pastor. examined the brnaa ihclla with their K. L. Jameson, Assistant 21 Bath» to Pythian» and Calantheans, $8.50 i half-exposed bullets with bis own eye*, Hlon. atMoonr filinoti* W orld Kerord und then becume disgusted when Imagi­ the warlike Croahy that came oversea «»ruin Wti. D d M fM . IS yr*. rep­ e.i«bllO..J at Y m i - s u f-.rU.nS nation pictured a rose-pink trull di­ to capture Flet and Hans und Dirk utation f