r THE WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK GRANGERS GET TARIFF PLEA I n m m on ( (d Wool. S ugar. A»k- Vlien Kan S u p p o rt« !. ADVOCATE ........... ................................................................... N EW S UNCLE SAM LAYS , STATE IN BRIEF. u ................... * TAX KNIFE AWAY M OST By DOUGLAS MALLOCH Sacram ento. — R esolutions advooat V ernonia. — R esidents of Y ornouia p ' .OlK. i «sa me by, anil, wealth, elude ____________ tag an Increase of ta riff on Im porta­ My eager grasp. and w hat's all th a t! for the past week huve been w atching The star* la often only rude, tion of cheese, sugar, wool and olive the largo num bers of salm on passiug greatneaa only wondered a t Limit, Says through V ernouia in Rook creek to the I Aud Brief Resume Most Important l >41 and th e placing o f a ta riff on $304,000,000 w-euld be great into!her way, a paw ning grounds at Koasey. 10 m iles s * j r * , , th „ other men would say. bananas w as introduced before a Chairman Green. Daily News Items. above h ere. “I never knew a man eo kind, special m eeting of the national grange K lam ath Falla. The bed of low er ,u eh * Jr‘*u •,‘ldo‘n Monday night bjr George R. H arrison, K lam ath lak e yielded 46 bushels of r _ . . . . . __________.. . m aste r of the C alifornia sta te grange. H arrison urged th e n ational grange b U m riL C U I U l» V V |Q | U , positive action by calling upon tra c t according to M. M ctachenbacher. w ho butlde upon the golden sand _ ; P resid en t Coolidge and congress to T his is land which th e reclam ation May only build a house to fall, service recen tly recom m ended should I would be rich another way, raise th e tariff. So rich th at other men would say. K ven ta a t Noted (People. Govemu»«*t* T he vast am ount of business to be F u rth e r R eductions O pposed fo r Sev be reflooded as a bird reserv e. “Though little Is the w ealth be j tran sa c te d before ad journm ent Thurs- era l Reason*, but l i g h t ou and U id ê c NorthweuL a« J lO th e r Albany. T hom as Jefferso n B utter. speuds, | day forced th e g ran g ers into a night | Floor Forecast. T hings W orth Knowing. 77, for IS years a l.lnn county com N® m ortal haa an many friends.* j business session. Several im p o rtan t ‘ _____ ! reso lu tio n s w ere introduced, am ong m iastoner. died at 1.1a hom e here Sat- Yen w ealth, elude, fame, pass me by. them being th e resolution of H erb ert unlay night. Though both a man may wet, desire. W ashington. D. C.—T he lim it In tax One hundred and fiftee n ban d its and N. Saw yer of New H am pshire urging Salem T here w. re tw o fa talities in ,,u t *•* ko‘>* *ha* a,w a>* > 40 M aronites have been killed during th a t th e grange indorse prohibition en- reduction for n ex t y ear h as been O regon duo to in d u strial accid en ts Am welcome at another's tiro. reached by th e house w ays and I would be fam ous In a way. at a ttack by bands of b rigands on th e forcem enL during the week ending N ovem ber 12. So fam ous o th er men would euy. m ittee in revision alread y .. . . . The resolution hy H arrison ad v o cat­ m eans com village of K aw kaba. n e a r H asbaya, , . . according to a report prepared here "Though Croesus come, a kin* be for th e now revenue b ill.1., , , .. Syria. The in form ation comes from ed a p erm an en t court of intern atio n al approved . , „ . ,1 . , . > ! > . t * > ., .1 . w _ i i n , 1 a v . 4 » * S aturday by th e sla te Industrial accl- host. I 'V i e , w m a n 4 C hairm an G reen d eclared Sunday In Justice. John P hillips of Missouri a d ­ F rench sources. dent com m ission. The victim s includ­ H e Is the one they welcome m o s t“ vocated a resolution calling upon the announcing th a t th e door was closed '£> lilt. MsClurs N**,pse«r I t a J le U ) A rgentina will h a rv e st one of the national grange to approach congress ag ain st fu rth e r proposals for tax re ­ ed A. K lelndiest, Springfield, powder- man. and W illiam S. O rm and. P o rt­ larg est crops in h istory, it is indicated to favor an early com pletion and oper­ lief. The bill is to be drafted th is land. iru ek driver. by th e m inistry of ag ricu ltu re first re­ ation by the federal governm ent of the w eek. port of th e season on conditions of Muscle shoals project. T he $304.000.000 cu t in revenue next C ascade Locks. — A huge boulder cereal and linseed yields. T he report The grange w as asked to go on rec­ year estim ated to re su lt from revisions rolled from a bank on th e C olum bia forecasts th a t th e w heat crop will ex­ ord advocating m ore strin g e n t pure- ordered by th e com m ittee lu tax rates, highw ay Sunday, barely m issing the ceed th a t of la st year. food law s a ml m ore vigorous enforce­ he said, is all th e tre a su ry can stand, autom obile driven by V’. W lgren. a By F. A. W A L K E R The ch airm an 's statem en t, is belter- local school director. The rock stru ck M em bers of th e C hicago G rand m ent of such law s by s ta te and nation O pera com pany have been form ally in a resolution introduced by David ed not only to m ean th e re will be no the highw ay not six feet from th e MENTAL ATMOSPHERE notified th a t th e em ploym ent of p a id ! A*rans- ***** m a ste r of New Je rse y fu rth e r a lte ra tio n s in the tax ra te autom obile, th en lo u n d ed o v er th e schedule by th e com m ittee, but also guard fence and into th e river. ___ applause m ak ers is forbidden and th a t grange. A gans’ resolution also reaf- .... . ,, , . . W H A T K N E R it may be wtth re­ it can affect th e sin g e r's sta tu s in (irm ed th e stan d of th e national th a t th e th re a te n e d fight in the house , h , ' m h ^ m °m i ^ ^ l * « * •» -only one way— p rejudicial.“ P re ss m rn g e in dem anding “tru th in fabric fe r g re a te r red u ctio ns in th e automo^ laws. bile tax th an have been voted by the V T . r “ P‘a,y, flIlllnK « « '* » aad agents w ere frow ned upon. . a « . the Pond of tho H am m ond Liam* potlUoiL you will * h > u or Into dUcovor George A. P alm iter of Oregon Intro­ com m ittee will be opposed vigorously. ^ conjpany , he T urnr(tl„ Logging th a t the m ental atm osphere in which As evidence of "th e sin c e rity of th e duced a resolution reaffirm ing th e R epeal ot th e autom obile passen g er oom paay was e n a bu>d to s ta rt logging y °u ■ 0T* *ttflu J “J to day baa a great purpose of th e Italian governm ent. position of th e grange ag ain st th e le t­ c a r le ry would cut an o th er $50.000,- ^ W edn,.gdajr fjllowlnK a m onlh-a deal to do A lb yeur b apW »~ * Count Volpi. head of th e Italian debt tin g down of im m igration law s a t th e 000 from th e annual re re n u e . shutdow n on account of insufficient „ T °“ , caam ,‘ ” P*rt«'C* «'— • du com m ission. S atu rd ay ten d ered th e com ing session of congress, also in­ C hairm an G reen said he expected w a(er tQ n o „ th e lr ln , h „ «««»tittl seasona of peace, joy end tre a su ry a check for f5.000.000 as the cluding a p h rase in th e resolution pro­ th e com m ittee, w hich will m eet again harm ony which come frequently to the Salem —E stab lish m en t of a branch souls who habitually Indulge in rlghi first in stallm en t on th e recen tly nego­ testin g and opposing an y ship sub­ soon, to com plete the d raftin g of th e tiated w ar-debt funding settlem en t. sidy. The grange was asked to urge tax reduction bill this w eek, th u s as- »7 the W est C oast T anning com pany thinking, unless you, too, live and work * »Idrltual and mental sunshine, at T he paym ent w as n o t due u n til next congress th a t th e re be no m ore sale of suring early co n sideration by th e ln Salem will be considered a t tho •***i glorious harun idea "h lch June. ships and th a t th e vessels be used to house soon a fte r congress convenes nex* m eeting of the local cham ber of D e ecem ber 7 i. com m erce, it w as announced here Frl- “ clasp r* “ in ,OU* “U“ B f‘‘r T° " them to build up th e A m erican m erch an t m ar­ e u - iu u tr them your * bands, press T he O ccidental, a m onthly publica­ As agreed upon by th e com m ittee day. The com pany has its p resen t t(J y0nd accn>, tbc,m M tion, edited and published by th e Uni­ ine. In th e hope of stopping en tirely th e bill will provide for w idespread h ead q u arters in P ortland. T he pro- own. v e rsity of C alifornia stu d en ts, was in ­ th e im portation of w orthless seeds, You may grope for a solution of life's especially to w estern sta te s. W . \V. reductions ln all incom e tax rates, in- posed Salem p lant would em ploy 30 defin itely suppressed F rid ay by uni­ problems year a fte r year, but you wUJ creased personal exem ptions, rep eal men. Deal of Idaho Introduced a resolution v e rsity au th o rities because of an a r­ find . It until Salem —T he public serv ice controls not . . , you , climb to . the MU ticle in th e c u rre n t issue w hich in te r­ calling for a high ta riff on alfalfa and of m any o f th e excise and special ln * a c cleaner levies, nt rep eal of th e gift tax and |*ub- sion bas UgUt.d an o rd er authorizing to1" and *et **n*r clover seed. The grange w as urged in __ _ ______ . ;' l on ba8 ,S8Ue<1 an o ra e r au th o risin g wblcb haa „ ln mystic way of own p reted as ridiculing th e im m aculate the resolution to call on congress in icity of incom e tax re tu rn s, m odifies- tbtf Lane county l0 urt to estab lish a 10 c, . a r mg the vision aud lightening conception of C h rist as se t fo rth in th e m atter. tion of the in h eritan ce tax. grade crossing o re r tho tra c k s of tho tb s heart, eveu when the skies all th e Bible. C hairm an G reen in h is sta te m e n t Southern P acific com pany a t a point aruuiul you are hung with som brous Boston will not see “D esire U nder Land F ight Passed Up. said he believed th e tre a su ry s estl- approxim ately two miles n o rth of Eu gray curtains. the Elm s.” E ugene O 'N eill's play th a t A** **>“ * ** g«0** *“ d glorious la life TV ashington. D. C. — T he suprem e m ate of th e probable surplus for th e Kt,ne. T he cost of th e crossing will be has been run n in g in New York for court announced Monday its refu sal to next fiscal year, placed a t $290.000.- lKin,e by tho r a u r „ad com pany and coul** to n k in « . Superb paintings for which fabulous m any m onths, b e c iu se M ayor Curley review th e question of title to land In 000 by S e c re ta ry Mellon, was too “con- I _ a n u COunty i prices are paid ; m asterful music which has insisted on a com plete revision of Oregon claim ed by S. L. L eath erm an servaM ve." As a consequence.” he said. “I have A storia.—A to tal of $208.800 will be stirs the soul aud carries It aw ay tiv its text. R a th e r th a n comply w ith the and O tto E. P a rry and held by A. J. been asked w hy the reduction to be ef- s *H>nt on roada ln r<,ad d ia ,rlc t N’°- '■ ‘" f “ land •* 1 dr , aU, * ; censorship req u irem en ts, th e produc­ Mayse. fected by th e bill is not m ade larger, r ““ *0« 1 * C0">lnK bu“ dln«a ers have decided to cancel th e Boston The land was conveyed to th e sta te engagem ent. of Oregon by th e U nited S ta te s gov­ T h ere are m any who think It should y, a r ' aa a r,‘8Ult of “ 'tUm tak t‘n a t ,l b« ^ . bT m » ^ a < ! i^ U b ltli ^ .m r n « be carried a t least up to $350.000.000. ™ad d U t^ C* ® e*lin * he,d he” S a t' ,n d cheerful countenance come Into bw Buildings w ere shaken b u t no dam ­ ern m en t for co n stru ctio n of wagon and som e th a t would advance It to u n ,a >- D istrict No. 1 Includes the en- (n^ tj,rou lo u n ty exclusive of ,lTlng ,n „ hlgh#r m*ntal atm osphere, lieved to be an earth q u ak e fe lt in southern Oregon company. though In th e la tte r case my unde» Ihe Iand con*ainei* In **»« lim its of its wbere mlud substuuce is purified and H artford, Conn, a t 1:20 M onday A. M. quently congress purchased th e lands stan d in g is it is intended to apply th e four m tinietpalltles. molded into unusual forms, which in T h ere was a high wind blow ing and from th a t com pany and opened them paym ents received from E uropean P endleton. -— No co n cen trated d riv e th eir slinpls gra>e and beauty arouse to entry. rain w as falling. T he tem p e ra tu re w as co u n tries to o rd in ary expenses Instead for m em bers of the Red C ross will be tl** adm iration of tb s world The com pany had been delinquent in You may have priceless talenta, but unseasonably high. O perators a t th e of using them to reduce the national m ade ln P endleton o r ln U m atilla taxes and th e lands in question had they cannot long survive In s tainted telegraph com pany rep o rted a noise debt. 1 county th is yedr. according to Edwin atm osphere, for like th e peach and the which som e of them took to be been sold for tax es to Mayse. whose •I am very decidedly of th e opin- W inter, chairm an of the ch ap te r in roae_ th#y mu>t h>T# tb# b#lpful sun title to them was held good by th e thunder. ion th a t th e am ount now carried by *ke county la st year. V oluntary sub- gj,ine. the pure rain and Jew. to (la­ low er courts. th e bill should not be Increased for scriptions to th e Red C ross will be velop th eir full sw eetness; they re- The joy th a t th e C hristm as tre e sev eral reaso n s: In th e first place, taken, he said. T he w ork has been quire an atm osphere suitable to their brings to children fa r outw eighs any Ship C ases Postponed. I favor th e continuance of th e p re s -; discontinued In the county. proper grow th and development. dam age th a t th e cu ttin g of th ese W ashington, D. C. — Twelve cases sm all tre e s does to th e forests, th e grow ing out of th e w ar-tim e seizure en t policy w ith reference to th e re- A lb a n y ,-J o e Schw lndt. 56. Jo rd an b toufb witb ,,tb#r U nited S ta te s fo rest service stated of G erm an ships and p ro p erty about duction of th e n atio nal d ebt ln o rd er farln er wb„ was sbot by bl8 i 5.year- pSer* kf. ,p ,t S atu rd ay in indorsing th e tensel-bear- N*ew Y'ork w ere indefinitely postponed th a t if some new and * re a t em ergency ^ gon j 0hn, N ovem ber 4, died at th e mlnda and burnlah It by constant n»e should come upon us we would be pre- hospital here Sunday a fte r having bat- and rubbing. It will sicken, mildew and e r of th e Y uletide. As a m a tte r of Monday by th e suprem e court. fact, th e service pointed out, the an­ The act was based on re p re se n ta ­ pared for it. and to save th e am ount tied for 10 days w ith h alf a bullet In perish among the vanities on which life nual h a rv e st of C hristm as tre e s Is ex­ tion by th e claim ants th a t congress, w hich would oth erw ise be paid in in- h |g brain. D eath was due to infection *“ ™* fro™ exultation to despulr. T be boy ln Jail h ere If you W0M,d hav* understanding, a ceeded m any tim es by th o se used in at Its approaching session, w as expect­ te re st. If a surp lu s develops u n d er L f tbe wound th e proposed bill. It will, of course. on an n (h aald' hc , hot h|H frnuk interest In accom plishm ent, two th e m anufacture of toothpicks. ed to settle th e questions Inrolved by - - ... , .. o r three good friends and success In be used to reduce tb e national - debt. fa th e r while the la tte r w as beating h eap ln f me„ ure, y an adjoining m ountain coun- Sorlie to fill th e vacancy in the U nited M arshfield. — Ju stice of th e P eace > 1000 business lead e rs in com m ercial, j S ta te s sen ate caused by th e death o f i ^ la n *°^’ w**° Folds th e reco rd for in d u strial and ag ric u ltu ra l activities the late E. F. Irodd. T he special elec- n’a r r >,,n* Coofl C ""nty couples w ith a in th e se sta te s will p articip ate in tl.e F rtt Cologne Prom ised. tlon proclam ation will stan d , and Nye, * wl'*e m argin to spare, said th a t his P aris.—T he allied council of am ­ If seated by th e house, will serve only m arriages have m ostly term in ated sessions, w hich will be behl a t the bassadors has drafted a note to G er­ until th e resu lts of the special election successfully. In th e 12 y e a rs M r.1 The young lady across the way says Olympic hotel. m any statin g its decision to ev a ru a te become known, unless he is elected S tanley has been ju stice of the peace 8ba alw ays has stood and alw ays will T he A m erican F alls, Idaho reservo ir for the open window In t'lit: i the Cologne a re a beginning D ecem ber to fill th e vacancy. a t Coquille h e has united 526 couples. stand ( £ , 1 (1 1 , M a C 'lu r* N * w a » » o « r S rO 'U a a « « ,) will 0« th e la rg e st artificial body o f j j , The evacuallOB wnl be com p |eted Rev. T hom as B arklow of M yrtle Point | w a te r in th e U nited S ta te s and the betw een Ja n u a ry 15 and F eb ru a ry 1, has a record of 348 m arria g es In 35 H arding’s Cousin Lost. th ird la rg e st In th e world a s a resu lt j the note says, Cows on Pasture New York.—Isabel B ennett, 15, sec­ years In Coos county. The m ixture of equal parts of Corn, o f official a u th o rity th a t w as tra n s­ Salem .—R ep resen tativ es of th e In­ ond cousin of th e late P resid en t H ard­ T rain H its A uto; 3 Dead. m itte d S a tu rd a y to th e regional of­ ing, w as reported Sunday night m iss­ te r s ta te com m erce com m ission and outs and bran Is one of the common fice of th e U nited S ta te s reclam ation F o rt Madison, Ia.—T h ree persons ing since F rid ay from h er W ashing­ public service com m issions of O re­ rations which are used for row s on serv ice a t D enver to E n g in e e r Banks are dead h ere S unday as th e re su lt ton H eig h ts hom e In th is city. F ears gon and W ashington will hold a h e a r­ pssture. The outs and bran nre the rhenpest part of the ration hut hesi­ In c h arg e of c o n stru ctio n a t A m erican of th e collision h ere la te S atu rd ay th a t she had been kidnaped w ere ex­ ing a t Spokane D ecem ber 10 to con- tate at Increasing them to more tlmn F alls. T h e in stru c tio n s a re to build ■ j night of th e autom obile in w hich th e y pressed by h e r m o th er and step fater, elder the application of th e Spokane J (,ne.tb|r(| (,f th e ration. If the cows th e dam to its full h e ig h t and author- w e r e riding and a B urlington passen- Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k B rent. She Is the M erchants’ association for a reduction j nre b|g b producers It would pay to Ity Is given to E n g in e e r B anks to pro- g e r train . The autom obile w as de- d au g h te r of Jo h n B. B ennett, Cleve­ In express ra te s on Ice cream . T he [ ,1(|,| 10 per cent of linseed ollmenl to ceed alo n g th a t lin e. T h is Informa- inollshed. It Is thought a heavy snow land, O., autom obile dealer, first cou­ date of th e conference w as announced the ftitlnn. In other words cows which lion w as tra n s m itte d to R. E. S h e p -.m a y have obscured th e vision of th e sin of th e la te p resident. T he Ben- here. A sim ilar hearin g w ill be h eld, are heavy producers need more protein | th an furnished hy the corn, oats und n e ts w ere divorced several y ears ago. In P ortland on D ecem ber 31. h erd of Jero m e, w ho i* in , Boise. 'd riv e r. bran mixture. Is riAUpil cn FOR YOU An Advance Showing of W ELC O M E MEASURE READY SOON rv<> to - — ‘h“ >— * - Luxurious Fur Trimmings At Attractively Moderate Prices Kuta are to be lavishly used in the trim m ing ol M ilady’s fall and w in­ ter g arm en ts and our splendid new slock them in in an ab u m ln act of styles and w idths, as welt as all desirable shades. Y ou’ll be fascinated hy their their beauty and delightfully pleased w ith our attractiv ely m oderate prices. P articu larly im portant a is these special offerings in bur C ollars. — Main F loor, Fancy G oods Section Fur Collars in Coneytf at each ... - Fur Collars in Opos ^ sum at each B eautiful C oney F u r Collar«, lined aud ready lo sew on your em in e n t T h ey com e 8 inches wide and 27 Inches long. Shown in bla> k. brow n, kit and blue fox. I-«penally undervalued af 90.95. l‘ «optionally fine O posvuin Kur Collar*. 8 ittent* wide and 27 inches long. Iim d and ready to srw on your garm ent They com e in stone m arten , till h, black ta n n in and n atu ral S p rc ja l at II2.9S. Just Kcceived an Importation of * V elvet Brocade Georgettes A Rich, High Grade Ma terial for Dresses and Tun ics, at A JO-imh w idth and a very G eorgette«, especially adapted .ign« in black, rrd and black, Copen, cocoa, turquoise, w hile, $9.75 Yd. line quality of tlie new V elvet B rocade for ilre««i « and tunic« t nines in n rs t dr grey and copen, tan amt brow n, brick and etc. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT ui^^T'iJf T ttTrtSf .SS THE EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote n Full Growth of Hair. Will also Restore the Strength, Vitality ami the Ileauty of the llnir. If your Hair ia Dry and Wiry, Try— East India Hair Grower It you nre bothered with Palling Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a jar of PAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Tbe Irrmcily c o n t a i n s medical properties that |ir<> to the r o o t s of the Hair, atimulatea the skin, helping nature do ita work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flower*. The heat known remedy for Heavy and llcautiful IMaek Eye-Browra, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for Straightening. Price Sent by Mail, 50c; 10c Extra for Poetage I O il, O ll, til»« for AC.KNTS O U TFIT H »lr G row er, I Tem pi« I Sham poo, I r r m l n « I F»cw C ream and Hirwo- for •»U ln e, IX l i e ft a tra i 'i« U g « . S. D. LYONS 316 N. Central Dept. B Oklahoma City, Okla. T H E REGAL O U R W AY I* Steam Cleaning or F rench D ry Cleaning Not merely (ponging and placing a hot iron on and in thi* way work the dirt into the garm ent. In thi* way much harm i* done in ­ stead of m aking the garm ent look like new Q uality Cleaning Pressing and D yeing T h ere is a difference betw een our way of doing w ork and our im itator*. O u r cu s­ tom er*' clothe* alway* look new and have a m ore ariito cratic look. W e care for and »tore your tuit while you are out of the city R egal C l e a n e r s , T ail o r s a n d H a t t e r s 127 N orth Sixth Street, Bet. G liian and H oyt (w ith the O range F ro n t) Phone Broadw ay 1399 Satisfaction or No Pay Mail Order* Solicited ........................................................................ NO W IS TIIE TIME TO ELE C T R IF Y YOUR HOME You already know that Electric Service is the mo*t useful and economical servant in tho home. Why not start now and let Electricity do all your household drudgery for yout Modern Appliances at Moderate Prices We have an excellent stock to select from. ELECTRIC STORE Electric Building PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Printing of Every Description ADVOCATE PRINTING COMPANY 312 MACLEAY bldg . BROADWAY 5807