A D V O C A TE THE. As» I n d e p e n d e n t VOL. XXII.—NO. 50 P «per D e v o ted to th e lo to r o a te mf cl» • P r o p l* • PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8 , 1925 • PRICE 5 CENTS SOUTHERN STATES WOULD ABOLISH LYNCHING CITY GIVES PARK TO COLORED CITIZENS “Arrow Tips” GIVES THE RACE PLA Y GROUNDS RACE NOTABLES IN LIMELIGHT Shreveport, 1.» A uk 6: The c o l­ ored people vl thi* city are rejoic­ ing in the recent opening of a b ea­ utiful fifteen acre recreation ((round the gift of the city.whirh »«« d edi­ cated withfitling exercise* on July Fou rth T h e assembly pre*ent cel­ ebrated the occasion with com m u ­ nity linKinii and game*. and con ­ gratulatory addrr»«r* were delivered by prom inent citizens. T he property it nioct convenient­ ly locatrd and it» to pography i* ad­ mirably Muted to thr pilfpote, with beautiful grovea for «hade, open apace* for baseball and tennis ground«, and a natural aite for a •w im m ing pool. It wra« recm tly purchaard by th r city at a to»l ol *¿6,01)0, and 9.1,600 will be expended tliia year by thr park commiMOn for im provem ent, equipment and sup er­ vision T h r i'ob