THE ■ u VOL. X X II. ■■■■■ . ADVOCATE A a In d ep en d en t ■ ■ — ■ -- - ------------- A- NO. 39 P aper D rro te d ------------- ------ — a to — th e . ■ In terests m f th e !.■■■ . , ■ ■ A - - ■ ............... - P e e p le s ■■ ■ ........... PRICE 5 CENTS PORTLAND. OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1925 BOATMAN ON MISSISSIPPI SAVES MANY LIVES MOB LEADERS SENTENCED TO PRISON TERM N. 0. Mob Loador Draw* SO Yean In Prison; 28 Others Are Convicted Florida Put* Another “ Kul- tur” Mark on Her Record (Preston News Service) Orlando, Fla , May 21 —Officials of Orange County report that they had been advised Thursday by telephone from Sanford, that Jack West had been taken from a train Wednesday night and lynched and his body rid died with bullets near I.ongwood, Seminole County. The body was found early Thursday morning tied to a tree. ---------- o— —— LOCAL and FOREIGN NEWS BRIEFS (H m ln n N r « « Service) WilliamsUm, N, C , May 30.— Sen­ Miss Moore to Graduate tence« ranging from thirty year« down Friends in, Portland are in receipt to two year«' imprisonment were im ­ of invitations to the commencement posed in Martin County «uperior court exercises of Hanford Union High hrre Wrdnraday u|>on the five princi­ School Friday evening, June 5th, in the pal defrudant« convirtrd of mutilating High School Auditorium. Invitations Jo»eph Nrrdlrman (white) on the are through the courtesy of Miss ni|(ht of March 28, after rcmovtnK hint Muriel Jeannette Moore, who is a from the Martip County jail llenry member of the graduating class. Miss I) «iriffin. allcurd leader of the moh, Moore is the daughter of Rev. and drew a sentence of thirty years, while HOTEL NOTES Mrs 1. Albert Moore, formerly of this the lightest sentence of two years was city. given to Ctaro llrath, for whom the Frank Waldon, who has held down : ----------- 0----------- )ury had recommended mercy. the janitor and the hat-rack jobs at Mrs. M. A. Hedgemon, Grand Ma­ Sentence was imposed upon the de- | . I'heile's Kating Kmporiuin on Tenth tron of Missouri and Jurisdiction O. fendants after F. W . Sparrow, Jr., street, has lost out, just as the boys ' K. S , will visit Wanauma Chapter, O. who had been tried along with the predicted. K. S , in this city during the early part other four, submitted to the charge of Ad Menton, for five years a waiter ; of June, according to informaton from mutilation. Sentences imposed were at The Portland, but for the past sev- ' the W orthy Matron, Mrs. Edith Wil as follows: eral years a mechanic in Oakland, C a l, barns Henry 1). Griffin, thirty years; F. ship yirds, returned to Portland this W . Sparrow, Sr , F. W. Sparrow, Jr., week, looking fit and fine. The reason ! Mrs. A. Anderson, of 429 Tilla­ and Julian Mullock, six to thrre years for it, Ad said, was that he has rut out mook street, will open a Barbecue Conviction of twenty-seven men in all the rough stuff It grieves Ad to Kitchenette at 22nd and Powell V'alley the case marked the first time in the see some of his old friends in Portland Road, Wednesday, May 27th. history of North Carolina that a moh . had been indicted, tried and convicted ,tJ" Ad ----------- 0----------- is still single and says he is going to A Cablegram from Roland Hayes, rn masse. stay so until St. Peter blows his horn I distinguished tenor, was received by Four of the men. Henry 1). Griffith, Henry Theile, the highly rated i Julian Mullock, F. W Sparrow and . , , , , , the Associate Editor of The Advocate , . ,, . • . , , . caterer and proprietor of several res- Saturday. May 16th. It was sent from l laro Heath, were convicted of mu:i- , . . . ... . , i . , . , taurants, without notice, picked up the Hotel Carmona, Granada, Spam. lation by a jury, which deliberated just .. . . . . . . . . . v: last Sunday night, and closed up his Mr Hayes is touring the continent for a few minutes over three hours. Nine- ’ . . . , , -i. i restaurant at the Sovereign Hotel, on several months. teen of the men indicted pleaded guilty ' * to being accessories before the fact of | ’ . . . .... . , , .. i . . captains in I he Portland dining Mrs. Louise Thomas, 329 San Rafael jjiutilalion, while four others pleaded; ' , nolo contendere to the lesser charge ! ,00" ' c ° n,r and « ° *° *“ « ,hM “ * » street, suffered a fractured ankle when Sam Lilly will lie arraigned at a «•«»>«* hard job even to Iteep up with the automobile in which she was riding with her husband and mother-in-law, later dale at an acccttury if he recov- 1 lrir namev Sunday, left the road and turned over. er. from self inflicted wounds Three n n i M r Q ° T (n , men pleaded not guilty to being acces- ! L M J l n U O U r 1 n E , L L A o It is said the weight of the machine fell upon her ankle. Mr. Thomas, who sories, and it was indicated the state would not press these. ' ° s Thomas, after much persua- was driving, received slight injuries to Coincident with the return of the tion, has consented to make the race his hand and his mother was also bad­ verdicts. Solicitor Don Gilliam an for the next E. K of Rose City Lodge ly shaken up. Mrs Thomas is being nounced fur the state that a directed of Elks. Thomas is well and favor­ treated for her injuries at the Portland verdict of not guilty would be accept­ ably known to the business, religious Sanitorium. ed as to the defendant, Joseph Needle and social world and takes an active Mother, brother and sister-in-law of man, indicted on a charge of attacking part in all civic affairs that tends to a young white girl for which hr was the betterment and uplift of the peo- ! John Jones, who resides at 91 E. 74th awaiting arraignment in Martin Coun- pie He is qualified and well fitted for i street N., left Sunday for Pasadena. ty when the mob broke into the jail and committed the crime against him ______ „ Miaa Florence Koonce, of Belling ham, Washington, spent last week in the city as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. L. K. Weeks. Miss Koonce who used to reside here with her aunt, at a very young girt, has developed into a beautiful and charming young lady. At Seaside, Oregon The Sunflower Furnished Cottages and Furnished Housekeeping Tents W ill open June 6, 1925 Swings, croquet grounds snd fish­ ing within a hundred feet of the door. Write or phone J W . C U R R Y . 107 North 14th S t , Portland, Oregon Mroadway 1541. ----------- O----------- The Associate Editor o f The A dvo­ cate spoke before the senior history clast, Mitt Hilma Anderson instruc­ tor, at Lincoln High School Monday and Wednesday of this week on race relations. She has been engaged to address another of Miss Anderson's classes on Monday. Agents Wanted — Men and women nuke $8 per day introducing dress goods; no experience required Sam­ ples furnished. Rluliird Supply House, 926 Broadway, New York. For Rent— Nicely furnished rooms; housekeeping privilege*. East 7099.— lhf responsible office by education, Cal., the home of his mother. diplomacy and experience He is just the man who can and will, it is Georgia Odd Fellows in Trouble— thought, who will keep F.lkdom up to The Odd Fellows Lodge of Georgia is \ “ » l' ,Kh »'»ndard of progrcstivencts up in arms over the fact that hundreds ■*"‘1 achievements. of death claims held by beneficiaries of A Past Exalted Rulers’ Council of deceased members of the order have the Order of Elks was temporarily o r­ not been paid. The blame is saddled ganized last Tuesday night at the Stag upon Grand Secretary Benjamin J. Club. 'James A. Mauley was named Davis. The affairs of the order have temporary chairman; George Payne, been placed in the hands of a receiver. temporary secretary. The next meet­ ing will be held Tuesday, M iy the Furniture of 5-room house for sale 2bth. cheap. 274 Wheeler, near Clackamaa T'he Imperial Lodge of Elks of New j St.— Adv. York has found out, after having an | expert accounts.'it examine the books Men, women sell guaranteed silk of their treasurer, Adolph Howell, and j hosiery direct to wearer; beautiful their financial secretary, Henson J | goods, fashioned and full fashioned, Styles, that the treasurer had deposited wonderful colors Prices lower than $1,144 35 of the lodge's money to his stores. Sell only. W e pay every day. own credit; the secretary had em- International Silk Hosiery Co., Norris­ bcizlrd $1.412.84. A writ was sworn town, Pa. ou» for their arrest by the Fidelity ■-----------0----------- Surety Company, which bonded the Big Four Auto Laundry officers. Rut it was soon discovered Long & Silva Garage that the secretary had fled to the West East 8th and Hawthorne Indies, his native home. Moth men had W e call for and deliver your car held their respective offices for the anywhere, any time. Washing, clean­ past five years. This should serve as ing and polishing. Grease removed; a warning to all lodges to guard well dressing tops; remove paints. their treasures. FIRST CUSTOMER A N S W E R ­ Joseph Wilmore (O ld folks), a bill ING T H IS A D V . E A C H W E E K of Rose City Lodge, is with Joe Ben­ W IL L RECEI VE ONE GOLD jamin, the prize fighter, at Hollywood, C O IN T E L E P H O N E CA LL AC- Cal. CEPTED. Business Phone, East Dts. Louise Thomas, F'anny Bond, 6840; residence phone Scllwood 1021. Lottie Payne and Bettic Strawder are I. L. D A V IS O N . on the sick list. The Dts. look fine in their white George T. Starks, a proprietor of the regalia, following the recent enforce­ Pioneer Billiard Parlors, 108 N. Sixth ment of a law which requires Dts. to street, died in the city Tuesday the appear at meetings clad in white. 19th, and was buried FTiday from The Dts. were proud to have Dt. Finley’s Mortuary. Commitment at Robinson of Evergreen Temple meet Mt. Scott cemetery. Mr. Starks leaves with them last Tuesday night. to mourn their loss, a wife, Mrs. Dt. Cordeelia Clay is in the city Celeste Starks, 458 Williams avenue, visiting her mother who is ill at her this city and several brothers and hqme on Williams avenue. Dt. Clay sisters. anticipates remaining until her mother ■ O' ■ ■ ■ is up again. Mra. and Mrs. Charles Jamison, 1190 Dt. Ruby White is confined to her Holgatc sticet, had as their guest of home with a sprained ankle which she honor last Sunday, Mrs. L. K. Weeks. received in a fall at her home last Covers were laid for eleven and the week. hostess served a delicious dinner. Dt. Lorraine Shafer is in Seattle visiting her mother, who is ill. I— Phone* Broadway >141, Tabor 7100 Louis H. Strickland Typewriter Ribbon*, Carbon Paper*. Stationery, Printing, Book Binding, Rubber Stamp*, teals Q uality S torr 409 M cK ay Bldg. Portland, Or*. Good-Will Day Observed Mississippi Whites Assault Negro Doctor and Fiancee in Automobile ‘Arrow Tips’ TOM LEA RESCUES THIRTY WHOSE LIVES WERE Of DANGER WHEN EXCURSION Oh, dear, do we have to go through BOAT ON WHICH THEY WERE Aarigned all that Defense Day agony again! &IDINO CAPSIZED IN ISSIPPI RIVER Are the militarists foolish enough to "D on ’t forget the war and don’t for­ get the lessons of the war," urged B. E Irvine, editor of .1« Journal, at a Jealoua, * MM>.g zwwf \ A /;il n - .e e k e r w . . . » * Um\A . rs t h e _ _ r 1 * Good W ill Day banquet held in the aa Cause of Brutal Attack W om en’s building on Good Will Day, the 18th "Remember the millions of I New Y(wk N y ¿ fay I S . - T h e soldiers slam; the homes destrogyd and Natlofla, Association for th* Advance the million* of orphans created and f mfnt o ( C olorid Veof>w M Fl(lh A ve plan to do everything m your power ; N fw Yorlc haj received a report to prevent such a thing happening 0f a |,rU|a| as, au|t committed by four again. Mississippi whites, near Meridian, Prof. George B Noble, of Reed upon Dr. Charles Smith, a local col- (B y Kita Retd) I think that if they camouflage their pro­ gram by putting it on Armistice Day, that we pacificts will swallow i ? • • • Black Haro Mentioned for Car­ negie Medal—Several Thou­ sands of Dollar* Being Rais­ ed For Him by Business Just think of the stupidity and crass­ Men of City. ness o f such a proceedure! Desecrat­ ing the Day of all days— the day that said the world was tired o j slaughter — by tying into its sacred significance a program that means preparation for another barbaric cataclysm. (I don't know whether those two words are properly used or not, but I cannot think of anything except barbaric as the other extreme of civilized, or Cataclysm as the antithesis of order, so I guess I'll keep them.) • • • Memphis, Tenn.— Tom Lea, a black boatman, operating a motor boat on Collegc. urged the developing of an ored physician, and Miss Myrtle W il- the Mississippi river at Coahoma international conscience in place of a son, his fiancee. The whites stopped Landing, sixteen miles below Memphis, narrow, selfish nationalism, falsely the automobile in which the colored is being acclaimed as a hero, following called patriotism. “ We must learn to doctor and his fiancee were riding, his saving of thirty men and women thing in world tertna," he said. dragged them from their seats, admin- from drowning when the government Rev. C. S. Tator of Anebelle Pres- istered a severe beating to both and steamboat, the M. E. Norman, cap­ hytrrian Church, speaking from his ex- fired shots which wounded the colored sized and sunk on Friday, May 8, with perience as soldier in two wars, re- doctor in the head and may cost Miss more than twenty persons losing their echoed the words of the other speakers, Wilson her eyesight. The automobile lives. urging that war is not necessary, that was riddled with gunshot and pistol Passengers on the boat were dele­ And here we are told that the plans it docs not settle the problems which bullets. gate* to the Mid-Kouth Association of are all complete and only await the it professes to settle, and leaves the A local informant of the N. A. A. Engineers, who had been on an out­ world infinitely .worse off. j C. P. states. “ Dr. Smith is Miss W il- proclamation of the President. It is ing to Cow Island, and were returning The meeting, which was under the son’s fiancee and is quite a promising said that he has already expressed ap­ to Memphis. The boat took a sudden auspiegt of several peace organizations, and successful physician at Meridan. proval of them. I am inclined to list just opposite Coahoma Landing, closed with a play written by Mrs. N. He has just recently bought a new doubt that. 1 do give him credit for and the captain, Howard T. Fenton Harris, showing the horrors of war car and is building a home. I know having a small portion of his native attempted to take the boat to the land­ and how, out o f the suffering of war Miss Wilson personally; she is highly supply of New England common 1 ing. but the current at that point i* may come a determined effort for respected and regarded as a young sense still left, although one must ad- , extremely swift, and after rocking two peace. j woman of excellent ability and char- mit that some of his recent actions or three times, the boat finally rolled . O acter. She taught night school at Tan- seem to indicate that it (said N. E. j over, going immediately to the bottom. Mra. Irvin Flowers was hostess to galoo College while taking a college common sense) is deeply buried under T om Lea was in his motor boat, and the accumulation of political junk that the Rosebud Study Club Wednesday course there until called home recent- it is reported that he was methodical afternoon, May F3th at her home on Iv by illness in her family. She was to he has absorbed in the last fifteen and cool as he went about the work of East First Street. A very delightful be married in June. At the time of years— is it that long since he was rescuing the passengers. Many of meeting was had. * writing this letter, it is feared that governor of Massachusetts? W ell, to them had been thrown into the turbu­ get back to our plans: , -Q—-------- ; Miss Wilson will not regain her eye- lent waters as the boat capsized, and Statement 1— W e are expected to R O B E R T B A O N A L L T O V IS IT sight." Lea calmy proceeded to load as many take more kindly to the word “ mus­ ■ • No cause for the assault upon the of them into his boat as the vessel Robert W . Ragnall. Branch Director colored doctor and the young woman ter" than we did to "mobilization.” would carry, and carried them to shore. Question 1— W ill we? Watch us. of the National Association for the is given except jealousy among the This operation he repeated until thirty Statement 2— Such a change of ex­ Advancement of Colored People, N e w . local whites of the doctor's new car, souls had been taken to land, and there pression "is necessary, inasmuch as York, will be in Portland early in June and new home. were no more left to be saved. The for several days in the interest of the The Grade School Reserves enjoyed there is a recognized inherent fear and others had been made victims by the Association. A big mass meeting will • Saturday afternoon at Peninsula Park. 1 suspicion in this country concerning cruel waters. be a feature o f his visit here and sev- Their regular meeting will be held any government policy that is not gen­ Am ong those saved by Lea was eral engagements have been made for May the 23rd at the Y. W . C. A. erally explained and understood, es­ Captain Fenton, who had been navi­ hit appearance beiore civic organiza- j It is time to renew your “ Y” mem- pecially if it involves military activity gating the Mississippi for thirty-four tions and college- He will be the bership. The banquet will be held at in times of peace.” (Q uoted from the years. guest of the local branch of the Asso ,he Stag Club on the 29th o f May. Plan.) The list of those who lost their lives ciation of which J A. Ewing is presi- The public is invited, Question 2— Does the general staff a* well as those who were saved, in­ dent. Mr. Bagnall is a noted speaker Xhe Blue Triangle Club will hold think that changing the word “ mobi­ cludes the names of many of the most and pulpiteer and wherever he has ap- ;ts rCBUlar meeting on Friday evening, lization" to “ muster" and holding the peared large crowds have greeted him Ma). 22nd After the meeting the cast “ Defense Test Day" program on noted members of the engineering pro­ Portland feels honored to have him of the Musical Comedy, "O ver the Armistice Day is any “ explanation" of fession in the South, who had been attending the first annual convention come here. A complete program o f Rivtr Charley,” will be the guests for the purpose of the action? of the Mid-South Association of his visit will appear from time to time the evening. Statement 3— Selection of Armistice Engineers. The body was newly in these columns An appreciative audience greeted the Day for the "purpose of taking peri­ formed Blue Triangle Club for the production odic stock of our national defense” has Survivors Praise Lea Mr*. Genevieve Mullen, 318 E. 41st been appraised as the ideal time by The survivors of the tragedy praised street, left Tuesday night for a pleas­ Thursday evening at the Holy Rosary the powers that be. the heroism and coolness of the old ure trip East and South. She plans to Question 4— For whose information School hall. Music was furnished' boatman. Capt. Howard T. Fenton, be gone several months. through the courtesy of Brock's Har­ is this "period test"? D o these blood­ who was among those rescued by Lea, ------------o ------------ mony Spillers. \Vilbur Mercicr coach­ thirsty specialists in legal slaughtering declared: Mrs. A. B. Allen, 260 Page street, ed and directed the work. The club of humans dare to believe that we do "M any more would have perished plans to take a trip within a few appreciates the efforts of each and not know that they (said specialists) but for the fact that Tom Lea, a Ne­ days. every one who contributed to the suc- do know down to the last dollar the gro. came along in a boat.” W . W . | cess of this, its initial production. money that is available for war pur­ De Benard, a Chicago engineer and The Pullman Porter*' Benefit Asso­ poses at this very moment? The man ----------- O----------- editor, tells of the providential appear­ ciation of America held its eighth an­ power and, unfortunately, woman RACE B O Y S DECLAMATION nual memorial service at Zion M F. ance of Lea and his motor boat, and power, too, that is subject to the call WINS STATE MEDAL of how it cruised back and forth among Church last Sunday afternoon in the j _______ of the war lord? Down to the last presence of a packed house. The < Mi|ljngloIlt Md , May 1 3 ,-P a u l nail, the last bullet, the last gas bomb the floating survivors, carrying them ashore. splendid program was earned out m Jackson> „ . year.0 ,d colored pupil of of equipment that is available at this the same manner and expressions of " T o Tom Lea,” he says, “ probably the city public school, won the State very moment? praise to the P. I., J. W . Botts, are 90 per cent of the survivors owe their • • • Gold Medal for the best declamation being heard on all sides. lives. delivered by the pupils o f the public And right here let me ask another Seek Rewards schools of Maryland. The contest was question for which I can find no state­ J. W . Curry is in receipt o f an in­ Major Rowlette Paine of Memphis, held at Ellicott City. Jackson's essay ment in their plans: teresting letter from his daughter. is behind a movement to obtain a was entitled “ Usefulness." O f what use will it be to have Miss Clotilde Curry, who is attending Carnegie hero metal for Lea. W hen parades of people who are forced into the University of Southern California, ! the 40-year-ld boatman was called in The Advocate acknowledge* receipt the parade lines? O f what possible Am ong other things. Miss Curry told by the Major, he appeared dressed in of an invitation to attend the Forty- value will be the marching of trained of how the students, including herself, overalls. “ I guess I didn’t do any fourth commencement exercises of soldiers on the streets, the blitting of had campaigned for the passage o f a more than anybody else would have Tuskegec Institute, May 17th. war-like music by musicians whose $700,000 bond issue for a new school, done.” he told the Major. only interest in the whole insane per­ ------------O----------- the present one not being large enough It is also said several thousand dol­ formance is the per diem he gets out Wiley Man Wins Prize to accommodate the more than 5000 lars was raised by business men of of it? students. Beverly Hills has been the city. • • • George D. Lipscomb, head of the chosen as the site. — — o-------- The answer, of course, is that it is a department of English and Expression, ---------- 0---------- George Edward Cannady, eldest son W iley College, Marshall, Tex., was very valuable bit o f psychology. of Editor and Mrs. Cannady, was solo­ Holliday & Holliday winner of the first prize in the literary Funny, though, how little respect we ist for the Fernwood Boys' Chorus at Tonsorial Parlors contest recently conducted by "op por­ are having for psychology these days, the Parent-Teacher meeting last Tues­ 125 North Sixth Street which is such flimsy buncombe. No tunity" magazine, published in New In our new location we are arranged York under the auspices of the Urban one is fooled, Mr. Military-Man. Your day at 2:30 in the new gymnasium at the Fernwood school. to give better service to our patrons. League. only purpose is to keep alive the spirit W e invite ladies, gents and children to of insane W ar and incidentally to ----------- 0----------- Pleaae pay your subscription to conic in and sec us. Get Acquainted Club Notes wave the banner of invitation in the The Advocate and avoid missing an face of watching and wondering na­ (B y Genevieve Mullen) issue of the paper. Mr. and Mr*. Lloyd Flower* are re­ tions. ported to have nude, a trip to Seaside ----------o---------- The Get-Acquainted Club met Tues-i last week, looking for a cottage for Rev. H. L eo Johnston of First A. day evening last, at the residence of F O R SA LK the summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ivey. The social | M. E. Zion church, has been engaged to fill the pulpit at the Men’ s Resort hour was spent briefly discussing var­ House and lot at 52nd St. and The chicken dinner given by the ious subjects. Parliamentary usages, Sunday afternoon. Brown Strutters Band at Zion Church History of our National Anthem and O — Mason St., lot being 71x142; light, Thursday was * decided success. How to Stimulate Interest in Clubs, Furnished Music Gratis at telephone and water; gravel streets. etc. , RASM USSEN & CO. * PAINTS, D OORS AND GLASS Store and Office; 2nd and Taylor Sts. Benefit Ball Delicious refreshments were dis­ pensed by the hostess, Mrs. D. W il­ liam Gunn. The next meeting will be held with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cross white, 1037 Division street. Take Richmond car to 35th street. Tabor 4182. The subject for discussion will be: “ The Negro in W orld Affairs." Visitors arc always welcome. For rent, taro 2-room Main 6322— Adv. Lloyd Smith's Jazz Orchestra fur­ nished the music for the Benefit ball given at the Stag Club recently for Billy W ebb. The promoters of the affair cannot say too much in praise | of the splendid services of these musi­ cians who played until 1 o ’clock with­ out accepting a single penny for their | services. The music they furnished j was excellent and those who attended apartments. the ball are as one in praise of it. The number of the house it 1432, and there i* a fir grove in front. There is a house, garage, and a good woodshed on the place. pike The is $850.00 with but $.100 00 cash. 1303 Yeon Bldg. Riely & Ryan