The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, September 13, 1924, Image 3

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Pythian Bath House
and Sanitarium
Knight« of Pythia« of N.
A., S. A., E., A., A. and A.
(Operating Under Supervi­
sion oj U. S. Government)
■tlS’/j Malvern Avenue
Hot Seringa Nat. Park, Ark.
< >
Hot RadioActivc Water Furnished by the Government ;;
For AU Baths. Saaitiriaa Iu* 10 R muu , Diet and Operating Rooms ;
Hotel ha« 56 Rooms; Telephone, Hot aid Cold Running x
Water in Every Room. Rate« $1 to $3 per day
21 Baths . . . $13.00—10 Baths .... $6.50!!
21 Baths to Pythians and Calantheans, $H.?0 •
Dublin Temple No. 202, I. B. P.
0. E. of W., of Portland, Oregon,
meets the 1st anti 3rd Tuesday
nights in each month at Slug Audi­
torium. All visiting Daughter
Elks iu good standing in their re­
spective Temples are invited to
meet with us.
Daughter Ruler.
Daughter Secretary.
B P 0. E. of W MEETS th*
311 Macleay Bldg.
E. J. MINOR Secretary,
419 Abington Bldg.
Syracuse Lodge, Na
1, K. of P., meets the
second and fourth Fri­
day nights each month
at the Stag Auditorium
381)4 E. Morrison St.
\V. C HOI.I.IDAY, C. C., 108 N. 6th
R Ac S.. H34 K. 8th Street N.
K«taMlafc«4 U Tan la r.Klaa4
C. GKK WO. thr well
mad* a lifa Mudy of
th* curative pr*>»wrtiea
|M*.*e**rd by Oriental
H« ms U. Herb*. Buda «nd
Mark, and
th*r«fron» ,
rtxnitoundvd hl* truly
wonderful llerba rem-
edke*. In their make-up
n«t pulaoti* or narcotira
am u»ed; perfectly
harmlea*. and many
rotrta and herb» that
hr use» are unknown
to the med k a I prt»fe*akn of today.
AVOID OPKRATIONN l>y la kina hte remed tee
In time for Ntomaah. Couste«, Cold«, Rheu­
matism. Kidney, Lu Air, Liver. Catarrh. Blood,
Inflammation, Nrural»ia and all female and
children*« ailment*
Call or write. Bent by
mail <>r »»«reel poet.
Ml'* Akkr Rtrw<. 0. W. («rnM Tkirul
Daily Fashion Hint
Th. foJlotvinj ia our
comphta Hat
Strait-Tsx Hair Refining Tonic
po bank
ReAnea kinky. frUffy. coarae hair to
madiuaa; medium hair to good.
Stralt-Tsx Hair Grower
Not only promote, growth of the but make. It «oh. pltable .nd
lusurtant An ncllmt prnung otl.
Gloea-Tax Brllliantlne
Make« the hair «oft and gloaey and
keepa it in rood condition without
leaving it oily or gummy.
Stralt-Tox Herbs
I. I vrav*«ble pretMtr.tion that se-
tuslly .te.lshtan. snd mtoen th.
oeiainal color to .ray or faded hair. '
CoTor twrwt.nent — I rely will not
rub off, no matter how often the hair
I. .h.mpooed Thee, .hade.: Black,
Brown and Cheat nut Brown
Kokomo Shampoo
I. mad. from pure racoanut otl;
rlaon. the walp and root, of th. hair
la a aatural, healthy manner
Bronxa Beauty Vanishing Cream
I. a Mtothlns. scawlew vaniahing
Vv;i •• >s.
facs cr»am that will not grow hair.
Bronze Beauty Lemon Cream
Is aourtahina. .oftanlna and rtimu-
latlng to the .kla; I. Ailed with a
tripl. st renath of oil of lemon—mak­
ing It a mild, bleaching craam
Pari» is especially fond of black this
season, and chic Pariaiennes wear their
tracks in as simple style as possible.
This youthful and charming model b
in cr»|>e «atin. It is «lightly draped
st the side and trimmed with a sun-
bufst rosette of black and silver ribbon.
The flowing sleeves are slashed and
picoted with silver.
Medium size
requires 3*4 yards J6-inch material.
Pictorial Review D tm N o . 1040.
Sizes, J4 to 46 inches bust. Price, 45
116 Union Avenue at Failing
Oarfield 7019
We Deliver .
Bronze Beauty Face Powders
An .uited to all complniona.
b* mccwaAilly und o* dry or
akin.. Th. .had..: Hi(h Brown
and ffron.a G/ow ar. favorltn.
I. a .fwcial hair .traightraer for man:
poaltively guaranteed to ntralghten
th. mom rtubboen hair In from 10 to
30 minute, without th. uae of hot
Inna. Will not InJun the scalp ar
lurn th. hair nd.
Chemical Company
Those who are expecting fall litters
should psy spot Isl attenllon tu the
fsedlng of their brood sows. A sow
that Is not properly fed during ths
period of pregnancy cannot lie expect-
sd to-do her best st farrowing time.
Tbs tendency I* to rely too much
upon corn as an exclusive feet) for the
MW* There are no harmful proper­
Uss In corn ; It is a goo I feed so far
M It* fattening qualities go, but IP-
Is not suitable for tuuacle and bone
building. It Is not necessary to ex­
clude corn from the brood sow's ra­
tions—not at all; but It Is necessary
to feed with It something that I* com­
paratively rich In protein, such ns
tankage, oil meal or shorts, the former
being preferable In most cases bo-
cause cbea|aer—not cheaper per ton
but cheaiH-r per pound of protein
A hog needs a certain amount of
animal .protein.'and since It esn nearly
always be purchased cheaper In tank­
age than In
in any other
oilier form, why not
UM thia product to a greater »»tenti
A brood sow that Is fed one pound of
tankage with each peck of com. while
on pasture, will produce healthy, vig­
orous pigs.
A year ago last spring farrowing
records were kept on 5'1 Kansas farms
by the experiment btatlon of that
From thesy records It was
found that 283 sows that were fed
com properly balaaced with tankage,
skim milk, oil meal or alfalfa, far­
rowed i.flflO pig«. <»r an average of
10.1 pigs per litter. These anws also
had good surroundings and were well
cared for. Of these pigs 84 per cent
were raised to weaning time. In other
words 8Ui pigs per litter were thrifty
when old enough to wean.
Another lot of ldd sow* on 11
farm* farrowed an average of 7.2 pigs
per sow snd rglsed 3.8 pigs per litter.
These sows had received practically
nothing but com. The unbalanced ra­
tion decreased the size of the weaned
litters by 40 per cent. Much results
are not uncommon; on the contrary. I
they Invariably follow the feeding of.
corn alone to pregnant sows. A sow |
can no more produi-e muscle and tx>n.' i
out of corn, which Is deficient In the I
constituent* out of which they rouit
be produced, than can a mason make
mortar out of sand *nd water. One
Is as Impossible as the other.
Feed a balauced ration to the bmod
sows now while they are carrying
their litters and you will huve a lot I
of strong pigs this fall. *
Minerals Fed to Steers
Found to Be Beneficial
kflnerels for steers were tried at
the Iowa station during the past win­
ter. A mixture of 50 pounds ground
limestone, 50 jniunds spent bone-black
and one-third ounce of i>otassitiiu Io­
dide was fed to the steers st the rate
of one ounce per head per day. The
steers In this experiment got shell«!
corn, corn slluge, clover hay and oil
meal, with salt available at all times.
The cattle which had minerals gained
slightly better, had a better appetite
and were a little better finished at j
the end of the feeding period than
oilier cattle which had the same ration
minus the mineral*
Mineral feeding to steers Is still In
the e»|MTlinental stage, but the results
at the Iowa station Indicate that It
may l»e worth while.
Where good!
clover or alfalfa hay Is fed. we should I
e»|»ect that mlnerats "here less effect
than In a ration In which the ha;r has I
less mineral matter thnn clover or
alfalfa. Those who can easily secure j
tne minerals can well afford to try the
Iowa mixture with their next load of (
Profitable Practice to
Feed Foals Fresh Grain
Foals should not he allowed to fol- I
low mares that are working on the i
farm, but should run together In a I
rouiiiv. clean, well ventilated box stull j
or paddock. If n small pasture, «or |
rounded by a good fence-and contain i
Ing shade Is available. It makes a i
good place for foal* If fresh water
Is not available constantly. It should j
he supplied often.
The foals should l>e nursed morn- j
Ing. noon and night and allowed to
run with their dams during the night. !
In this way they go through the sum
mer In good condition and can be
.weaned without any sethaclL
Foals will learn to eat readily and I
It Is profitable to let them have ac-1
cess to clean, fresh grain. Two parts <
crushed corn,«two parts crushed oats I
mil one part bran la n satisfactory
mixture. If crushed grain Is not avail­
able, shelled com and shelled oats i
may he used.
Cows Crave for Wood
A craving for wood does not neces­
sarily mean that a cow la In need of
a tonic or medicine. Cows wilt some­
times develop a habit of chewing on
foreign substances like that and they
are very hard to break. The habit Is
started sometimes by the lack of salt
which causes the cow to chew on
something that haa a salty taste. Pro­
vide plenty of salt with a balanced
ration and plenty of good drinking
water and it may be that the cow will
forget her habit.
Soy Bean Hay Is Good
“My doctor tells iue I ■ may
twenty years before me,” ht
"But I've g»t to give up work,
got to turn affair* over to Nuttall. I
bate th* thought of leaving you all—
especially you, Miss Slavin."
Miao Slavin, working diligently over
her note* did not say a single word.
"Do you know you have come to
me every week for ten year* Miao
Slavin f Inquired the colonel preeent
ly. "Except during yorr vacation, you
haven't ml sited a w^ek. And the otb
I era- how it* 4 and faithfully they
(•. 1*14« WMitera N«w«psp«r Unicm.)
have labored I I'm afraid Nutt»!' n 'll
1.1) Greene would have to re- want to replace them- sad I cum
tire soon, and then tbere hold out on that point, can L Mia*
would be an upheaval in the Slavin? And I'm a poortab man, you
Nuttall, tbs. junior know. Yea, Tve «pent and loot money
what I caa
partner, had lately come into the firm. Inexcuaably. I <
He was an aggressive, domineering do—"
Hla voice tral
man of thirty, and had twice offered
the colonel a substantial sum for bls groping back ov<
Interest in the business CoL Francis bad been all bla
Greens was slxty-fuur, end losing ids all bin devotion.
“Now you know as much about the
grip, it was time he retired.
But what a shakeup when lie business aa I do, Miao Slavin." be com
should gel Twice the rumor of Im­ tinned presently. -U only—”
He got out of hla chair and placed
pending changes had «cared the em­
They were all Colonel one hand In a fatherly way upon Mia*
Greene’s people, and most of them Slavin'« shoulder.
"Do you think you are too young to
were middle need, for the colonel
would never bear tu discharging uu learn to care for an old man of sixty-
employee. It was on this one point four?” he asked.
"Oh!” gasped Miss Slavin, turning
*kat be had held fast against NuttolL
"We’ve got to get younger men,” in­ as red as a rose. She stared at him
sisted Nuttall, clenching his fiats. In bewilderment—and then, turning,
abe fairly ran out of the room.
"The business needs new blood.”
"Come, Nuttall, we are getting along
Half an hour later Miss Slavin,
pretty well a* it Is, It seems to me," breathless, found herself tn the office.
the colonel answered. Nuttall could She was still completely flustered, and
not move him. He had tried to buy at first she did not realise that some­
Greene out.
The second time the thing was wrong.
colonel had promised to take the mat­
"What is itr she asked.
ter under advisement.
"We're all to go, first of the month."
■‘I’m getting old, 1 know,” he sal A answered Peter Train.
"but I want time to think about IL
"Whatr exclaimed Mias Slavin.
Somehow It would break my heart to
"Fact. The colonel has just tele­
get out of the business. Nuttall.”
phoned Nuttall he's wluing to sell.
Nuttall snorted and withdrew. He Miss Beardsley beard him on the tele­
did not know that the colonel was phone. And that was Nuttall's very
thinking of his people. They bad al­ first act—the mean dogl
Why. be
ways been like a big family there. didn't even wait to assure himself
For ten years lisle Miss Slavin, the that be had bought the bualneee—Just
chief stenographer, who must have bad hla secretary come ov»r and give
been nearly forty and looked thirty- us notice.”
five, bad gone to the colonel’s bache­
“But—” gasped Miss Siavln.
lor quarters at bis hotel every Satur­
"Miss Slavin 1” shouted an office
day to receive bls confidential letter«. boy. "Mr. Brooks wants to see you.”
Nuttall <lld not like that; be was jeal­
Brooks was Nuttall’s secretary, and
ous of Miss Slavin, and everybody hla faithful servitor. He was a sleek­
knew that, when Greene sold out. she faced. smooth-haired man of about
would be the first to go.
five and thirty. He looked up quickly
They were talking the matter over as Mias Slavin approached hla desk.
In whispers. Gregson, the bookkeep­
"Mias Slavin.” be said. "Mr. Nuttall
er, whose hair was entirely white; is about to buy the business and con­
Andrews, the bead of the shipping de­ templates a change in the staff. There
partment, who bad gone In with the will be no further need for your serv­
colonel when they were young fellows ice«."
of the same age; Peter Train, the
Miss Slavin tried to speak calmly.
bead of the costa department, who "After the month?" she inquired, feel­
was forty-five and just too old to find ing her heart throb dreadfully.
snother billet.
"No. after five minutes," responded
"I guess It’s all np with us,” aald
Brook« suavely.
"Your «alary will
Andrews “The colonel Isn’t ready to
continue to ths month end. That’s
go yet. but he’ll go this fall, and then
alL Good morning."
we’U be In Queer street And I've
It was not for herself she cared.
saved IAs than five hundred. All my
Miss Slavin could take care of her-
life I’ve drifted—"
"And 1 didn't know that my life had self, She could get another position
more than begun,” arid Peter Train. just as good; and she had saved over
"That's a l.ct. I've always looked a thousand dollars. No, It was for
on myself as a boy, till the last year the "boys," as she always called them;
Gregson, with bls white head, and An­
or so.”
drew* and Peter Train.
“The first gray hairs generally
Suddenly she walked across to one
come with a shock," «14 white-headed
"Give me
Gregson. “However, we fellows had of the telephone booth*
better begin investigating the hair­ the Chancellor hotel,” she told the op­
dyes. because we’U need them pretty erator. "Colonel Greene, please. Hel­
lo I Colonel, this Is Miss Slavin!"
badly soon."
Miss Slavin heard a muttered ex­
"1 think you boy« are altogether
too pessimistic,” aald little Miss clamation at the other end of the
Slavin sharply, looking up from her wire.
"I have been thinking over your
They looked at one another. If any­ proposition of this morning.” she said.
body knew what was in the wind. “Sayl Do you know Mr. Nuttall has
Miss Slavin knew. But she was the already given notice to nil the de­
old colonel's confidante; site could not partment heads?"
“No I" exclaimed the colonel In a
talk to them as they talked to one
another. They caught at each bint shocked voice.
"I thought If you hsdn't signed the
that fell from her lip*
contract I might accept your proposi­
"Yes, too pessimistic altogether,"
tion.” continued Miss Slavin.
Miss Slavin repeated, bending over
"You mean that?"cried the colonel's
her letters with a heightened color.
voice incredulously.
"Colonel Greene only needs
"Teal But see beret rm a hard
months In Europe to set him up, and
woman, and I drive a bard bargain.
he'll be good (or another twenty
I'm going to take over your Interest
and run the office with your authority.
"He works too hard," murmured And there will be no discharging.
Peter Train. "I always told Andrews Now, what’s your word?"
"Yes I Yes I Ye« I” exclaimed the
“Andrew^ doesn't know what he*a colonel’s voice.
talking about himself,” replied Misa
If the little Miss Slavin was a hard
woman her face certainly did not bear
There was no more to be said, But out this suggestion, for It was the
each ot them knew that his time was color of a beet; and a moment later
limited. And each one looked anxious­ It had turned deathly pale a* with un­
ly after Francis Greene as he passed steady step* she went out of the
Into his office every morn|pg, to be booth.
accosted by the harsh, aggressive
Ifi the corner where the "boys"
voice of Mr. Nuttall.
worked Nuttall was standing, There
Nuttall would not make a success was a snarl on hla face, aa though he
of the business.
There Was not a were an angry beast
Miss 8lavln
man who would not have sacrificed heard him speaking tn low, bitter
himself for the colonel; but Nuttall tone«:
didn't understand the needs of the
"You've Idled enough, you men." be
customers. A good deal of personality was saying, “and I’m going to get
had gona Into the upbuilding of the some of the dead wood out of here.”
Nuttall was a machine- Then, seeing Miss Slavin, he spun
made man. Under Nuttall the prestige rounfi on bls heel. “There Is no occa­
of the old firm would soon bo lost. sion for you to stay, Mias Slavin,” he
But Nuttall did not understand.
Daye went by snd weeks; and
"Oh, ye* there I*" she answered.
gradually it became apparent that the "It’s all right, ?wiy*
Come out to
colonel would not be able to remain lunch with me—It s nn me, this—and
long at the head of affairs. He blurt- IU tell you how much the colonel
er out the truth to Miss Slavin one means to raise you. And we’ll let Mr.
Saturday, as she sat In bla room tak­ Nuttall find out all by himself—later.”
ing dictation from him.
. Aa Mr. Nuttall did.
Believe There I« Water Beneath the Sahara
Is there water under the Sahara?
A Paris correspondent states that
there la animal life 200 and 300 fset
beneath the burning Bands of the Sa­
hara desert.
That ta the extraordinary discovery
msde by the experiments of sinking
«rtealan wells at various points in the
North African wastes with a view to
possible irrigation.
Waters drawn from great depths
were found to contain small crabs,
fish and sbell-flsh, all alive. The dis­
covery is proving an absolute puxxle,
no theory so far seemlqg entirely sat­
It has been possible nsually to ex­
plain the presence of fish and shell­
fish In underground waters by the
fact that they were locked up during
some primeval cataclysm.
These animals adapt themselves
gradually to new condition* but, liv­
ing In darkness, are ahvaya blind en­
tirely or posses* special optical appa­
Feeding trials which have been con­
ducted at a number of experiment sta­
tions show tbst soy-hesn hsy Is about
equal to alfalfa and is better ths*, red
clovei tn feeding vslue for milk pro­
duction. This mesns that If there is
going to he a shortage of othqr
legumes for hay this year, soy beans
can be used as a good substitute. Illi­
nois Isat year grew 200.000 acres mure
soy beans for hay and seed than any
other state in the Union.
suitable to darkness.
found underneath the Sahara belong
to a specie« Inhabiting the lake* of
Shafts sunk during the peat few
years in ths Sahara prove there an
large sheet« of water everywhere.
Animals found now prompt the belief
that there la a vast underground sea.
densely Inhabited.
Salem-Toy Makers, lac., with
headquarters in Portland and capital
stock ot *5000, has been incorporated
by Jose Kechels, Fred Helllg and N.
G. Rlebeling.
Pendleton.--The first deer hunting
casualty reported this year in the
vicinity dt Pendleton is that of Orla
McLain, 23, who is in St. Anthony's
hospital with a fractured leg. *
aatlallee U m cravi*«
Wrigley** la «•■»*«
wa’ua I* the benefit **4
It provide*.
Myrtle Point.—Ground was broken
Monday for the building ot the new
theater for this city, The contract
was let this week to the Young Con-
struction company ot Marshfield.
Free water.—Joe Keeler, «4. a real-
dent of this cijy, died early Saturday
morning following the amputation of
his left leg, as a result o.’ having been
accidentally shot by his son, Earl
Keeler, Friday morning.
Salem.—With the exception of the
state penitentiary, all of the state in­
stitutions will have a surplus of funds
Ethel was trying to teach the neigh­
at the expiration of the present bien­
bor’s I hree year-old a Mother Goose
nium. This was announced at the
offices of the state board ot control rhyme, but Don wouldn’t respond to
her efforts, so in despair Ethel gave
it tip, saying in disgust: ’"I guess
Dallas.—Between *7000 and *8000 what’s the matter with him he hasn’t
damage was done Saturday night got any learn.”
when a prune drier belonging to
Where *50,000,000 May Be Saved.
Thomas Stout, located on the south
edge of town, was destroyed by fire,
If the waste paper now burned were
caused by an overheated tunnel.
collected and reworked, 300,000 acres
Dallas.—R. L. Chapman, ex-county of forest land could be saved and the
coroner and one of the prominent paper would be worth *50,0u0,000 a
prune growers of Polk county, was year to the paper mills.—Indianapolis
seriously burned at bis prune dryer News.
when a steam cock blew off. He re­
The Poor Rich Bachelor.
ceived a three-inch stream of steam
over his body.
“The woman IsnT born who can be
Eugene. — Hop contracts whereby
the output of two 15-acre tracts in
Lane county, west of Harrisburg, are
to be sold to Wood, Han bury. Rhodes
A Jackson of London, England, at 18
cents per pound were filed (or record
in the office of the county clerk here.
platonic with a rich bachelor, espe
dally if she happens to be a poor
spinster herself."—From "Anybody's
Husband,” by Mrs. Horace Tremlett.
Mrs. Eva Ferraer
Pendleton. — Five Umatilla county
farmer boys, members of the Hermis­
ton Pig club, have entered the t?fg
feeding contest of the Union Stock-
yards company of PoMland to compete
for prises offered by that concern at
the Pacific International Livestock
Salem—The annual Marion county
show and industrial exhibit will be
held here November 20 to 22, inclu­
sive. according to announcement Sat­
urday. Letters are being sent out by
chamber of commerce officials advis­
ing the farmers and other exhibitors
of the dates ot the show.
Salem. — Whether the so-called
“states use” plan will be adopted in
connection with the operation ot in­
dustries at the Oregon state peniten­
tiary, as recommended by the national
committee on prison and prison indus­
tries, probably will be decided by Gov­
ernor Pierce within the next few
Silverton.—Carl A. Benson, owner
of the Benson pheasant farm and
president of the Silverton Lions club,
has received word from Washington,
D. C., that he was appointed to act on
various federal boards and committees
operating along the western coast in
the interest of migrating fowl and
upland game.
Hood Hiver.—E. O. Blanchar. presi­
dent ot the First National bank, who
has just returned from a motor tour
through the Yakima and Wenatchee,
Wash., apple sections, says that both
of the districts will show a decided
falling off in apple tonnage this sea-
son as a result ot the disastrous frost
ot last spring.
Pehdleton—Another big land deal,
the second within the past 10 days,
was announced here Saturday in the
sale ot land and leases on land by
George LaFontaine to Polydere Moens.
The consideration involved was not
made public, but between. 1300 and
1400 acres of land 10 miles east of
Pendleton were involved, in addition
to the LaFontaine farming outftt.
O regon is F amous F or
I ts B eautiful W omen
Salem, Oreg.—“Last year I be­
came in an extremely run-down con­
dition, my appetite failed me and
I became very nervous. A friend
advised me to try Dr. Pierce’s Gold­
en Medical Discovery as a tonic
and I was very thankful to her for
her good advice. One bottle of it
made me feel like a new person; it
igthened and built me up _ into
a perfect
state of health, my appetite
feet stati
returned and ail nervousness dis­
appeared. 1 have no hesitancy in
saying that Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery is the very best
tonic I have ever taken and I am
glad to have my testimonial pub­
lished if it will be of benefit to others
who have become run-down and
weak.”—Mrs. Eva Ferraer, 444
Water St.
Obtain the Discovery in tablets
or liquid from your druggist or send
10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce’s In­
valids’ Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y.
Lessons Learned From Indians.
The modern chocolate manufacturer
simply repeats on a large scale the
various steps in curing, roasting,
crushing and rolling as they were first
learned from the Indians.
Turn Hogs Into Com
It does not pu.v to turn hogs Into
corn much tiefore ’he corn Is ripe, or
at least well dented. Practical feed
ers know thnt It takes Just about so
much feed to produce UM) pounds of
gain, and there Is a very large amount
of water In coni, say in roaming-eur
stage. The difference In actual feed
Ing value between milk stage and ma
ture stage would probably be from 30
to 40 per cent. For this reason. don’t
turn the hogs In too early; It’s waste­
Cottage Grove.-BDespite 50 per cent
crops of pears elsewhere in this sec­
tion. the biggest pear crop in the his­
tory of the Lorane valley is being har-
vestad there this year. The picking
Confine« Jazz to Decks
of the Bartletts has been completed
of Ship« and Ballrooms
and about 95 per cent of these were
No. 1 grade. The picking of the De
San Francisco.—Jazz music must be
Anjous is starting. The harvest of confined to ballrooms and decks, said
Bartletts was more than 150 tons.
an order posted by E. Grunt McMIck-
Baker.—A bond issue for *500,000 en, passenger traffic manager of a
will be voted upon by the taxpayers coastwise steamship company. Pas
eengers, the order explained, must be
ot Baker county at the fall election
protected from Impromptu dousing» of
for the grading and surfacing of the
foodstuffs which might occur as some
Baker-Cornucopia and the Baker welter waltzed into the saloon to the
Unity roads, according to a decision strains of lively music. .
reached at a mass meeting held at
the court house here which was at-
Head Too Young.
tended by representatives from Unity,
I asked a tot of three if she was
Hereford, the Eagle Valley, the Pine
going to school now, just to see what
Valley and the business men of Baker.
she would say. “O, no," she said, "my
Harrisburg. — The sinking of a head Isn’t old enough to get marks
secon-1 cofferdam at the site of the with yet.”—Exchange.
west center pier of the Pacific high­
way bridge * acrosa the Willamette
Still Belligerent.
here, and the initial work at the west
Madge—"Helen says she is ready
end pier excavations were new steps
in the building this week. Progress to make up if you are.” Marie—“Tell
on the east central pier is going as her I suppose I’ll be ready to make up,
speedily as possible; the steel coffer­ too, when my complexion get« as bad
dam is down U> within four or five as hers.”—Boston Evening Transcript
feet of its depth, but work is slow,
owing to the hardness of the bottom
the steel must be driven through.
“Making garden.
Uncle Riley f
called out Constable Sam T. Slack
putter, the well-known sleuth of Pe-
“Nope,” replied old Riley Rexildew.
who wan digging in his yard, "!’;a
fixing to bury my money. Fee been
having It buried In a fr’t jar out
back of tse aab Can hopper, and now
Natural Law.
the neighbor'« children have made
Let a man hope tor any great and
pretty good guesses as to Its location
and Tvs got'to plant It eom'rs else. noble thing, and the atrength and
I swan to gosh, that there dollar and greatness of that hope will paaa into
elghty-flve, cents Is causing ms a heap hia seul.—John White Chadwick.
P. N. U.
Those of trouble^"—Kansas CUj Star.
Red Cross
ß/\Ll. BLUE