THE ADVOCATE WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CORDENT WEEK 7 HE HOUSE O F QUALITY Pleading aud Attractive Styles in the Xew SUITS AND DRESSES - In our Fancy Goods Section—Plain and Novelty Georgette«, Silk Allover Laees, Metaline Cloth, Ombre Georgettes, Silk Demi Flouncing*, etc. All first-quality fabrics at prices surprisingly low. We invite your immediate inspection and selection while the assortment is at its best. RAILWAY EXTENSION LOOMS Great Northern May Extend Uae From Bend to Klamath Falla. Portland,—Tacit admission that ex­ ecutives of th« llill system of rdil- ways, centering at Hi. Paul, look with favor upon the extension of the Ore­ gon Trunk line from Bend to Klamath Falls, and that such an extension Is being given serious consideration, was made Monday by Ralph Budd, proa I dent of the Great Northern railway, who waa tn Portland with other of­ ficials of the company. Mr. Budd indicated, moreover, that definite announcement of the cons Cvewta of Noted PeopU. GetetMuat« pany's plana with reference to central Deserted T««n of l.iuhe Under Heavy Oregon development may be expected and Facile Nertkwert, and Other Shelling From Both ( hir.ewr to follow consideration by the board of directors of a report on potential Things Werth Knowing. Main Armies. tonnage resources tn th« territory. Thia report will be made by W. F. Kenney, vice-president of the Great Henry J. Cose. S5. inventor of her Shanghai.—General Chang Tao-Lin. Northern in charge of traffic, a mem vesting machinery and pioneer in the the Manchurian war lord, has declared ber of Mr. Budd'a party, on returning agricultural field, died in Poughkeep­ east by way of Spokane following a war against the Pekin government sie. N. Y., Monday. and General Wu-Pei-Fu. the military trip of inspection through the central dictator of the province of Chihli. The reparation commission has of Oregon country. tidally declared the Dawes plan in Asked directly it his company was Shanghai.—-Lat« night reports con­ operation. The plan became effective ready to announce plans relative to firmed the oatbreak of fighting Sun at noon September 1. the Bend-Klamath Falls extension. Mr. day at Tslngpu. oast of Talhu lake, General Masataro Kukuda. of Tokio, Budd said: where the ohjactlva of the Kiangsu "The question of any railroad ex ­ was attacked Monday by a socialist, troops IseRingktang. a city only about but escaped unhurt when the one re­ tension or development is one that 20 miles southwest of Shanghai. volver bullet fired at him by the man goes up finally to the directors, and Late reports from the llwangtu sec- decisions must always be preceded by missed its mark. tor, northeast of Shanghai, Indicated careful consblerskUen of all available that the Chekiang advance bad reach­ Strong earthquake shocks caused data bearing on the situation. ed Lluteuchlao. much damage along the eastern coast “We have been going over the coun­ Engagements were yeported in all of Mindanao Saturday, according to try with a view to acquiring first-hand advices received by the weather information. There is no use denying sectors. Including Bhanghlng in Che bureau in Manila. No loss of lite has the immense potential tonnage in the klang province, about 100 miles south­ west of Shanghai. aniT^luchacben in been reported. Bend country, and tonnage to a rail­ Kiangsu province, on the west shore The island of St. John. In the Virgin road man Is like honey to a bee." of Taihu lake, 90 miles directly west With Mr. Budd and Mr. Kenney In island group, was practically laid of Shanghai. But the major struggle Portland are Walker D. Hines of New waste by the second hurricane within York, ex-director-general of the Uni­ centered on the small town of Lluho tour days, according to an official dis­ ted States railroad administration, on the seacoast barely 30 miles to the patch Tuesday to thq navy depart­ now eastern counsel for the Great northwest of Shanghai. An eye witness, returning from ment. Five deaths were reported. Northern, and M. J. Costello of Seattle, Lluho, reported that the Chekiang The Chicago Joint Land bank has western traffic manager for the com­ troops were withstanding ail attacks, ________________ brought suits against Noah Williams. pany. though the Kiangsu line bad been ad­ Ida Grove (Idaho) millionaire farmer, vanced about a mile just south of Forbes to be tor *70.973 on notea given tn 1*31 and Lluho. The deserted town was under Chicago. — Four hitherto suppress'd 1922. Appointment of a receiver tor heavy shell-fire and continuous ma­ land owned by defendant In-Woodbury indictments against Colonel Charles chine gun and rifle tire of both sides. R. Forbes, formerly head of the Uni­ county, Iowa, is asked. General Ho Feng Ling, defense com­ ted States veterans' bureau, were re­ The engagement of Anita Blaine leased Monday. Colonel Forbes will missioner of Shanghsl under Lu Yung Hsien, the governor of Chekiang, Demroach, daughter of Walter Dam­ go to trial Monday before Federal spent the day In this sector, person roach. composer and noted conductor Judge Carpenter on charges of bribery ally directing the Chekiang army. of the New York symphony orchestra, in his administration of veterans’ bu­ The Chekiang dead and wounded to Robert Littel. an editor of the New reau affairs. there numbered perhaps 200. The The indictments, which also nsme Republic, is announced by her parents. number of casualties continues out of John W. Thompson. Chicago and St. Toll receipts on the interstate proportion to the tremendous amount Louis contractor, who Is charged with bridge Monday and Sunday totaled of firing. The eye-witness related the having given Forbes a bribe, were *5322 20. the highest record for two haphazard methods on tbs front lines, drawn up to replace the tour original­ days since the bridge was opened In saying that the soldiers were discharg­ ly drawn last February. Charges in 1917. A total of 53.*88 persons and ing rifles and even field pieces, utter­ them are the same as those In the ly regardless of almlng.'often simply 16,897 automobiles crossed during the original bills excepting that It is pointing them to the sky. two days. charged that Forbes was to receive Lunkwa headquarters of the Che­ Sheriff Galligan of Williamson coun­ part of a payment of *<6.666.66 to kiang army claimed new gains along ty. Ill, was arrested by Coroner Will­ Charles Cramer, Tormerly chief coun­ the railway. Desperate attacks were iam .McGowan, charged with murder sel for the bureau, now deceased, aimed at Anting. in connection with the death of six which payment was to have been Only the most meager reports were men at Herrin Saturday. He was re­ made by Thompson. received of the fighting west and leased on bonds of *10,000. Galligan southwest of Taihu lake, where the | would make no comment. World Record Is Made. Kiangsu troopp were said to be driv­ Kansas City, Mo.—A new world rec­ ing for the Sungklang-Hangchow rail­ Immediate shipment of clothing and hospital garments for more than 2000 ord was made Monday at the local way. victims of the Virgin Islands hurricane livestock market when more cattle last week*, was announced late Tues- and calves were received than had Timber Sale Announced. ' day by Red Cross headquarters. Presi­ ever been received before in any one Hoquiam. Wash.—From 130.000,000 to dent Coolidge had sent a message of day by any market, according to an­ 140,000.000 feet of timber in the south sympathy to the stricken islanders nouncement by the Kansas City Stock- west corner of the Olympic national yards company. Official figures were ' earlier in the day. forest near Lake Quinault is to be of­ 49.481 cattle and 14,318 calves, making Dr. William F. Kuhn, 75 years of fered bidders within the next few age, grand high priest of the grand a total of 63.793 head. months, according to R. L. Fromme. Th« previous record, also held by chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the supervisor of the Olympic national Kanaas City, was on August 37, 1923, United States, and a practicing phy­ forest, who was In the city Saturday. sician of Kansas City, Mo. for the when 51.508 cattle and 8698 calves, a He had just returned from the area total of 60.206 head, were received. last 37 years, was found dead at his with J. F. Eldridge of Washington. The cattle receipt! were from Iowa, 1 home early Tuesday. Death waa said D. C, and F. E. Ames of Fortland, In Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kan­ to be due to apoplexy. charge of timber sales' and manage sas, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas and The United States uses more than ment In this district. About 11 sec­ New Mexico. tions of timber are included. J 1,500,000,000,000 matches made out of wood every year. This is about 37 Stampede for Gold on. matches a day for every man, woman New York Is Shlvsrlng Wrangell, Alaska. — Reports of a New York.—The cold wave which and child In the country, based on a population of 110,000,000.* Recent sta­ gold strike near Dense* lake In the has set New Yorkers shivering for the tistics from Europe have placed the Cassiar district, British Columbia, last few days continued with unabated per capita consumption there at 1* intensity Sunday when all previous have caused a stampede from Tele­ matches a day. low thermometer records for low tern graph creek, British Columbia, accord­ peratures on September 7 were shat­ A * 137,000,000 program of film play production and building activities has ing to word received here Monday tered. The official thermometer at been arranged for the coming year by from Captain Sid Barrington. 4'ap- the weather bureau registered 50 at 7 motion picture concerns operating in tain Barrington and his crew, oper­ A. M , the coldest temperature of the and about Los Angeles, it was an­ ating a passenger boat on the Stlklne day. The coldeat September 7 hither­ nounced Tuesday night by Joseph M. river, deserted tbelr vessel and left to recorded here waa In 1888, when the mercury stood at 61. Saturday's Schenck, coincident with bls re-elec­ for the field. low temperature of 48 also broke all tion as president of the Motion Pic­ Sunset Limited Ditched. records for September 6. ture Producers' Association of Cali­ Brief Resume Most Important ' Daily News Items. Kiangsu Drive Nearer tu City of Shanghai. COMPILED FOR YOU FIRING IS HAPHAZARD • — ten. I THE EAST 1NDLA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair. Will also Restore the Strength, Vitality and the Beauty of the Hair. If your Hair is Dry and Wiry, Try— East India Hair Grower If you are bothered with Failing Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want vou to trv a jar of EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The contains medical properties that go to the roots of the Hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for Straightening. Price Sint by Mail, 50c ; 10c Extra for Postage AGENTS OUTFIT 1 Oil. Oil, tion for Hair Grower. 1 Temple 1 Shamp«». 1 Pr< in< 1 Face Cream and direc­ for eellinc, 25c Extra Poataf the City SMITH S CAKE 106 North Ninth 8treet Telephone Broadway 1567 ' OPEN ALL NIGHT Boiled Dinner Daily Short Orders At All Tinies Fish and Game in Season Call Ua and We Will Gladly Arrange for Private Parties Tried. • Tucson, Ariz. — George Ward, fire­ man. of Tucson, was killed when the Sunset Limited of the Southern Pa­ cific was wrecked at Bonn, a few miles, east of .Maricopa, according to reports received from the scene of the accident late Monday night. The engineer and other members of the crew were unhurt and no injury to any passengers has been discovered, Transmission of trans-oceanic mes­ dispatches said. sages at a speed five to eight times Formosans Ara Slain. as great as the highest now attained In standard cable practice is the prom­ Tokio.—Several Formosans of Jap­ ise held out by the Western Union anese nationality have been killed by Telegraph company with the laying Chinese soldiers at Amoy, China, ac­ of the American end of a new type of cording to newspaper dispatches from submarine cable at Rockaway beach. the Chinese city. It is said that the It will be the first direct connection' men were killed during disorders in between the United States and south­ connection with the civil war in China. ern Europe. The Japanese navy department has The score or more of astronomers dispatched four destroyers from the at Lick Observatory. Mount Hamilton, )1r*<*a